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Beau Page 1

by Roxanne Greening

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26



  The Blazing Devils MC

  Book 2

  Roxanne Greening

  Text Copyright© 2017

  Roxanne Greening

  All Rights ReservedAll rights reserved in all media. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission. Except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  The moral rights of Beau Blazing Devils MC as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the copyright, designs,

  and patients act of 1988 This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locales, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination and

  any resemblance to places or events is coincidental or fictionalized.

  To my husband and kids for their love and support.

  My sister who suffered through unedited material. My awesome mom who gave me the strength to finish this book.

  And the rest of my family for their love and support.

  In Loving Memory Of My Dad.


  “Come on man. I’ll give you two grand if I can take that pussy first.” Tony said halting me in my tracks.

  “I fucking told you that pussy is mine. I spent the last year with that bitch. I’m going to rip the virgin pussy up. I get first fucking dibs.” I hear the words, but there in John’s voice.

  My John, the man I’ve been with for the last year. The man I thought I would marry and spend the rest of my life with. The air in my lungs stalls and I fight for breath.

  “Come on man I’ll give five grand if you let me pop her cherry.” Jack says, and I feel ice slide into my veins. Freezing me from the inside out.

  Me it’s me they're talking about. I feel my hand come up and cover my mouth. I want to turn and run. But my feet are rooted to the floor for some fucked up reason I feel the need to stick around.

  Like I haven’t already heard enough. My life was on the line and at any moment they could grow impatient and come looking and, yet the logic eluded me.

  “I’ll give you six grand if I can fuck her ass first.” Chad says, and I could just see the smirk on his face. It flashed behind my eyes. A shudder rips through me.

  “Relax. I told you already you're all getting a piece. I just get first rights to her pussy.” John mummer’s good naturally as if he’s not talking about raping and sharing me with his friends.

  “So how are we going to do this?” Tony asks

  “When she comes in I’ll give her a fresh cup of wine that I laced. After a few minutes, she should start feeling relaxed. The drug will paralyze her body. She won’t be able to move, but she’ll still be with us the whole time. Feeling everything. Knowing what’s happening her to and unable to stop it.” The more he talked the more excited as he became.

  My stomach rises, trying to force its way out of my throat. Fresh tears fill my eyes. “We're going to fuck that, stupid bitch raw. Take her every way possible over and over again.” John says in a husky voice.

  “Sounds fucking good man. But ah, what’s going to happen when we’re finished?” Jack asks

  “By the time we're done, she should be nice and broken in. I’ve got a guy coming to collect her. He says she should catch a good price. He also pointed out if she’s still pure it would be way fucking better. I shut that shit down. I'm taking that fucking pussy. So, if she’s not pure. Training is necessary. What better way for that than all of us taking turns?”

  I listened to the different emotions pass through John’s voice. In the end sounding both firm and aroused. The hair on my body stands as the words flow around me and everything sinks in.

  They’re going to gang rape me, sell me the fuck off, and then go about their lives like all is right with the world. The shaking brought me to my senses, my body shuddered hard enough to rattle the bones. Turning slowly. Silent as a ninja I slip down the hall and out the back door.

  The door closed like a whisper on the wind silently. Perfectly. The first step was hesitant, but just the first. The second step had my feet following across the ground. Ninja kept flashing through my overactive mind. I didn’t understand the ninja stuff not really, but the mind well, it’s such a beautiful thing.

  It has a rather remarkable survival instinct. It will assure it survives as long as it can. I can feel it shuffling into survival. I reach my apartment in record time. Cramming everything I can reach into a bag. Everything and anything within reach. Moments pass like sand slipping through an hourglass.

  Time has lost its meaning as I quickly slip out the door. That’s it, just like that I’m running for my life.

  Chapter 1


  Two weeks later….

  My car clunks and clacks past the sign welcome to Greenville, Maine. With a possible population of about one hundred people. I sigh in relief I’ve made it. I’ve made it to a place where I’m sure John won’t look for me.

  Relief was a new feeling, but it was short lived. I now I needed to find a place to stay. Quickly making a mental run through of my financial situation. My face twists into a grimace when the number comes back as two hundred dollars. A very cheap place it seems.

  And with such a small population in such a small town I’m sure the options are limited if not all together no existent. Sighing, I realize a job is a must and may be more of a priority than finding a place to stay.

  What good is hunting for a place to sleep when paying for it is a mystery? I’m not even sure how long I can stay here. John has been on my heels and has caught up to me rather quickly over the last two weeks.

  I’m so tired. Sleep has become a thing of the past.

  Like a wisp of a dream that doesn’t really exist. Fear has consumed my every moment.

  I thought if I ran, he would just let me go. How wrong I was. I’m starting to think he’ll never give up. I really don’t understand why he wants me so badly.

  I was ripped from my thoughts when I see a diner with a red help wanted sign in the window. Quickly pulling into the parking lot I kill the engine and anxiously beg it to start again. I pray to all the deities I can think of that it will.

  It was all I had. This hunk of metal was in a strange way both my savior and my family. Grabbing my purse, I rush to the diner like the job may evaporate. Like there was a hoard of unemployed trying to beat me to it. Reaching the door, I give it a good yank. Forcing it open. I don’t even pause in my haste not wanting to give myself the chance to change my mind and bolt.

  “Take a seat anywhere doll. Be right with you.” A woman’s voice rings out from somewhere, startling me. Scanning the room. I look for the owner of the voice.

  I was starting to think I imagined it. That is until she stands up from behind the counter. She was tall with blond hair, green eyes, and a bright friendly smile. She looks motherly.

  Instead of selecting a booth, I walk to the counter and sit a few stools down from where she’s standing. I wanted a closer look. I could see the gray mixed in with her blond hair.

can I get for ya?” Alice asks. Her name’s Alice, according to her name tag. “A cup of coffee with cream and sugar, please. Are you still hiring?” I try to not sound desperate and wince when some of my desperation slips through into my voice.

  I watch a slight frown form between her brows as she looks at me. “I just moved here and I’m looking for work and a place to stay. I was hoping you could help with the job and maybe point me to a place to stay?” The words rush from me.

  “Of course, doll. We’re looking for a part time waitress. Twenty-five hours a week. Meals are on the house.” She gives me a smile and leans forward.

  “Look, I can tell you running from something.” I start to protest. But she waves it away and continues “I’m not going to ask and I’m not going to say anything. You need someone to talk to then come to me OK. There’s an apartment upstairs nothing big or fancy or anything. But it’s clean and all yours if you want it.” Her voice is gentle and kind.

  I feel my eyes well with tears. No one has been this kind to me. Alice doesn’t even know my situation and yet she’s helping me. Me a stranger and with no questions asked. And she knows something isn’t right and didn’t even bat an eye.

  “Thank you so much, Alice. This means the world.” Gasping over the words and trying not to blubber like a baby.

  “I can see your good people, honey. I’m Alice.” She says with her hand out.

  “Emilia. My names Emilia. It’s so nice to meet you Alice. Thank you so much.” My voice is thick with emotion as I shake hands with the first person to help me in, well, ever.

  Growing up I had no one. I went from home to home each foster home was full of hope of it being the last. I was fortunate enough to never experience the horrors some of my fellow foster siblings did.

  I guess you can say I’m a statistic. A complete and utter loner, never really having friends. Not for the lack of trying on their part. I just never connected to anyone.

  The other kids in the foster system were angry and full of hatred. The kids in school they had amazing homes with two loving parents.

  I guess this made me an easy target for John. John and I met at my work. I was a secretary. I typed up stuff for lawyers at Carter and Carter law firm. And John, well, I’m not sure what John did. But he was there a lot with other bikers.

  Jaxson Carter was my boss. Not to say Jason Carter wasn’t also my boss. But Mr. Jaxson Carter was my overseeing boss, I was his personal secretary.

  Both Mr. Carters were nice to me. They treated me like their sister for the two years I worked for them.

  Letting my head fall in my hands I hold back a sob. I just left not once did I call or even leave a letter letting them know where I was going. That I was leaving.

  Not that I could really tell them. But I could have at least let them know I wasn’t coming to work and I wasn’t coming back anytime soon. More like possibly ever.

  I have no real idea why they even hired me. I had no previous experience. No references. Whatever the reasoning doesn’t matter. It never did. I promised to never disappoint, and I didn’t.

  I worked hard, stayed late and never asked for time off. They gave me a chance and I wasn’t going to let them down.

  They never demanded anything of me. They were kind and respectful. The best bosses anyone could have asked for.

  Other employees were afraid of them. I heard whispers of how they were a part of the mafia. How they killed people. But I just didn’t see it.

  Sure, they were rough around the edges and downright demanding bosses to the other workers. But I had never seen them be cruel to anyone. And defiantly not enough to warrant such fear.

  “Ready doll?” Alice asks. I lift my head to look at Alice. Ready? Ready for what? “To see the room upstairs, of course.” Did I really say that out loud? “Yeah honey, you did. Come on I’ll show you upstairs. A little rest will do you good. Come back down to the diner in a couple hours and I’ll get you a nice meal.” Her voice has taken on an affectionate and motherly tone.

  Standing I follow behind her as she walks out the front doors and turns right. The stairs are literally two steps around the corner. Before I know it, she’s unlocked the door and it’s closing behind us.

  Alice steps aside so I can take in the room. The floors were covered in a thick tan rug. There was a couch and chair both plush and green. The walls were white with a few paintings of mountains and a lake. There was a kitchenette. The refrigerator was full size. A small round table was covered in a table cloth with a floral pattern it had two chairs on opposite sides.

  There was a door that looks like it might lead to the bedroom. My new destination, that room. Turning I look at Alice and struggling to swallow the knot that formed in my throat.

  “It's perfect Alice. Thank you so much for this I don’t think I will ever be able to repay you for your kindness.” I choke out

  “Nothing to repay honey. It will all work out just fine you wait and see.” One moment we were talking, then I was in her arms and she’s holding me tight. “You go get some rest and come back down to see me.” She gives my back a soft rub before extracting herself and making a quick exit.

  I quickly lock the door and sigh in relief. I start in the direction I believe is the room when I notice my hand is full. Looking down at my hand in confusion. What the hell? Watching my fingers slowly open I stare at the key and a piece of paper resting there.

  Alice must have slipped them to me and I’m just that tired I didn’t even notice. Setting the key on the small table next to the door. I unfold the small piece of paper. It was a number and underneath the ten-digit number was Alice's name. She wrote her number on an order slip. My eyes well with tears again.

  Ugh, I’m become a walking bag of tears. I feel like an oversized baby. I’m really not such an emotional person. I’m made of tougher stuff than this.

  Wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands. I rush in the direction of the room, I hope, is the bedroom. Because if it isn’t, then the couch is my bed. Not that that’s a problem I mean it’s better than nothing.

  But I really prefer a bed.

  The first thing I notice is the bed. Covered with a comforter with a similar floral pattern to the one covering the kitchen table. The pillows are covered in yellow pillowcases. Not super bright yellow, but a soft warm yellow.

  There are flower paintings on the walls that are painted white like the living room and the kitchen. There’s another door to the left. I make my way over to it and poke my head inside. The bathroom is a nice size with a tub and a separate shower stall. The sink was a pedestal sink. With a small mirror. The floor is tiled with tan tiles similar in color to the rugs in the bedroom and living room.

  My eyes drift back to the tub and I sigh longingly. I know I should go right to sleep, but a soak in the tub filled with hot water, is too much to resist. I reach for the hem of my shirt and quickly pull it over my head.

  I remove my clothes in swift procession. Reaching down and turning the water on I watch the tub fill with glorious hot water.

  When it reached the half way point. I couldn’t wait a moment longer one foot in and I could feel my body relax just a twitch. Both feet in and my skin tingles. When I finally sat down, and the water rushed over my skin I could feel each muscle and each nerve sigh in relief and slowly release some tension. Within moments my body was a complete puddle of laxness.

  I must have fallen asleep. The water has cooled slightly, and my fingers resemble raisins. Leaning toward I pull the plug on the drain and watch as the water drains from the tub. I still needed to be clean.

  Looking over at the shower, I quickly make my way to it. The hot spray was inviting. I was in heaven. Washing my hair, then my body, I make sure to give an extra scrub as I go. Slowly climbing out of the shower, I dry off.

  Wrapping the towel around my body and another in my hair. I walk into the bedroom. Fuck, I left my clothes in the car. Turning I look at the clothes I was wearing and contemplated my options. Put the dirty nasty clothes ba
ck on or try and sneak back to the car and get my clean clothes.

  Clean clothes prevailed. Removing the towel from my hair I crack the door and poke my head out. Not seeing anyone I rush down the stairs and in the general direction of my car.

  Taking a look over my shoulder was a mistake. Running full force, I collided with a brick wall before bouncing back. I feel the ground rushing up to meet me.

  My eyes close and I prepare for impact. Steel bands wrap around me and pull me back into the wall. Gasping, my eyes fly wide. My sight is greeted with brown. Deep brown eyes locked onto mine.

  I forcefully remove my eyes from his and look down. I gasp again, I’m naked complete and utterly naked. My feet aren’t touching the ground and I’m plastered to his body like a second skin.

  My towel is pooled at ours or I guess his feet. Heat rises to my face.

  "You okay darlin?"

  Dark brown hair, perfect lips stretched into a smile, five o'clock shadow of ruff brown stubble, arms big enough and strong enough to hold me effortlessly, solid chest with what feels like an eight pack of ABS, long hard legs encased in dark blue jeans, a wicked looking knife sheathed at his side.

  Knife? Like a real fucking knife my eyes flash back to said object and widen.

  "Darlin?" his voice is deep and sends a shudder of desire skittering down my spine. Desire? I've never felt desire before.

  Well, not for a man. I've read a lot of romance novels to know what that feeling is. John was always nice to me and I liked having someone around. It gets so lonely.

  I'm so tired of being lonely. I felt a connection to Jaxson and Jason for the first time in my life. But I could never look at them romantically it always felt wrong. They felt more family than sexy.


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