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A Detective's Heart

Page 12

by Sioux Dallas

  “I saw that.” Eighty-eight year old Robert Hudson hobbled over and helped Hannah up where she had sprawled when she hit the sidewalk. “That dern fool looked like he headed right for you.”

  Alice Kramer ran out of the ladies’ dress shop. “Hannah, are you hurt? I’ve already called the police.”

  “Oh, thank you both, but I’ve only hurt my pride.” She laughed. “Remember what our mothers told us about wearing good underclothes in case we had an accident? That’s what I thought of as I fell with my skirt hiking up.”

  By then Patrolman Ronald Jenkins pulled up. “What’s going on here?”

  Hannah, Alice and Mr. Hudson all started talking at once.

  “Whoa. One at a time, please,” he said as he got a notebook and pen out.

  “Now, who’s first? What about you? You look as if you’re the one the accident happened to. You’re bleeding on one knee and elbow.”

  “Well so I am,” she chuckled. “I’ll be sore tomorrow. I left my office over there and crossed over here. There was no traffic when I started to cross. About half way a car appeared out of nowhere and almost hit me. I made a leap in this direction and fell as I got to the sidewalk.”

  “I saw it. I saw it. The dern fool,” Mr. Hudson stated excitedly. “This young lady was crossing, and, as she said, there was no traffic. This black Lincoln Continental came roaring up and aimed right at her. She’s lucky she’s young and spry or he’d a had her.”

  “Could you tell what year it was?”

  “Yep. I sold cars for almost fifty years and I know cars. It was a year old and in excellent shape.”

  “Thank you. Miss Rutherford didn’t you report a long time ago about someone in a black car shooting at you?”

  “Yes, I did. I can’t tell if it’s the same car. I was too busy getting out of the way.”

  “I don’t know cars,” Alice interjected, “but I saw a 967C something and a diamond-shaped decal on the trunk.”

  “Wonderful. That’s more help that I usually get from witnesses. Thank you both for being so observant. Miss Rutherford, do you need me to take you to the hospital?”

  “No, thank you. I was going to the real estate office, but I think I’ll go home now, take a hot shower and treat my wounds,” she laughed. “I’m too old to be jumping and falling around.” She thanked Alice and Mr. Hudson for their caring and help. She then limped to her car, got in, clicked her seat belt, looked carefully, then pulled out and drove home.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next morning she was still limping and her knee hurt as did her elbow. She also had a headache that wouldn’t quit. Sleep had been by spurts through the night. She racked her brain trying to think of why she had been targeted. She thought it was best if she didn’t drive and called Victoria to see if she could come by and pick her up.

  When Victoria and Herb heard about the almost hit and run they were furious.

  “I hope they catch the-- ” He stopped. “I can’t swear in front of you ladies, but I’m plenty mad. I hope the police really follow this up.”

  “They will,” Hannah assured him. “Too much of this has happened. It’s obvious someone is after me for some unknown reason. Let’s just all be on the alert and stay as safe as possible.”

  Herb and Victoria started toward their stations. Hannah turned. “Herb, I’ve been meaning to tell you. I’m so proud of you. How much weight have you lost and you look so fit.”

  “I now weigh a healthy one hundred ninety and I work out in the gym as often as I can to keep in shape. I feel good about myself now.”

  Victoria limped up to hug him. “I’m proud of you, too. We’ve been together so long now that you feel like a brother to me and Hannah is my sister.”

  “I’m thrilled that we’re close and feel so good about each other,” Hannah stated, “I hope the new people will fit in as well. Now I need to get busy and call Jim Bridges and Richard Longbow.”

  They each went to their own work area. Hannah called Jim first and was pleased that he agreed to come for a visit and talk about making the move. It would be another week before he could make the trip, but he’d keep in touch. Richard hesitated and finally said he’d try coming back.

  “I’ve been gone well over a year now and I do look different. Too, I was using an assumed name when I was undercover. I doubt anyone who did this to me will remember me. I’d love to come work with you. Give me directions and I’ll be there day after tomorrow.”

  Hannah was overjoyed and jumped up to tell Victoria and Herb.

  “That means we’ll have to look for another place seriously,” Victoria was thrilled. “When can we start?”

  “Herb, I want you to have a say in this. Why don’t I call Jane at the real estate office and ask her if she’ll be kind enough to bring books and information here to our office. We can all select some places and then check them out.”

  Jane Goodson was happy to accommodate them and said she would bring books and information over that very afternoon. Her son, Ben, came with her to carry the books. She had some suggestions without realizing how much Hannah’s office might need to expand.

  Herb, Hannah and Victoria spent a long time looking and discussing. Jane finally realized they wanted a much bigger place.

  “Will you need something that large?” she asked puzzled.

  “Oh, yes,” Hannah replied. “I’m preparing to hire two more and Victoria is almost ready to come in with us. I’ll need space for at least six offices plus a receptionist area.”

  “Good grief. I had no idea you were doing so well.”

  “We’ve been so blessed that word of mouth has brought us so many clients.”

  The three finally selected three possible locations and said they would look and consider them.

  “I feel I need them all on the first floor to accommodate the people who might not be able to climb the stairs.” Hannah explained.

  “This building has an elevator,” Ben pointed out to them.

  “That’s good, but what if there is an electrical storm and the power goes off? Or what if some sick person decides to start a fire and people are trapped on the second floor?” Hannah asked thoughtfully.

  Jane laughed. “My goodness. We can’t live with what ifs. Life is too short to expect the worst which might never happen.”

  “I know, but you don’t know what threats we’ve had to face and what dangers we’ve had to work with,” Herb explained. “I agree. We need to be on one floor.”

  Jan gave a short, embarrassed laugh. “Okay, when do you want to look at the three you’ve selected?”

  The three looked at each other. “Would tomorrow morning be satisfactory with you?” Hannah asked.

  “I’ll make the time for you. Shall we say ten o’clock?”

  “Good. We’ll meet you at your office at ten.”

  “I’ll take my van. It will be easier for all of us since I know where we’re going,” Jane stated.

  They looked at all three buildings, but only one came close to what they wanted.

  “There are new buildings going up on the other side of town, but they won’t be ready for several weeks.” Jane informed them.

  “Is it possible to see what has been completed and maybe ask for something to be included?” Hannah asked.

  “There’s only one way to find out,” Ben grinned.

  They drove about three miles farther and came upon a huge building complex that was partially completed. Ben asked permission to look through some that had interior walls up. The foreman said they could if they would all wear hard hats and stay with him. Of course they agreed.

  “I love this view,” Hannah and Victoria exclaimed as one and then laughed.

  “It doesn’t look as if there’s but four or five rooms in this unit. Would it be possible for three more rooms to be included in this corner unit?” Hannah asked hopefully.

  “Oh, lady. Are you sure you could afford that?”

  “I would want it inspected now to be sure all building codes
are being followed,” Herb said.

  The foreman looked angry and then settled. He took out a notepad and started figuring. He showed them the final total. “But the Armstrong Co., who owns this project, would have to agree first.”

  They thanked him and left. “Now that I know what you really want, I’ll keep an eye out for you,” Jane assured them as she took them back to their office.

  “Thank you Jane, and Ben. We appreciate your interest.”

  Back in the office the three excitedly talked about what they could do with an office that size and in that great location.

  The next day Victoria was alone because Herb and Hannah were both out on cases. She looked up to see who had come in and knew immediately who it was.

  “I bet you’re Richard Longbow.” she said rising to greet him.

  “Now how did you guess that, little lady?” he laughed.

  “You’re all Hannah has been talking about. We have looked forward to seeing you and hopefully having you join us. I’m Victoria Stallard, receptionist, bookkeeper, jack of all trades and have been attending night classes at college to achieve my goal of becoming a detective.”

  “That’s great. How close are you to your goal?”

  “At the end of this semester.” She proceeded to tell him about the search for a larger office space and possibly hiring Mrs. Harkins. Richard was suitably impressed with the growth of the business and remembered Mrs. Harkins.

  Victoria looked at her watch. “It’s lunch time and I’m starved. Would you like to join me for lunch and wait for Hannah to come in?”

  “I would love to join you. Shall I drive?”

  “No. We can walk a few doors down. The food is simple, but good and the prices are more than reasonable.”

  “Well, I’ll gladly buy you lunch, little lady. Are you sure you can walk?” he asked worriedly looking at her brace.

  “Oh, yes. I have no trouble that short distance. The agency will pay for our lunch since you are a guest today.”

  They walked down to the Tasty Bit Diner and had a delicious lunch. They talked and laughed, each telling of their childhood and education. Richard was astonished that they had sat for two hours. Victoria jumped up declaring she had stayed too long and must get back. They walked into the office to find Herb there.

  Victoria introduced the two men. Even though Richard was a good six feet, he looked up at Herb. “Brother, you’re in the right business,” Richard laughed.

  Herb explained that he was on the city force and what had happened to his pregnant wife. He told how Hannah had literally whipped him into shape and stood by him.

  The more I hear of her, the more I think I might like working here. Too, I need to notify the Chief and the Sheriff before I do anything. Even though I’ve been dismissed from the force, they might want to use me for something else.”

  Victoria gave a cry of alarm. “No, they can’t have you.”

  “I have no choice,” he laughed. “I must contact them first and discuss this with them. I’m sure Hannah will understand.”

  “Hannah will understand what?” Hannah spoke behind them. “Richard!”

  She ran to hug him. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Yes,” Victoria interrupted, “but tell her what you just now told me.”

  Richard informed Hannah of his responsibilities.

  “I understand. You’re right, of course. I just hope and pray they’ll let you join with us. I need you badly. I need someone and I’d like it to be you.”

  “I’ll do the best I can to explain to them. Thank you, Hannah. Victoria, I’m sincerely glad I met you. Yes, I hope to be working with you. Right now I’m standing at the corner of Ignorance and Bliss. It will take time to determine my future. See you ladies later.”

  Victoria was charmed with Richard and laughed at his sense of humor.

  Herb came in and Victoria could hardly wait to tell him about meeting Richard.

  Just before closing, Richard came sauntering in with a big grin on his face. They all rushed to hear what he had to say, but first he had to meet Herb.

  “Well,” Victoria spluttered, “how much longer must I wait to hear your news?”

  “What news?” he asked, teasing her.

  “Grrr!” She rushed toward him.

  He pretended to be frightened. “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you.”

  “What did they say?” Hannah could hardly wait.

  He grinned. “I think they were glad to get rid of me.”

  A cheer went up from Hannah, Herb and Victoria.

  They closed and went out together for a celebration dinner.

  “Richard, where are you staying?”

  “I’m checked in to the Dew Drop Inn for an indeterminate amount of time.”

  “Oh, no,” Herb stated. “That’s too expensive. Come stay with me until you get settled.”

  “Or you can stay with me,” Hannah offered. “I have a guest room.”

  “Let us men stay together and I’ll bring Richard up-to-date on some of our cases, especially the outstanding ones.”

  The next day Hannah called the foreman of the construction site and asked him when the building would be completed.

  “You are giving me a bonus to finish your area, even though the boss doesn’t know about it. He would tear my hide off me for concentrating on one.”

  “I’m truly sorry. But we do need the space like yesterday.”

  “Ma’am, I’m doing my best. If the weather holds up we should be ready for you in a week.”

  “Whoopee! I’ll love you forever. That will put us in around the third of January.”

  “Yep. If all goes well. Gotta get back to work.”

  He hung up before she could express her thanks.

  She hurried to tell the others. Richard was sitting in Herb’s office going through files. They were all thrilled.

  “Can we select the paint and carpeting?” Victoria questioned.

  “I don’t see why not. I like what we have here.” They all agreed with her.

  “Okay. I’ll drive over tomorrow and inform the foreman what we want. Richard wouldn’t you like to ride with me and get an idea of what I have in mind?”

  “Nothing would give me greater pleasure, my lady,” he gave a courtly bow.

  The foreman accepted her ideas, as well he should since she was paying for them. Richard was impressed with the location, the view and the size of their offices. They could see the Atlantic Ocean and were facing elite houses that were far too expensive.

  Hannah went by two grocery stores and collected big and medium boxes.

  “As we pack, take a magic marker and write on it whose office it is and what the contents are. That way we won’t have to be hunting.”

  As Christmas drew near Victoria wanted to decorate the offices, but agreed to just decorate the front windows.

  “There’s enough to take down without Christmas decorations,” Herb reasoned. “How soon can we select our office?”

  “The day before we move in,” Hannah assured him. “I have to buy furniture for Richard and others. I’ll really be busy.”

  “Hannah, did you ask Mrs. Harkins to come in with us? Two more weeks and I’ll be ready for my own office.” Victoria bragged.

  “You have to get your license first. I carry liability insurance on all of us. That reminds me, I’ll need to talk to my insurance agent about the new offices and there’ll be loads more furniture.”

  Mrs. Harkins had already retired, so Hannah visited her at home.

  “Hannah, how delightful. Would you believe I’m getting bored?” Mrs. H. laughed.

  “Knowing you and how industrious you are, I can believe it. There is just so much housework for one person. Too, you’re accustomed to seeing dozens of people around you and now it’s very quiet.”

  “At first I loved that. Quiet. Now I find that I’m talking to myself. I even took up sewing quilts again,” she laughed.

  Hannah talked for a few minutes and drank the delicious pepper
mint tea.

  “I really came to offer you a job.”

  “A job! I just left a good job.”

  “Mrs. Harkins, I need you badly. I’m moving my offices to a larger area and will have more staff. Victoria has completed her training and is ready to begin work as a detective. By the way, she has her braces off now and is shouting jubilee.”

  “Oh, the dear girl. I am happy for her. She has suffered so much so far away from family and so young.”

  “I’m happy to say we’re like family in my office,” Hannah said. “We really care about each other and are there for each other at any time. You’ll love the new men coming in with me, at least one is and I’ll know about the second one this week.”

  “What is it you need me to do?”

  “Just what you’ve been doing, but with less stress and pressure. I need a person to answer the phone, take messages, meet people and help keep my appointments straight. I’ll have a bookkeeper, so you won’t have any demanding work to do.”

  “Let me think about it, Hannah. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather work with than you. I’ve looked forward to my retirement, but now I’m getting bored. I sing in the church choir and do volunteer work at the church home for abused women and children. I’m not old, by any means, but neither am I a spring chicken. I don’t want to stretch myself so much that I don’t enjoy any of it.”

  Hannah thanked her, gave her a big hug and hurried back to the office. She had two cases she wanted to wind up before the week was out.

  Hannah walked into the office and was shocked.

  Chapter Nineteen

  She was picked up and swung around. “Jim Bridges! You Neanderthal. What do you think you’re doing? Put me down.”

  Laughing with everyone else in the office, he gently stood her beside him.

  “I’m so glad to see you. Please tell me that you’re going to stay and be part of our staff.”

  “I’m seriously considering it. I’d have to pass the state bar and be licensed to work in this state. My record is clean though and I don’t think I’d have any trouble.”


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