Need You, Need Me (The Need Series Book 1)

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Need You, Need Me (The Need Series Book 1) Page 25

by Lewis, Meghan

  We finish our drinks and head on out. We didn’t even eat which is fine with me because I am not really hungry. Nerves I guess.

  Because it was so busy we had to park allll the way in the back of the parking lot, so as we are walking, I take a chance and reach for her hand. Jesus I feel like I’m sixteen again and the girl that I like finally likes me back.

  My bravery is rewarded when she opens her fingers so that I can lace mine into hers and get a tighter grip.

  With her other hand she reaches into her purse and gets the truck keys out.

  Can’t get use to that…but I think that I really could.

  We get to the driver’s side of the truck, stop and both look down at our hands that are still holding firm to one another. We both laugh a little and I let go to open and hold the door for her, but she doesn’t get in right away.

  I raise my eyebrows silently asking her ‘what’s wrong?’

  She says nothing, just shakes her head a little and smiles. She puts her hand on my shoulder near my neck and leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

  Damn her lips are soft.

  She lingers a little longer than I thought she would and when she pulls her head back and her lips pass mine, I move my head to align with hers and stop. I start to lean into her and I’m relieved when she doesn’t act surprised or back away. Instead she leans into me as well…she wants this kiss as much I do…now that’s a load off.

  “WOO HOO!” Is screamed at us from a passing car and officially kills the moment.


  May takes it all in stride, turns around and flips them off all the while still smiling.

  She beat me to it again.


  Laughing she turns and gets into the truck and I close the door and make my way to the other side, cursing at the car that interrupted us even though it’s no longer there.

  “Where to now?” May asks on an exhale.

  She’s affected like I am…thank God I’m not out here on this branch alone.

  “Show me your home away from home.” I say in the same way in which she asked.

  “That’s easy.” She replies as she starts the truck and pulls out of the parking spot with a huge smile on her face.

  I turn on the radio on our drive to wherever we are going. Flipping station after station May says one, I turn the radio to it and there’s the country.

  She just keeps racking up the points left and right.

  I notice that she drives like me, sitting wise. Her left hand is on the steering wheel and her right arm is bent and her elbow and forearm are laying on the center console. She is running the pad of her thumb across the top of her fingers…back and forth…slowly.

  She’s nervous…why?

  God I hope not about me or what almost happened.

  Trying to answer my own questions and maybe defuse the situation a little, I slide my arm on to the console like hers and take her hand. I feel and see her relax immediately and she turns her hand over and spreads her fingers like she did when we were walking. I take full advantage and entwine our fingers together.

  She lets out a long exhale and says “ My home away from home is going to have my closest friends there, you know that right…They are family.” She says it in a way that she’s not asking but telling me to prepare myself. She’s touched on this in our conversations. Her friends mean everything to her. She’s one of those women that has a lot of acquaintances but only a few true friends. People that she can confide in and know that they have her back and she has theirs.

  Brownie point…times thirty.

  “Yeah, May, I know, but if you want to go somewhere else we can“, I say softly giving her an out.

  “No its fine, they’re good people…the best, I just don’t want you to be nervous.” She answers.

  “Then let’s go meet the family!” I say too enthusiastically but I’m going for a laugh and I succeed because she does.

  “Oh I love this song.” she says and cranks the radio.

  Definite brownie points.

  We pull into the parking lot of ‘Diamonds’ and it looks like an office building, if it wasn’t for the sign.

  I hold the door open and follow her ass, I mean her, in. Definitely not an office building.

  To the right side are nothing but professional pool tables, six of them to be exact complete with two player seats and a small drink table for each pool table.

  To the left is an air hockey table, a long skinny bar top and three coin pool tables. These people love their pool. On the far wall are four cork dart boards and next to those are a bank of TVs, all different sizes and have just about every game going on. In front of the Tvs’ are a sea of tables all of which are almost taken. So they love their pool, darts and sports.

  Cool with me.

  May takes my hand and we walk straight ahead to a HUGE U shaped bar. Add drinking to that lists of loves.

  It’s dark but not gloomy. The walls are painted a dark green with blue and white trim. This place kind of reminds me of McCall’s back home only this is way, way better.

  Over by the jukebox, there is a pair of tables and all seats are currently occupied, while a few guys play one of those arcade style Golden Tee Golf machines. When one of the guys finishes their turn, he sees May…it…fucking…erupts.


  Ah…the family.

  She just rolls her eyes and heads toward them. She gives all the girls kisses on the cheeks and small hugs. The guys all get hugs. No kisses for the guys…don’t think I didn’t notice that…I pay attention. Name upon name is thrown at me and I just smile and shake hands. There’s no way I’m going to remember all those.

  I’m corrected when I shake hands with one guy. Steve has decided to shake my hand a little more tightly than just a ‘hi how are ya’ kind of handshake, but I give just as good as I get and see his handshake back.

  Steve cuts his eyes quick towards May who is quickly talking to one of the girls and then back to me.

  “Break her heart, I break your face.” He says through a clenched smile and showing too many teeth.

  This must be poppa bear.

  “Deal” is all I give him and as he lets go of my hand and turns to the machine to take his turn, I look back at May.

  She must’ve heard because she closes her face down and pushes her lips out in a tight pout while shaking her head in a ‘don’t worry about it” kind of way. This time I wink at her and that replaces the smile back on her face.

  After we make small talk with everyone, we head up to the bar and take two seats next to a video game machine. I have come to find out that this is May’s machine and she later proves that by completely crushing me in all the games. Her hand eye coordination is disgustingly good. It has me wondering how she would favor on a horse.

  Taking a break from the video game once my ego has had enough, we talk to the bartenders ,Linn and Tana. They are pretty cool, completely opposite from one another but they make it work. Linn looks to be pushing 6’4 has tattoos and is upbeat and cheery. Tana is around 5’4, British and can swear so hard it makes sailors cry for their mommies. Pretty impressive actually. As we are talking I notice mine and May’s body language is almost exactly like it was at the restaurant. There is space between us but our calves are touching. As I am noticing this, I feel my favorite thing, well my second favorite thing, being done to me. May’s fingertips are on my forearm and she’s running them up and down, softly and veeery slowly.

  Mmm mmm good.

  When she does that it’s instant relaxation and I could honestly care less if the world ended at this moment. It has the power to put me to sleep it’s that good.

  Every now and then she stops and I reach down and put her hand back on my arm so that she can continue the stroking. I let her take it to where I’m almost asleep, then and only then do I let her have her hand back. Again, it’s that fucking good. Conversation has started to flow a little easier now between us and with the occasional intervening friend,
we enjoy the rest of the night right there, just her and I, the way I want it.

  On the way back to May’s house, the radio is cranked and we sing along and laugh our asses off at just off key and horrible we are. When we pull into her driveway, I frown slightly when a couple of cars park in front of her house and the family pours out on to the lawn.

  “Call it the after party…it’s nothing huge or ridiculous, I promise.” She says calmingly as she drags me to the front door.

  When we get in the door, she starts walking into the living room, I reach out and grab her hand and tug her to me. I want to make a move that tells her we will finish later, but not in front of her friends. I cup the left side of her face with my left hand as we stare into each other’s eyes. As I am about to make a move into her lips, I realize I waited too long.

  Walking in the door comes the family and May, God bless her turns her head and kisses my palm somehow telling me that ‘yes we will finish this later.’ She heads off towards the kitchen and throws ‘Someone put some tunes on.’ over her shoulder. Sure enough in a few seconds tunes are on and turned up.

  Her living room is turned into a dance floor, simply by moving the coffee table against the wall. After a while the girlfriends and wives have moved into the kitchen with May to do shots, so it’s just me left with the male population.

  I make small talk here and there, but my attention is solely focused on May when she isn’t looking at me. I know that sounds creepy and all but if I have to look her in the eyes and not touch her one more time I might just get in my truck and leave.

  Yeah right. Fuck I want her.

  She disappears for a few minutes down the hall and when she comes back she is wearing shorts and a tank top. I see what I think are bathing suit strings hanging out of her tank top and its confirmed when she hands bathing suits to a couple ladies and gestures toward me. Well what’s that about?

  I go back to thinking about a way to get her alone for a few minutes without being interrupted when the clouds part and I hear the words that make my heart beat speed up.

  “I’m going to go warm up the hot tub y’all…i'll be back in a few.” She sings.

  Well, she doesn’t sing it, but I hear the song regardless.

  I excuse myself from a conversation with Tito about Duke basketball, which I could care less about, they suck, and make my way to the back door.


  She has propped herself on the small ledge of the hot tub, her hand moving back and forth in the water and her head is tilted back taking in the night time sky.


  I make my way to her, but I don’t touch her yet. How, I have no idea because that’s all I’ve been thinking about. She takes a deep inhale and I think she knows that I’m behind her.

  Relax Kev.

  I want her at ease when I am around so I’m not going to grope the hell out of her or anything like that, so this has to be delicate…soft…and slow.

  I take both hands and place just my fingertips on her shoulders and then slowly sweep them down her arms.

  Goose bumps…BINGO!

  “You cold Darlin?” I ask my lips brushing over the skin of her shoulder.

  “Definitely…not…cold.” She answers softly.

  I could touch her forever I think to myself as I step closer to her to let my front graze her back softly. I don’t want a backwards hug, so I trace my fingers down her right side all the way down to her thigh and carefully pick her leg up making sure I keep her balanced, and slide her back so she’s sitting on the ledge and is facing my completely.

  Not close enough, so I in turn take another step into her space so that I’m nestled between her legs. She wants to touch me and I’m juuuust fine with that, hell I would encourage it if I could form words at this point, but her hands freeze mid way to my chest. She’s shaking.

  Ooooh Darlin I know how you feel.

  She gives into it though and puts me out of my misery and places both hands on my chest. She has to feel how hard and fast my heart is racing because it feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest and fall in her lap. What a way to give her my heart….I mentally slap myself…focus man…what the hell.

  It’s almost as though she is saying ‘you’re real’ and she closes her eyes to take it all in again.

  I’m right there with you Darlin…I promise.

  I steal a moment to look at the features that adorn her beautiful face. Her high cheek bones clenched from the smile that she has on her face. However that only makes me focus in on her lips and the fact that I can still feel them on my cheek even though that was hours ago. My eyes slide down over her chin, down her long neck, and that’s when I see it.

  That fucking scar.

  I just stare at it thinking maybe I can wish it away for her, but I know I can’t. She told me about what happened the night she got that scar and played it off as no big deal. Getting stabbed is a big deal. Well now that I am here and I see it in person… it is in fact a really big deal. It’s big, still white from the new skin, and incredibly hard to see smack dab in the middle of her perfect, lightly tanned skin. It just doesn’t belong. By this time I can feel her eyes on me but I don’t meet her gaze. I have to have her know that it doesn’t bother me. I’m not in love with her scar.

  Uh wait…what?

  Not now I scold myself.

  I shift my head closer to her skin giving her time to stop me, but she doesn’t, so I wet my lips because I don’t want them to be dry for the very first time I place them on her skin.

  I slowly lay soft wet kisses all the way over it and she slouches a little. I don’t know if that’s because of what I am doing or if it’s her kind of giving up the brave front, but I pray that it’s me. That I can relax her like she relaxes me, all from just one simple touch.

  Now I look into her eyes and allow my hands to skate back up her arms, over her shoulders,(my thumb lazily brushes over her scar), then up that slender neck until I’m holding her beautiful face in my hands. One more step closer, no space in between us, not for this moment that’s about to finally fucking happen, but I don’t rush it, I let it build for a few seconds. She licks her lips and now I know she’s on the same page as me, and as I am moving closer to those wonderful lips her eyes close again, effectively giving me permission, and then…

  “Is the hot tub ready or not?” surrounds our very private moment…that didn’t just happen…again.

  Are you fucking kidding me?

  I let out an exaggerated breath with a little grunt in it and sag my shoulders. May just laughs and pulls me to her so that our foreheads are pressed together. Not the contact that I was hoping for but with this crowd I’ll take what I can fucking get when I can get it.

  “Yeah…it’s ready y’all.”

  She kisses me on the nose and I help her down off her seat. Holding her shoulders until she has two feet on the ground, I squeeze her gently to get her to look at me.

  “We’ll continue this later Darlin.”

  Fuck yes we will.


  Now, I’m all for the female form, let me just say that and clear the air. I’m not saying I fuck everything that walks but to say that I have a certain type is just not true.

  That is until now.

  There are four ladies joining the hot tub party and while they are all beautiful in their own right, May fucking Young takes first prize and I want her to be mine.

  Usually there is a no bathing suit rule, but seeing as how I am a guest, bathing suits were handed out to the girls, while the guys have opted for their boxer shorts to double as bathing suits.

  And glory glory, I thank God.

  Because when May takes off her tank top and shorts and also lets her hair down again…my jaw drops. The guys see my reaction and I see sympathy on their faces but Steve of course has more of a scowl.

  Sorry dude, she’s mine.

  The black bikini she is wearing does everything right for her amazing body. I didn’t know women co
uld have that V that runs down the stomach to the best place on Earth. Its just a faint trail and I want my tongue there…pronto…stat…tonight. Tall, lean, defined and that sexy ass tattoo, it all calls to me. As if he knew, my dick twitches as if to say “it calls to me too dude”.

  I want to pick her up and put her in the hot tub so that she sits next to me or on me either way I’m good, but I’ve got to get myself under control and while I am doing that May climbs in and to my extreme disappointment she sits directly across from me. I offer my hand to the other ladies as they get in so they don’t slip and they all take it and smile. Scored some points with them however with the guys…not so much, but they know what I’m doing. May has dropped out of her seat and has dipped all the way under the water, and as I am thinking about why she is doing this, I feel both her hands swipe over the tops of my thighs, her nails pressing into my skin lightly and then she comes back up smoothing her hair down.

  So she’s into torture…well she is going to kill me.

  I’m asked a lot of the same questions over and over again, where I work, how old I am, bla bla bla, and then everyone breaks off into their own conversations.

  Except me,

  And May.

  She seems pretty content with just being here so she just closes her eyes, leans her head back to rest on the ledge of the hot tub and let’s the jets do their magic.


  That’s what I would love to do right now, but all my blood has gone to the smaller head below my waist, because I am watching the water bubble over those perky breasts and then watch it roll back down her body, making me wish that the water was my tongue.

  And now I’m certain I can’t get out of the water anytime soon.


  I mirror May and rest my head back to take in the stars and night time sky. When smaller Kevin has finally gone back to sleep, I can actually relax and take it all in.

  That is until…

  Is…is that a foot sliding up my leg?


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