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Dan Sharp Mysteries 4-Book Bundle

Page 78

by Jeffrey Round

  “It might help if you could be on time for once. That way I wouldn’t be late getting out of here every night.” He scowled at her before gathering up the student papers he’d been reading. He stuffed them into his burlap bag.

  She crossed to her desk and dropped into the chair. Nate was usually such a level, pudding personality. His file was a study in boredom. Something had to be up. “Who’s my partner tonight?” she asked.

  “Wolf, but he’s going to be late. He called ten minutes ago.”

  “And where’s Mark?”

  “He left with Tadesco. They had a meeting with a possible funder.”

  “Are you sure the two of them weren’t meeting up with Jack Daniels and Jim Beam? They seem to be spending a lot of time chumming it up in the pub lately.”

  Nate tightened the straps on his bag. He swung it over his shoulder and walked closer. “They wouldn’t be pleased to hear you smearing them. Be careful what you say, Gail. Sometimes I think the walls have ears.”

  “I’m not scared. If they want to fire me from this low paying, thankless job, I wouldn’t stand in their way.”

  “Tadesco’s applying for department head and he’s a little protective of his reputation right now. I’ve seen him angry a few times and he can be vindictive.”

  “Well, I’m not the one he needs to worry about.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “You must have heard the rumours.”

  “What, that he’s gay? That’s just people talking.”

  “You know what they say about where there’s smoke.”

  Nate held up a hand. “You go too far sometimes, Pankhurst. Stop spreading this shit or you’re going to get into trouble. That female cop was here all morning, by the way.”

  “The Native?”

  “She’s observant and smart. Looks at you with those bottomless black eyes and gets you to say things you never meant to. I’d look out if I were you.”

  “Sounds like a threat.”

  “Hell, do whatever you want. Just don’t say you weren’t warned when it blows back. I’m late meeting Trish so I’m going to shove off.”

  “I consider myself warned.”

  He slammed the door behind him and Gail put her feet up on the desk, clasping her hands behind her head. It was satisfying to have one of her human experiments turn out as predicted. She’d made up the rumour about Tadesco a month ago, but only told Juicy, who predictably told Nate. Half the campus probably had heard by now that Tadesco was bent. One improbable little lie with no proof told to one person and it goes viral. Tadesco was even well liked, proving nobody was immune to malicious gossip. She felt a flush of guilt at the thought of what she’d started but pushed it away. She hadn’t forced Juicy to tell anybody; in fact, she’d asked her not to. Tadesco wouldn’t find out anyway and if he did, he’d laugh it off. He’d never know the rumour began with her.

  She looked toward the front door. Nate was supposed to lock it on his way out, but she didn’t remember hearing the click. He’d been in a big hurry and might have forgotten, or maybe he left it unlocked because Wolf was on his way. He should have known better though. The rule was not to leave a female counsellor alone in the unlocked office on evening shift. Gail put her coffee cup on the desk and swung her feet onto the floor, brushing away the feeling of unease. I’m just jumpy because of Leah, she thought. It’s only normal to get paranoid when your co-worker’s been murdered.

  She was halfway to the door when the phone rang on her desk. She looked back and hesitated. Should she keep going and risk missing the caller or sprint back to her desk? By the time she made it to the door, the caller would probably have hung up and that could lead to trouble. A student thinking about suicide might be reaching out one last time. She’d talked one down just last week. There was really only one decision.

  She managed to pick up the phone in time, sinking into her chair as a girl’s tearful voice filled her ear. The door would have to wait, and Wolf should be here in a few minutes anyway. No point getting herself in a knot for the sake of ten or twenty minutes. What could it hurt to have the door unlocked until then, if it even was.

  “Take a deep breath and start from the beginning,” Gail said, putting her feet back up on the side of the desk. “We have nothing but time to sort this out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Is everything okay, Dalal?” Miss Cummings’s voice penetrated through her worries and Dalal saw her English teacher’s concerned eyes staring at her from the front of the class. Dalal took a quick look around and saw her classmates watching her too. Joe met her eyes from two rows over and smiled encouragingly. She looked back at Miss Cummings.

  “I didn’t hear the question. Could you please repeat it?”

  Miss Cummings watched her a moment more before picking Sally Jones to tell how Iago duped Othello into killing Desdemona.

  Dalal looked down at her desk, even more miserable than before. She tried to concentrate the rest of the afternoon, but Miss Cummings didn’t ask her any more questions. Finally, the three-forty bell rang and Dalal put away her books and pencils. She stood to file out with the rest of the class. Miss Cummings stopped her at the door.

  “Dalal, could you please stay behind for a few minutes?”

  “Yes, Miss Cummings.”

  She stood waiting for Miss Cummings near her desk until the last of the students had gone. Joe had lingered just outside the door and tried to signal her with his eyes, but she’d pretended not to see him. Finally Miss Cummings walked across the room and put her hand on Dalal’s shoulder. She smelled of peppermint, pencil shavings, and the faintest trace of cigarette smoke. “Let’s sit for a moment, Dalal.”


  They took the comfy reading chairs near the window. Dalal felt Miss Cummings studying her but she dared not lift her head. She knew that her teacher’s eyes were the colour of warm toffee with darker flecks of green. Dalal wished her eyes could be the same colour. She often wondered what it would be like to have Miss Cummings as her mother. A few times she even dared to dream that it was true.

  “You’ve been having trouble concentrating in class this week, Dalal. It is so unlike you that I wonder if something is on your mind. Perhaps it’s something that I could help you with. I’m a good listener and I find that it always helps to share a problem.”

  It was tempting to give Miss Cummings what she wanted: the truth. My family is going to marry my twelve-year-old sister to a man old enough to be her grandfather, but I’m not supposed to know. I cannot defy my parents or they will beat me and lock me in my room. Then they’ll take Meeza away and I will never see her again. My family does not forgive if we are disrespectful or do not do their bidding. Meeza will probably disappear one day anyhow, no matter what I do or don’t do. I thought it was me they would marry off first, not Meeza. We are as trapped as songbirds in a cage. Unless …

  “Look at me, Dalal, and tell me what you are thinking about.” Miss Cummings’s voice was more forceful this time, as if she was willing Dalal to give up her secrets.

  Dalal met her probing eyes and tried not to show anything of herself. “Everything is fine, Miss Cummings. I’ve had a bit of the flu this week. It’s been keeping me from sleeping and I’m tired all day. I’ll rest more on the weekend and will be better on Monday.”

  Miss Cummings’s eyes felt like lasers into her soul. Dalal knew that her teacher didn’t believe her, but smiled as if she’d just told the truth.

  “Can I go now? My mother needs me at home today.”

  Miss Cummings tried one last time. “Is everything going well at home?”

  “Yes, Miss Cummings.”

  Those eyes searching her own and then the sigh and raised hand. “You can go then, Dalal. I’m here if you ever want to talk.”

  “Thank you, Miss.” She left the classroom and started down the hall. Joe was waiting for her just around the corner near the water fountain.

  “So what did she want?” he asked. “Was she ma
d you were daydreaming in class?”

  Dalal shook her head. “She just wanted to know if everything was okay at home.”

  “Maybe you should tell her how strict your parents are. She could talk to them and get them to loosen up.”

  Dalal looked at Joe and back down at the ground. He really didn’t get it. Nobody did.

  Joe held the door open for her and they stepped outside into the bright sunshine. From the top of the steps, she checked the street and parking lot. No sign of Ghazi. Her shoulders relaxed.

  “So have you asked about coming for supper tomorrow? We can play a little one-on-one basketball afterwards or just hang out if you want.”

  “I don’t think so. I’d have to lie to get out of the house.”

  “Why don’t you? My mom will back you up.”

  Dalal took a step down. “She’d go along with whatever story I come up with?”

  “Yeah. I told her your family has you in this stranglehold. My mom’s cool. She thinks you should be able to socialize like other kids.”

  “What if my family comes to check up on me? They will, you know.”

  “You can say that you are doing a project with Meghan. She’ll cover too. We’ve already discussed it.”

  His sister was in grade ten, a year ahead of her, but her parents wouldn’t know that. It might just work. She almost gave in until reason and the fear returned. “It’s too risky.” She jumped down the last of the steps. She spotted Ghazi ahead of her getting out of his car. “My brother,” she shouted without looking back. “Don’t come near me.”

  She started running but Joe’s voice followed her flight. “Meghan is going to call you tonight, so be ready to play along.”

  If Ghazi hadn’t looked at her at just that moment, Dalal would have turned and told Joe not to let his sister do anything so foolish. Instead, she kept running toward her brother and didn’t look back. She reached him out of breath.

  “Your hijab isn’t covering all your hair,” Ghazi said.

  “It slipped when I was running.” Dalal tugged it back into place.

  “You’re late. I’ll drive you home so you can get your homework done before you make supper.” Ghazi looked back toward the school. He squinted into the sun. “Do you know that boy on the steps?”

  She turned. “Not really. He’s in one of my classes, that’s all.”

  Ghazi shielded his eyes with one hand and stared at Joe a moment longer. Dalal looked at the ground and stopped breathing. At last Ghazi dropped his arm and pointed toward his black car across the street. “Let’s go then. I have another errand to run after I drop you off.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  After a meal of scrambled eggs and toast, Kala called for Taiku and they set out for a walk up the road. The night was calm and the air cooler than it had been the past few evenings. She wasn’t a fan of heat and welcomed the lower temperature. She felt the stress of the day slipping away as she walked past untamed stretches of trees and bush. Taiku stayed close for the first few minutes, but there was a rustling in the long grass and he raced ahead of her, tail and ears on alert until he was out of sight. She ran after him, calling his name, worried that he’d corner a skunk or porcupine. She had no energy to deal with either tonight.

  She rounded the bend in the road and stopped mid-yell. Taiku was standing in the road growling at Gundersund and his Border Collie. She called for Taiku to stop and by the time she reached the dogs, Taiku was sniffing the Collie, whose tail was wagging back and forth. Kala wasn’t sorry that Taiku’s first instinct was to be protective, but she was happy that he’d never attacked another dog or human. She had no doubt he would if she was truly threatened. Her eyes lifted to Gundersund standing a short distance behind the dogs. A grin spread across his face as he caught sight of her. He stepped forward and patted both dogs on their heads before walking over to meet her. “Looks like Minny and Taiku are hitting it off. Nice evening.”

  “Does your dog actually like being called Minny?” She was winded and felt at a disadvantage coming upon him so unexpectedly.

  Gundersund laughed. “She’s never complained. Fiona named her after a favourite aunt. Where did the name Taiku come from?”

  “Not from a favourite aunt.”

  “You’ve neatly sidestepped my question.” He smiled.

  She smiled back at him. “I’ve made a religion of avoiding answering questions.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  Kala inhaled the smell of sweet grass and rich earth and looked into the deepening shadows cast by the pine trees. The houses on Old Front Road were widely spaced with a tangle of woods between that gave the sense of being in the wilderness. The sun was sinking over the trees, and already stars were glittering through the darkening sky visible above the ribbon of road.

  “The heat wave is over. It feels like fall’s in the air.” She looked back at him. “I think we should pay a visit to Professor Tadesco’s office in the morning. Leah was in his class and he is often around the help line. He might be the other man in her life.”

  “Good idea. I can pick you up. It’s on the way to the station.”

  “No, I’ll meet you. I like to have my own vehicle.”

  “Suit yourself. Not everyone gets to ride in my Camero though.”

  “I’m sure there’ll be other opportunities.”

  They started walking side by side down the side of the road toward the dogs. The silence stretched between them. She wanted to ask him about his wife, Fiona, but she’d made a pact with herself not to get involved. He hadn’t struck her as married, though. It was odd that he’d never mentioned his wife.

  “How old is your dog?” she asked instead.

  “Minny’s four. Taiku?”


  The dogs had stood still for a moment, watching them getting closer before chasing each other down the road in the direction of Gundersund’s house.

  “We’d better corral them,” Gundersund said. “It’s a quiet night but traffic does travel this road.” He whistled and Minny broke away from Taiku. Kala called Taiku to come. The dogs loped up next to them and Kala reached down to rub the fur behind Taiku’s ears.

  “Would you like to come in for a tea?” Gundersund asked. He’d crouched down next to Minny and looked up at her as he waited for her to respond.

  Kala’s instinct was to refuse. Nothing good could come of socializing with a partner. On the other hand, agreeing to a cup of tea might be a conciliatory gesture since it looked like they were going to be working together for the next while. “If you’re sure it’s okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “No reason.” Except your wife might not appreciate me spending time alone with you after work hours since I heard the rumour that she’s trying to get back with you. She’d seen the way Fiona Gundersund had checked her out. Her look had been a challenging one when she’d introduced herself as Gundersund’s wife. Not ex wife. Kala had to admit that she wouldn’t have placed the blond beauty Fiona with Gundersund. It would have made more sense for him to be the insecure one.

  They walked another ten minutes up the road. His house was set back closer to the lake. Grey shingles. Cape Cod two-storey. They walked around the back to enter. The grass needed a mow and the garden was a mass of weeds with a few hardy perennials breaking through. A solitary lawn chair faced the water. The dogs raced around the yard and disappeared into the underbrush.

  Gundersund watched her trying to decide whether to go after them. “They’ll be fine,” he said. “Minny never goes off the property. Coming?”

  He started back toward the house, not waiting for her to follow. She took a last look in the direction of the lake and figured the dogs would be okay. There was another hour before complete darkness would descend.

  Gundersund stood holding the door for her.

  “I don’t know why anybody would want to live in the city,” she said as she reached him, “with all this beauty on our doorstep.”

  “Yeah, I’m real
ly glad I moved out here.”

  Kala turned toward the side of the house. A few steps and she heard an engine getting closer. She stopped. “I think you have company,” she said. “Isn’t that a car pulling into your driveway?”

  “I’m not expecting anyone.” Gundersund shut the door and came back toward her.

  Tires crunched on the gravel. They looked at each other and Gundersund shrugged. A car door slammed.

  “Paul, I brought that wine. I thought we could …” Fiona strode around the corner and stopped. She looked at Kala and the smile slipped from her face, but only for a moment. “I see we have company.”

  Kala felt Gundersund move away from her. She looked at him but he was facing another direction, watching his wife walk toward them. Kala expected him to greet Fiona but he didn’t say anything, even after Fiona reached them and stood in front of Gundersund waiting. Her eyes moved from Kala to Gundersund, where they remained. The silence stretched uncomfortably. Kala jumped into the empty space.

  “I’m just on my way. I stopped by to confirm where we’ll be meeting up in the morning.”

  Fiona’s eyebrows arched in a puzzled line and she half-turned, one hand raised toward the corner of the house. “I didn’t see your car in the driveway.”

  “I’m staying at a friend’s just down the road. My dog and I were out for a walk and I spotted Gund … your husband’s car.” Kala felt like she’d been caught doing something wrong. It was time to get out of here and let whatever was going on between the Gundersunds play out in private. She turned toward Gundersund. “I’ll see you around eight tomorrow then.”

  He nodded. “I’ll meet you outside his building at eight.”

  Kala called for Taiku and gave thanks when he bounded toward her. “Nice to see you,” she said to Fiona, bending to grab Taiku’s collar.

  “Come by again,” Fiona smiled, “when you have more time to visit.”

  Kala reached the corner of the house and looked back. Fiona had looped her arm through Gundersund’s and was looking up into his face. He lifted his eyes to look over Fiona’s head toward Kala. She had no idea what he was thinking, but doubted it was regret that she was leaving him to do whatever married couples did on a warm evening. She’d actually been looking forward to that cup of tea he’d promised, so all the regret was on her side.


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