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Crown of Betrayal (Wicked Kingdoms Book 2)

Page 15

by Graceley Knox

  Ferghus walks toward Arela’s desk in the corner. “That’s not the only explanation. There’s a note.”

  “What does it say?”

  He reads it aloud. “If you’d like no harm to come to Arela, follow the instructions.”

  “What instructions?”

  “There aren’t any. That’s all the letter says.” Ferghus hands it to me.

  I turn it over and see no other writing. “Search the room. Find every scrap of paper here.”

  “May I try something?” Puck asks.

  I don’t turn and look at him. I keep opening drawers in her wardrobe, searching for more papers that could have instructions on them. “Go for it if you think it will help.”

  Puck starts muttering in a language I can’t identify and I block it out.

  Who would take an innocent child? Who would be sick enough to do this? Someone who knows they can get to me through her, that’s who. My chest constricts as I think about not having Arela in my life. I struggle for breath and search faster through her drawers like if I can just pull out the last one, I’ll be able to take a breath. Arms wrap around me from behind and my knees go weak. Dare takes my weight and holds me upright. I bow my head and try for another breath. It feels like razor blades slash at my lungs when I do.

  “Shh, little álainn. It will be okay. We will find her and bring her back safely.”

  I push back against him, but he holds firm. “Don’t promise that. You can’t know that.” I turn in his arms. “How could this have happened? How did someone sneak past the Queen’s guards?”

  “I do not know, but my father is going to get her now. We’ll know shortly. What can I do?”

  I push back from his embrace and rub at my eyes so the tears won’t fall. “Help us search through her things. Whoever took her left a letter saying that ‘If you’d like no harm to come to Arela, follow the instructions.’.”

  “What are the instructions?” Dare asks over his shoulder as he searches through the pile of papers we’ve found on the bed.

  “There were none. Just those words on the paper.”

  “It has to mean something. We can ask the Druids if they can do anything.”

  “I’m already speaking with them.” Puck pipes in. “I didn’t get anything from the letter. Whoever wrote it masked their energy completely.”

  “Already speaking with them? Where are they?” I spin around quickly, earning a chitter from one of the gargoyles perched on my shoulders.

  “They are gathering a few things with Calder and Calum and will be right up.”

  “How do you know that?” I ask before holding up a hand. “Never mind. You’re magic. I know.”

  Puck chuckles and starts sorting through the piles of paper with Dare. I add the stack I found and start searching through them as well. Gods, the goblins give more homework than MECA ever did. “None of this is useful. Nothing.”

  “It is if you know how to use it, lass.” Amren steps into the room and hands me a drink. “Drink this, please. It will calm you, and you need it.”

  I take it from him with a shake of my head. “I need to be sharp. I can’t take this right now.”

  “You will remain at full capacity, but your heart won’t beat out of your chest.” The old Druid raises an expectant eyebrow and I toss the drink back.

  “Gods! What is that? Grass? Bleh.”

  “It’s better if you don’t know. Now show me where the letter was found.”

  I point toward Arela’s desk and hand him the letter. I walk over with him and both Anarchy and Chaos hiss the closer to the desk we get.

  “Now who do we have here?” Amren asks as he takes a peek at Anarchy and Chaos.

  “Anarchy and Chaos. They’re my baby gargoyles. They bonded with me the first time I met Dare. They’ve been sticking with Arela when I’m not with her. They were locked in her wardrobe when we got here.”

  Amren draws a line down Anarchy’s snout and Anarchy rumbles a purr. “Well, this might be easier than I thought it would be. May I?” He gestures to them, and I shrug.

  “Go for it. If they can help, I’m sure they’ll want to. They’re very fond of her.”

  “Because of your fondness for her, I’d bet.” Amren smiles and holds his hand out for both gargoyles. They jump to his waiting hands and start sniffing him. “Brodie, bring the larch resin, clovers, and sorrel…”

  Brodie does as he’s told. Adding the ingredients into a pestle and mortar. He grinds them up before turning to his father. “The candle? Or the sage?”

  “Both. Rub the mixture over the sage and then light the candle.”

  I watch as they work their magic. For a moment, I forget that Arela is missing as I witness an actual Druid performing a spell. “What is this going to do?”

  “It’s going to allow me to see what these two saw.” Amren smiles down at both Anarchy and Chaos.

  “And if that doesn’t work?”

  “Then I will try something else, lass. I’m not a wizard, although I heard Merlin was a bit of a diva. I’m a Druid. I can only try my best, and see if the universe will respond.”

  I step back and rub at the back of my neck.

  Brodie finishes rubbing the paste onto the sage stick before he lights the candle. Once he’s done that, he holds the sage over the flame and it starts to smoke. He blows out the flame and walks toward his father. One hand holds the sage stick, the other holds the mortar. Amren dips his finger into the paste and then pops his finger into his mouth.

  “Quickly now. Wave the stick under their noses. Let them inhale the smoke.” Amren wobbles on his feet a bit and Ferghus grabs the chair at Arela’s desk before guiding him into it with his hand on Amren’s arm.

  The smoke curls under Anarchy and Choas’ noses and both their nostrils flare wide as they inhale it. Both of them blink slowly before the turn and look up into Amren’s face. Amren whispers a few words in what sounds like Gaelic before his eyes turn a smoky white.

  I look to Brodie. “Is that normal? Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine. Shh. Let him concentrate.”

  Surly bastard.

  I keep my comments to myself and keep an eye on my gargoyles. They both breathe steadily but appear to be in a trance, their normally expressive faces blank.

  After a few moments, Amren takes a deep breath and the milky smoke clears from his eyes. “He is back.”

  “Who? There are like ten men in this room right now.” I can’t keep the impatient comment from slipping from my lips.

  “Cashel. He’s no longer imprisoned. He has Arela.”

  The breath is knocked out of me and I stumble back a step. “How? How could this have happened?” I look to the goblins in the room. They all shake their heads. “Anything else, Amren?”

  “He had help. I can’t see who, but I will try to find out more. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you her location. The little beasties only saw Cashel.”

  “Thank you. You’ve helped immensely.”

  He hands Anarchy and Chaos back to me with a warning. “Keep them close. They know more than you think. They might recognize who helped Cashel. Heed their feelings toward others.”

  I look at the two monsters in my hand and nod. “Thank you. I will.” I open up the pouch I’ve started keeping looped on my belt for them. They climb in and curl up together.

  “What’s next?” Ferghus asks.

  “Next we start talking to everyone that is still in the castle and who was here the past few days.”

  “That will take days.”

  I bare my teeth in an unfriendly smile. “Then it takes days. But between my crew and the sheer number of guards here, we can do it in a day or less. Welcome to good ole fashioned sleuthing.”

  “Where do we start?” Ronan asks.

  “I’d start with the staff. They see more than you think and hear everything.”

  Ronan and Ferghus head out to start speaking with people and I look around Arela’s room again. We’ve pretty much trashed it in our search for di
rections. “Can you get anything from the note that was left, Amren?”

  “I’m looking now, lass. I might be able to tell you what you’re looking for as far as instructions go.”

  I nod my head absently. Eryn and Kirin walk in and I look to them for the information they might have.

  “Nothing. I couldn’t pick up anything. Only Arela. None of the other girls have seen her since before dinner last night.” Kirin informs me.

  “Fuck! I should never have promised to keep her safe. I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to keep that promise. This is all my fault.”

  Eryn walks up and hugs me to her side. “It’s not your fault. What do you know?”

  I fill them in on Amren’s spell and everything else. They both wear grim expressions. There’s only one person who could answer our questions and she claims she’s busy. Unacceptable.

  I head for the door with determination.

  “Where are you going, Ever?” Dare asks the question.

  “To get some fucking answers.” I’m all set with politics and waiting for people to approve an audience. I’ll take this into my own hands and to hell with the consequences. All that matters is that Arela be returned to us safe and sound.

  I walk at a fast pace and head toward the royal wing of the castle just around the corner. My mind clears as my objective clicks into place. I need answers from Queen Odaine and I need them now. She’ll either give them to me or I’ll make her. It’s that simple. Calm spreads through my limbs and I keep my stare straight ahead of me. I send my senses out around me and become hyper aware of my surroundings.

  “Shit. Go after her, idiot!” Kirin yells the words behind me.

  I hear a scuffle and then footsteps behind me, but I don’t look back. I keep my focus ahead of me. I round the corner and see the elaborate wooden doors of the Queens chambers. Two guards stand tall in front of the them. Without a single thought, I toss an illusion at them and they both crumple to the floor. Nighty night.

  “Ever, wait a minute. You can’t just–”

  I’m in front of the doors and I try the handle. Locked. I take a few steps back. Then I lift my right leg and send all my force with it at the door. The wood cracks but doesn’t open the doors.

  “Ever, stop!” Dare yells.

  I ignore Dare and kick the door again. This time the wood splinters and the doors fly open. I walk forward into Odaine’s chambers and ignore the wide eyes of her maids. I stride past them and into a room off to the side of her sitting room. I catch a glimpse of her lounging decadently on a chaise. Her hair is perfectly coifed and the skirts of her dress are pressed and without a wrinkle. A platter of cheese and fruits is in front of her. My hands clench and unclench and it’s all I can do to not tackle her from behind.

  She catches sight of me and sits up right. “You little mongrel. What are you doing in here? Who let you in? Guards!”

  “Don’t bother. I knocked them out.” I walk around the chaise and come face to face with her.

  She sputters and her face turns blotchy. “I will have you killed for this, half-breed.”

  “I wish you’d try, bitch.” I sit in the chair across from her and ignore the mixed looks of awe, trepidation, and horror on the faces of Dare, Eryn, and Kirin.

  “Y-You, soith dúr. You have no idea what you’re doing.”

  Stupid bitch. Ha! “You only wish I was stupid. Now cut the shit. Where is Arela? And if you open that prettily painted mouth of yours and say anything other than the truth, I’ll know it.” I don’t know how I know that, but I roll with it.

  I prop my booted feet up on the table next to her cheese platter and watch her mouth open and close like a fish out of water. I pluck my knife from the sheath at my thigh and start playing with it.

  “Go ahead. I’m waiting.”



  I ignore the shouts that can be heard in the hallway and take note of Puck entering the room out of the corner of my eye. I wait patiently as the Queen’s face becomes redder and redder.

  “Nothing to say?” I flick the tip of my blade and hold it up. “Let me rephrase. Nothing honest to say?”

  Odaine looks over her shoulder and spots Dare. “Get this little whore out of here or I’ll kill her myself.” Dare doesn’t move; he only watches me. “Now!” Odaine screeches.

  Still, he doesn’t move. Instead he crosses his arms over his chest. “Answer her questions, Odaine.”

  “I answer to no one! Especially none of you peons! I am the Queen of the Goblin Kingdom! You will do as I say.” She stands and stomps her foot like a two-year-old.

  “If you are innocent, then you should have no problem answering my questions.” I say, bringing her attention back to me as I lounge across from her.

  “You don’t have the right to ask me questions you dirty–”

  “That is enough!” King Teag roars the words and Odaine’s face blanches. “What is going on here? I received reports that the Queen was under attack and I rush here to find this. Someone please explain before I lose my temper.”

  I spear a piece of cheese with my knife and take a bite of it. I chew slowly and gesture for Odaine to explain what’s happening.

  “This little mutt came crashing in here after knocking out my guards and attacked me.”

  Teag raises a brow. “I do not see anything out of place or any marks on you, Odaine.”

  “That’s because I didn’t touch her. The only damage done was to her guards’ pride and the doors to her chambers.” I roll my eyes.

  “And why exactly did you feel that was necessary?”

  “Well you see, King Teag, I remembered something. I remembered how Queenie here originally treated Arela. And it wasn’t with kindness. And then I recalled Anarchy and Chaos’ reaction to her. That wasn’t a good reaction either.” I pause and take another bite of cheese. “And then I thought to myself ‘Who here has anything against me?’ and I remembered Queen Odaine. So here I am, asking her why Arela went missing while under her care. So far she’s had nothing to say about it.”

  Teag turns to Odaine. “Well answer her. Obviously you had nothing to do with this. It should be a simple explanation.”

  I chuckle mirthlessly. “That’s where you’re wrong, Teag. She can’t answer me because she’ll be lying and I’ll be able to tell. Isn’t that right, Odaine?”

  “Teag. Enough of this. I do not answer to anyone in this room. Kill her for her insolence already.” Odaine gives him her best beseeching face and takes a step toward him.

  Teag looks between the two of us and I wait for him to make his decision. Either way I’ll get my answers. He takes longer than a few seconds and I take matters into my own hands, politics be damned.

  “I’ve got an idea. Amren suggested it to me. He told me that Anarchy and Chaos would be able to tell if someone helped Cashel take Arela.” I stand and undo the knot of the pouch hanging from my belt. “Let’s give it a try.”

  I reach inside and pull the two sleeping gargoyles out. They both yawn and blink sleepy eyes up at me. I walk around the table and stand a few feet from Odaine. I hold my hand out in front of me so they both look directly at Odaine. They both sniff, their nostrils flaring wide. After one inhale, they both puff up and hiss. The spikes on their backs rise and they bare their teeth. Rage pounds through my veins, but I keep a rein on it as I wait for her to hang herself.

  “Odaine?” Teag asks.

  “This means nothing. Those little beasts haven’t liked me since they first arrived here. You know that.” She stares at them in horror.

  “Amren? You out there?” I look toward the door but keep Odaine in my sights. “Could you come in here please?”

  Amren pushes through the crowd of people and looks from Anarchy and Chaos to Odaine. He frowns. “There is only one way to be sure.”

  “And what is that?”

  “I’ll need a drop of her blood and theirs and a mirror.” A maid appears with a mirrored tray and puts it on the table Amren stands
next to. He mutters his thanks and looks to me.

  “I’m not sure how to get a drop of blood from a gargoyle, but if you know, then by all means.” I walk toward him and hand them over. Instantly they calm. As I watch as he rubs his finger first over Anarchy’s back and then Chaos’s. Two drops of blood splatter onto the mirror side by side.

  “Odaine, come here please. Prove to them you are innocent.” Teag waves her forward but she doesn’t move. “Odaine. Now!”

  At his command, she stumbles forward until she stands in front of the Druid.

  He looks around for something. “A blade?”

  I hand him mine with a grim smile.

  He makes quick work of pricking Odaine’s finger before letting the blood splatter next to the gargoyles. Together the three drops form a triangle. Amren mutters a few words and the drops start to circle each other. Amren whispers a final word and the drops of blood move closer together.

  “If she is innocent, the blood will remain red. If she had any part in helping Cashel or harming Arela, it will turn black.”

  We watch as the liquid mingles. We wait. And just when my chest constricts and I think I was wrong, it turns an inky black.

  “That’s wrong! Magic can be manipulated! He’s lying!” Odaine lunges for the Druid but comes up short. She stops with her arms outstretched, one foot in the air.

  Dare has a hand out as he focuses his attention on her.

  “Do you want more proof, King Teag? Or is this enough to be able to question her further?”

  Teag’s mouth twists in disgust. “She’s dead to me. Do what you will.” He turns, his shoulders slumped before he straightens them with a determined look gracing his features. “Whatever you need to track down Cashel, consider it at your disposal.” He walks away with his head held high.

  “Know of a good place to question her?” I look to Dare.

  “I think I know of a good spot, but I’m afraid you won’t get much out of her.”

  “Leave that to us. We can be very persuasive.”

  Ferghus steps forward with gloves on, cold iron cuffs in his hands. He slaps them around her wrists and takes one of her elbows. Dare lets go of his magical grip on her and she begins to struggle violently.


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