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The Greek Billionaire's Secret Baby (Contemporary Romance)

Page 10

by Michele Dunaway

  He came over and stroked her check. “I doubt you’ll miss me.

  “I…” She didn’t know what to say. She would miss him.

  He lowered his lips and brushed her lips lightly. Then he stepped away. Her lips tingled and she wanted more.

  But Pappas Foods was what Alex did, just like missionary work had been what her father did. Work was their lifeblood, and they couldn’t live without it, no matter how hard they tried. As for Lauren, she and Alex were not yet married. She had no claim.

  “You should go see Nick before you go. Don’t be afraid to wake him up and hold him. He’ll go back down.”


  He disappeared into her bedroom and she forced herself to eat more of the sweet and sour chicken. She didn’t want to crowd him, to hover over him as if she didn’t trust him. The one area she unequivocally trusted Alex was with Nick.

  She ate a little more, forcing herself to swallow the delicious food. She loved Alex; she always had. Maybe absence would make his heart grow fonder.


  Alex was gone a month. In his absence, his mother Maria was a constant visitor, and Lauren had to admit she was more than welcome.

  Maria played with her grandson and encouraged Lauren to stay sane. She’d become Lauren’s ally, and even more important, a friend.

  “I’m house hunting for you,” she told Lauren once after watching Lauren consume the curried lamb she’d brought, “but I haven’t found anything suitable for a family yet. As soon as I do, we’ll go look. Won’t that be fun?”

  This separation from Alex was far worse from her earlier ones, Lauren decided. Then, she had made the conscious choice to leave. She’d Christopher’s friendship and support. This time, she discovered she’d become accustomed Alex’s presence.

  Thus, when Vincent Gravini called, Lauren had jumped at the chance to work part-time from the suite. She’d found herself immersed again in what she loved, and found some peace in finishing the loose ends of Christopher’s writing projects. The IBF had sent over a computer for her use, and Lauren worked when Nick napped or when Maria had him.

  The end of August arrived and Lauren’s eight-week check up came.

  “You’re clear for marital relations,” the doctor told her as she handed Lauren a prescription for birth control pills. The hotel sent up a treadmill and provided a trainer and Lauren began concentrating on getting her body back in pre-pregnancy shape.

  At Nick’s eight-week check up the doctor had declared him fit with a healthy weight gain. There wouldn’t be any long-term repercussions of being born a premature or from having RDS.

  Alex arrived home a few days after both the events. The first thing Lauren noticed when he walked into the suite was that he appeared thinner. His custom black suit seemed a little baggy, and there was a permanent stress line across his forehead. His hair had grown longer and needed a trim. His black eyes gazed hungrily at her as she rose from her chair.

  “Hi,” she said. She felt as awkward as a teenager on her first date. What did one do in a situation like this? She wasn’t his wife yet, and he didn’t love her. She settled for a simple, “How are you?”

  “Tired,” Alex said, his expression losing its poker face quality as he stifled a yawn. He’d carried up his own luggage and he set it down on the marble floor. “How are you doing? You look great.”

  He’d noticed. Lauren smoothed out an imaginary wrinkle in her linen pants. “I’ve been working out,” she said, her toes curling onto the carpet.

  “You’re a beautiful sight for sore eyes.” He strode forward, his eyes searching. “Where’s Nick?”

  Lauren stepped aside so that he could see his son. Nick lay on an activity blanket in front of her, happily occupied with waving his right fist in front of his face.

  “He’s gotten so big,” Alex marveled. He squatted down, using his right forefingers to catch Nick’s flying fist. Nick stared up at Alex’s face. Nick gurgled, his smile covering his round face. “I’ve missed so much,” Alex said, pain evident in his tone.

  Telling Alex there would be other moments seemed crass and Lauren remained silent. Instead she reached over and put her left hand on his right shoulder. He crossed his left arm across his chest and covered her hand with his.

  “Are you hungry? I can have dinner sent up. I’ve been waiting to eat until you got here.”

  “That would be great,” Alex said.

  She lifted her hand and went to the phone. From her position she watched Alex lean over Nick. “So how are you, big fella? Like that fist, huh?”

  Nick responded by kicking his feet and hitting the activity gym that Lauren had set up over him. The noise the movement created delighted Nick even more and he cooed.

  “Discovering you’ve got power, aren’t you, little man? Your mommy emailed that you can roll from your tummy to your back. You’ll have to show me that later. How about that? Will you show me?”

  Time ticked on as Lauren and Alex simply watched his son.

  “He’s going to be hungry soon,” Lauren finally said, the fingers of guilt tightening around her heart. This man loved Nick, and she’d kept the truth from him. Her convictions weren’t as strong today.

  “I can’t believe how big he is.”

  “Almost ten pounds,” Lauren answered. “He’s a good eater and he’s making up for lost time.”

  Alex rose and Lauren’s heart skipped a beat as he came toward her. His fingered a lock of her hair. Her throat constricted as Alex rubbed the blond strand between his thumb and forefinger. His proximity called something deep from inside her, and his husky voice made her quiver when he said, “You look fantastic. I really like your hair like this.”

  Time seemed to stop and Lauren resisted the urge to tug at strands swishing gently around her neck. She’d worn her hair straight, perhaps subconsciously knowing he preferred the style to the easier bun, and she wanted to please him. She’d missed him.

  “I’m glad I could please you,” she whispered. Then, without even making a conscious effort, she simply opened her arms. “I’ve missed you,” she said as Alex stepped into her embrace.

  His black gaze intensified, his eyes darkening to pure midnight. He dropped the strand of hair and ran his forefinger across her lower lip. As he drew his finger back, Lauren’s tongue slid forward to wet the path he’d traced.

  Alex groaned, and without a word, lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss tantalized, teased and promised hints of things to come. Alex threaded his hands into her hair and further coaxed her mouth open. He deepened the kiss and Lauren sighed into it. She closed her eyes, making her other senses more acute. Awe-inspiring didn’t come close to describing the kiss.

  The ringing phone shattered the silence, and Nick shrieked.

  Alex wrenched out of Lauren’s grasp and grabbed the landline receiver. “Pappas.” A thundercloud appeared between his eyes, and he held the phone out. “Vincent Gravini. For you.”


  Chapter Nine

  Lauren took the receiver from Alex’s hand. She was well aware that Alex listened to every word. “Hi Vincent. How are you?”

  “Hi. I’m calling to check on the project and to see if you’ve considered my offer.”

  “I’m a week away from finalizing.”

  She could picture Vincent’s smile. “Fantastic. We are excited to see the new employee field-training manual. Christopher had a lot of great suggestions.”

  She twisted the phone cord around her finger. “You’re going to be very happy with the final product.”

  “Thank you. Now, about that position we have for you. Part time, but here at headquarters.” He spent the next five minutes outlining the job he’d created for her, but Lauren was only aware that Alex had crossed his arms and was tapping his food.

  “Let me have a week to think,” she finally said.

  “Only if you say yes at the end. We want you back, Lauren.”

  After a few more social pleasantries, Lauren set the receiver down.

  Alex scowled. “When did you start working?”

  “I need something to do besides watch soap operas all day. You’ve been gone. I was a top IBF field agent and they needed someone to finish Christopher’s manuscript. I agreed to do it. Your mother thought it was a great idea.”

  Alex raked a hand through his hair and seemed less pleased. “And what’s this about the job offer?”

  “Part time. Your mom agreed to watch Nick while I worked. It’s a great arrangement.”

  “She agreed! What about me?”

  “You aren’t my husband and you haven’t been here. Your mom and I have been doing fine.”

  Alex’s face contorted further. He clearly wasn’t happy. “You don’t need to work. I’ve provided you with a generous allowance.”

  Lauren’s ire grew. “I told you it never was about the money. I like to work. I have brains and I like to use them to help people. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “You don’t need to earn anything. It’s an insult to me. I can provide for you. You could serve on a charity board or something.”

  It was her turn to scowl. “Oh please. This is your oversized ego feeling slighted. This is the twenty-first century. I’m not about to simply sit and home and twiddle my thumbs when I can be out doing good. Christopher’s work needed to be finished. I was the best candidate for the job. You’re being unreasonable. I deserve to have my own life.”

  “You will be my wife.”

  She planted her hands on her hips. “So? That won’t mean you own all my time. Your mother can watch Nick. She’s thrilled to do it. And I don’t need to be hovering over her. She’s raised two boys. She can handle babysitting her grandchild. And Nick’s not going to be suffering. He doesn’t need me every minute.”

  “Am I ever going to have a say? You do want you want, don’t you? No matter who you hurt?”

  He meant her betrayal, but she sidestepped that dig. “How does my working hurt you? Seriously. You’re never here. You expect me to be waiting?”

  “I expect…” He dragged his hand through his hair again. “A little respect would be nice.”

  “I’m not disrespecting you.” She drew close to him and jabbed her finger a few inches from his chest. “You are the one who brings everything on himself and takes it personally. You think the worst of me in every situation. I’m tired of it.

  “I do not and this conversation is getting us nowhere.”

  By each refusing to concede, they’d gotten in the other’s face. Mere inches separated them, and in a moment’s hesitation everything changed. The air crackled and sizzled, and with a curse Ale brought his mouth on hers in a crushing kiss that stole her breath.

  She fought his invasion for a moment, but her body ceded to his mastery and she heard herself whimper. She wanted him, but then he was pulling away and reaching for Nick. He cuddled the baby, using him like a shield. Alex glanced at her. “We finish this tonight. Don’t think otherwise.”


  He shook his head. “We’ve been celibate long enough. No more. After dinner, you are mine. The moment Nick’s asleep. Then we’ll talk about the rest of this nonsense later.”

  “It’s not nonsense,” Lauren replied, fuming as Alex tuned her out. This must be how the virgins of old felt, Lauren thought after dinner. Even though she was still mad, she wouldn’t resist him. Her anticipation heightened. Nervousness made a knot in her stomach. Alex followed her into the bedroom and watched as she placed Nick in his crib and covered him with a blanket.

  “He’s an angel,” Alex said.

  “It’s like looking on the face of God. The closest we’ll ever get,” Lauren agreed.

  “I’m sure Christopher is watching over him,” Alex said.

  Regret tinged Lauren’s heart. He needed to know. “Alex, I need to tell you something…”

  Alex spun her around. He was bare-chested, wearing only a pair of black karate pants. “The past is past, Lauren. If all we have is sex it’ll have to be enough. I’m not waiting any longer.”

  His lips found hers and he lifted her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom.

  The journey took mere seconds but the brief passage of time raised her temperature. She could deny him nothing, not at this moment. Her truth would wait.

  “I want you,” he whispered again. He lowered her to her feet and drew her into his arms him. His erection bulged. “Can you feel how much I want you?”

  Alex’s found her mouth for another spine-tingling kiss. Fire ignited low and heat pooled between her thighs. “I’ve always wanted you.”

  Her breath came out in a gasp. “I need you. I want to feel you inside me.”

  “Mmm.” His fingers had found her breast. “I want that too. You are so hot. Feel what you do to me.”

  He took her hand and pressed it to the front of his karate pants. His eyes glazed and he groaned as through the fabric she stroked, her desire as needy as his.

  They had never lied to each other in bed. In bed everything had been stripped bare.

  She was wanton, and the kisses Alex planted on her neck only intensified her own arousal.

  “Take me. I’m yours,” she said simply. “I always have been.”


  Upon hearing her declaration, Alex stilled for only a moment. Now was not the time for the past to creep in. Now was not the time for false declarations. This moment was for letting them communicate in the universal language.

  “No words,” he said.

  She seemed to understand, for she nodded and planted a kiss on his bare chest. She kissed him again, grazing one of his nipples. His veins turned molten.

  A siren reincarnated, that was his Lauren. She stood on her tiptoes and ran her tongue along his throat, stopping to kiss the trail she’d just wet. She blew lightly in his left ear. She was driving him wild.

  “Keep kissing me. No, stop. If you kiss me again like that I won’t last,” he said raggedly. “Let me touch you, Lauren. I need to touch you.”

  And touch her he did. He’d been without her for so long, and her body had changed. She’d filled out, formed curves. She’d grown a woman’s body and it excited him. He ran his hands over her breasts, and her stomach.

  Her clothes needed to go, and his fingers made quick work of the buttons that hid her skin. They were still standing, and the last of her garments pooled to her feet. He gazed at her for a moment. “You are so beautiful. So very beautiful.”

  Intense pleasure filled him as his mouth rediscovered the taste of her breast. His fingers roved, and she arched and bucked at his renewed mastery of her body. He placed his hands between her legs, finding the sweet wetness. She whimpered as his fingers entered her and sent her over the edge

  Then he knelt in front of her. He kissed the fading C-section scar, sending her the message that even that was beautiful.

  Then he clutched her hips and tasted her heat. His lower half turned to a rock but he needed to feast, needed to taste her orgasm, which came over his tongue in waves. Her hands clutched his hair, and she freed him only as his lips began to move back up her pleasured body, over the peak of her full breast as again he returned to her lips for another deep, spiraling kiss.

  Her eyes flew open and satisfaction filled him. Her baby blue orbs were glossy with spent passion.

  “We’re only just beginning,” he told her as he gently laid her on his bed. “Only beginning.”

  She ran her hands over his back and then lowered her hands to find him. He groaned under her tentative touch and she grew bolder, caressing him through the folds of the karate pant material he hadn’t yet shed. He caught her mouth with his. He wanted control…

  Theé mou! If their earlier kiss had been worthy of the gods, this one rocked the universe. This kiss promised more than all of the earlier kisses combined. It promised the sun, the moon, the stars and all things past present and future.

  He cupped her breasts with his hands and took in a deep suckle that caused her to cry out in pure joy.
/>   Tonight was about her pleasure. He’d been without ever since they’d parted, but he could wait to satisfy his own needs. He wanted this night, their rejoining to be perfect, to be everything and more. He wanted it to erase the past, bury all other memories she might have. That much his pride demanded. After tonight the only man she’d ever think about was him.

  So he gave her pleasure in every way he knew, his body rediscovering hers and finding even new ways to bring her to heights only before imagined. He gave no consideration to his own throbbing ache, but concentrated only on her body, bringing her to the edge and back several times before finally, she planted both of her hands on each side of his face. The intensity in her blue eyes made it clear, but she added the words as well.

  “I need you,” she said. “Take me, Alex. Be inside me.”

  Only then did he allow her to strip off his pants. Only then did he allow her to really touch him, to feel him skin to skin. He rolled on a condom and settled his body gently onto hers. Her body quivered with anticipation of their imminent joining and he wasn’t unaffected. His body trembled too, and he caressed her and worked her again to a fevered pitch.

  His hardness rested between her thighs, and slowly, tenderly he slid between her legs and filled her to the fullest and deepest extent.

  “Epitelous!” he cried, as, once joined with deep inside her, he was thoroughly lost, just as he’d known he would be. He kept his strokes gentle until she was stretched and sure, and then he moved faster, harder, driving himself deeply and losing himself in her hidden depths.

  It was like coming home.

  No other woman had ever made him feel this way. Lauren perfected him, made him complete, made him whole. He could feel her move beneath him as the journey that only they could take together began to reach crescendo.

  Together they soared, crested and peaked, and then they repeated the process over and over again as he continued to make the most exquisite love to her.

  “Alex!” She shouted his name and her sheath tightened and he knew that she’d reached that point where the stars seem limitless and touchable.

  He drove himself into her one more time, the desire to give her the perfect moment even more intense than his own aching need. He felt her body shake and then he let himself go and joined her in a shattering release.


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