Slavery 2030

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Slavery 2030 Page 5

by Mark Andrews

  “Alright, slavegirl, pedal!”

  He made as if to touch the button again and Debra leaned forward in a frenzy of activity, her powerful thighs bunching into cords of straining muscle as she tried to get the rear wheel up to full speed without delay while her arms, now reaching up above her head, did the same with the overhead pedals. She found it difficult at first. Working the hands and feet together is a rhythm that has to be learned - as the designers of this machine well knew. It was one of the tests - to see how quickly the new slaves mentally and physically adapted to an unknown skill requirement.

  But mostly it was to test their strength and endurance and James now stayed right in front of Debra’s bike, watching as her slender but athletic and now so naked body forced the foot and hand pedals round and round and round.

  The MO had started her on this task but the machine was well able to monitor her itself and he now went back to the waiting line of remaining slaves to choose his next subject who was now ordered onto his table/chair for a repeat of the examinations to which Debra, Robert and all the other slaves in the first contingent had been subjected.

  Both Debra and Robert applied their bodies to their fullest. Behind them, on the wall above the backs of the bikes, read-outs of their efforts already showed they were way ahead of the other slaves - of both sexes. The digital displays showed two numbers: effort being applied at a given moment; and total accumulated effort expended on both pedals. The first flickered up and down all the time whilst the second one rapidly accrued upwards - but in both cases, the pair of the meters far exceeded the other slaves’ read-outs.

  James was pleased, especially in Debra’s case for it meant she quite definitely had the strength necessary in a good soccer player. It remained to be seen if she had the endurance to keep going but he knew now that she did. It was apparent even in her face.

  But he didn’t just look at it. Her whole body looked superb as she twisted from side to side, her thighs powering the pedals up and down frantically while the two dildos tried to distract her from her task. Her breasts jiggled most enticingly and her belly muscles writhed beautifully ...

  He watched critically as she came to the first of many orgasms during this trial. He smiled as he watched her overcome even that normally insurmountable crisis - the incredibly intense pleasure attaching to a human orgasm is usually so great that all else stops until the body has regained at least some of its composure. Not in this case. She faltered a little, it is true, but her legs and arms kept moving even though her eyes glazed over and her face assumed a snarl of pure lust as the climax bit into her very soul.

  He glanced at the boy. He too was performing very well. He probably wouldn’t actually climax for his profile (which James had already checked) indicated he was heterosexual and the invasion of his anus, far from being a pleasure, was a decidedly painful distraction. Of course so was it to the girls as well, but in their case the pain of the anal intruder was off-set by the pleasure the dildo inside their vaginas was generating.

  James stayed until the girl and boy were taken off the machines. Both had exceeded the record thus far. Not that that was saying much of course for Britain was still in the early stages of this new slavery but James suspected those records might well last for a long time, certainly the girl’s, anyway for she was even ahead of Robert’s accumulated total in the half hour they had spent on the machine.

  He went away from the centre well pleased that he had taken the time out to come and see them in the flesh for he had now resolved to pay anything for both their bodies ...

  Slave auctions were held weekly. In keeping with the principle that this new slavery was to be open and public, they were held out in the open in a public park rededicated to its purpose. There was a long narrow stage and around it, a semicircular amphitheatre with dozens of rows of seats leading up the hillside and providing space for a thousand or more spectators and bidders.

  Saturday was the day the slaves were delivered to the Assessment Centre and they stayed there (exercised hard all day and under a strict diet to hone them down and present their bodies in the best light) until the following Friday when they were brought to the amphitheatre to be auctioned to the highest bidder - just as they were, stark naked, their bodies depilated nude of its natural hair to show off their muscularity (or not) and of course to display their now openly exposed genitals so shamefully.

  As they mounted the stage, Debra noticed the seats were already nearly full and she wilted under the stares of so many men and women, all properly clothed of course, as they stared down at the totally naked bodies of the new slaves.

  Five years, the judge had said. Five years of (probably constant) nakedness, her whole body exposed to the prurient stares of both men and women (and children for that matter) as she performed whatever duties her owner-to-be decided for her.

  As they all mounted the stage they had to begin the display that had been taught to them in the centre. They had to clasp their hands up behind their heads and undulate the middles of their bodies back and front and sideways, in a circular motion so that their muscles rippled alluringly and the girls’ breasts jiggled slightly, showing off their firmness and softness to the prospective buyers.

  The remaining seats in the stands now filled rapidly while the enormous screen behind the slaves gave read-outs of each of them in rotation, providing the buyers with full details of their vital statistics, former history and of course the results of their medical and strength and endurance tests.

  Those wishing to bid had registered their intention and had been issued with a bidding unit, a small object like the former TV controllers, into which they could punch their bid and signal its offer. The bids were then displayed on one side of the huge screen while the image of the slave currently under sale and his or her stats were shown on the other half.

  It was all very efficient - much faster than the old-fashioned method of conducting auctions but it meant the slave had no idea who was bidding and who held the current bid.

  Robert was next to Debra and he was ordered down from the long narrow stage and up onto the block itself, a six feet high column from which every member of the audience could see his whole body perfectly. He had to resume his posing and now flexed every muscle in his tall and athletic body, swinging his arms up into the classic biceps pose, rippling his belly muscles and cording his thighs - and of course showing off his naked genitals to all and sundry in the process.

  Behind him and behind the remaining slaves on the stage, the bids came in fast and high. James Hardwick waited. He would stay out of it until the bidding slowed and then make a bid that would outshine all the others. He did, eclipsing the last bid by a thousand pounds and also setting a new record for a slave.

  The Treasury Agent on duty smiled. His boss was going to be very pleased with this Friday’s take ...

  Then it was Debra’s turn.

  She had watched her friend sold in some sadness. She had no idea who had bought him, of course, but she was sure it meant they were now going to be separated and she mourned that fact. She hadn’t known him all that long but in the time they’d had together she had built up a definite yearning for his body and for him as well. Now, he would be going to some distant Master and she would never see him again.

  But she didn’t dwell on it. She was about to be sold herself and she well knew she had better put on a good show or she might face more punishment. She stepped down from the stage but kept her hands up behind her head so as to show off her naked breasts as she walked to the ladder that had been placed against the column to allow her to mount it. As she approached it she passed Robert who had now descended from the pillar and he gave her a last little smile as they said their mental goodbyes to each other but then she had to climb up to the top of the column herself at which the ladder was removed and she now stood six feet above the audience and ready to begin the display of her own body to a
ll these horrible men and women down there.

  She suddenly realised it might be a woman who bought her! Oh God! Could she perform sexually with a woman - for it had been drummed into them that their bodies were to be totally available to their owners or those he or she loaned them to. And if an owner decided they were recalcitrant and needed a dose of special training at the centre, then God help them.

  During their week there, they had been shown the special section where such bad slaves were rigorously punished at least twice a day during their week of re-training and the whole treatment was so horrible that no slave had ever returned a second time ...

  The audience gasped collectively as they stared up at the vision of loveliness now standing on the high column in the middle of the area just in front of the stage. But she wasn’t just beautiful, they noted. Her body was magnificently athletic as well - not that this took away from her femininity, it most certainly didn’t. Her waist was slender and her breasts perfect while her skin was smooth and clear. Her fine and beautifully toned muscles simply added to her overall beauty. Her face was calm and her big blue eyes serene, hiding the fear that churned in the pit of her stomach as she stared down at the people in the near rows, across at those in the middle and up at those in the top rows all around her.

  One of these people was shortly going to own her ... possess her body and her mind for the period of her sentence and if she didn’t satisfy, that sentence could be extended. Two extensions meant a life sentence. A slave for life!

  Behind her, the screen began to flicker as the bids rolled in. The amount offered for her body was staggering. Already she was approaching the record figure James had just bid for Robert and that was soon passed. She sensed she was attracting a great many bids for she could see the activity in the audience and the expressions on the faces of the near audience were enough to tell her something extraordinary was happening.

  James was a little put out by the size of the bids but he was determined to have her as well as the boy and when the bidding finally paused he again put in an outrageous offer, at which she was gavelled down to him.

  She was taken down to the holding pens under the stage and there tethered to Robert. “Why are we together, Robert?” she asked hopefully.

  He grinned at her. “I think we may have been sold to the same man - or woman, Debra.”

  She reached out to touch his broad smooth chest. “I hope so. I love you, you know.”

  He grinned. “I know. I do too - love you, I mean ...”

  “I wonder who has bought us - Oh God, I hope it isn’t a woman. I just couldn’t make love to a female, Robert!”

  His grin sobered. “Yes you can and yes you will, if you are called on to do so. The alternative is so bad I can’t even mention it.”

  She thought about the re-training section in the centre and nodded. “Of course you’re right, but the idea is so repugnant to me ...”

  “How do you think I feel about taking a man’s cock up my backside, girl, or being made to fuck him?”

  “Oh! Yes, of course. I’m sorry, Robert. I didn’t even think of you boys but of course you’re just as susceptible to it as I am, aren’t you?”

  “Let’s not worry about it right now. It might never happen and at least it looks as if we have been bought by the same owner.”

  That owner came down afterwards to collect them. They looked him over with interest. This was the man who had paid a small fortune for the pair of them. What was he going to use them for? How would he treat them? Where was his house?

  His face was like granite and they both felt a sinking feeling as they eyed him.

  He was looking at them with the same interest. He could now examine them at close quarters. Physical inspections of slaves prior to auction was not allowed and buyers had to rely on the assessments made at the centre and since these were always scrupulously honest, they had no reason not to believe them.

  Now, though, the boy and girl were his and he could feel them, inspect their flesh, delve into their orifices and check out their muscles to his heart’s content.

  He did. He had waited for this moment, at least in Debra’s case from the moment he had seen her displayed on his wall screen but now, in the flesh, she was so much better. The boy was too for that matter but his inspection could wait until he had them back at the ground. He wanted to run his fingers over her body - over every inch of it. She was going to be turned into the best female soccer player the world had ever seen, he hoped, but she was also going to provide him with a great deal of sexual pleasure - and that would begin very soon after he got these two home ...

  He did give Robert’s body a cursory going over and was pleased at his physical beauty but even as his fingers strayed over the boy’s beautiful body, his eyes still strayed to the girl standing beside him. He ordered them to assume the slave pose - hands up behind heads - and clipped a slave chain, rather like those chains used to lead dogs, around Debra’s neck and then joined them together after which he led them out of the pens and over to his work vehicle.

  This was one of the hover car type things except that it had been custom built to move slaves. It was quite small with only a single cab for the driver, behind which was a small tray, out of the centre of which rose a tall pole with four chains dangling from its top. James operated the lever that raised a portion of the deck under the pole and ordered Robert up onto it so his thumbs could be locked into the cuffs on the end of each chain then gestured to Debra to join him on the little platform so her thumbs could be similarly constrained.

  He went to return the lever so that they would dangle free behind his cab but then thought better of it. “I will allow you to stand on your own feet, slaves,” he said and then he jumped down off the top and boarded the cab. The vehicle rose up silently and then sped off towards his stadium. Debra and Robert were both astonished and pleased at this concession for they well knew by now that slaves were habitually kept and treated with severity and even this small indulgence was quite out of character. They looked at one another and grinned. At least they were still together and now they contrived to rub their bodies together.

  Both dangling from the top of the same pole, they were thrown together all the time as the vehicle rounded corners and accelerated and decelerated but they made it even better by consciously pushing their naked loins together. His cock was at least half-hard throughout the journey but he didn’t make any attempt to slip it into her. That would have been going too far and if they were reported to James by some nosey parker (or if he saw it himself out of his rear-vision mirror), retribution would be swift and violent.

  But still it was wonderful to be able to feel each other’s lithe body all the time the vehicle was in motion, even if they desisted when it stopped at intersections for to have continued then might have elicited an investigation by James.

  They arrived at the stadium and now Debra discovered what it was she would be doing for the period of her slavery. She was now, James told her, a female soccer player and God help her if she didn’t knuckle down and learn the ropes in double quick time.

  Robert stood to one side and eventually James noticed him and beckoned him over. “You, boy, will do the manual maintenance work around here but you will also be available at times to provide a deserving girl with sexual pleasure. Your function is not to satisfy your own carnal lusts but to give the girl I decide to reward with your body a couple of hours of sexual gratification - and expect the cane or whip if you don’t please!”

  One of the trainers then took charge of Debra while the ground curator took Robert away to start on a job on the field. She was shown over the whole complex first, starting with the dormitory she would share with the other players in the squad, the gymnasium where they would sweat and strain for many hours each day and of course the soccer field itself where the rest of the squad, all as stark naked as she was, sat on the grass being lec
tured by Archie Cross, a shortish but lean, hard and rugged-looking former soccer star and now James Hardwick’s head coach. His expertise in this role was evidenced by the record-breaking series of wins this team had achieved since he had become its head coach.

  As the trainer led the new girl over to the group, Archie, who had been expounding on a new game ploy, paused and looked her over, nodding to his assistant at the same time.

  “Ah, Mr Hardwick’s most recent acquisition. Well, don’t just stand there slave let us see your muscles. Flex your arms and legs, roll your belly, clench your buttocks and then let us see a few leaps and bounds ...”

  All this came in a staccato rush of words but bright as she was, Debra took it all in and although she blushed furiously at having to display herself all over again, she did as ordered. She bent her arms up to show off the finely developed biceps muscles in her upper arms and shoulders, then thrust her right leg out in front of her and flexed the cords of muscle in her thigh, after which she stood up straight again and rippled the prominent muscles of her belly. It then remained for her to turn around and clench and unclench her naked rear.

  Her blush suffused her whole face and neck and Archie grinned as he beheld it. So she was still a blushing bride as regards her slavery, was she? Well, well and good. The paying public liked to see a bit of shame and humiliation in the naked sports slaves they followed but he wasn’t as much concerned with that as her overall physique.

  He was impressed with her body. Everyone who had now seen her naked was too. She was so definitely a women - but an extraordinarily athletic one without being over-developed as were some women who concentrated on their muscles to the exclusion of an overall pleasing physique.

  She certainly had that and coupled with her beautiful face and peaches and cream complexion and general skin tone, she presented as a beauty of rare loveliness.


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