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When Sparks Fly (First-Responders Book 1)

Page 10

by Essen, JA

  I see Seth walking through the throng of children on the playground, dressed in a tailored black suit, and a brilliant royal blue pencil-tie. My favorite color. I whisper to Rachel, “You knew, didn’t you?”

  “We needed a five-minute window of opportunity to get things set up. Mrs. Andrews was in on it too.” Rachel smiles her beautiful, full-mouth smile at me.

  Upon reaching me, Seth takes my hand in his and stoops to a knee. “Macy, I’ve known for a couple of months that I wanted to marry you, but I needed to wait for a special day. Do you know what today is?”

  I look at him perplexed, “The last day of my first year as a teacher?” I answer with a question.

  “Well that, but something else, too. It just happens to be the one-year anniversary of the day you decided to trip over the water hose at the fire house when you were jogging. It’s the anniversary of the first day I laid eyes on the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. Every day since has been an adventure with you, and I was hoping that every day, from now until death do us part, would be too. Macy Hart, would you do me the extraordinary honor of being my wife?”

  By this point, the tears are falling and there’s no stopping them. He removes the box from his pocket. The same blue box he gave me the earrings in in Vegas. As he opens it, all the teachers who’ve gathered around ‘ooh’ and ‘awe’ as the brilliant sparkle from the considerable solitaire flashes in the sunlight.

  “Yes, Seth. Of course, YES!” I jump up and down as he tries to slide the beautiful ring onto my left hand. Everyone cheers as Seth stands up and I jump into his arms, wrap my legs around him, and plant a sloppy, embarrassing kiss on him in front of everyone.

  Best. Year. Ever!


  Want more? You’re in luck. Look for Rachel and Zander’s story in the First Responders, Book 2. ‘Coming’ soon!

  EXCERPT FROM PERILOUS LOVE, Book 1 of the Changes on the Horizon Duet:



  Rolling my head back and forth on my shoulders, I crack my neck and then stretch my legs. I slept better than I thought I would last night after the feast and festivities. In addition to my promised monetary payment, I was offered my choice of the unmarried young ladies attending the revelries. They were all truly beautiful, and honestly, as wound up as I currently am, explaining to the King that I have no plans of settling down and raising a family was extremely difficult. Especially, since all I wanted to do was bed each and every one of them.

  We agreed then that two new full sets of leather armor, a new saddle, and full grooming care for Valiant would be more than an adequate substitution.

  I’m ready to return to Edana and as such, I begin to dress in anticipation of seeing where all of this will lead. My new attire fits perfectly. I place the old, which has been cleaned, and the new, extra set, into my bag, and tie it closed. My sword is lashed to my waist, and bow and quiver stored where they belong. Grabbing the bag, I make my way out of the room and down the corridors leading out to the stables.

  Valiant is a sight to behold. His coat is gleaming, and the fresh, brown saddle looks welcoming indeed. Stowing my gear, I unlash him from the tie-up post, and we walk out into the bright morning sun. “Ready my friend? We have a long travel ahead of us and more adventures to be had.” I say this intentionally louder than I need to in case any prying ears are listening.

  Flinging my leg over, and giving him a loving pop on the neck, we are off. Outside the front gate, we head east and ride for most of the morning. Rolling hills and sparse pockets of trees fly by as we push hard. At midday, I turn us northwesterly so that we are now heading back towards the Mountains of Dubh and the cave where Edana is recovering. IF we were being followed, we should’ve convinced them by now that we have no reason to stay in this kingdom.

  This has put us considerably out of the way, but Valiant is showing no signs of fatigue, so we continue to push on at break-speed. Midafternoon brings us to within eyesight of the edge of the gloomy forest and the waterfall cascading down in the background.

  Why does Edana have such a hold on my thoughts? I have seen, and had, plenty of beautiful women in my limited days. They were all just physical pursuits, though. There’s never been anything more to it; no desire for there TO be either. So why is it that I find myself so drawn to her? The feeling is deeper than carnal desire; NEED to be with her rather than a WANT. A feeling of totality.

  We pull up alongside the black, granite mountains and follow them to the bend where the cave is hidden. Hopping off of my trusty steed’s back, I remove my things and leave him to walk as he pleases. I never have to worry about him leaving. Our kindred relationship is symbiotic.

  Rounding into the mouth of the cave, I drop everything, including my jaw. Edana is lying across the blanket, her stunning body naked and uncovered. I stand there in complete awe and leisurely rake my eyes from top to bottom and back again. Her nipples are taught and peaked from the cool breeze, and the way her breasts rise and fall with her steady, sleeping breaths is hypnotic. The fingers of her hands are intertwined and resting just below her stomach. There is a small spattering of hair visible from the junction just above her crossed legs.

  I’m instantaneously aroused, and that feeling of NEED has returned even more so; almost as if part of me is lying there, needing to be reattached to be whole again. She must have sensed me because I’m unable to move, so there is no way I disturbed her. Stretching her arms down her body, she forces her breasts together, and they peak magnificently. She rolls my direction, “Good afternoon?” She questions, obviously unsure of how much time has passed.

  I cut my eyes away finally out of respect.

  “I’m not ashamed of my body. Do you see me scurrying to hide anything from you?”

  “No, but…”

  “Then look upon me. I like the primal look in your eyes I saw when I woke just now; the lusty NEED in them.”

  She stands completely and walks toward me. Moving the long tendrils of hair back over her ears, the magical air about her returns. She’s much shorter than I, her head only just reaching my chest. She looks up at me and raises her hand to my right cheek, running the backs of her slender fingers over my jawline, under my chin, and then turning her hand over, up my left cheek and into my wavy, chestnut locks.

  “Kiss me,” she requests in an almost whisper.

  Gently, I take her face in my hands and tilt her head backward. Leaning forward, I run my nose up her cheek and breathe her in deeply; her smooth skin smelling sweet and earthy. Brushing across her lips with my thumb, I can feel the cool intake of air as she parts her lips minimally from the touch. Sliding my lips sideways over hers, I use the tip of my tongue to tease her. Grabbing her bottom lip between my teeth, I pull lightly before letting go. Turning my head, I place my lips against hers again and use my tongue to open her willing mouth, giving me access to let our tongues explore one another. She’s aggressive and begins to suck on my tongue, pulling it firmly into her mouth, sending a warm flush across my skin from shock and desire.

  Grabbing her ass, I lift her onto me and walk out into the warm sunlight, sitting us both down on a stump; her naked core straddling the massive erection painfully restrained by my trousers. Our mouths are crashing against one another’s, tongues exploring the exploding desire mounting between us. She finally breaks the contact and grabs at the bottom of my green leather tunic, removing it up and over my head with more grace and ease than I would have thought possible from someone so small.

  Placing the palms of her hands flat on my chest, she runs her fingers through the thick covering of hair, her eyes widen in wonder. Tracing the dips of the muscles in my stomach with her nails, I hold on to the stump and lean back, the sensations driving me mad. With my eyes closed and head to the sky, I’m unaware of the extent of her lust, and without warning, I feel her teeth latch onto one of my nipples and give it a slight tug; a low, animalistic growl emanating from deep inside her.

  Snapping my head back, I slap h
er ass, and when she looks at me, her eyes are a deep, sultry blue, not the normal sparkling ice blue. This creature NEEDS something from me; something I desperately WANT to give her.

  Reaching down between us, I undo the knot on my trousers, but she puts her hands on mine before I can go any further.

  “Not here.” A cougar-like throat growl following. “To the water,” she motions toward the waterfall and stream nearby.

  Hoisting her petite form into my arms, I travel as quickly as my legs will allow; a desire to possess like nothing I have ever known coursing through my veins. We reach the water’s edge, and I place her on her feet. She takes my hand and leads me to the wall of rocks, damp with spray from the waterfall pouring into the stream several meters in front of us. Sliding her hands into my trousers on each hip, she pushes them down, allowing me to step out, and stands back, drinking me in.

  Taking me by the hand once again, she pulls me toward a small, bubbling pool of water. “Here, It’s warm.”

  We step in, and the water is like a freshly drawn bath, warming our chilled skin. As I sink down into the deepest portion, she swims over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck, and pulling herself into me. I can feel the heat of her core pressing my cock into my stomach as her mouth explores my ears.

  “So much smaller than ours.” She utters as her tongue traces the outline.

  Then she whispers the words that catch me completely off guard.

  “I’ve never done this before. Show me.” She reaches her hand under the water and grabs ahold of my cock.

  Closing my eyes, I say a small prayer of thanks as I bite my lower lip. Taking her back to the shallows, I lay her slightly pinked body such that her head is on dry land, and her body descends into a slight amount of water. Dragging the head of my length up and down her center, I can feel the difference between the water and her slick desire.

  “I’m going to be gentle, but this is still going to hurt the first time.”

  Placing my hands on either side of her neck, I run my fingers slowly down, feeling the beat of her pulse beginning to quicken in anticipation. Palms down, I leisurely skim the outsides of her breasts, testing their weight and teasing at her nipples, causing them to peak up very firmly. I lean into her body and take one in my mouth, sucking and nibbling, causing it to elongate even further. Her fingers are buried in my hair, and I can hear the guttural sounds I long for emanating from within her.

  I spread her lips with my crown, and slowly sink into her until I feel the resistance I was expecting. “Ready?”

  She nods her head.

  With a quick thrust I break through and she’s mine. Her fingers bury into the muddy bank, and her lips curl as a primal growl creeps over them. Slowly I pull back, and as I do, her eyes fly open, wild and animalistic. She grabs my hips and with a force I wouldn’t have thought possible from her petite frame, and pulls me completely back into her core. Reaching up to my shoulders, she drags the nails of both hands down my back, causing me to arch and press our bodies together even more completely.

  She’s transformed. Not physically on the outside, but deep down she’s an animal; right here and now with me. It’s obvious that there is no gentle love-making to be had. This is raw; carnal. I pivot my hips and fuck her hard; driving my shaft deep inside her tight, quivering pussy. She’s gripping me unbelievably with her essence, and her sounds are pulling me down into her mindset.

  I flip her diminutive body over and force her knees under her. Grabbing her ass, I spread her cheeks and lick at her juncture; her sweetness is dripping down her thigh. Sucking at her lips, she tries to arch up, and I press my hand into the middle of her back, forcing her back down into the river bank. I take her into my mouth once more, then grabbing my begging length, I slide myself in between her tight folds and begin fucking her like a wild animal.

  Grabbing her around her midsection, I pull her body into mine, running my hands up her chest and grabbing her breasts roughly, pinching and tugging on her nipples. Edana’s hands are gripping my ass as she grinds on my cock, her body beginning to shimmer.

  I release her and let her fall back to all fours. She’s clawing at the ground as I pull on her hair, my thrusts racking her entire body, and I can suddenly feel her clamp down on me.

  “Oh YES!” she screams, and her entire body begins to glow.


  I can feel her wetness squirting and running down both my legs. “Oh fuck, Edana!” I cry out.

  I can’t hold back any longer, and I pull out, fisting my cock and pumping it until I come in heavy bursts all over her back. My orgasm is so much more fulfilling than anything before. I collapse onto my back on the cool river bank.

  She’s still lying on her front, and she has her hands folded under her head. “That was amazing.”

  “Amazing doesn’t do that justice. You were an animal. Maybe you were the one who should have been gentle,” I laugh lightly, remembering the nails that I’m all but certain broke the skin on my back.

  Edana rolls over, mimicking my position, placing her hands under her head and I can hear her speaking under her breath, “Well, there is no going back now.”

  “What was that?”

  “Well, I’m not sure that I can go back now. We are Joined.”




  What have I done? How did I let myself get caught up in this situation?

  “When two elves mate for the first time, they are Joined and bound for life. I didn’t think it would, or even COULD happen with another race. The Uj…err, um, humans are looked upon as savages; inferior people by Elven standards.” I drop my eyes and flush with the last of my comment. “Obviously, this is not true as a whole.”

  “So what did you mean when you said you might not be able to return? That they may turn you away at the gate?” He smirks.

  “Yes. Exactly.”

  His expression goes flat, ‘Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

  “You had no idea.”

  We’ve walked back underneath the overhang of the waterfall and are sitting against the dark, sheer rock-face. He has redressed in his trousers and gave me his sturdy, leather tunic to cover up with. I’m thankful for Faudron’s height difference, as his tunic falls clear to my knees, providing me with ample concealment.

  “I don’t want you to think that I’m sorry for what happened. Not in the least. It was an amazing experience that I’m grateful for. I’m just confused and unsure right now. Nothing like this has ever happened before; at least not that has been recorded in the two-thousand years’ worth of Accords.”

  My eyes are starting to tear up and a chill washes over my body, causing me to shake. Faudron pulls me into his embrace, and I lay my head on his chest; a curious sensation to say the least. Elves have no body hair. This human has a thick covering of rich, brown hair across his chest and down his very firm abs. I nuzzle my face up and down, breathing in his scent and enjoying the sound of his steady breath.

  “The sun is nearly down,” he begins, “so we should probably be returning to the protection of the cave. Kindling is low, so we will need to procure more on the walk back.”

  He rises and then offers me his hand.

  Beginning our trek back, there are several downed trees from which we are able to acquire small limbs for me to carry, and larger logs for Faudron to haul.

  “This should be sufficient to see us through the night and the early morning tomorrow. Let’s make haste to cover now. The wind is picking up, so a storm is likely blowing in.” Faudron takes the lead.

  Our pace picks up and sure enough, as we round the edge of the mountain where it has split, there is a loud clap of thunder, and the skies open up. I rush ahead with my bundle of sticks into the safety of the cavern. Faudron is mere steps behind me and is laughing as he steps in and drops his collection of timber.

  “What could possibly be funny about this?”

  “’Wet’ seems to be the theme of the day.”
/>   I blush knowing full well what he’s implying and stooping, I grab a rock and heave it at him. “Not funny.”

  He dodges and it pops harmlessly against the wall of our dwelling.

  “Good aim, Edana, but I’m much too quick for you.” He winks playfully at me. “I don’t know about you, but I’m famished.”

  He fishes more bread and dried meat out of his satchel, and a small, beaten metal bowl falls out as well. I pick it up, “Do you mind if I use this?”

  “Not at all. What did you have in mind for it?”

  Gracefully, I stand and walk to the entrance of the cave, holding the bowl out into the rainy night. Once I have filled it about half full, I return to the fire and using a sturdy branch that has not been applied, pull a small amount of burning ember out and set the bowl on it.

  Faudron is chewing on a mouthful of bread as he watches me stretch upwards on my tip-toes to reach moss that is clinging to the ceiling near the back of the cave.

  “Mm, that certainly is a beautiful sight.”

  With my hand full, I snatch it away and come back to a flat-footed stance. Turning, I cut my eyes at him, “Thanks for the help hero.”

  “You seemed to be doing fine on your own, my lady. I didn’t want to impede on your self-sufficiency.” His grin is smart and obnoxious.

  Walking back, I pass behind him and pop him in the back of his head, “Oh, sorry sir.” I smirk and take a seat at my bowl of boiling water. “There is cave moss like this where I come from, and it has both healing and sedative properties.” I crumble the greens and apply them to the bowl, stirring it while it steeps. “I plan on being back to full capacity tomorrow morning.”

  “Excellent. I have actually been thinking a bit about tomorrow. Would you consider staying with me and starting out on a new adventure. I don’t have any plans on doing the whole ‘settle down and a raise a family’ thing, but if you’re interested in exploring new places, well...” Faudron rubs his head and waits anxiously for my response.


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