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The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Ninth Annual Collection

Page 35

by Gardner Dozois

  * * *

  And so here she was. Or was she?

  Was she a grown homunculus, with enough passing memory to recognise him? And speak Enochian too? No, surely that was beyond what could be stuffed into such a foul little brain. And assigning such personhood to such an object was beneath even the depths to which the Heeresnachrichtenamt would sink. Was she a real person with grown features to suggest young Lustre? That was entirely possible. But what was the point, when she’d be suspected immediately? Why not make her look the age she was supposed to be?

  “Yes,” he said in Enochian. “It’s me.”

  “Then … it’s true, God’s-seen-it. What’s been obvious since I … since I got back.”

  “Back from where?”

  “They said someone with authority was coming to see me. Is that you?”


  She looked as if she could hardly believe it. “I need protection. Once we’re back in Britain—”

  “Not until I know—”

  “You know as well as I do that this room, this building—!”

  “On the way in, when this was a hallway, why didn’t you let yourself be observed?”

  She took a breath and her mouth formed into a thin line. And suddenly they were back fighting again. Fools. Still. With so much at stake.

  He should have told them. They should have sent someone else.

  “Listen,” she said, “how long has it been since you last saw me?”

  “Decade and a half, give or take.”

  He saw the shock on her face again. It was like she kept getting hurt by the same thing. By the echoes of it. “I saw the dates when I got out. I couldn’t believe it. For me it’s been … four years … or … no time at all, really.”

  Hamilton was certain there was nothing that could do this. He shook his head, putting the mystery aside for a moment. “Is the package safe?”

  “Typical you, to gallop round. Yes! That’s why I didn’t take the observer machine! Those things have a reputation, particularly one here. It might have set me babbling.”

  But that was also what a homunculus or a cover would say. He found he was scowling at her. “Tell me what happened. Everything.”

  But then a small sound came from beside them. Where a sound couldn’t be. It was like a heavy item of furniture being thumped against the wall.

  Lustre startled, turned to look—

  Hamilton leapt at her.

  He felt the sudden fire flare behind him.

  And then he was falling upwards, sideways, back down again!

  He landed and threw himself sidelong to grab Lustre as she was falling up out of her chair, as it was crashing away from her. The room was battering at his eyes, milky fire, arcing rainbows! Two impact holes, half the chamber billowing from each. An explosion was rushing around the walls towards them!

  A shaped charge, Hamilton thought in the part of his mind that was fitted to take apart such things and turn them round, with a fold in the cone to demolish artificially curved space.

  Whoever they were, they wanted Lustre or both of them alive.

  Hamilton grabbed her round the shoulders and threw her at the door.

  She burst it open and stumbled into the sudden gravity of the corridor beyond. He kicked his heels on the spinning chair, and dived through after her.

  He fell onto the ground, hard on his shoulder, rolled to his feet, and jumped to slam the door behind them. It did its duty and completed the fold seconds before the explosion rolled straight at it.

  There was nobody waiting for them in the hallway.

  So they’d been about to enter the fold through the holes they’d blown? They might have found their corpses. It was a mistake, and Hamilton didn’t like to feel that his enemy made mistakes. He’d rather assume he was missing something.

  He had no gun.

  Alarms started up in distant parts of the building. The corridor, he realised, was filling with smoke from above.

  There came the sound of running feet, coming down the stairs from above them.

  Friend or foe? No way to tell.

  The attack had come from outside, but there might have been inside help, might now be combatants pouring in. The front door had held, but then it had been folded to distraction. If they knew enough to use that charge, they might not have even tried it.

  Lustre was looking at the only door they could reach before the running feet reached them. It had a sign on it which Hamilton’s Danish notations read as “cellar.”

  He threw himself back at the wall, then charged it with his foot. Non-grown wood burst around the lock. He kicked it out. The damage would be seen. He was betting on it not mattering. He swung open the door and found steps beyond. Lustre ran inside, and he closed the door behind them.

  He tried a couple of shadowy objects and found something he could lift and put against the door. A tool box. They were in a room of ancient boilers, presumably a backup if the fuel cells failed.

  “They’ll find—!” Lustre began. But she immediately quieted herself.

  He quickly found what he had suspected might be down here, a communications station on the wall. Sometimes when he was out of uniform he carried a small link to the embroidery, usually disguised as a watch to stop anyone from wondering what sort of person would have something like that. But he would never be allowed to bring such kit into a supposedly friendly country. The link on the wall was an internal system. He could only hope it connected to the link on the roof. He could and should have called the FLV. But he couldn’t afford to trust the locals now. He couldn’t have their systems register an honest call to Buckingham Palace or the building off Horseguards Parade. That would be a sin against the balance. So there was now only one person he could call. If she wasn’t in her boudoir, he was dead and Lustre was back in the bag.

  He tapped on the connector and blew the right notes into the receiver, hopefully letting the intelligent sound he was connecting to push past any listening ears.

  To his relief, Cushion McKenzie came straight on the line, sounding urgent. Someone in the Palace might have tipped her off as to where he was tonight. “Johnny, what can I do for you?” Her voice came from the roof, the direction reserved for officers.

  “Social call for papa.” He could hear the running feet coming along the corridor towards the door. Would they miss the damage in the gathering smoke?

  “Extract, package or kill?”

  Kill meant him, a stroke that would take his life and erase what he knew, painlessly, he was assured. It was the only way an out-of-uniform officer could choose to die, self-murder being an option denied to the kit stowed in their heads. Cushion represented herself on the wider shores of the public embroidery as a salonist, but she was also thoroughly job. She’d once walked Hamilton out of Lisbon and into a public carriage with an armed driver, keeping up a stream of chatter that had kept him awake despite the sucking wound in his chest. He’d wanted to send her flowers afterwards, but he couldn’t find anything in the Language of Blooms volume provided by his regiment that both described how he felt and kept the precious distance of the connection between them.

  “Extract,” he said.

  “Right. Looking.”

  She was silent for a moment that bore hard on Hamilton’s nerves. Whoever was seeking them was now fumbling around like amateurs in front of that door. Perhaps that was why they’d botched the explosives. Hamilton feared amateurs most of all. Amateurs killed you against orders.

  “You’re in an infested rat hole, Major. You should see what’s rolling out on my coffee table. Decades of boltholes and overfolding, hidden and forgotten weapons. None near you, worse luck. If a point time stop opens there and collapses Copenhagen—”

  “If we punch out here, will it?”

  “Possibly. Never was my favourite city. Preparing.”

  Something went bump against the door. Then started to push at it. Lustre stepped carefully back from where the bullets would come, and Hamilton realised that, thanks to
the length of the comms chord, he had no option but to stand in their way.

  He thought of moments with Annie, giving his mind nothing else to do.

  The thumping on the door was concerted now. Deliberate.

  “Ready,” said Cushion.

  Hamilton beckoned and then grabbed Lustre to him.

  “And in my ear … Colonel Turpin sends his complements.”

  “I return the Colonel’s complements,” said Hamilton. “Go.”

  The hole opened under them with a blaze that might be the city collapsing. Hamilton and Lustre fell into it and down the flashing corridor at the speed of a hurricane. Bullets burst from the splintering door in the distance and tore down the silver butterfly tunnel around them, ricocheting ridiculously past them—

  Hamilton wished he had something to shoot back into their bastard faces.

  And then they were out, into the blessed air of the night, thrown to the ground by an impossible hole above them—

  —that immediately and diplomatically vanished.

  Hamilton leapt to his feet, looking round. They were in a side street. Freezing. Darkness. No witnesses. Cushion had managed even that. That was all she was going to be able to do tonight, for him or for any of his brothers and sisters anywhere in the solar system. Turpin had allowed that for him. No, he checked himself, for what was inside Lustre.

  He helped Lustre up, and they stared at the end of the street, where passersby were running to and fro. He could hear the bells of Saint Mary’s tolling ten o’clock. In the distance, the embassy was ablaze, and carriages with red lights and bells were flashing through the sky, into the smoke, starting to pump water from their ocean folds into it. Those might well come under fire. And they were the only branch of public life here that was almost certainly innocent of what had just happened. The smell of smoke washed down the street. It would be enough to make Frederik close the airways too. Turpin and Her Majesty the Queen Mother were being asked, in this moment, to consider whether or not the knowledge Lustre had was worth open warfare between Greater Britain and a Dansk court who might well know nothing of all this, who already knew those secrets. But rather than let a British carriage in to collect the two of them, they’d spend hours asserting that their own services, riddled with rot as they might be, could handle it.

  Across the street was a little inn with grown beef hanging from the roofline, pols music coming from the windows. The crowds would be heading to see the blaze and offer help in the useless way that gentlemen and those who wished to be gentlemen did.

  Hamilton grabbed Lustre’s hand and ran for the door.

  * * *

  He ordered in Dutch he called up from some regional variation in the back of his head, some of the real beef, potatoes and a bottle of wine, which he had no intention of drinking, but which served as an excuse as to why they wanted a discrete booth to themselves. Lustre looked demure at the landlord, avoiding his glance, a maid led astray. A maid, it suddenly occurred to Hamilton, in clothes that would raise eyebrows in London, being fifteen years out of the fashion. But they had no choice. And besides, this was Denmark.

  They vanished into the darkness of their snug. They had a few minutes before the food arrived. They both started talking at once, quietly, so that the landlord wouldn’t hear the strange tongue.

  She held up a hand and he was silent.

  “I’ll tell you the whole bit,” she said. “Fast as I can. Have you heard of the three quarters of an ounce theory?”

  Hamilton shook his head.

  “It’s folk science, Golden Book stuff, the kind of infra religious thing you hear in servant pools. This chap weighed all these dying people, and found, they say, that three quarters of an ounce leaves you at death. That being the weight of the soul.”

  “Is this really the time for dollymop theology?”

  She didn’t rise to it. “Now I’m going to tell you something secret, For Their Majesties secret—”


  “And if I die and not you, what happens then?” she snapped. “Because just killing me will not save the balance!” She’d added an epithet to the word, shocking him at the sound of it in her mouth. “Oh yes, I want to make sure you know that, in case push comes to shove.” She didn’t give him time to formulate a reply and that was probably a blessing. “What kind of out-of-uniform man have you become, if you can’t live with secrets?! I don’t care what you’re cleared for, it’s just us at the moment!”

  Hamilton finally nodded.

  “All right, then. You probably haven’t heard either, your reading still presumably not extending beyond the hunting pages, about the astronomical problems concerning galaxies, the distribution of mass therein?”

  “What?! What is this—?”

  “No, of course you haven’t. What it comes down to is: galaxies seem to have more mass than they should, loads of it. Nobody knew what it was. It’s not visible. By just plotting what it influences, astronomers have made maps of where it all is. For a few years that was the entire business of Herstmonceux. Which I thought odd when I read about it, but now I know why.”

  The dinner came and they were forced to silence for a moment, just looking at each other. This new determination suited her, Hamilton found himself thinking. As did the harsh language. He felt an old, obscure pain and killed it. The landlord departed with a look of voyeuristic pleasure. “Go on.”

  “Don’t you see? If the three quarter ounce theory is true, there’s weight in the world that comes and goes, as if in and out of a fold, up God’s sleeve as it were. Put loads of that together—”

  Hamilton understood, and the distant enormity of it made him close his eyes. “That’s the extra mass in those galaxies.”

  “And we have a map of it—”

  “Which shows where there are minds, actual foreigners from other worlds, out there—!”

  “And perhaps nearby.”

  Hamilton’s mind reeled at the horror of it. The potential threat to the balance! Any of the great powers, damn it, any nation, could gain immeasurable advantage over its fellows by trading intelligence with foreigners. “And this is what’s in your head. The greatest secret of the great powers. But this is old news, they must have found a way to deal with it—”

  “Yes. Because, after all, any of them could put together enough telescope time to work it out. As near as I can figure out, they shared the info. Every great court knows it at the highest level, so the balance is intact. Just about. I suppose they must have all made a secret agreement not to try to contact these foreigners. Pretty easy to check up on that, given how they all watch each other’s embroidery.”

  Hamilton relaxed. So these were indeed old terrors, already dealt with by wiser heads. “And of course communication is all we’re talking about. The distances involved—”

  She looked at him like he was an erring child.

  “Has one of the powers broken the agreement?!”

  She pursed her lips. “This isn’t the work of the great powers.”

  Hamilton wasn’t sure he could take much more of this. “Then who?”

  “Have you heard of the heavenly twins?”

  “The Ransoms?!”

  “Yes, Castor and Pollux.”

  Hamilton’s mind was racing. The twins were arms dealers, who sold, it had been revealed a few years ago, to the shock of the great powers, not just to the nation to which they owed allegiance (which, them being from the northern part of the Columbian colonies, would be Britain or France), or even to one they’d later adopted, but to anyone. Once the great powers had found that out and closed ranks, dealing with the twins as they dealt with any threat to the balance, their representatives had vanished overnight from their offices in the world’s capitals, and started to sell away from any counter, to rebels, mercenaries, colonies. Whoring out their services. The twins themselves had never shown their faces in public. It was said they had accumulated enough wealth to actually begin to develop new weapons of their own. Every other month some new
speculation arose that one of the powers was secretly once more buying from them. Not something Britain would ever do, of course, but the Dutch, the Spaniards? “How are they involved?”

  “When I was halfway across this city, on my original mission, a rabbit hole similar to the one we just fell down opened up under me and my honour guard.”

  “They can do that?!”

  “Compared to what else they’re doing, that’s nothing. They had their own soldiers on hand, soldiers in uniform—”

  Hamilton could hear the disgust in her voice, and matched it with his own. Tonight was starting to feel like some sort of nightmare, with every certainty collapsing. He felt like he was falling from moment to moment as terrible new possibilities sprang up before his eyes.

  “They cut down my party, taking a few losses themselves. They took the bodies with them.”

  “They must have mopped the place up afterwards too.”

  “I was dragged before them. I don’t know if we were still in this city. I was ready to say the words and cut myself off, but they were ready for that. They injected me with some sort of instant glossolalia. I thought for a second that I’d done it myself, but then I realised that I couldn’t stop talking, that I was saying all sorts of nonsense, from anywhere in my mind, ridiculous stuff, shameful stuff.” She paused for breath. “You were mentioned.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask.”

  “I didn’t talk about what I was carrying. Sheer luck. I wrenched clear of their thugees and tried to bash my brains out against the wall.”

  He had put his hand on hers. Without even thinking about it.

  She let it stay. “I wouldn’t recommend it, probably not possible, but they only gave me two cracks at it before they grabbed me again. They were planning to keep injecting me with the stuff until I’d spilled the words that’d let them use an observer to see the map. They locked me up in a room and recorded me all night. That got quite dull quite swiftly.”

  Listening to her, Hamilton felt himself calm. He was looking forward, with honest glee, to the possibility that he might be soon in a position to harm some of these men.


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