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Home for the Weekend

Page 4

by Ryan, Nicole

  I looked around at the shelves that lined the tops of the walls; there were pictures of Jesse at what looked like school plays everywhere, in different costumes, poses and stages. They were framed, and had playbooks next to them, there were several plaques that I couldn’t read, some had stallions on them and I assumed they were trophies, they gleamed proudly from their spots above the room, hinting at the boy who used to live here.

  I brushed my damp curls and listened as Jesse turned the shower off, when he opened the door he had his towel wrapped around his lean hips, and he stood in the doorway and stared at me with a handsome smile. The appealing aroma of his shower swirled about the room, flirting with my senses, and he turned the bathroom light off before crossing the room to the far side of the bed. I watched him carefully in the mirror, his eyes never left mine. I bit my lower lip and smiled at my reflection in the mirror. Shouldn’t have taken my makeup off yet. I couldn’t help but think.

  Jesse removed the towel from his waist and held it out to his side, looking at me quizzically. I lifted an eyebrow at him through the mirror, his golden skin shone in the soft light. He did the same, turning his head slightly to the side, and then he took a step toward me. I glanced down as his cock, and watched as it slowly thickened. I stood up from the small vanity chair and held my hands in front of me.

  “No way.” I said quietly, smiling hugely at him as his hands pulled at the lavender silk robe I wore, the belt making a soft whooshing sound as he pulled it free. “What if your parents hear?”

  “They won’t hear anything.” He assured with a boyish grin. “They’re downstairs and across the house.” He said, bringing his lips to my neck, and slipping his hand along the inside of my thighs.

  Jesse trailed his fingers up torturously slow, sliding the silky material of my night gown up my creamy thighs. He slid his middle finger along my swollen clit and I sighed as he began massaging my labia with his other fingers. He pulled the robe from my shoulders and let it slip to the floor at our feet, as he pressed me back until my back rested against the mirror, and I was sitting on the edge of the small vanity table. He slid my slip over my head and tossed it away before he trailed kisses across my breasts and looked down at my pussy.

  “I’m glad you didn’t put panties on.” He said as he dragged his hands down the side of my thighs, where they met my labia. “There should be a law against panties.” He said as he slid his hot tongue along my clit, massaging the sides of my thighs with his thumbs.

  I jumped at the sudden contact, and as he slithered his tongue inside of me, I had to dig my hand into his thick nest of hair that had been calling to me for so long. I looked down at him as he worked me over, and again, it was almost violent, the way he extracted my orgasm from my body.

  “Oh fuck…” I sighed, closing my eyes as Jesse stood, his huge dick brandished in his right fist.

  He slid his thick head along my sensitive pussy, and I pulled my knees closer to my ears as I stared at him circling my clit with his swollen head, my left hand grasped the top of the oval shaped mirror behind me and I watched as he slowly eased into me, stretching me, his gorgeous features aglow in the soft light. Delicious tingles sparked along my skin, and curled my toes as he moved within me, his hot thick head warmed me to my core, melted my frustrations, and fears. Chased them away like a warm shot of whiskey.

  Jesse began to move faster, and I braced myself as best as I could with my toes on the corners of the desk, my knees spread wide as he held them apart with his hands, his abs rippled and flexed with his thrusts, and I reached out to run my nails down them just as I came, and scratched him harder than intended. He growled and wrapped his hand behind my neck clasping it and hauling me up to his face, kissing me savagely as he drilled into me, sending the desk and mirror knocking into the wall behind it. I cried out around his mouth and squeezed his shoulder, wrapping my legs around him, my ankles pressed to his firm ass, urging him deeper.

  His hand was fisted in my hair at the nape of my neck now and I licked at his lip as I gazed at him. “Oh, Please.” I whispered, squirming to stay on the desk, gripping his shoulders for dear life.

  “Please what?” He ground out, searching my eyes.

  “Please make me come again.” I said softly, and he crushed his mouth to mine, seeking my clit out with his fingers and circling it gently as he thrust into me.

  The small bottles on the vanity rattled and something crashed to the floor as the desk repeatedly hit the wall with the force of Jesse’s thrusts, I was like a monkey clinging to him, barely even on the desk now, and I came again just as I felt his thick spurts filling me.

  The moment was quickly ended when three hard pounds came from the wall behind us. My eyes snapped open and I looked at Jesse as his eyes widened in confusion.

  “Shit.” He said, still hard inside of me.

  “Who is that?” I asked frantically, still panting from our exertions, feeling myself wanting him again already.

  “My brother.”

  “I thought he wasn’t going to be here?” I asked, putting my hand over my mouth.

  “I thought so too.” He slipped out of me, and began to put on a pair of pajama pants. “Better get something on.” He said to me.

  I hurried to my bag and pulled on my old Nirvana shirt and a pair of sweat pants just as someone knocked on the bedroom door. Jesse went to it and looked back at me to be sure I was dressed before opening it.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Jesse’s brother said standing in the doorway, he looked exactly like Jesse, but was a few years older maybe thirty three or four, and of broader build than Jesse was.

  “Come on man.” Jesse said scratching the back of his head and nodding at me.

  His brother peered around the corner and his eyes widened. “Oh, I’m sorry darlin’ I’m Beau.” He said stepping in and holding his hand out to me.

  “Chastity.” I said, clasping my hands behind my back, and the irony was not lost on any of us. My cheeks flared and the burning even crept over my ears as I stared down at the floor, before my eyes bounced to my pack of smokes on the dresser.

  “Nice to meet you. You could probably use a cigarette I’m betting.” He said to Jesse as he clapped him on the arm and left the room.


  Soft kisses trailed from behind my ear, down to my shoulder. Jesse’s strong arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly against his front as I stretched and tried to pull myself from the recesses of sleep.

  “Are you awake beautiful?” He asked, nearly silent.

  “Yes. What time is it?” It was still dark in the room.

  “Before sunrise.” He climbed from the bed and popped me on my ass. “Come on get up.”

  I groaned, and pouted as I forced myself to sit up, my hair a tangled mop on my head. Jesse was in the bathroom, the water was running and I checked my cell phone. There were several text asking where I was, and why I hadn’t answered the phone from Anessa and a couple from Ian. I text them back quickly, letting them know I was fine but in an area with poor cell phone reception.

  “Ready?” Jesse asked me after coming back into the room.

  “I guess so.” I said, “Where are we going?”

  “Just put some jeans on. It’s a surprise.”

  I did as he said, and we made our way downstairs and across the dark, quiet farmhouse. I hadn’t noticed how homey it was last night. There were family photos everywhere, wedding pictures from the eighties, first birthday pictures… pictures of fishing trips and more than I could count of the boys at various ages sitting atop horses with little cowboy hats on their heads.

  Jesse held my hand as he took me around the back of the house, and toward a large red bard with black trim. He unhooked the latch, and used his body weight to push the large sliding door to the right. It opened slowly revealing a large, open space, with high ceilings and straw on the dirt floors, there were horse stalls lining the sides of the barn, and probably more than ten horses who stared at us as we walke
d past them, to the far end of the barn. The smell of the straw, and the horses rose up into my nostrils, it was almost invigorating to my senses. We stopped in front of a large black stallion, his mane hung between his endless black eyes.

  “This is Eddy.” Jesse said as he opened the stall half door, and stepped up to the magnificent creature, and stroked the horse lovingly. His features lit up like Christmas lights, his eyes twinkled with caring as he gazed at this horse, and I felt my stomach flutter.

  “He’s beautiful.” I breathed, marveling at his sleek shiny coat. “Can I touch him?”

  “Yeah, of course. He’s the sweetest horse you’ll ever meet.” He said smiling down at me before turning and walking to the back of the stall.

  “Hello Eddy.” I said quietly.

  I stared up into his black eyes, he was returning my stare, and it almost seemed as if he understood the words I said. I stepped closer to him, his breathing was soft and even, powerful. I couldn’t stop my hand from rising and resting on his side, the rise and fall was calming, and I leaned forward to place my cheek against his firm shoulder. He was warm and firm, air whooshed from his nostrils and he turned his head slightly down and to the side to peer back at me. I smiled at him and stroked my hands down the length of him as I walked around to where Jesse was crouched, picking at Eddy’s hooves.

  “Would you grab that other hoof pick and give me a hand?” Jesse asked, he’s placed a light, cream colored cowboy hat on top of his head, and it took me back for a moment when he looked up at him, his light eyes shadowed by the brim of the hat. I suddenly understood the cowboy fixation some of my girlfriends had.

  “Um, yeah, this?” I asked holding what looked like a dental device with an extra thick handle. It was red and black with a thick brush on one side and a metal hooked rod on the other.

  “Yep. Come here, I’ll show you.” He said, reaching for my hand.

  “Just lift back gently, like this…with the natural bend of the knee.” He said, glancing at me from under his cowboy hat again. “Take that pick there and scrape the muck out.”

  He grinned down at me, his hands propped on his slightly bent knees, and I struggled to keep hold of Eddy’s hoof while picking at it.

  “Is this okay? It doesn’t hurt him, right?” I asked.

  “He’ll let you know if you hurt him.” He chuckled and winked at me. “There that’s good, see that V shape there? He’s ready to go. Will you put that blanket on his back for me?”

  I did, smoothing it carefully so there were no folds on his back. Jesse lifted a large dark saddle from a hook on the wall, and placed it over the blanket before securing it in place. He stuck the toe of his boot into the stirrup and in one quick fluid motion was atop Eddy, holding his hand down to me.

  “I’ve never rode a horse before.” I said nervously, glancing at Eddy, searching for signs of annoyance, but he only stood there peaceful, majestic.

  “Really? Could have fooled me.” Jesse teased and I rolled my eyes at him before lifting my foot to the stirrup.

  Jesse grasped my hand. “Now grab this,” he said and tapped the knob between his knees, “and pull yourself up with it and your foot.”

  After a couple of failed wobbly attempts, I finally got the feel of the sag of the stirrup, and found my balance. When I was sitting in front of Jesse, on top of Eddy I was much higher than I’d anticipated, and I couldn’t help the Cheshire cat grin that split my face. Jesse planted a kiss on the back of my neck, and brushed Eddy’s sides with his heel gently. Without hesitation Eddy began a slow walk from his stall, and right out of the barn. It felt exactly how I imagined sitting on a pair of large sashaying hips might feel, and I laughed looking back at Jesse in excitement.

  “This is so much fun!” I cried laughing loudly.

  “I’m glad you like it. Never know with a city girl.” He wrapped his arms tighter around my waist.

  The sky was beginning to pale with the first light as we ascended a grass covered hill, Eddy was in a slow trot now, and I had to squeeze my thighs a bit to keep myself from bouncing around like a bobble head. When we reached the top of the hill Jesse walked Eddy to one of the smaller evergreen trees, and swung his leather ropes around one of the bottom branches. He patted him, and reached into one of the saddlebags to grab a handful of something, which Eddy nibbled quickly, before returning to me with the blanket and a thermos. I grinned at him, and thought I actually felt the sensation of my heart swelling.

  “Come on now, don’t look at me like that, I’ll feel like a sappy jack ass.” He said, and I laughed loudly before curling up next to him on the blanket.

  “Is that coffee?” I asked raising my eyebrows.

  “I got you out of bed before the sun came up, what do you think?” He grinned as he waved the steaming tin cup under my nose teasingly before handing it to me.

  “Thank you.” I sipped the hot black coffee, and while I always had cream and two sugars, something about drinking this thick black coffee, after my first time riding a horse, with this wonderfully refreshing country boy, in this magical forest… was enchanting.

  I could smell the damp grass beneath us, the songs of the early birds were chipper and happy, and the sky was turning a pretty purple color in the distance.

  “I really like you Chastity.” Jesse said close to my ear, pulling me tight against his chest as I sat between his legs.

  “I really like you too Jesse James.” I smiled.

  Jesse slid his hand over the base of my throat, and tucked his fingers into the collar of my sweater. He traces light circles on my skin as the sun rose slowly over the horizon, down in the valley I could see Jesse’s home, it was large, yellow with white trim and large picture windows. Several horse corrals were surrounding the home, made of a dark wood, it was definitely hand made, and I knew it had to have been Jesse and Beau who’d helped their daddy build that fence. Tears flooded my eyes, and my chin wobbled, Jesse’s hand turned my chin to him and he looked deep into my eyes. I averted them so I didn’t have to see the concern in his eyes.

  “What is it?” He asked softly, stroking my jaw with his thumb.

  I miss my daddy; I want him to sweep me into his arms and spin me in a circle and call me his little girl, just once more.

  I wiped the tears from my cheeks, “It’s been a long time since I’ve been around a real family. And no one has ever done something so nice for me, it’s kind of romantic.”

  “I hope so, I sure planned it that way.” He winked as he slid his thumb along the tender flesh below my eye, wiping away a lingering tear.

  I twisted around, and straddled Jesse, taking his face into my hands and kissing him gently on the lips as he slid his hands up my thighs. His hand slid up the back of my sweater, cool against my warm back, he splayed his long fingers out and they nearly spanned the width of my back as he fluidly rolled us so that he was laying over me. I gazed up at him, the paling sky lighting behind his beautiful features as he lifted my sweater to reveal my breasts and took one into his mouth, and then the other before trailing kisses down my stomach and undoing my jeans.

  I lifted my hips as he tugged the tight material down, taking my panties with them. Jesse came back up to kiss my lips, and I could smell the leather, dust, and sweat of his cowboy hat. I inhaled deeply, intoxicated by all that was Jesse James. His soft lips molded mine to his and separated them, sliding his tongue along the roof of my mouth before sucking on my bottom lip, I let out a soft moan as I felt myself growing wet from the slightest of touches. He twisted my nipples under my sweater, and cupped my breast, massaging me ever so gently until I was arching into his palm. I felt Jesse press the head of his cock into me slowly as he scooped me into his strong arms, wrapping me up against his chest, like something small and fragile that must be protected.

  I kissed his chest as he began to pick up his pace, and slid my tongue up, tasting his salty skin and kissing his collarbone, his Addams apple. He dipped his head to me, and I captured his lips in mine once more, he slid his hands d
own my body, gently rocking me with his firm, slow thrusts. I slid my hands along his rippling sides, and gripped his back, wrapping my legs around him and lifting my hips to take him deeper. He grunted appreciatively and trailed kisses along my neck, and shoulder, slamming into me slowly, each thrust reaching that deep, intense part of my pussy that ached to be felt, but had never been satisfied with anyone before.

  I rocked my hips, grinding my clit against his trimmed nest of curls, meeting each of his thrusts; my hair was in the damp grass, the smell of the earth ticking my senses, the morning was alight with sunshine and the birds were singing loudly now. Jesse took my face into his hands and looked into my eyes, kissing me softly as he carried me over the edge. I cried out as my pussy contracted around him, and buried my face into his shoulder, panting with my convulsions as he spilled his hot juice inside of me.


  After bringing Eddy to one of the side corrals with a smaller brown mare, Jesse and I stepped onto the large porch, and opened the door to be greeted by laughter, the smell of bacon, and enthusiastic chatter.

  “Mom made breakfast.” Jesse called, she poked her head around the corner, her hair swept into a pony tail, and I noticed in the daylight how young and attractive she still was. She wore a cream apron with roses all over it, and beamed at us as we walked the length of the house to the kitchen.

  “Where have you two been I thought you were still upstairs sleeping?” She said with a look of confusion on her face, the spatula frozen in her hand as Jesse planted a soft kiss on her cheek and snagged a piece of bacon from the plate beside a cast iron skillet. “Hey now. Wait til it’s served.” She said swatting at him with the spatula.

  “We went for a ride.” He said around the bacon, sitting next to Beau who lifted his eyebrows at Jesse, and Jesse socked his shoulder solidly with a warning glance at their mother.


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