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Dan Sharp Mysteries 4-Book Bundle

Page 106

by Jeffrey Round

  Dan reached the stately towers in fifteen minutes. The powerful-looking man behind the desk appeared friendly and relaxed, though Dan was pretty sure he was armed with more than just a smile and some pricey muscles. If the bruise on his face registered, the concierge didn’t show it.

  “Yes, sir. I was told to expect you.” He nodded to the set of elevators. “Go on up.”

  The lobby was as grand and silent as the tomb of any self-respecting pharaoh waiting patiently through the centuries. Dan walked quickly through and pressed PH over the illuminated buttons. He stared at the silvery walls during his ascent, trying to imagine all the floors in between, all the whispers of lives unseen and unheard except for a brief murmuring of gears. He pictured Lionel’s worried face waiting for him to arrive. Dan had experienced threats of violence to the point where he was able to turn off the fear and simply deal with whatever needed to be dealt with, but, according to Danny, the perfect couple Lionel and Charles lived a tranquil life whose routine was seldom disrupted by such concerns. It wasn’t easy to get used to intimidation.

  The elevator opened on to high ceilings and a wide, open hallway. Silver and blue dominated the wallpaper’s soft, shell-like patterns. More tranquillity. Understatement was the theme here, but Dan knew this was extreme luxury and comfort as far as downtown living went.

  Like almost everything else about the building, the penthouse door was oversized, as though built for armies to come and go. In fact, it looked as though it could hold off an armed revolt if things ever came to that. It never hurt to be prepared for the revolution when it came to town.

  “They killed Santiago,” Lionel announced before Dan had set foot in the room. “They said it was suicide, but I don’t believe it for a second. It had to be Trposki or someone like that.”

  He sounded calmer now, but still frightened. Charles seemed more self-contained. They were bookends of composure and discomposure, the tall, stocky lawyer and the lean, athletic accountant.

  Charles registered the bruise and cuts on Dan’s face with a curious expression as he ushered him inside. “Come in please, Dan.”

  The central room was brightly lit, yet sparsely furnished. A wall of windows loomed behind, framing the night sky like a painting that overwhelms the space it hangs in. Outside, the darkness was edged by lights, sketching the horizon in a constantly changing chimera of colours and shapes that mere mortals on the ground could never conceive. Here was Valhalla presented for the entry of the gods.

  It was the perfect showroom. It was also, Dan noted, the perfect opportunity for someone in the twin tower opposite to take a couple of clean shots, killing anyone inside with minimal effort and expert efficiency. An assassin’s wet dream.

  They sat astride cream-coloured couches centred on a geometrically patterned carpet, like figures on a Paul Klee canvas.

  “When did the police call you?” Dan asked.

  “Yesterday morning. He had my business card in his wallet when they found him. I have no idea why. I told them that. They said he didn’t have any family in Canada, so I had to identify him.” Lionel ran a hand through his hair. “He looked awful. He was all swollen … his face …”

  He grew more agitated as he described Santiago’s appearance.

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Dan said. “And I’m sorry I didn’t find him first while he was still alive.”

  “It’s silly. I shouldn’t get so rattled by it. It’s not like I haven’t seen death before.” Lionel picked up a glass of water. His hand shook as he brought it to his mouth. “When I was five, I lost my older brother. It was a car accident. We were nearly home when we got hit by a truck. I remember the doctors telling my parents he had a fifty-fifty chance of surviving. I prayed all night. He died the next day. I kept wondering what happened to the other fifty percent. I realized then that life is just a numbers game. There’s no morality, no god who makes things better or worse for you if you do or don’t do what he wants. There’s nothing more than the odds for or against something. Some people live, some die. How can you stop it from happening?”

  “I have no answer for that,” Dan said.

  Lionel finally registered the changes to Dan’s appearance.

  “What …?” He shook his head. “What happened to you?”

  “Small accident. Nothing to worry about,” he said, brushing aside the question. “Where did they find Santiago’s body?”

  “Beneath the Overlea Bridge, not far from where we went running the other day. Close to the stables …” Lionel glanced at Charles. “That’s why they thought it might be suicide. It used to be the Bloor Viaduct where these things happened. That was the most popular spot. But once they enclosed it with wire, people started looking for alternate locations. Overlea is closest.”

  The city had covered the sides of the Viaduct, hoping to stop the spate of suicides, Dan recalled, but people simply found other places to jump. The numbers hadn’t changed. He did some quick mental calculations. Overlea was at least seventy-five metres high. A falling body would hit the ground at more than a hundred kilometres an hour. At that rate, you’d be pretty much assured of an instant death. For jumpers, that was often a factor. No one wanted to injure themselves and just make things worse as a result of not having tried hard enough.

  He glanced at the windows. A wide terrace ran alongside, the one-time scene of Lionel and Charles’s wedding, as Donny related. At thirty floors up, it too would be a suicide’s dream.

  “There’s more,” Lionel said, sounding strained. “While you were away, I kept looking into that file I told you about. I think it’s for off-shore investments. Money was being siphoned off from the Saddle and Bridle. Lots of it. I don’t know how Yuri managed to hide it from me.”

  “Have you told the police?”


  “You will probably have to.”

  Lionel nodded distractedly. “It always struck me as funny that Yuri never wanted me to do a full audit of the books. I never really questioned it.”

  “Do you think Yuri was into more than just a regular bar and nightclub business? We know about the drugs. Could he also have been dealing in arms, for instance? Something that would bring in a lot of money that he needed to hide?”

  “If he was, it was completely without my knowledge. I never saw anything like that going on behind the scenes.” Lionel nodded to a sheaf of papers on a sideboard. “See for yourself.”

  Dan leafed quickly through the documents, noting figures and cryptic letters that could have been account particulars.

  “Can any of it be traced?”

  Lionel shook his head. “I doubt it. This stuff goes into one account and then disappears into another. After that, no one knows where it ends up. I doubt you’d even find a name attached to it once it left Yuri’s hands.” He looked at his husband. “Charles has had experiences with this sort of thing. He could tell you about it.”

  From the look on Charles’s face, Dan sensed he had no intention of talking about it.

  “Nothing that would be of any help here,” Charles said. “But if the police get wind of this, they may target Lionel for running illegal financial operations for Yuri. So far, they haven’t said anything, but that could change. We have to be careful to protect his reputation.”

  And his life, Dan thought. He held up the file. “I think it might be wisest to let them know first. Can I take this with me for now?”

  Lionel shrugged. “Sure.”

  “We need to make sure you both are protected for the next while. The police have offered to help with that.”

  “We’ve already discussed it. I’m not sure what they can do,” Charles said, sceptically. “Nor do I particularly trust the police. Not now, not ever.”

  “Then I strongly advise you to hire somebody privately. Get yourselves a bodyguard.”

  “We’re well protected here,” Charles said. “You might not be able to tell from the lobby, but you’d need a SWAT team to get in. Why would we need anything more th
an what we have now?”

  Dan nodded over to the windows. “It’s pretty open up here. You never know what someone is capable of doing. Don’t underestimate the enemy, whoever it may be.”

  Charles scowled. “Can you recommend someone?”

  “I can ask around and come up with a name or two by tomorrow.”

  “All right. Send them to me and I’ll check into it,” Charles said. He looked at Lionel and shrugged. “It’s what lawyers do, after all.”

  Dan glanced back and forth between the two. Charles seemed a bit cavalier, though perhaps he simply didn’t want to appear to be rattled by the situation.

  Lionel’s elbow slipped on the arm of the couch. He steadied himself.

  “Your sleeping pills are kicking in,” Charles said. He turned to Dan. “He’s been a wreck the last few days. I think it’s starting to take a toll on him.”

  Lionel nodded to Dan. “I needed to calm myself down. I took them right after you called.”

  Charles stood and turned to Dan. “Can I get you something to drink? A beer?”

  “No, thanks.”

  “Tea? Coffee?”

  “A coffee would be good,” Dan said.

  Charles went to the kitchen.

  Lionel leaned back into the couch. “Sorry if I seem a little out of it. Charles thought it would be a good idea if I really knocked myself out and got a good night’s sleep.”

  “Just don’t overdo it,” Dan said. “I’ve had some pretty bad insomnia the last few years, but I still have to be careful how many pills I take.”

  “I was really worried before, but now it all seems a bit silly. I think maybe I’m feeling a little high.”

  Dan noticed the edges of a bruise peeking out from under his sleeve. “You hurt yourself,” he said.

  Lionel looked down and pulled his sleeve over it. “I banged into some workout equipment yesterday. Clumsy.”

  “Looks like a bad bruise,” Dan said.

  “Don’t worry, I’m okay.” He smiled. “Thanks for coming by this evening. We both appreciate it. I’m starting to feel better.”

  He struggled to keep his eyes open a moment longer, then gave up. His breathing was softly rhythmic by the time Charles returned with the coffee.

  Dan took a cup. “Looks like Lionel has had enough for this evening. I’ll just finish this and leave.”

  Charles glanced over at his husband’s sleeping figure.

  “I hate to see him going through this. He’s very sensitive. More than me, at any rate.” He studied the cuts on Dan’s face. “What really happened to you?”

  “I was attacked while I was away.”

  “In Quebec?”


  His brow furrowed. “And you think it has something to do with what happened to Yuri?”

  “I suspect it does.”

  Charles nodded. “Get me those names. I’ll look into getting some kind of security for the time being.”

  “I guarantee you’ll be happier knowing you’re both safe rather than worrying about it.” He nodded to Lionel. “I can help you carry him to bed before I go.”

  “Don’t worry about Lionel. I can handle him. But I’d like to talk to you for a few minutes.”

  “No problem,” Dan told him.

  “I don’t trust the police,” Charles continued. “I’ve said that already. Still, I’m just not convinced that Santiago was murdered. That seems a bit far-fetched. What do you think?”

  Dan considered the question. Despite his experience in Quebec, he was undecided. “I’d like to hear from the police whether or not they believe the death to be suicide. They may not want to reveal too much about the investigation just yet. It could be they think it’s in their best interest at present to go along with the suicide theory. At any rate, they can’t all be corrupt —”

  Charles cut him off. “What do you know of this Trposki character Lionel keeps mentioning? He seems to be at the heart of things.”

  “I agree, but I don’t have an answer for that. I’ve asked about him at police headquarters, but I don’t get much back by way of an answer.”

  “You have an inside source there?”

  “I’m friendly with the chief,” Dan said.

  Charles’s face registered surprise. “I didn’t know.”

  “In any case, when it comes to Trposki, if you see him I think you should avoid him if possible.”

  “I doubt I’d recognize him if I saw him again.” He put a hand on Dan’s forearm. “How’s your coffee?”

  Dan felt the heat in his touch and recalled Donny’s warning. Charles leaned forward, his handsome features caught in the light, a stage designer’s trompe l’oeil that had seduction written on it. Intention lay all over this man, from the cut of his silk shirt outlining hard pectorals to the crease of his pant leg that said he could be conservative and coy if you liked, but better lay in wait if you didn’t.

  “I’m good, thanks,” Dan said.

  Charles lifted the hand. Lionel snored lightly in his corner.

  “I better go,” Dan said, bundling the file Lionel had given him.

  If Charles was disappointed, he didn’t show it. He stood and walked Dan to the door. A picture on the mantel caught the reflection of a pinspot: Charles astride a well-groomed horse. Rich men and their hobbies, Dan thought, determined not to let himself be added to Charles’s list of amusements.

  “That’s Rocket,” Charles said, catching his glance.

  “Nice-looking horse. Is that the stable in the valley?” Dan asked.

  “Yes. Very near to where …” He shrugged.

  “Right.” Dan paused. “With Santiago dead, I’m assuming you won’t need my services any longer.”

  “Let’s take a few days and think it over. Lionel likes you. It might be in his best interests to keep you engaged for the time being.”

  “To do what?”

  Charles gave him an assured smile. “Maybe you can find out what really happened to Santiago. We can afford to keep you on.”

  Dan held up the file. “I think my job here is done once I bring this to the police.”

  “I understand.” Charles held out his hand. “Thanks for not worrying Lionel about your attack. And I won’t underestimate the enemy, as you put it. Not for a second.”

  They shook. The gap in the door narrowed until Charles disappeared behind it.

  At home, Dan went up to his office. He pored over the documents Lionel had given him. Substantial amounts of money seemed to have been forwarded to various accounts on a regular basis. Judging by the codes, it would be impossible for anyone but an expert to determine where. As well, there were lists showing smaller amounts indicating what appeared to be a series of regular expenditures. One weekly entry had a cellphone number at the bottom. He dialled it, but the line was no longer in service.

  He checked his watch. It was already past eleven. Inspector Johnston had said to call any time, but he wasn’t surprised when the call went directly to her answering service, her voice softly compelling him to leave his name and number.

  “This is Dan Sharp, Lydia. I got your message. Please call when you get a chance.”

  She called back within two minutes. He could tell from her voice that she’d been sleeping. He imaged her lying there listening to him, trying to shake off the vestiges of sleep before she dialled his number. Nevertheless, she had called.

  He gave her an update on his trip. She calmly offered a security contingent. He accepted it with a sense of relief. After his experience in Quebec, he wasn’t going to take any chances.

  “Are you home now?”


  “Would you prefer to stay there tonight or go to a hotel?”

  “My son will be coming home soon.”

  “I can have someone there after midnight,” she said.

  That was unusually fast, Dan thought, but then he’d been directed to her by the chief of police. Obviously she commanded a measure of authority and knew when to use it.

��I’ve also advised my clients, Charles and Lionel, to hire private protection, since they don’t seem to want any of yours.” He paused. “Ex-clients, I should say. I bowed out of the job this evening.”

  She seemed to take the news with barely a moment’s consideration. “Do you think they’ll take your advice about hiring protection?”

  Dan hesitated, recalling Charles’s apparent disregard at his mention of the likelihood of danger. “I hope so. I can’t say for sure.”

  He told her about the file Lionel had given him. They made plans to meet the following morning, and then Dan wished her good night.

  He had just got off the phone when he heard the front door open. Ked was home. It was time to face the music.


  Alarmed Forces

  His son stood at the foot of the stairs nodding in time to his iPod, earphones plugged into his head like the tendrils of zombie plants creeping in while he was unaware. It was a whole universe inside those ear buds, Dan knew. Considering the state of the world at large, it wasn’t a wonder kids dissociated from it whenever they could. Dan’s generation had protested — economies, racism, wars, unjust laws — because they’d been told they could change things. The new generation just wrapped themselves in cocoons and waited things out, like a nuclear winter, hoping it wouldn’t get any worse. Their animated heroes fought greater and greater battles on computer screens, while the kids themselves seemed prematurely dogged, knowing they could never have even that much effect on the world.

  Ralph brushed past Dan down the stairs to greet Ked, who looked up and saw his father standing there. His smile faded as he caught sight of the bruise on Dan’s cheek.

  “Dad —!”

  “I’m okay.”

  “What happened?”

  Dan saw the panic rising in his son’s face. He would have to head this off quickly and deal with it as best he could.

  “C’mon — let’s sit in the living room. I need to talk to you.”

  Ked followed as Dan led the way. He sat on the couch across from his father. Ralph flopped himself at Ked’s feet. At least someone was taking this casually.


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