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Beau Page 2

by Roxanne Greening

  But this man. This man makes all those female things I've read about stand up and bounce with excitement.

  I wanted to get naked and do all those naked things I've read about. Naked, Shit, I'm still naked. I start wiggling and squirming trying to break his hold on me.

  I needed to cover up. My face turns bright red.

  "Please put me down." I whisper desperately. Trying not to shriek and shout. I feel his arms tighten slightly. Before slowly letting go. Then I was sliding down his rock-hard body.

  As soon as my feet touch the ground. I kneel and pick up my towel. He groans in what sounds like pain. I've hurt him. Standing quickly, I wrap the towel around myself. Looking up at him I ask. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you? You shouldn't have held me up so long."

  His eyes widen slightly. Then he lets loose a chuckle with that deep voice. I hold back a moan that was trying to escape. His voice is like eating the best chocolate while sitting in a bubble bath. All warm and relaxed. Heaven, absolute heaven.

  " I'm fine darlin." his voice has gone low and husky. Another shudder rakes my body. “You cold?" Without waiting for a response. He grabs the hem of his black T-shirt and pulls it over his head.

  "Raise your hands sweetheart." He demands. Not a question a demand. Without thinking I dropped the towel and raise my hands. My reward was a panty melting smile.

  My panties would have melted, but well, I'm not wearing anything. The blush that stole my face darkened another shade. It’s a wonder there is any blood left in my body I've been blushing so much and so hard.

  He quickly pulls the shirt over my head. Obscuring his face briefly, but not before I had seen the look on his face. It was a look of disappointment and loss. Why?

  Chapter 2


  Shit, she’s fucking gorgeous. Short little slip with deep emerald green eyes, long wavy brown hair, hair that just grazes her ass, a beautiful hourglass figure not too slim nor too thick a perfect handful, wide fuck me lips, lips that look like they're made to suck my dick.

  Images of her kneeling like she just did run rampant in my mind. But not to pick up her towel. No, I want her down there for an entirely different reason. I want to watch my cock slip past those beautiful lips as she sucks and licks.

  Just like that my poor cock went from hard to fucking steel. It so badly wants to be buried in her fucking pussy it can taste it. I bet it would be sweet as fuck. Taking one look at this girl with her wide innocent eyes. I know that's not going to happen not anytime soon. If I'm reading her right, she’s pure. Virgin pussy.

  Mine. All fucking mine. At least for now who knows how long she'll keep my interest. I could sink my dick in that and she could turn crazy. When I heard her voice all soft, sweet and gentle. It took everything in me not to throw her down on the nearest flat surface and fuck her until walking was a thing of the past.

  "Mr.?" she whispers. " Beau. My name’s Beau." No idea why I gave her my real name. Everyone calls me Devil. My cold heart and unforgiving personality are what got me that nickname. Well, that and the enjoyment I get in interrogating my enemies, friends, fuck, even family.

  "Beau? What an unusual name." she murmurs to herself. " Thank you, Mr. Beau. For saving me and for the shirt." She mumbles. "Your name?" I ask

  " Oh, sorry. Emilia the name’s Emilia." She replies with her hand out. Grasping her hand in mine, I'm surprised by the firm hand shake she gives me.

  " You know, sweetheart. I just got an eyeful of all of you, so I think we're past formality. Watching the blush return to her cheeks. She quickly looks at her feet.

  The smile on my face grew. Stopping by Auntie B's to grab dinner was fast becoming the best idea I think I've ever had.

  " Um, my car is right over there. Just give me a minute and I'll get my clothes and you can have your shirt back." She says, so quietly that if I wasn't so intently focused on her I would never have heard her.

  "Don't worry about it darlin'. I've got another in my saddle bags. I lift my chin in the direction of my bike. She follows my chin lift and I watch her eyes widen in surprise and maybe a little excitement. Excitement. Now that's what I want to see.

  "That's your bike?" her voice got a little louder. She hasn't taken her eyes off it. Not even when she asked. "Yeah, sweetheart, that's mine. I'll take you for a ride sometime if you want." As soon as the words left my mouth, her eyes swing back to mine in wide in surprise.

  "Really? You would do that?" Her voice is full of awe. How could I say no to that now? Not that I wanted to the idea of her on the back of my bike. My poor dick can’t take it. Any blood that had previously left it shoots right back down. It's back to full attention.

  " I wouldn't have said it Darlin' if I didn't mean it." my voice has gone husky. " Go get your clothes and get dressed. Then join me for dinner at Auntie B's." I don't really ask I just tell her.

  She immediately heads in the direction of her car. She doesn't berate me for my demands. She just follows them. Mother fucker that shit just made my dick harder. I watch her ass as she unconsciously sashayed over to her car.

  I'm absolutely positive it was subconscious. Her innocence wouldn't have allowed her to be so seductive. All too soon she was back. She pauses briefly. "I'll be right back." she’s whispering again.

  I think that's my new favorite sound. The sound of her whispers. But I think her screaming and begging will be my favorite. " Sure, sweetheart, I'll be right here waiting." Watching intently as she disappears into the apartment above the restaurant.

  It's official my dick fucking hates me. It's angry and hard. But the idea of anyone else seeing her like that has my hands clenching into fist's and my blood boiling with the need to fucking kill someone.

  Once she’s inside I turn and walk over to my bike. Reaching into the saddle bag I grab the dark blue T-shirt and slip it over my head. Then I slip my leather cut back on. I felt almost naked without it.

  She fast I'll give her that. She was back at my side, it what felt like five minutes. Typically, they take fucking hours to get ready. Not that I would have waited that long. Never have, never will.

  I watch in fascination as she reaches behind her and grabs her hair. Her tiny tank top that barely reaches the waist of her tight as fuck skinny jeans. Rises about two inches. Giving me a mouthwatering glimpse of silky smooth skin. Skin I want to kiss and lick.

  My cock thickens again. I need to think of something else before I have a permanent limp. I couldn’t seem to help myself, I watch her twist her hair and place it in one of those claw like clips. " Ready?" I ask her nod was quickly followed by her turning. Giving me a beautiful fucking view of her ass.

  Those tight as fuck light blue jeans leave little to the imagination. They look almost painted on. Keeping my eyes on her ass I follow a few steps behind.

  My eyes keep scanning while my brain tries to catch up. No panty lines? Was she fucking commando? Shit, I think she is. And there's the limp. My poor cock is pressed up tight against my zipper.

  Just knowing the only thing between my cock and her sweet pussy is two layers of jeans. My balls fill, and I swear every fucking swear word I can think of under my breath. I'm going to empty my nut in my pants like an untrained youth.

  She turns with a questioning look on her face. "Everything okay?" she asks. Guess I wasn't as quiet as I had originally thought.

  "Yeah, everything's fine sweetheart." Slowly letting my eyes rake over her body. “You look hot as fuck Darlin’.” as soon as the words leave my mouth, her face turns a beautiful shade of red.

  That shade makes me wonder what color other parts would be if they were red. Red from my hand slapping that tight ass, as I fuck her from behind like the animal I am.

  "Ttthank you" she stutters. Fuck even her fucking stutters are sexy as fuck. "Just calling them as I see them sweetheart." I reply. I watch in fascination as her cheeks redden a little more.

  Images of her bent over and my hand colliding with her perfect tight ass has heat climbing up my spine and tingles care
ssing my balls.

  I was so wrapped up in her. I barely noticed we were at the door and she’s walking through. Dragging my eyes from her perfect ass I look up at her. Those beautiful eyes stared back at me. Full of confusion and a hint of concern. "Where would you like to sit?" the gentle confession was clear to hear in her whispered question.

  She’s naturally submissive. Already asking what I wish. As much as I love that I want to see some fire. She needs to hold her own if she’s going to survive my world. Survive my world? What the fuck is wrong with me?

  " Take the corner booth over there. Giving a slight tilt of my head in the direction I want her to go. She turns and looks " oh okay." she smiles at me before turning and continuing in that direction.

  She slides into the side of the booth that has her back to the door. Perfect, utterly fucking perfect. It’s like she subconsciously knows I don't like my back to the door and accommodated me.

  This girl was looking more and more perfect. " Where you from darlin'?" I ask. " Um Ohio." she says hesitantly. Causing my eyes to narrow slightly. Hesitation is not a good sign.

  " Where in Ohio?" she takes a minute to respond and I almost think she won’t. "Belpre" her voice goes even quieter if that's possible. " What brings you to here sweetheart?" my curiosity grows when she struggles to come up with an answer.

  "Don't lie to me sweetheart. I fucking hate lies. So,

  I suggest you refrain from ever lying to me." my voice was colder, harsher than I meant it to be.

  Her body stiffens, and she starts to shake slightly. I soften my voice " I'm sorry sweetheart. That was rather harsh. I just don't like liars, but I would ever hurt you okay. Ever." I say with as much conviction as I can. Words seem to have failed her. The slight nod was the only indication, I received letting me know she heard me.

  Keeping her focus on the table. She finally answers. “I needed a change. Things weren’t going very well for me there.” I could tell there was more she wasn’t saying, but the desperate pleading in her silent eyes begged me to let it go. For now, sweetheart, for now.

  " We’ll go with that for now darlin'. I can wait. One day you'll trust me with whatever it is you’re hiding. Just know I'll help with whatever it's okay." Meaning every word and that's a big feat coming from me. I never help anyone unless I get something big in return.

  But this has nothing to do with a big return sure I want in her pants and I will get in those tight fucking jeans and fuck that pussy so fucking hard that every step she takes she'll still feel me crammed to the balls inside her.

  " You really mean that, don't you." not a question. Just firm belief. I watch as she slowly lifts her head. The most beautiful smile I have ever seen was stretched across her face. Something aches deep in my chest.

  " Shit sweetheart. Of course, I fucking mean it. Like I said before, I don't say it unless I fucking mean it." I will my voice to be gentle. I want my honesty to show through.

  I want this chick to open up to me. I want to crack through her exterior and exam all those secrets I'm sure she's hiding behind those big blue eyes.

  Her smile gets bigger and her eyes grow warmer. " What can I get for you all." Alice asks. I order us both a coke. Normally I get a beer. " Alice, can we get beers not cokes?" Emilia's sweet voice rings out startling me.

  " Of course, doll. What would you like?" Alice winks at me and mouths she's a keeper. Before turning her attention to back to Emilia.

  " Michelob light for me. And whatever Beau usually orders please." Emilia looks at me when she says the last part.

  I felt slight heat graze my cheeks. Blushing, I'm fucking blushing. Emilia's eyes light up and she smiles big. Reaching for the menu I quickly hide behind it like I’m fourteen and she’s my first crush.

  Chapter 3


  After years of searching for her, we finally located our missing sister. Emilia was stolen when she was just two months old. Along with most of the girls. In one night, we lost most of our future.

  Our parents searched for years. They tortured, murdered, threatened, and bribed. To no avail.

  Emilia was gone. Devastation was a dark shadow that followed our families.

  We all hoped one day to find her, and we never stopped looking. Not even after our parents were murdered. My brother and I were surprised when two years ago, she walked into the lobby of our law firm. Not much surprises us.

  But seeing her face. The face that looked so much like our long dead mother. It was like time stood still. She looked almost identical to mom when she was in her twenty’s.

  I called in Jason and we watched the footage together in utter amazement and shock. The girl we have been searching for our whole life just walked into our firm. Looking for a job.

  She filled out the application that I barely looked at. I was going to comb through that application and figure the fuck out what happened. Where has she been all this time? Who took her? Why? So many questions.

  We hired her on the spot. Her determination to prove herself earned my respect. Telling her we were her family should have happened right away or at least after the DNA test we conducted came back positive. But we didn’t.

  Two years later and still we remained silent.

  Watching her. Digging into her past. Just thinking about what we’ve found so far has the hair on my neck standing up and my fist clenching in anger.

  Foster care. Fucking foster care. She should have grown up with the best. Instead, she grew up in middle class homes and more than one. Fuck more than ten.

  I’ve had men watching all the family’s she was placed with. I have others looking into their finances. It took forever to locate the file containing all the family’s. Took even longer to locate all their files.

  We're still pouring over them and trying to locate all the kids that passed through their house’s. Hoping some of those kids were the missing. Guaranteeing she was untouched by the darkness that has plagued the childhoods of too many.

  We wanted to know everything. Whom they knew, what they ate, their secret desires. Those mother fuckers had better have kept their hands to themselves. The things I’ll do to them if there’s even a hint of them touching her in any way other than a parental loving way.

  Whoever took the kids covered their tracks well. But being a mob boss has its perks. We lived by a different set of rules. I know the irony of it all.

  Us being lawyers and criminals. Not just any criminal though. Mob bosses. Jason my younger brother is my second. And Emilia she’s a mob princess. She should have been revered and cherished. Not scared and alone.

  The man we had watching her seemed to have misplaced her. Emilia has disappeared again. Two weeks ago, she just up and left. She just didn’t show up to work one day. Emilia has never missed a day of work. Not in the two years she worked for us.

  We’ve been tracking her as she jumps from place to place. Whenever we get close she disappears again. She’s running from something. I’m not sure if it’s her past or something in the present. Fuck we still haven’t figured out if she was dating anyone. At this point, whatever or whoever has her running the moment we figure it out, there will be a day of

  reckoning. Death and destruction will follow in our wake

  Tonight, Jason and I have set a meeting with the captains. Emilia’s identity was being outed tonight. The minute it becomes known a target will be placed on her back. This is a double edge sword. My men, knowing who she really is will make locating her a top priority. Not that she’s not.

  As soon as her stasis in the family is shared every man will lay down their life for hers. Honestly, this should have been shared in the beginning. Every member of the family should have known who and what she was. Trust was key in the family, but whoever took her, whoever took the children was still out there.

  Keeping her a secret even from herself seemed to be the only move that could have been made at the time. A decision I didn’t regret until now.

  Chapter 4

br />   Dinner went surprisingly well. The conversation was light. He occasionally asked questions that were hard to answer. My body would stiffen, and I would stay silent. Sensing my discomfort, he would change the subject before coming back for even more uncomfortable questions.

  But I could sense it, he was cataloging it all. The more I evaded the more silent, he would become. When dinner was, over I felt both relief and sadness. I didn’t want it to end, but I didn’t want to keep secrets from him. For some reason, he felt important almost essential to me.

  He walked me to the bottom of my steps. And watched until I was behind closed doors. Peeking through the curtains I watched him make his way over to his bike.

  He was on his phone for only a minute. Then his leg was slipping over the bike. The sight of Straddling it had a moan coming up my throat. Then he started it. The rumble accompanied by his roaring out of the parking lot him roaring out of the lot had my panties moistening.

  The bed was calling my name. I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Darkness came for me, pulling me into its gentle embrace. My dreams were filled with a very naked Beau doing all kinds of nasty things to me. I was on my knees in my bed. Beau is behind me. His huge hard cock bobbing in excitement.


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