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When Sparks Fly (First-Responders Book 1)

Page 4

by Essen, JA

  “I’ve never come that fast in my life,” I mumble as I slide down his body and settle onto his lap. I take his hand and put it on my chest. “Thank you.”

  He takes his other hand and wipes his mouth, licking what is left of me off his fingers. “Trust me; the pleasure was mutual. So, what’s next?” His eyes are full of mischief and lust as he palms my breasts and begins tracing my peaked nipples with his thumbs.

  I look down between us, and I hadn’t even noticed that a sizeable portion of his manhood is now protruding above the waistline of his briefs. I lean forward to press my aching breasts against him and then drag myself down his body and across the length of his cock.

  Settling between his knees, he lifts his hips for me as I grab the elastic waist to peel him out of his last remaining scrap of clothing. My eyes bug out of my head when he’s completely freed.

  “Dammit, Seth. That’s no cock. That’s a fucking firehose.” My hands tremble as I hold him with both. With my fingers laced together, my thumbs barely meet when I wrap them around it. He’s got to be pushing ten fucking inches long, too. I feel the slickness start to run down my right leg; arousal beating out the mild panic. Do I even dare try?

  Placing my mouth on the top of the head, I run my tongue around it. I taste the salty precome from his arousal at my statement. Sliding down, he’s so thick that I can just barely get past the head, so I flick my tongue against the underside, eliciting a lustful, deep moan.

  From out of nowhere, I feel my mouth spread further, and my teeth drag down along his shaft as an unfamiliar hand pushes on the back of my head. I gag and pull back as the tip touches the back of my throat.

  “Wow, Seth. She’s a real pro.”

  “What the fuck?” I’m shocked as hell when I hear another male voice. When I look up, I see that both of Seth’s hands are now behind his head. I scramble to my feet and grab my dress, doing my best to shield my naked flesh behind it.

  “Dammit, Robbie. You’re such an ass!” Seth flips him off as he walks out of the room. Apparently, he didn’t see him come in either.

  “I’m so sorry, Macy. That’s my, um, roommate, Robbie. He has no understanding of boundaries.”

  “I think it’s best if you just take me home please,” I say, visibly shaken as I finish pulling the dress back on and sliding back into my sandals.

  “It’s okay. I’m sure he won’t bother us again tonight.” He tries his best to coax me into staying with his smooth voice.

  “No. That’s just too much for the first time. I need to go home. Now.” I’m already standing by the door leading out to the garage. “Or I can just catch a cab. Maybe that’s a better idea.” I begin digging in my purse for my phone.

  “Uh-uh. I’ll take you.” He starts to throw his clothes back on and grabs his keys. We head to the garage, and he tries to follow behind me to the passenger side, but I stop him. “I can get it myself,” I bite out at him.

  The ride back to my place takes fifteen minutes and is spent in complete silence. As soon as he pulls up to the curb, I’m opening the door. “Macy, I’ll call you.”

  I don’t even bother turning around. I push the door closed and high-tail it up the sidewalk and into the safety of my home.

  Dropping my purse at on the entry table, I dig my phone out and shuffle in a daze to the security of my comfy, oversized living room chair. I slide the screen up, bring the ‘recent calls’ list up and select Rachel. Two rings and she answers.

  “Hey babe! So how was the date? Was he…”

  I start to sob into the phone.

  “I’ll kill that som-bitch! What did he do to you?”

  I can already hear her shutting her front door. A few more seconds and I hear the engine on her Mustang roar to life.

  Still sniffling, I respond, “It was so embarrassing, Rachel. We were, well… he had already… and I was just starting to suck… his roommate put his hand on me.”

  “Unlock the back door. I’ll be there in two minutes.”

  She hangs up the phone, and I know she’s driving like a bat-out-of-hell. I unlock the rear door and then go back to the phone and text her.

  Me: Could you grab a bottle of something STRONG first? Xoxo

  Rachel: You got it babe

  Ten minutes later, I’m still in the shower when I hear her knock lightly on the bathroom door. “Can I come in?”

  “Of course.”

  “There’s a bottle of whiskey in the living room with two glasses waiting when you’re done. Now, you wanna start this here, or in there?”

  I turn the water off and pull the curtain back.

  “Jesus, Macy, you’re still shaking.” She hands me my towel, and I wrap it around my body, tucking the edge in to hold it in place. I grab another towel and wrap my hair up.

  “Yeah, but now it’s not the shock. I’m. Pissed.”

  She follows me out to the living room. I plop down as she unscrews the lid on the bottle of whiskey and begins to pour it into the glasses. She pushes one glass towards me, and I just look up at her like, really? She gets the hint and adds a few more sloshes.

  Picking the glass up, I let the scent invade my nostrils before bringing it to my lips and turning the glass up. The amber liquid burns its way down my throat and hits my stomach, creating an instant feel of warmth.

  “Spill it,” she finally barks out as I finish the first glass.

  “Well, I had just finished having the most mind-numbing orgasm from being eaten out while sitting on his face. I’d slid down and was just starting to suck his cock, which by the way is fucking huge, when it happened. I could barely get more than the head in. Then all of a sudden a hand was pushing on the back of my head, forcing him all the way to the back of my throat. From out of the blue, another male voice started saying something like “she’s such a pro” and I freaked out.

  “His roommate had walked in on us and forced me down. Seth wasn’t exactly pissed at him either. I mean he kind of made some remarks, but it seemed more playful than anything. Dammit, I was so looking forward to getting fucked, too.”

  I look over at Rachel, and I can tell by the way she is holding her mouth; she’s trying her damnedest not to laugh.

  “Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me?” I all but scream at her.

  She rolls onto her side on the couch, clutching her stomach, laughing in fits.

  “It’s not funny, dammit.” I pout, not getting the support I was hoping for.

  “Well, it kind of is, Macy.” Rachel is still lying on her side giggling, just not as much now.

  I grab the bottle and toss it back, not even bothering with the glass. “So you think it’s okay for another guy to just barge in while you’re going down on your guy?”

  “Well, it could have been.” She winks at me.

  “Rachel!” I know exactly what she’s insinuating.

  “Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it. Two dicks are twice as much fun as one!” Rachel’s all smiles, and I can tell from the far-off look in her eyes that she’s reminiscing about something from her past.

  By the time midnight rolls around, we’ve all but finished off the bottle of whiskey and Rachel is in no condition to drive. We head to the bedroom, and I grab her a pair of sleep pants and a shirt. I’m snuggled deep under the blankets when she falls into bed. My eyes flutter closed before I can remind her to turn off the lights.

  Chapter 8

  “What the fuck were you thinking, man?” I’m furious as I walk back into the apartment, slamming the door behind me. I can’t see him yet, but I know damn well he can hear me. He’s seen me angry before. Many times. This is going to rank up there on the charts. “Where the hell are you?”

  Stomping through the living area, I find him in the kitchen with his earbuds in. He’s cooking and dancing like an idiot. He has absolutely no rhythm. I don’t know how we get along.

  I slug him in the kidney to get his attention, doubling him over in pain.

  He yanks the earbud out, “Whoa man! What the hell?�

  “Seriously? You’re going to ask me ‘what the hell’?” Sometimes his complete aloofness is more than I can take.

  “Dude, I’m sorry. I thought it would be funny.” He laughs, thinking I’ll see his perspective and simmer down. Wrong.

  “Funny? You think walking in on my date and putting your hands on her is funny?” My voice starts to rise again, and I take a step back before I sucker punch him. “Not cool man. Not cool.”

  I grab a beer from the fridge, pop the cap and shotgun it. Then, I grab another and start to pace. Robbie just stares at me, not saying a word. I’m sure he’s on pins and needles about what I’m going to do or say next. He should be.

  “You realize there’s a very good chance that you cost me any further interaction with Macy.” I stop, look him in the eyes, and then go back to pacing. I finish off the beer, chuck the bottle in the trash, and run my fingers through my hair.

  Checking my pockets for my keys and iPhone, I stare at Robbie. “You need to seriously think before you act.” I pause before I add the ultimatum. “Especially if you want to keep living here.” I turn on my heel and head for the front door. I need to clear my head.

  “Seth, man, I'm…”

  I slam the door, cutting his apology short. Reaching the garage, I press in my code, retrieve a set of earbuds from the Hummer, and then reclose it. There’s a park nearby where I run, and that’s the kind of head clearing action I need right now. Jogging over, I run through my playlists trying to decide what I want to listen to. Most days it would be metal; Five Finger Death Punch, some Saliva, maybe. Not today. Today I need something to calm me.

  I just choose some random list on Spotify and Keep Your Head Up comes on first. It’s got a good pace and beat to run to, so I go with it. Dark Horse is up right after and I know I have a new favorite list. Four miles later, I’m back at the apartment complex. I do a lap around it as a cooldown and notice that Robbie’s truck is gone. Big surprise that he left after our argument. He always does.


  Heading inside, I grab a liter of water and head to the bedroom. I kick out of my shoes when I walk in. I’m sweating like a dog, so I down half the water and leave it on the counter in the attached bathroom. Stripping down, my phone falls out of my pocket. Grabbing it, I see the photo I snapped of Macy laid out at the beach when she wasn’t looking, now set as my home screen.

  Today was great. It’s been a long time since I’ve just talked like that with a woman. Most of the time, all they see is the pretty face and the big arms. Normally it’s straight from the club to the bed. This was a nice change of pace. Granted we still wound up here, but this was what, our third date? Well, if you include our interesting introduction.

  But now, what’s going to happen? Should I call her? No, not tonight. It would be too soon. I need to give her some time to calm down; I need to calm down too.

  I lean against the counter and admire her body. She’s so confident in it. It’s not long before I realize that I have my erection in my hand and am stroking it. Shaking my head with a smirk, I set the phone down and turn on the shower. I’m not letting go of her that easily. She’s got too much to offer, and I’ve only had a taste.

  Stepping into the cold shower, the situation downstairs subsides quickly. No way in hell am I going to come thinking about her unless she’s the one actually making me come.

  Chapter 9

  It’s been three weeks since Seth’s asshole roommate ruined our first date. Seth has sent me numerous texts and flowers even. Rachel has told me to give him another chance. It was just a bit much to deal with right out of the gate. I even changed my jogging route so that I wouldn’t go anywhere near the firehouse.

  I’ve been watching porn damn near every night, trying to scratch the itch, and it’s just hopeless. I don’t know what I want to do. On one hand, I know I’ve got to have that massive cock inside of me, and on the other hand, I don’t know if I really want to run the risk of having an audience.

  Surfing seemed like a necessity this morning. The waves are killer and it helps to clear my mind. I’m packing the board up on the Jeep when I hear the *ding* of my cell.

  Seth: Still thinking about you. Hoping you’ll give me another chance.

  My finger hovers over the screen as I debate whether or not to respond. He’s still reaching out even after three weeks of being ghosted. I give in.

  Me: Okay, but you hurt me. You didn’t even act like what your roommate did was wrong.

  A few minutes go by and the notification dings again.

  Seth: Sorry. It’s hard to think completely straight when you have the most beautiful thing you’ve ever laid eyes on naked and in between your legs. Trust me, I’ve chewed Robbie up one side and down the other, figuring he probably cost me any further interaction with you.

  Me: Good. He deserves it. I’m busy this weekend, but maybe sometime next week. I’ll let you know.

  Seth: Thanks for the second chance Macy. I promise I’ll make it up to you.

  I hop into the Jeep and fire it up, ready to head off the beach. Turning the radio on, Don’t Let Me Down starts blasting through the speakers. It’s quite apt for the moment.

  I pull back up onto the highway and start heading up to my favorite hole-in-the-wall burger spot. All the surfing really took it out of me. Being a Friday, the line is crazy long, even at two in the afternoon. I grab an Ooey-Gooey with fries and a strawberry shake. Then I make my way back to the house. Rachel should be there in about an hour to lay out by the pool and shoot-the-breeze.

  Turning onto my block, I can already see the Mustang parked at the house. Rachel waves as I pull into the driveway. “Wow, you’re early.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t have anything better to do. I just got here a few minutes ago. That guy next door is really cute.” She smiles in that way that says ‘I want a piece of him.’

  “And very much married,” I add.

  “That’s a shame.” She crosses her arms and pouts. “I could climb him like a tree.”

  “Guess I’ll take lunch out back with us. You ready?” I roll my eyes, haking my head at my utterly hopeless friend the entire time.

  “Lead the way, girlfriend.”

  I unlock the front door and drop my beach bag off.

  “Got any beers in the fridge?” Rachel is already headed that way.

  “Yeah, bottom shelf. I’ll pass, though. Just grab me a bottle of water, thanks!”

  I open the back door and head out onto the small deck. Stretching out on the pool chair, I open up my bag of yummy goodness.

  “So, I finally responded to Seth,” I say between bites as Rachel flops onto the chair beside me.

  “R-Really?” She seems both surprised and happy.

  “Yeah, I figure if he’s still pursuing at this point, I might as well as give him a second chance.”

  “Good. You’ve been miserable the past few weeks. You really need to get laid.”

  I shoot her the finger. “I told him he hurt me with his lack of care about his roommate’s actions, and he said he’s already chewed his ass out. He promises to make it up to me, so, hell, why not?”

  “When are you going to see him again?”

  “I told him I was busy this weekend, but I’d let him know next week.”

  She hands me the suntan lotion, and I do her back for her. She returns the favor. We lay out for a few minutes before it hits her. “Wait, what are you busy doing this weekend? I sure wasn’t invited to whatever it is.”

  “Nothing. I just didn’t want to look so, um, needy.”

  “Desperate is more like it.”

  “I am definitely not desperate.”

  “You’re desperate for that firehose he has rolled up in his boxers.” She uses her hand and makes the blowjob action with her tongue in her cheek.

  I squirt my bottle of water at her. “Screw you!”

  “No,” she flips onto her back, “screw him. I’m not interested, sorry. Dicks not chicks for me.”

ell, there was a time…”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. I eat pussy like a champ.” She sticks her tongue out, flicking it in the air several times, and wiping her chin. “Well, those days are behind me.”

  “Shame.” I give her my biggest pouty face. This time, it’s her shooting me the bird.

  The rest of the afternoon is spent talking about my job starting in the fall and Rachel’s trip to Europe that starts in two weeks that she just sprung on me. I can’t believe I’ll be without my bestie until the week prior to in-service’s starting.

  We make plans to run down to Los Angeles on Sunday for a quick shopping spree. We’ve done it each and every summer for the past three years. Since she’ll be gone when we would normally do it, we decide not to mess with tradition and get it in this weekend.

  Around five o’clock, we decide we are toasty enough and have exhausted about all of the gossip channels. I give her a hug, a peck on the cheek, and squeeze her ass.

  “Remember…” she starts.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Dicks not chicks. I’m horny as hell. Can you blame me for copping a feel of that tight ass?”

  She looks over her shoulder, then back at me, “No. Not really. Later slut.”

  “Drive home safe, tease.”


  “Slower, Seth. It’s too big.” He pulls back out of me before pushing back in more gently. “Jesus. It’s like you’re invading every crevice.” I run my fingers down his perfectly sculpted chest.

  “You’re so fucking tight; it’s hard to hold back. I want to put every last inch of me inside of you. You’re so wet and so ready.”

  “Slowly then, Seth.” I place my hands on my shins and pull my legs as far apart as I can. He slides all the way into me until I can feel his balls against my ass. “Fucking shit! Oh my god, don’t move.”

  As I let my body adjust to his full intrusion, he starts to rub my clit with two fingers, slowly at first, then rapidly picking up pace. He moves away from me with his hips and then dips them back in. It’s a little easier this time. My pussy has stretched and is more compliant.


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