Slavery 2030

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Slavery 2030 Page 4

by Mark Andrews

  The males particularly looked quite startling for, except for the younger ones, all had had at least a smattering of hair on their chests and bodies. But whether male or female, it was their genital area that everyone stared at for this is the first place that hairiness occurs at puberty and every one of them had had some hair down there. Not now. Not ever again! Every single one of them was now stark naked and his or her genitals were now totally open and on show without even their pubic hair to mask or hide them.

  On the boys, their cocks and balls poked obscenely out from their lower groins while the girls vaginal lips were just as prominently displayed - to their renewed shame and humiliation.

  The visitors stared in awe - and in lecherous pleasure at the sight of the mostly athletic bodies of these new slaves and every one of them ached to be able to buy one or more of these beauties - especially Debra and/or the boy immediately behind her.

  For her part, Debra suffered these two treatments with a new detachment. She decided that things were now going to be pretty dreadful for her over the next five years and if she was to get through those nearly two thousand days, she was going to have to build up a defence mechanism to protect her mind from the ravages of her slavery. One of them she had already cottoned on to: the ability to sublimate the present horror by focusing on the pleasing body of one of the nearby male slaves.

  She now used her handsome partner’s body shamelessly in this regard, dreaming up more and more salacious scenarios so that her conscious mind was occupied with them rather than the men and women who crowded in to stare at her lovely body in all its new nakedness.

  In this way, as she stared at the boy’s newly naked groin, she thought how wonderful his penis looked now that it was free of all those wiry dark hairs that had formerly surrounded it - and his testicles looked nice too. How wonderful it would be to lie next to him, she thought, to stroke his velvet smooth flesh and feel the play of all those athletic muscles ...

  What she didn’t realise was that he was doing exactly the same thing to and about her! Robert, for that was his name, admired athleticism in a girl and he thought Debra was about the most beautifully athletic girl he had ever seen. Now that her admittedly already neatly trimmed pubic hair was gone, he thought her new nakedness capped off her supreme beauty perfectly. He liked a girl’s vulva to be almost totally hidden - and in Debra’s case, it was. Her mound was almost non-existent and the vaginal opening was a mere slit - almost invisible, in fact and he ached to be able to reach out and touch it. He wouldn’t, for although he was a car thief (for he loved fast cars) with repeated convictions to his name, he was of the same (former) class as Debra and he would never touch a girl intimately without her invitation.

  He also wanted to kiss her, to hold her close and to soothe the ravages he saw in her lovely face. He was aware that the process they were going though was designed to bring them down very quickly - to make them understand in a few short hours that they were now slaves for the period of their sentences and as such were no longer to be considered as human beings but he still wanted to take Debra and to protect her from all this horror.

  He couldn’t, of course. He couldn’t even reach out and touch her with his fingertips. Apart from that one time when their bodies had touched - and they had both felt that electric thrill, he hadn’t been near enough to her to achieve such an intimacy, but oh how he wanted to ...

  So did she. As it was, they could look and smile at each other - and that was it. Anyway, shortly they would both be put on the block and sold and that would be it. They would never see one another again. Better to forget him, she thought. But still she couldn’t take her eyes off his handsome face and beautiful body, now totally and wonderfully naked of even the smattering of chest and belly (and pubic) hair that he had previously sported on his body.

  But now it was time for their medical examinations.

  These, like every other process in the Centre, were open to those visitors who had bought tickets to this ‘show’ and they all lined up against the rope separating them from the doctors’ area. In this part, there was a row of five gynaecological-type chairs and beside them, five rather strange-looking exercise bikes. The five medical officers who came each Saturday to process each batch of new slaves stood beside his or her chair, waiting for the newly cleaned and depilated slaves to move into the clinic.

  They were lined up against the back wall on a low, narrow dais a foot above the floor area and the five MO’s now moved up the line, each selecting a boy, girl, man or woman as his first ‘victim’.

  Victim is the right word here for these were no normal medical examinations ... Oh they examined them properly for disease and fitness but they went much further than that. They were excessively intrusive and were intentionally degrading.

  Naturally, since the five MO’s had their choices of the new slaves, the prettiest girls and most handsome boys were selected first. This meant that Debra and Robert were among the first five and ended up next to one another again. Their respective MO’s gestured to the chairs and, now looking distinctly worried, the pair of them sat themselves down on the strange-looking seats and had to submit to having their ankles and wrists locked into manacles at strategic locations in the four corners.

  For these weren’t really gynaecological chairs at all. They resembled them a little but they went much further than the female examination chairs they looked like. The manacles in each corner were actually on arms that could detach themselves from the body of the chair and move in any direction at a voice command from the doctor. Further, the seat of the chair was hinged in two places and could thrust the body of its occupant into almost any desired shape or position, again at a special voice command from the doctor.

  The doctors first made the usual examination of heart and lung functions and extracted blood samples that would be used to make more detailed tests. But then each of the MO’s began to touch their respective ‘patients’ in an obviously salacious manner, allowing their fingers to feel a girl’s breast and now naked vagina or if the slave was male, to feel and fondle his cock and balls while the other hand slid over his shapely muscles.

  The audience looked on in sexual excitement at this but then the doctors began to order the chairs to assume different shapes, stretching the victims into bows or bending them double or forcing their limbs into weird contortions, to expose their anuses, for example, and now began to use various instruments to poke into their mouths (and down their throats as they struggled in pain and severe discomfort at the intrusion), their vaginas (or in the boys’ case up their penises) and of course their anal sphincters, pushing bigger and bigger tubes and other examining devices into their bodies while the slaves screamed and groaned and their bodies twisted and writhed in their pain.

  After he had finished with the normal part of his examination, Debra watched her MO, a severe-looking man in his forties, pick up a tube-like instrument and approach her. “Open your mouth, slave,” he said, his face gloating as he stared down at her naked beauty now stretched out on the table beside him.

  She did. She knew it was pointless to object as it would only bring more pain for one of the MO’s had demonstrated a horrible pain-gun on Robert, grinning as he pointed it towards the young man’s groin and squeezing the trigger. There was no sound and no laser-type ray. There was just Robert’s horrible scream and then he doubled over, clutching at his balls as he hopped around in obvious agony. The message was clear. Obey these fiends or each of you will receive the same.

  She opened her mouth and, without even using a deadening spray, the doctor fed the tube into it and down her throat while she gagged and struggled on the table, every muscle in her fine body now in full tension and standing out from her flesh in stark relief. He wasn’t considerate of her however - she was only a slave. An animal he was examining ...

  He looked into her stomach for a few minutes and then withdrew the tube, leaving her
throat ravaged by the instrument. It was to get worse. Now he started on her vagina, pushing one after the other of a series of horrible things into her, opening her vulva wide and talking to the men and women near him about how much of a sex slut she had obviously been. It was all quite untrue of course. She had been anything but that, but he didn’t care - and each of the other doctors was telling his audience much the same. It was all very unfair but who cared about fair? The aim was to shame these slaves and instantly turn them into obedient and tractable objects that would serve their new Master well.

  He used spreaders of various kinds to stretch her vaginal lips wide open to expose the inner lips and the vaginal orifice and each time he opened it he masturbated her clitoris, inviting his audience to note how sluttish she was as her body reacted to his ministrations. In between these attacks, he probed deep into her body with more of the tube-like instruments but he also used his hands to feel and fondle her, all very openly and with clear salacious intent. She must understand that she no longer had any right to privacy and that her body was now the property of the state - and shortly that of whoever bought her. If men and women wished to feel and fondle her, either in private or in public view, she had to stand and accept it.

  This part of the examination concluded with him drawing her ankles up and out wide to expose her anus and then he began to push more of his horrible instruments up there, gauging her resilience (he told his audience) and then pronouncing (while winking at them) that it was definitely loose, proving she was as much an anal slut as a vaginal one for it was clear countless cocks had ravaged her rear opening on a daily basis.

  Debra steeled herself. She knew it wasn’t true of course and she now realised what he was up to. She simply set her face in a half smile and wouldn’t allow herself to be drawn by his taunts and gibes.

  For his part, the MO was highly impressed with her body and, for that matter, with her attitude. He recognised she was not only a superbly fit and beautiful girl, but she also had the wit to withstand his attempts to unnerve her.

  Very well, they would proceed to the exercise machine. Let us see, he thought, if she can outlast its trials ...

  Chapter 3

  By 2030, printed newspapers had disappeared. They had been replaced by a vastly more sophisticated version of the Internet, coupled with a disappearance of the old personal computer, both former systems evolving into wall screens built into every house and office and now controlled by voice commands.

  James Hardwick, owner of the London Tigers Female Soccer Club was always on the lookout for likely new prospects for his very successful club. It was so successful principally because he did what he was doing now, looking over the ‘newspaper’ pages devoted to crime and the making of new slaves.

  It will be remembered that he was one of those who had advocated this new form of slavery, admittedly with self interest but he had certainly hit the button when it came to a success story, for the government, not to mention the people at large, delighted in the results.

  The government, because they were now making a nice profit out of crime instead of the huge drain on the Treasury that the sub-division’s jails had formerly cost; and the people for the provision of sports slaves (all of whom performed stark naked on the field), their appearance on the streets as general labour and finally, their development for use as domestic slaves for personal use.

  James made a daily practice of looking over the crime pages and had quickly discovered Debra Pellman. There was an item on her trial and of course her ritual stripping (and the caning that followed it) after the guilty verdict had been delivered and he had then sought out the pages on her arrival at the watch house. He had quickly decided she was, at least potentially, a perfect candidate for his team.

  It mattered little whether she had any skill as a footballer - as long as she had the physique and coordination required of any sports star, his trainers should soon be able to impart the expertise required. In this regard, he was mindful that sports slaves, as opposed to those who played for pleasure, or even professionally, could be forced into so rigorous a training regime, that, when coupled with the ‘carrot and stick’ technique, forged sportsmen and women who were now vastly more competent, faster and stronger than human beings had ever been before.

  As a result, he made it his business to go down to the Assessment Centre to look her over and as he strolled along the gallery, watching her lithe and athletic body pass through each of her initiatory trials (for he had paid for each of them), he knew he had to have her. Because he was partnered with her, James’ eye also caught young Robert, the so handsome boy who had unknowingly allowed Debra to cope with the worst of her trials.

  He looked him over with more interest now. James firmly believed in the carrot and stick. Firm discipline, backed up by the stick, was absolutely essential for the development of a successful sports slave, but reward for good work was just as effective, he believed and among a number of rewards he offered was a couple of hours of ‘free love’ on a real bed with a soft satin sheet fitted to it, as opposed to the hard wooden beds in the slave dormitory.

  There were other incentives: a real meal instead of the daily fare of ‘porridge’, a few hours out in the city instead of the ceaseless daily grind of exercise and football skill training that took up every single minute of the waking hours.

  Yes, this boy was so handsome he might indeed be a perfect replacement for young Peter who had passed his prime and was going to be sold on, possibly as a ‘domestic’ to some old harridan who would use him in her bed more often than as a real household servant.

  Robert, though, was by far the most handsome boy he had seen in a long time and while he knew he would cost him dearly, money was no object when it came to his team. His income was dependent on continuing his winning streak and that was in turn contingent on how successfully he trained the girls. Proper diet, strength, agility and endurance, knowledge of the game and its strategies and quick-wittedness were all prerequisites for these and he made as sure as he could that every single girl in his stable possessed them all.

  The porridge they were fed twice a day might have seemed unappetising but it contained every single ingredient for the betterment of the human physique - and none of the nasties. Sugar and fats were there, but only in exactly the right quantities to ensure they had the energy they needed to perform.

  The daily grind of exercises, with and without weights and on other equipment, built their strength and endurance and the routines their trainers put them through on the field built their agility while enhancing their kicking and other football skills.

  But James also knew that a girl’s sex drive, if properly harnessed, could be used to his advantage. Unbridled sex could lead to dissoluteness and lethargy, but kept in check with a handsome naked boy on constant show before them to tempt them and made available for special aptitude and application, it could seriously add to his girls’ effectuality on the field.

  Now, as he watched Debra suffer the very intrusive and degrading medical examination, he decided that he had to have her. He kept an eye on Robert too and found, for the first time in his life, that a boy’s body actually inflamed him a little. He was shocked; up to that point he had never had a homosexual thought in his life but it was only a fleeting notion, for he was vastly more interested in the girl than this boy.

  He watched now as the MO concluded his examination and gestured curtly to her to get up off the table and move over to the exercise machine. James was crucially interested in the results this machine would deliver for strength and endurance were absolute requirements for his girls.

  The exercise bikes were modelled on similar machines found in many homes in the latter part of the twentieth century except they had more parts to them than those earlier models.

  Oh they certainly had the rear wheel driven by the pedals but there was more. There was also a front wheel driven by another chain th
at came down from a cog attached to handles above and in front of her head. These she had to turn with her hands at the same time as pedalling with her feet.

  Then there were the two dildos. These replaced the saddles on the more standard form of the exercise bike. Their bases were attached to either end of a rocker arm also driven by the pedals so that as one moved up, the other came down. In the case of a girl slave, the rear one of these went into her anus while the other one penetrated her vagina; if a boy was to be tested on the machine, the front dildo was unclipped and a rubber band replaced it. This was wound around his testicles and then attached to the forward end of the rocker arm so as his anus was penetrated by the rear dildo the rubber band dragged down on his balls.

  The effect of the removal of the saddles was to force the occupant to use his or her thigh muscles to support their body as well as to turn the pedals and this of course, added to the strain

  Debra was now ordered to mount the bike. She looked at it in distaste but she didn’t demur, her resolve to get through all these horrors had not diminished even by the recent and horrible medical examination. She climbed over the frame, inserting her right foot into the pedal and then swung her left leg over the bar and inserted it in its pedal, the MO ensuring that the two dildos entered their appropriate orifices.

  He gestured to the hand pedals. “You have to keep both your feet and hands going flat out, slavegirl,” he said gruffly. “We will know if you are not applying your fullest energies to the task and if you don’t, you will be shocked - like this ...”

  He pressed a button on his controller and Debra’s face went white with the awful shocks that attacked her with white-hot severity from between her feet (via the pedals) to her vagina and anus. If she hadn’t already resolved to do her best, she certainly would now and every other girl or boy now mounted on the bikes agreed.


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