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Owned by the Mob Boss

Page 42

by Ashley Hall

  “You should get a second job.”


  “Writing fortunes for fortune cookies.”

  Gloria narrowed her eyes. Even though she had to be in her sixties, she still wore eye makeup, her hair all styled. “I have experience, that’s all.”

  “You’ve been shot at before?”

  “Maybe my man was.” She saucily tilted her head. “I don’t matter here. You and she do. Make it work. You’ll be happier for it.”

  “Happy.” I exhaled noisily.

  “Anyone can be happy.”

  “But does everyone deserve to be happy?” For once, I wasn’t thinking about myself. I was thinking about that fucking pedo, Frank Greene.

  “I don’t know everyone so I can’t speak for everyone, but you, yes, you deserve to be happy I think.” She patted my arm. “You send me a wedding invite, you hear me?”

  I couldn’t help laughing, and I was still smiling as I climbed onto my bike and drove to the clubhouse. Paranoid, that creepy feeling, had me looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was following me, but nobody was in sight. No sign of Greene anywhere.

  Right now, I didn’t want to think about him. Tomorrow, I’d resume the hunt. But today was mine, and I would finally have some alone time with Sky. The entire ride, I thought of her and how much she meant to me. She was my world, my light, my oasis. She had to be a part of my life in some fashion. Always.

  Today, I would prove to her that she wasn’t ever going to leave me again.

  My blood heated, already hard, I parked and climbed off my bike. It had felt so good to ride again, but it would feel even better to ride her.

  Whistling, I entered the clubhouse. A few of the guys greeted me with pats on the back or jokes. I responded in kind, but I couldn’t help looking around for Sky.

  Sam the Slayer smirked. “She’s in the bar.”

  Of course. One of her favorite places to be.

  To my surprise, she was cleaning the place, rearranging the bottles. She had her hair up in some kind of elaborate style that made her look like a queen, and she wore the miniskirt I loved plus a new shirt I hadn’t seen before, a tight, low-cut one. I strolled over to the bar and slapped my palms onto the counter. “I’d like something.”

  She slowly turned around, a wide smile on her face. “And what’s that?”

  “You.” I leaned over and grabbed her hand. She didn’t resist as I guided her to walk around from the back. By the time we reached the stairs, I was running, practically dragging her behind me.

  She was breathless when I pulled her into my room. I only released her hand to lock the door behind us.

  “You’re never going to be hurt again,” I swore.

  “How can you be so sure?” Her eyes were so wide, her expression innocent. My chest ached for want of her love, just like my cock ached for want of her wetness.

  “Because I’m in control, and you’re going to listen to me.”

  “Oh, so you know best?” She crossed her arms, but she sounded amused, her grin crooked.

  “I do. Wanna know what’s best for you right now?”

  “Sure.” Her eyes were twinkling. She knew what was coming. She knew me all too well.

  In answer, I undid my jeans and shoved them down to my ankles. My cock jumped out at attention. “It would be best for you to give me a blowjob right now.”

  “Would it now?” Despite her teasing tone, she crossed over to me and kneeled down. She glanced up at me and licked her lips.

  Fuck, she was such a damn tease.

  She parted her lips, and her tongue darted out, licking my tip.

  A groan escaped from me as I put my hands on her head.

  Sky took most of me into her mouth. So tight and wet, her cheeks squeezed around me as she sucked me hard. I didn’t even have to guide her. She bobbed up and down and took even more of my cock into her mouth. Normally, she would play with my balls when she blew me, but this time, her hands were squeezing my ass cheeks, guiding me even deeper into her mouth, and I couldn’t control myself. It had been such a long time since we’d been intimate that my stamina wasn’t what it usually was, and I shot my load into her mouth. She swallowed every drop.

  Damn. What a woman.

  “Best for me, huh?” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and stood.

  “Yes,” I promised.

  I twirled her around so her back was to me. My hands rested on her shoulders and dipped down to her chest. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I pulled down on the low neckline to expose her tits. Her nipples were already hard, and I teased them, rolling them between my fingers, pinching them until she gasped, and her breathing became hard. I loved how easy it was to get a reaction out of her. Every part of her was mine. I knew where to touch and how hard or soft to make her toes curl.

  My hands rubbed down her slim body until I reached the bottom of her miniskirt. I kept in one hand in front of her and pushed her panties aside while the other went behind her. The hand in front worked at her clit as I shoved two fingers from my other hand inside her. Fuck, she was wet. So wet and ready, and I teased her with my fingers. Whenever I sensed she was close to climaxing, I slowed my pace. Not yet. I didn’t want her pleasure to come too soon. There wasn’t a need to rush this.

  “Damn it, Shadow,” she moaned after I brought her to the brink a third time.

  “Ah, does someone want to come?” I asked, my thumb lazily circling her clit.

  “You’re driving me crazy!”

  “I know.” I shoved another finger inside of her, but only for a few strokes. Then I stopped touching her completely. Her groan had me smiling. Just you wait. My cock had softened some immediately after I had come, but touching her always excited me, and I was hard and ready to go again. My hands pressed down on her back, bending her over, and I took her right there. We still had most of our clothes on, but I didn’t care. I just knew I had driven her crazy, and she more than deserved to get off too.

  My hands gripped her hips as I drove into her, pounding again and again. She dipped suddenly, making a “V” with her body pointing downward. It couldn’t be a comfortable position.

  When she lifted up some, reaching out to grab onto the end of the bed, I allowed her to straighten. With my cock still buried in her, we slowly inched over to the bed so she could bend over it. I didn’t want to risk hurting her back. She would be sore between her legs by the time we were done, but I didn’t want to cause her any real pain, only pleasure.

  Now that we were better positioned, I slammed into her, hard and fast and deep. My cock was tingling, and I was close. Would I be able to come a second time? Fuck, I wanted to so badly, and if anyone could get that kind of a rise out of me, it was Sky.

  “I’m…” I grunted, thrusting with all of my might. “Giving you…” All the way in, all the way out. “The fucking…” Each time my tip reentered her pussy, my cock started to throb. “Of a lifetime.”

  “Yes, yes, oh, Shadow! Make me come!”

  I did. I fucked her into submission. I fucked her until she came. And I kept on fucking her until I orgasmed again.

  She was mine. She would always be mine. I would never let her walk away from me again.

  I planned on telling her just that, but right now, I couldn’t talk. I could barely breathe. I was too lost in the glow of how she made my body feel. How had we been able to refrain from pleasuring each other in the hospital? Although the buildup from so long a delay had definitely been worth it.

  Both of us groaned as I pulled out of her. I climbed onto the bed, and she curled up on my right side. My arm wrapped around her, pulling her tight to my side, and I closed my eyes. She was all I needed. Everything was right when she was with me.


  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Two amazing days had passed since Shadow came home from the hospital. We’d spent so much time talking while he’d been there that now all we did was not talk… verbally, at least. With our bodies thou

  My entire body was sore, and I was exhausted. I wasn’t getting enough sleep, but I really didn’t mind that much. He made me feel alive like I could survive anything. And I so needed that right now, more than anything. After all that had happened to me—that had happened to us—I needed to feel invincible.

  And he made me feel that and so much more.

  His time in the hospital, as upsetting as it had been, had drawn us closer together. I hadn’t intended for that to happen. Not at all. At first, I had still wanted there to be some distance between us. After all, I had left him or had tried to. But when I saw him bleeding like that, unconscious… when I had feared him dead, I knew then what I knew now.

  I would always have a connection to him. He had burrowed his way back into my life. We were two broken people, and maybe together, we could find a way to become whole again. We could make each other better. Even if he wasn’t ready yet to give up on his missions, I had a feeling that as time went on I might be able to help get him to stop. Maybe that was just wishful thinking, but he hadn’t mentioned Frank Greene at all during our talks in the hospital.

  And just what had we talked about? Anything and everything. The first time we met. The first time we fucked. The first time we realized we loved the other. It surprised me that Shadow had realized before I had. One afternoon, he had planned a surprise picnic for me, but ants got into all the food and then it had poured. He had been so upset, but I just laughed and found some berries in a bush near our blanket and we made the most of it. This was the first time we had ever made love outside. The rain had made the experience all the more magical.

  Even after our tender lovemaking, it had taken me another two months before I admitted to myself I loved him. He hadn’t done anything special that day. No date, nothing like that. I had dozed off leaning against him as we were watching a movie, and I had dreamed that I lost him. I couldn’t find him anywhere. I was so terrified that something had happened to him. I remember running down a hallway that never ended, bypassing door after door on either side. Finally, I decided to open a random door. There he was, lying on the ground as if sleeping. But I knew he was dead with the certainty that only came in dreams. Crying, I kissed him. And he woke up. Kind of like Sleeping Beauty.

  When I woke up, I kissed him and said, “I love you,” for the first time. He’d winked and said that he knew, so I responded with, “I know you love me.”

  “And you’d be right.”

  Simple, laid back, easy going… that was my Shadow. I could get him to relax and forget about all of the troubles and shit he’d been through. Once he learned how to relax by himself, without me, then he would be able to abandon his missions.

  It would happen. It had to happen.

  I stretched, relishing in the soreness of my muscles. We’d just finished another thorough fucking, and Shadow had fallen asleep. For these past few days, he had been on a mission of a whole other sort, and I had received the message loud and clear. I was his, completely and utterly.

  But he might not know this part—that he was mine too.

  I rolled away from him, got dressed, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. In between my long visits with Shadow during his hospital stay, I’d interviewed at a few different places for work. So far, none had gotten back to me. I checked my phone to make sure I hadn’t missed a call. I hadn’t. I’d just have to see where else was hiring. I couldn’t wait much longer. Shadow’s father had given me some money to get food, but I’d used it to get a few new clothes for interviews instead. I only took the money because I was going to pay him back. Handouts weren’t for me.

  As I opened the door to the bathroom, I could hear a commotion going on downstairs. A woman was screaming. Ranting and raving might be more accurate. One of the guys’ girlfriends? Ex-girlfriends? Wives? Ex-wives?

  I stood at the top of the stairs, and the more I listened, the more I recognized the voice. Crap. That sounded like Marie. And she sounded so pissed off.

  “Tell me where she is,” she was shouting, her voice echoing off the walls. “I know she’s here somewhere.”

  My life had been such a roller coaster lately. Right now, I was riding a high, but I had a feeling that after this conversation, I’d be way down low again. For a moment, I considered sneaking back to bed with Shadow. I could cuddle with him, maybe fall asleep, or else he’d stir and we could start up another round…

  But I knew my sister, and Marie would force her way upstairs and interrupt us. There was no way that would go over well. Shadow didn’t like her. She downright hated him. It was a recipe for disaster, but at least it was a disaster I could prevent.

  I patted my hair, hoping I’d done a good enough job in the bathroom so that it wasn’t completely obvious to everyone that I had just had incredible sex. It still felt wild, so I darted back to the bathroom. Yeah, definitely way too obvious. I tamed it as best I could as quickly as I could. I dabbed on some perfume and reapplied deodorant so I wouldn’t smell like sex. With the guys, I didn’t care so much if it was obvious what Shadow and I had been up to. They teased him about it all the time, and they even joked with me too on occasion, but Marie wouldn’t appreciate it at all.

  Finally ready to face her, I hurried downstairs. Marie’s voice was coming from the bar area—surprise, surprise.

  I headed there and did a double take when I saw her, pretending I hadn’t heard all of the commotion and was surprised, and happy, to see her. “Marie, what are you doing here?” I walked on over to her and gave her a big hug.

  It took her a moment to return my embrace. She held herself stiff, and it made the embrace awkward. When she stepped back, she said, “Allie—”

  “It’s Sky, remember?” I corrected, flashing her a wide smile and hoping to get her to calm down some. With a wave of my arm, I gestured to the bar. “Want something to drink?”

  I nodded at the few guys who were in the room, and I murmured to some as they cleared out. Sam the Slayer patted me on the back before he left. He was a good guy. All of them were. Their lives, I was beginning to remember, all had some connection to someone who had been molested, just like Shadow’s had been. It was a terrible thing to bond over, but they were still damned fine guys.

  Marie’s eyes flashed darkly, and she scowled. “You’re getting awfully chummy with everyone here, I see.”

  “What’s the harm in that? I do live here.” Boy was I glad I never did get around to calling her when I’d decided to leave Shadow a second time. She never would’ve let me come back to him. My older sister was overly protective, although to be fair, she had every reason to hate my being with Shadow. I’d opened my mouth to her too much before, even if I hadn’t given her all the details about him at the time.

  “Why?” she asked bluntly, tapping her heel on the tiled floor.

  I sighed and refrained from rubbing my temple. Already I could feel a headache coming on. I definitely needed a drink for this conversation.

  As if she understood my telepathic wish, or maybe just because she needed one too, Marie helped herself behind the bar. She poured herself some straight whiskey then poured me some as well.

  Oh, boy. Straight to the big guns.

  She downed hers in three gulps and poured herself some more.

  I pulled out a barstool, sat down, and sipped mine. My sister might have a taste for whiskey, but I didn’t, or at least I hadn’t acquired one yet. It tasted bitter, but the burn on the way down wasn’t too unpleasant.

  “Are you crazy?” Marie asked.

  Oh boy. I took a much bigger swallow this time. It burned too much, and I started to cough.

  As soon as I recovered, she asked, “Are you fucking crazy?”

  “No.” Crap, what had she heard?

  “I know Shadow got shot at.”

  My eyes widened. How had she heard that? Hell, she was well connected! Not that it was her business, and her saying shot at meant she didn’t realize he had actually been shot and hit twice.

  Before I could re
spond, she added, “Shadow is a dangerous man.”

  “A little danger makes life more fun,” I said jokingly. “A walk on the wild side and all that.”

  “Really? Allie—”

  “Sky.” I scowled. If I had thought about telling her my memory had pretty much returned, I was reconsidering it. She was being a bitch deliberately.

  “I know you hit your head bad and the whole amnesia thing—”

  Damn it, I really didn’t like where this was going. It had train wreck written all over it.

  “But you can’t seriously think that being with him is a good thing. You have to have more sense than that.”


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