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Need You, Need Me (The Need Series Book 1)

Page 26

by Lewis, Meghan

  That better be May’s foot God damn it.

  I slowly pick up my head to do a once over everyone as opposed to freaking out and making a scene…guys don’t make scenes.

  Everyone is still carrying on with their conversations and my gaze falls on the lovely Ms. May.

  The small smile that’s tickling her lips is kind of a give away and I relax knowing that it’s her.

  When her foot is just past my mid thigh, I let my hands sink into the water and grab her foot. She doesn’t move to give away what’s going on underwater, but her smile has gotten bigger.

  I slowly press my thumbs into the arch of her foot and I got to say I’m surprised because she has told me she doesn’t like feet, let alone someone else touching hers, but as I see her start to bite her lip I get that she is actually digging this. I set her heel between my legs and rest it on the edge of my seat, still massaging her toes.

  A little invitation perhaps.

  Annnd there it is.

  She has pushed her foot into my crotch softly but firm enough to get both heads attention.

  When I open my eyes, I am met with a very hot and intense stare from May. She’s not smiling anymore. Her lips are parted and I see her chest rising and falling a little faster.

  Well now.

  I do a once over of the hot tub and everyone has gotten out. Everyone except Steve…aka Poppa Bear.

  Well fuck. Really dude??

  And he’s fucking smirking at me, he knows exactly what he’s doing and if I didn’t have a foot slowly massaging my crotch right now, I would straight up tell him to get the hell out of here. I bite my temper back, this is May’s friend and her house for that matter, my momma raised me better than that.

  So I just look back at May.

  She rolls her eyes and then, to my horrible dismay, she takes her foot out of it’s resting place and then stands up.

  Bathing suit clinging…

  Water cascading…

  Skin lightly pink and hot to the touch…me touchy touchy please?




  “There’s a little too much testosterone in here for me gentlemen and it’s making me woozy. I’ll see y’all inside.” May says stepping out and reaching for a towel.

  This is starting to get ridiculous as I tare my stare away from May’s ass and look at Steve. And that fucking smirk.

  “I get it man, you’re protective of May, but she can make her own decisions, and from what I get she wants me…Are you pissed about that? You want her don‘t you? Well it’s time to take it down a notch man.” I say coolly.

  “I know, she’s told me all about you, but that doesn’t mean I have to be buddy buddy with you. She’s in love with you, you fucker, Don’t blow it.” He retorts.

  Yeah he wants her…can’t say I blame him either.

  He gets up and wraps a towel around his waist and heads for the door.

  He turns and says “I know she’ll make her own decisions and she can take of herself believe you me, just don’t fucking hurt her…she’s been through enough.” Then he turns back and heads into the house.


  After I let my blood cool down I take in what Steve just told me…May is in love with me? That threw me way off guard but I regroup, get out and dry off with the only towel left all the while thinking, what am I going to do? Am I in love her? Will I hurt her?


  Going back into the house, I see a few things that have caught my eye. One, everyone is gone except for May and myself, well that’s a relief. Two, they all have left the all mighty mess for her to clean up, thanks for that. Three. May has changed into a dry tank top and shorts, with no bra I might add, and the fourth and final thing, my bag is sitting on the couch.

  Sweet girl.

  May is sitting on the opposite couch with her eyes closed and for a second I think she may have actually fallen asleep. Not trying to wake her up, I make my way over to the couch but my towel slips from my grasp and falls to the floor.

  “Shit.” I hiss and squat down to pick it back up.

  Wet boxers and an air conditioned house makes little Kev a dull boy.

  I stand back up and this time I feel May’s eyes. I chance another look at her and she is now very much awake and watching.

  I’m sorry did I say watching… I meant starring.

  “You can change in my room if you want. It’s at the end of the hall and the bathroom is first door on the right…if you want to shower.” She says as she gets up from her seat and stretches.

  Trying to be smooth I throw out a “Wanna join me?” at her referring to the shower.

  “Tempting…VERY tempting, but I better get a start on the clean up or else I’ll never get any sleep. Christ its already 4:15am.” She groans and heads for the kitchen.

  “Give me a few minutes and I will be more than happy to help…do they always leave a mess like this for you to clean?” I ask at the bathroom door.

  “No!…they just had to leave…*cough*…you know because its uh late…and uh past their bedtime and uh stuff.” she squirms out trying to squish the smile on her face.

  “Mm hmm.” I say. I ain’t buying that for one minute and I head into the bathroom for that quick shower. That quick cold shower.

  After said quick shower and some dry clothes, I put my bag inside her bedroom door and head to see what I can help with. She says not to worry about it and that makes me think that she is use to doing this be herself, so of COURSE I’m going to help.

  Grabbing a trash bag I head into the living room while May stays in the kitchen and tackles that shit storm.

  After about ten minutes of picking up plates and empties, and putting her living room back to the way it was, May says she’s going out back to clean up that mess.

  I smile to myself…perfect.

  When I put my bag in her room I noticed a few candles on her dresser and bedside table and I’m not going to lie…they smelled awesome.

  Yeah I said it…so?

  While she is outside, I slip into her room and light all candles. We shouldn’t be too much longer with the clean up…scratch that we BETTER not be too much longer with the clean up, because I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin. I mean almost eight hours of just pure sexual tension, getting interrupted, and simply put just being hands down horny as fuck, would drive any human to the cliff, over the edge and down to his death below. Safe to say…I am no different.

  After all the candles are lit, I head back into the living room hoping that she is still out back and she is…whew…and I go back to cleaning.

  A few minutes later I’m done and May is in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the now sparkling clean kitchen. As she is wiping down the sink, I walk up behind her and put my arm on either side of her and grip the counter with my hands. I push my body forward so that I’m flush with hers and her front is pushed up against the counter.

  I could come right now….Fuck….how old are you 15...Jesus man!

  With her oh so perfect ass pressed against my bulge that is becoming larger and harder by the second…I shit you not…if I concentrated I could absolutely come.

  I pull all her hair over one shoulder so I can have access to her neck.

  I press a teasingly, long kiss on her neck and then slide my tongue down and punctuate it with a soft kiss on her shoulder.

  A slow ‘mmm’ comes from her throat and its only now that I realize, I haven’t actually gotten to kiss her on those amazing lips. I turn her around but still have her trapped in my arms and against the counter. The look on her face is pure desire and heat and as she licks her lips I finally have the opportunity to devour them for the first time.

  Going to rectify that right about…

  And the phone rings.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” May says softly shaking her head a little.

  “Don’t answer it.” I reply

  There is that little thing called voicemail.

  She me
ntally battles with the decision looking at me and then the clock.

  “Let me just tell Paul that I’m alive and all is well.” She says to me looking a little guilty.

  I sigh and take my arms down but she doesn’t move.

  She WAS enjoying what I was doing…HA!

  I walk in to the living room, grab her phone and walk back and hand it to her. When she takes it I resume my previous position. I don’t pay attention to her conversation, I could care less. Although this Paul guy and her are close and I find myself wondering just how close they have gotten.

  May continues her conversation, mirroring my smile, as I slowly grind myself against the front of her body.

  I’m losing my fucking mind, but I don’t let it boil to the surface. She’s keeping her cool so I’m going to keep my in check too.

  “God Kev, I’m so sorr-”

  Fuck no …I can’t keep it cool…not anymore.

  Without letting her finish her sentence, I take what I’ve wanted all night, hell for three months.

  My lips on her lips.

  And holy shit her lips.

  Did I mention her lips?

  They are warm and wet and the softest I’ve ever felt in my life.

  I want…no I NEED more, and as I open my mouth so does she and I need her even more…again and again.

  If I thought her lips were soft…Jesus her tongue. Her tongue would be what guys would talk about in the locker room at the gym. Although no one else is ever going to feel this tongue but me…if I so much as hear some-

  Shut the hell up already and just enjoy it ya tool.

  She teases my own tongue with hers over and over again, until I think I am going to DIE. By this time we have sped up the kiss and are fully wrapped in each other’s arm as my brain spins out of control.

  So fucking good.

  Crossing my fingers and silently praying a phone doesn’t ring or the world doesn’t come to an end, or a friend doesn’t pop out from under the sink, I make a slow shift to my right and she follows. Still locked in this moment we make our way down the hallway and into her room.

  So far so good Kev…as long as you don’t fuck it up some how.

  I have opened my eyes so I can see her reaction to the candles that I lit and there it is…that smile. Lighting candles and getting a little burned…worth it.

  If the smile wasn’t worth it then the soft achingly slow kiss she gives me was. I’m not sure who is leading at this point and to be honest couldn’t care less because its just us…just her and I…and I can’t think of another place of where I want to be than right here…and this very fucking second. We have ended up falling on the bed and our kiss comes to end. I scan her face and commit the real version to memory. Not a picture, or webcam shot, her, in the flesh. Running my fingertips across and down her cheek, I know…I just know, and it’s like I just got punched in the chest.

  She runs her hands down my back and then pulls my shirt back up towards my neck to get it off.

  Her skin touching my skin…God damn that’s good.

  As she explores my now bare back this time, I work her shirt up. I’ve got to feel more of her body on mine.

  I crave it.

  I’ve worked her shirt up as much as I can without her assistance and when she reaches her hands up over her so that I can finally take it off. I stop when I get to her wrists that are placed close together and hold them both in my one hand. Seeing her stretched up like that melts my brain a little more and when I let go and take her shirt off she keeps her hands where they are.

  I silently thank her.

  My eyes take their time examining the newest images, and they are filed away with the smiles and touches and kissing.

  And then I can’t help but to focus on her scar, because even in the candlelight I can still see it. So much pain and bad memories reflect back at me from that scar.

  I lay my lips on to it and then slowly drag my tongue over it hoping to erase it completely. I move on to the skin above her breasts and let my tongue dance along the newly goose bumped skin. I hear a small moan and now I wish I hadn’t turned on the stereo, because I want to hear every breath, every sigh, everything she’s offering me.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful May. . . ” I say so softly letting my words cascade over her skin as if it was a secret.

  Letting my mouth explore more I make my way to her right breast and lick all the way around it, making sure I slow my pace at the under swell because that’s more sensitive than the rest. I let my hot as fire breath mix in with the other sensations on her skin, and when I see her close her eyes and lean her head back to take it all in, I take a pierced nipple (yes pierced) into my mouth and let my tongue play with the small hoop. To add a little more to it as I let go of it with my tongue, I grab on to it with my teeth and slightly tug on it. It’s then her body gives and she aches upward. I repeat the same to her other breast and then lick my way down the center of her body.

  When I get to her belly button, I stop and I can feel her eyes begging me to keep going, but she waits.

  That tattoo.

  Seizing the opportunity, I slowly push her hip so that she is laying on her left side away from me. I take in the whole tattoo and realize just how big it really is. Her tribal band starts at the small of her back and wraps beautifully around her waist and ends on her front just above her hip bone, I’ve seen pictures, but much like her, seeing it in person is completely different and I don’t want to miss a single thing.

  “I could draw this in my sleep” I say as I finish tracing her tattoo with my finger and now I trace it with my tongue and am rewarded with a longer stronger moan.


  I pull lightly on her hip so she is laying flat on her back again. I move up to the side of her so I can see her face and ever so softly I place my fingertips at the base of her neck and slowly trace them down the center of her chest, over her stomach, and I lay my hand flat on her stomach below her belly button and I methodically move my hand down under the waistband of her shorts and on to her leg. I hook a finger on to the band as I pass and drag her shorts down with my hand…when they are at her knees she takes over and gets them off the rest of the way.

  Flexible girl.

  And holy hell, I can smell just how much she wants me and just like that my dick turns to stone and I have to push up and get off the bed to regroup, but I mask it as I am only taking off my own clothes.

  I don’t take my eyes off May cause to be honest I can’t… I just can’t. I’ve never wanted to be with someone so bad in my entire life. I need to feel this connection and I just pray she likes what she sees because I’m looking at the most perfect woman ever, my perfect woman.

  I unbutton my shorts and push them and my boxers down carefully minding the ever growing sensitivity issue that is my cock.

  You know, you could probably slam my dick in a car door right now and I’d still be hard…shit I’m so confused, and yet I’ve never thought so clearly before.

  I climb back on to the bed making sure I spread her legs for me so that I can feel how absolutely wet she is for me as I make my way up her body…just for me.

  “May I need you Darlin.” I barely whisper against her skin…I’m not sure if I’m asking or telling her as I lay my body over to blanket hers in hopes to calm the fire and eagerness I’m feeling.

  “I’m here Kevin…good God I’m right here.” She answers as she engulfs the sides of my face with her hands centering me completely in and out.

  History has shown and taught men that the whole objective of sex is to get in, get off and get out, but THIS isn’t that…

  At all…

  not by a long shot.

  I didn’t drive six hours for a piece of ass, not her, not May. As I take in her face to commit it to memory once again, I slide up and down her wet sex, hoping that she is feeling exactly like I am.

  I can’t fucking wait…but I do.

  We connect to another deep kiss that I feel in my toes for Christ sa
ke and before I know it I’ve slipped to occupy her slit that is, what I think, like Heaven, but I know that it is all May.

  My May.

  Now that I am here, I take a moment just for me to get it together and push in just an inch.


  I snap my eyes to meet Mays and with our gazes locked firmly on to one another’s as I continue to push into her warm, wet, opening.


  I see her face explode with pleasure and she silently lets loose a small shiver that I can feel all the way down to the base of my cock and heart.

  Who knew those two could feel the same thing?

  Tell her Kev…tell her right now…tell her you are so fucking in love with her you find it difficult to breathe.

  With us joined together, finally, we just lay there and take it all in. That is until I push just a little further in to her and I’m rewarded with a sharp inhale/moan

  That’s my girl, please enjoy every second of this, because I sure as hell am.

  I trace my hand down her left side and down her thigh and as I’m about to bring it around my hip she again beats me to it and places her thigh there as if it belonged there the whole time, and that’s my queue, that’s her giving me permission.

  I painstakingly pull out and then retreat back in instantly missing being engulfed in the center of her body and feeling every shake and every quiver she has to give me.

  Just feel it May…feel me please.

  It’s almost too much and I bury my face in her neck starving for another form of a connection to this woman.

  We start slow, absorbing everything…from the pants of breath to the obvious moving of me in and out of her, and we slowly pick up the pace as we become wrapped up more and more in the growing feeling. I start to feel myself tense up from my oncoming orgasm but I can’t…not without her. It’s too important. It’s like passing a piece of your soul and energy on to the person that you are with and if they aren’t there too all that emotion is lost.

  Oh Fuck.

  “Together?” I pant/ask

  “God yes.” she replies and I now know I love her.


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