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Accidental Swingers 2: More Please!: A Tale of Slutty Hotwife Sharing and Bisexual Menage

Page 9

by Mia Moore

  At the look of remorse in his eyes, her voice became softer. “Look. It only happened once. I’m hurt that we didn’t talk about this first. That you couldn’t share this with me.”

  Matt looked down at the bed, silent for a few moments.

  She took a deep breath trying to keep the tears at bay. The next move was his to make. If he couldn’t see that what he’d done was wrong, then she’d have to re-think this whole lifestyle. He had taken the first step on a slippery slope. Their marriage was too important to stay on this course.

  He finally looked over at her. “I’m sorry, Elena. I never thought of it like that.” His hand rose to cup her cheek. “I love you. I never meant to hurt you.” He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I wasn’t thinking. I guess I got a little obsessed with the whole bi thing.”

  Her heart softened watching him. She could see how sorry he was and the truth in his eyes. “It was okay with me, you know, the fact you didn’t want to do it. I hope you didn’t feel pressure because—”

  “No! Believe me, the pressure came from me.” He pulled her into him and kissed the top of her head. “Maybe it was the way I was raised. Even though my parents were accepting of gays, it was always an unspoken thing. You couldn’t be gay and be a man.”

  Elena pulled back from him and looked into his eyes. “You couldn’t be more manly than you are right now.” She could easily see how his parents could have shaped his thoughts about this. His Dad prided himself on being a guy’s guy. She had never seen him buy flowers for his wife or say I love you to her.

  Matt smiled and kissed her forehead. “I know that now. You could hardly call Byron or Josh effeminate, either.” He pulled her close and continued. “I was totally fucked up about this. My dreams and the way my body responded showed I wanted to give it a try but on a different level...I couldn’t.” He chuckled. “Tonight blew that (pardon the pun) out of the water.”

  Elena smiled and rubbed her hand along his back. “So tonight? Tell me, what happened?”

  “First off, it’ll never happen again without you being there.”

  She gave his waist a hard pinch. “Better not.”

  He jerked and gripped her hand in his. “Ouch!”

  She smiled wickedly. “You deserved it, buster. Never again without us being together, right?”

  He nodded quickly. “Okay, okay! Look, don’t worry it won’t. But tonight, this guy was at the gym. There was nobody there hardly, not with the weather advisory.”

  “What’d he look like? How old was he?” She cuddled closer, trying to picture the guy in her mind.

  “Thirtyish, blonde, buff. He’s not in town long...on some sort of project. I think that helped make up my mind.” He took a deep breath and continued. “He hit on me and we ended up together in the sauna.”

  Elena’s hand paused and she pulled back to look up at him. “Did you kiss him?” Somehow, that was something that would bother her. Why, she had no idea.

  “Of course not. This was sex, that’s all.” He snorted. “Weird huh? Having a guy’s cock in my mouth is one thing but kissing’s off the table.”

  Elena’s eyes went wide and she pulled back. The picture of Matt sucking another guy’s cock, flashed in her mind. “Was it big? Did he suck yours?” She hardly dared to breathe watching him while her mind was going ninety miles an hour. This was exciting.

  Matt grinned and his cheeks flushed. “He had this torpedo dick. Long and kind of pointy. Yeah, I gave him head. But...” He looked away for a moment. “He fucked me in the ass while jerking me off. It was fast and hot.” Again, there was a nervous laugh. “He used a rubber in case you’re wondering. I probably won’t be able to sit down for a few days, but it was good.”

  Holy cow! Elena’s mouth had fallen open and she smiled when he stopped talking. “God, I wish I’d seen that! It sounds hot as hell! Will you do this again, do you think?”

  He took her into his arms and they snuggled close together in their bed. “Only if you’re there.”

  Chapter 18

  Matt handed Elena the dozen red roses. Seeing her eyes light up and her hands fly up to cup her cheeks was worth the fifty bucks.

  “They’re beautiful! You shouldn’t have!” Still, she held the bouquet close, inhaling deeply and closing her eyes. “We’re going out tonight, that’s enough Valentine’s present for me.”

  “I know. But you deserve these. I can’t remember the last time I bought you flowers and if I can’t remember then that’s too long.” He watched her bend to get a vase from the cabinet and then place it under the tap.

  As the vase filled she leaned over and kissed his lips quickly. “You’re sweet. We’ll have to get dressed soon.”

  He smiled as he took a seat at the island. Sylvia’s Valentine party. Finally the night had arrived. “What time should we be there?”

  Elena started arranging the flowers in the tall vase. “In about an hour. Just enough time for you to take a shower and me to finish getting dressed.” She smiled glancing over at him. “The kids won’t be back till lunchtime tomorrow. We can sleep in.”

  He got up and put his arms around her waist, kissing the side of her neck as he snuggled his crotch into her backside. “I can’t wait to see you in that corset again.”

  She laughed and finished putting the roses into the water. “And if Josh or Byron...”

  He pressed his groin into the softness of her ass, feeling his cock get stiffer still. “Yeah. I’ll let them know that my limits have changed. So, if that is the way it goes tonight, then I’m in.”

  Elena set the vase aside and turned around. She placed her hands on his shoulders and her voice was low. “Well, you know how turned on you were at the thought of seeing me with other women...well, that’s reciprocal. I think seeing you with Byron would be hot as hell.”

  He laughed. “What? Not Josh?”

  She pinched his cheek and grinned. “Why not both?”


  When the door opened, laughter and music met Matt’s ears, while Sylvia stood framed in soft lighting, a vision in the black corset and fishnet stockings.

  “Elena! Matt! Come in!” She opened the door wider and stepped back, a warm smile on her ruby lips.

  Once more he was struck by her beauty, the elegant way she carried herself as she leaned in to kiss Elena’s lips. In the high heels she was just a little taller than his wife. Both women were blonde, but Sylvia’s hair was lighter, more of a platinum, piled high with loose tendrils curling over her graceful neck.

  When she turned to him, her blue eyes were flirty and the welcoming kiss was a beat longer than normal. Her lips brushed the fold of his ear. “You look good enough to eat.”

  His chest warmed at her compliment. He slipped the leather jacket off and handed it to her. “Is that a proposition? I sure hope so.”

  Sylvia hung his coat up and turned to face him. “Let’s just say, I want a place on your dance card tonight.”

  Byron appeared and shook his hand, leaning in as well to give him a one-armed hug. “So glad you and Elena were able to come tonight.”

  Matt laughed. “Come, in more ways than one.” He watched Byron wink and turn to give Elena a big kiss and hug.

  Gazing past Byron, he saw a few clusters of people sipping drinks and chatting. In one group he noticed Carrie, wearing a hot pink sequinned dress. She spied him and fluttered her fingers, grinning at him. Next to her was a tall, red haired woman and a burly guy who could have been a fullback football player.

  Matt’s body was fairly tingling with anticipation of the fun he and Elena would have. Sylvia took his hand and led him to the kitchen. He could hear Byron speaking to Elena, following them.

  “Wine, beer or would you like something stronger? Once I get you and Elena fortified, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Sylvia stepped behind the island, looking from Elena to Matt.

  “I’ll have wine, please.” Elena stepped forward, lacing her fingers through his.

  He looked down at he
r and felt his chest expand. She was absolutely gorgeous in the back satin bolero jacket, framing the swell of her breasts above the red corset. She wore a short leather skirt and when she moved a flash of ivory thigh showed above the dark stockings.

  He noticed Byron checking her out and smiled over at him. This was an aspect of living sexy that he totally got—seeing his wife, porn star, hot being openly ogled by other people. And from the smile on Elena’s face, she was enjoying it as well.

  “I’ll have a vodka and tonic, if you don’t mind Sylvia.” He grinned at her. “You weren’t kidding about this party. There’s quite a crowd here.”

  Sylvia fixed the drinks and looked over at them. “There’re more people downstairs.” She handed the drinks to them and nodded her head to the side, signalling for them to follow. She entered the living room and it was all Matt could do to keep his jaw from falling open.

  The blonde woman talking casually with two guys was naked except for a ruby G string. She could have passed for Sylvia’s sister except that her boobs were even bigger, the nipples rouged to form red hearts. She was curvy as hell, her legs long and shapely above the red heels.

  Beside her, the guys, one with his back to them, tall and dark haired, while the other one’s teeth sparkled white in an ebony face, acted nonchalant like this was an everyday thing. Matt’s cock was anything but nonchalant.

  Sylvia stepped close to the woman and smiled. “Dani, this is Matt and Elena.” She turned to the guys, first the black man, “Barry, I’d like you to meet Matt and Elena.”

  The second guy turned and reached for Matt’s hand, while Sylvia spoke, “Keith, may I introduce Matt and Elena. They’re kind of new to the lifestyle.” She glanced over at Elena. “Keith is Dani’s husband.”

  Keith’s grip was firm and dry, his voice deep muttering the normal pleasantries. Matt smiled, “Nice to meet you.” When he turned to grip Barry’s hand, the man was just breaking away from hugging Elena.

  The guy was even taller than Matt. He had to be six four at least and his shoulders filled the sports coat out quite nicely. He had a nice smile and friendly eyes, shaking his hand hard.

  “So nice to meet you.” Dani stepped into Elena and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek before turning to him.

  He gulped, trying hard to focus on her face while she leaned into his chest. Focus on the sweet scent of her perfume radiating into his nostrils, the strand of hair brushing his cheek and not the soft pressure of her bare breasts against his chest.

  Her soft giggle tinkled into his ear. “It’s okay to peek. They don’t bite.”

  When she pulled back he risked a sideways glance at Elena. What was she thinking? But from the grin on her face, she was enjoying his discomfiture. He turned to face Dani, slowly lowering his eyes to take in her grapefruit sized breasts. Holy Hannah! There was a jiggle and they drooped a little. Oh my God. They were actually real.

  “Very nice hearts.” He grinned. Not his most witty remark but it wasn’t often that he met a nearly naked beautiful stranger.

  Keith grinned over at him. “Thanks. That’s my handi-work.”

  Sylvia smiled and leaned forward to kiss Dani, while her hand rose to cup a bare breast. “Love the outfit.”

  Matt’s eyes opened wider, his gaze on the two women infusing his senses. Elena stepped closer and her hand slipped around his waist. She looked up at him and there was a familiar smokiness in her eyes. She was every bit as turned on by the atmosphere as he was.

  Sylvia eased back and her hand slid over Barry’s shoulder before turning to face Matt and Elena. “Come on. I want to show you off to the others.”

  He fell into step behind Elena, following Sylvia to the other side of the room, where Carrie stood with two other people. The red haired woman next to Carrie turned and her heavily made-up eyes met his. For a moment he felt the challenge in her gaze, her chin tilted high above a long slender neck. Her whole body was rail thin, sheathed in a black lace dress that ended just below her crotch, making her legs seem long and coltish.

  Once more Sylvia pivoted on her high heel and smiled over at Elena. “Of course, you already know Carrie.”

  Carrie leaned forward and hugged Elena. “Nice bustier and skirt. Very sexy.” She turned to kiss Matt’s cheek. “Hey handsome.”

  “Elena, Matt, this is Joan and her husband Mark.” Sylvia smiled looking from Elena to Joan.

  Elena extended her hand to shake Joan’s. “Nice to meet you.”

  Joan glanced at her hand before extending her own. “Enchanted, I’m sure.”

  Her husband Mark’s shake and greeting was much more friendly than his wife’s. He pulled Elena into a big hug, dwarfing her in his burly arms. When he let her go, he shook hands with Matt and clapped him on the back. “Pleased to meet you, Matt. It’s always nice to see new faces at Sylvia’s parties.”

  Matt smiled and his eyes were drawn to Joan, who was smiling and openly gaping at him. It was funny. Of all the people he’d met at Sylvia’s, she was the only one who he’d definitely take a pass on fucking. There was something cold and haughty about her that didn’t appeal to him.

  He looked over at Elena. She was wearing a smile that didn’t extend to her eyes.

  The moment passed when Josh appeared next to Carrie. “Hey guys!” He turned to Sylvia. “There’re some folks I want Matt and Elena to meet downstairs. You don’t mind if I take them down, do you?”

  Sylvia smiled and placed her hand on Josh’s arm. “No. Go ahead. We’re probably going to be down shortly anyway.”

  Matt exhaled slowly. He turned to Josh and smiled. He’d shown up at just the right moment and besides, he wanted to talk to Josh alone anyway. “Lead on MacDuff.”

  Josh nodded and extended his hand inviting Elena to go ahead of him across the room and down the stairs. He fell into step beside Matt. “Joan and Mark are nice once you get to know them. She’s a handful. Carrie wasn’t fussy on her when we first met them, but they get along fine now.” He grinned. “I think you and Elena will have more fun with Dani and Keith tonight. At least until you get to know Joan better.”

  Elena walked down the stairs and Josh was a few steps behind her. Matt reached out and put his hand on Josh’s shoulder, urging him to stop for a moment. When Josh turned to face him Matt’s stomach tightened for a moment.

  “Josh...Before anything starts tonight, I wanted to let you know that the hard limit I had on bi stuff, is gone.” He could feel his neck grow warm but he continued anyway. “I mean, if it comes up tonight...I just thought you should know.”

  Josh’s eyes and grin grew wider as he listened to Matt. “Wow! That’s a sea change. I’d love to hear the story on that one.” He clapped Matt’s shoulder a couple times with his hand. “I’m getting a woody just thinking about it.”

  Josh wasn’t the only one. Matt smiled and looked around the large recreation room. The lighting was low but even so he could see that a few people were already on the mats in the corner of the room, kissing and caressing, while a few others sipped drinks next to the fireplace. The atmosphere was warm and sexy, the jazz music playing in the background just adding to the ambiance.

  Byron was standing behind the high oak bar, shaking a silver canister while chatting with a gorgeous black woman. When her head turned to look at him, Matt’s breath hitched in his throat. Her skin was a mocha shade, and deep set dark eyes were almond shaped. Her cheekbones and full lips were perfection, perfectly displayed with her hair pulled back and secured under a wide red head band.

  Elena stepped close to him and squeezed his hand. She leaned into him and rose to her toes to whisper in his ear. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

  Matt looked down at his wife. Was she thinking of herself or him? Either way...Hell! Anyway would be wonderful.

  Chapter 19

  “Can I freshen your drinks?” Byron called as they walked over to the bar.

  Elena smiled and slid onto a high stool. “Sure. I wondered where you had disappeared Byron.” She glanced
over at the woman next to her.

  Byron took the empty glass from her hand and smiled. “Elena and Matt, this is Naomi. You probably met her husband Barry upstairs. And next to her is Maya.”

  Elena’s eyes went wide with shock and her mouth fell open. Oh my God. It was Maya from the store. The only consolation in the situation was the fact that Maya had that deer in the headlights look too.

  Naomi’s eyebrows pulled together and she looked from Elena to Maya before extending her hand. “Pleased to meet you Elena.” She turned to Matt leaving Elena and Maya still staring at each other.

  “You two know each other?” Byron’s voice broke the silence.

  “Hi Maya. Are you here by yourself or is Amanda with you?” Elena’s heart was going a mile a minute and her hand shook when she took the drink from Byron.

  “Are you kidding? No! I came with Naomi and Barry!” Maya’s head dropped a bit and she gave a short nervous laugh. “What are you doing here?”

  Matt stepped closer, watching the two women, while Byron filled his glass. Elena glanced up at him. “Matt, you remember Maya, don’t you? From the store?”

  Byron cleared his throat and looked at Elena. “This doesn’t happen often but sometimes it does. Confidentiality is a pretty firm rule. At first it’s awkward, sure; but’re both here. You both like sex with different partners.” He watched both women carefully for a moment. “Look, if you can agree that what happens here stays here, it should be okay, right?”

  Elena gave a small nod and shrug. “Well, yeah, sure…” her eyes darted to Maya. “But she works for me!”

  “You already gave me my raise,” Maya piped in with a giggle.

  Elena leaned forward and her eyes were narrow. “But this is a couples thing. Couples having sex with other couples.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m planning on doing,” Maya quipped. “Having sex with some couples!” Her eyes danced merrily. “Look, Elena,this isn’t the first time I’ve met people from my vanilla life at a Lifestyle event—”


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