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THE ENDLESS DARK OCEAN_A space epic that will change the history of the universe

Page 28

by Boris Mosso

  From the surface, a monolith outstood deploying at a little more than ninety meters high. The rocky protrusion really looked like an obelisk, whose top part exposed a strange straight cut.

  Inasmuch they obtained clearer tridimensional images, regular and symmetric angles were seen. The stone block had four very well-defined sides.

  It was without a doubt the geometrical defect discerned fleetingly from the solar system’s outer area and now, was astoundingly real.

  Upon spinning to watch it around all its sides, the spaceship overflew a great crater and the detectors began to generate incredible images from the depths of the valley’s depression. Several lines indicated a place which grew and was organized in a set of grey and straight shapes; which later matched its angles and lines over the tridimensional images.

  Pranus felt his stomach squeezing and a few minutes afterward an intense heat invaded every inch of his body. Actually, he couldn’t believe that just like that, suddenly and amidst a solar system lost in the middle of another different galaxy than the Astral, structured emerged, created artificially by some unknown breed lost in time and space.

  When seeing the distorted faces of the few crew members present in the command bridge, he understood that they were all going through the same thing.

  Upon looking at them carefully, Pranus saw shock in those countenances, but also fear and disbelief and seeing his inner self, he found that he too was afraid, very afraid for what from then on they would have to confront. He imagined Trivian’s face when discovering after four hundred years, that his search journey of a whole life could be reaching its end.

  But he also thought about him, in the tough and terrible load he already had, in the secrets he kept with him, understanding that from then on would be a lot worse. When he thought about Lena, his soul saddened, since he understood that, ever since that great and incredible discovery, the young Captains life of the spaceship would be affected to the depths of her being, feeling the certainty that Lena would be taken to the limit and maybe to her death, without her even ever discover a huge secret about her past. One more of the terrible secrets which burdened his conscience and that never he would tell anybody, as he was under oath. That Lena was the secret daughter of Admiral Tronius.

  The Vector spanned and moved close very carefully to the small moon, evidencing some magnificent and beyond belief constructions and gloomy installations, plastered in the craters deep slope. Amazed murmurs interrupted the tense silence which reigned in the control room. Pranus, seeing clearly the ghostly blurred shapes by light that the red planed reflected on, that still someone could remain in the core of that fort built in ancient times.

  Then, overwhelmed by all those feelings that silently tore his soul apart, he raised his voice to order that he would go ahead to a new reality, one that began another great adventure which could cost everyone’s life, including the desperate inhabitants of the Astral, which were still fighting for their lives on the other side of the universe.

  —Call every Officer and the Captain to the Command bridge! We found System X!


  Tronius’ gaze looked around the entire exterior panorama. Outside, an ocean of rubble was unclearly blending with thousands of small devices circling around the Espacian fleet’s Flantart’s flagship. He could even see a group of about forty Black Star destroyers at simple sight, which, moving forward with determination in the battle groups’ forefront, launched hundreds of antimatter torpedoes and thermonuclear against an entire class E and D destroyers’ squad, the ones who attacked the fleet’s flagship and other Flantarts with their own escorts.

  There were at least about sixty of these versatile spaceships, which at the same time, were launching countless dark energy torpedoes against the Espacian formation. Those torpedoes were surely seized by these Black Star countermeasures, and by hundreds of Trendar’s countermeasure itself and from another forty-nine Flantarts located in the red group’s formation, which extended throughout thousands of kilometers in all directions. The Flantarts also received a ferocious attack by an entire invaders’ battle group, which arrived at the left side flank section. A group which had more than one hundred spacecrafts of every kind.

  Thereby, the D and E destroyers were only the end of the spear in the attack against the Trendar and its escorts. The enemy attack group was mainly composed by about seventy huge spacecrafts, known as the class A fearful mother spacecrafts, according to the high unified command’s classification.

  They reached five kilometers long, like the Flantarts, distributed harmoniously in a fuselage filled with curved lines and smooth surfaces. At that time, they moved forward releasing thousands of small interceptors on their sides. Tronius assumed that, in a matter of a couple of minutes at the most, they would launch an unstoppable number of missiles and maximum range dark energy torpedoes, if he didn’t take some preventive measures soon.

  At a distance, a planetary sphere could be seen being attacked by the terrestrial invader’s forces. The combats were produced in that world’s nearby space, reaching the planetary exosphere clearly. Tronius figured that the coalition exterior defenses were minutes from being broken by the enemy’s landing units, which soon, millions of armed entities would touch the surface. The Admiral imagined the terrible battle developing there, upon remembering that one of the most feared terrestrial forces entities, which the coalition still had, remained deployed around the cities. They were known as the Bartanes in the entire galaxy. It was the legendary Atirov’s empire armed infantry entity.

  The combat traffic afterglows were massive in space, covering several light minutes around, thus, being impossible to distinguish galaxies’ stars.

  The Espacian fleet just barely began to settle amidst the nightmarish spectacle, after their star’s breakage into the Atirov Solar System, just a few minutes ago. Even so, that time had been enough for dozens of thousands Espacian spacecrafts, to confront squarely against twelve huge enemy crafts’ massive bodies, in different areas of the gigantic spatial quadrant, the ones which besieged relentlessly at two nearby and populated planets in the tenth system’s quadrant, one which was about to be invaded.

  When Tronius’ fleet arrived, only fifteen different breeds’ fleets, which remained in this quadrant, resisted, which were practically swiped from space at that point.

  Now, an excited Atirovian Commander communicated with Tronius greeting him and expressing his gratitude for helping them with all the combat moving flanks.

  —Sir, we have a high rank Atirovian on line. It’s Atirov’s fifteenth unified division’s chief Commissioner. His name is Azor.

  —I know him. Transfer him immediately.

  On a personal holographic, Tronius and his Commanders saw a tall Officer from the unified command’s image emerge, who he met during an extensive and exhausting negotiation with the Thirtieth Federation, carried out in the galaxy’s other side in previous months.

  The two meters high Atirovian, had four upper limbs, which, instead of ending in fingers, they ended with ten very thin strands. Their skin was brown and instead of eyes, a thirty centimeters crosswise opening, crossed in front of a great size head, which was held with a long and delicate neck that seemed mistakenly very fragile. A flow of incomprehensible deep-toned sounds was translated in real time, and Tronius understood Azor’s intense words clearly.

  —Admiral Tronius, we meet again. You have arrived at a good time… We can hardly defend the planets in our quadrant. Unfortunately, the other quadrants Commissioners aren’t doing much better and, the Browns’ armed entities will begin landing in Decan anytime now. Admiral, it will be a massacre. The population there is one hundred and eighty thousand million Atirovians, plus the refugees…

  —Commissioner Azor, I’m so sorry we have reunited again in such terrible circumstances. I request you to immediacy move all your remaining fleets behind us. We’re already confronting the entire quadrant’s invaders and we’ll stay here. For the meantime, we’re opening paths
in between the A mother crafts. I hope we can take our Tubulars to Decan soon. The Spacian Terrestrial Forces will land there once it’s possible to join their supporters.

  —Thanks Admiral. We hope the Bartanes can stop the invasion on Decan’s and Taris surface, but if they don’t, the Espacian Terrestrial Forces will be the last hope for our citizens imprisoned in both of those worlds. Admiral Tronius, bad news doesn’t end there. I must inform you that we lost more than ten thousand medium and bigger spaceships up until now, adding all the Vintar constellation’s battle fronts … more than half belonged to the Atirovian’s fleet. We had never suffered a loss like that in our entire history, this is, a disaster having epic dimensions.

  —I’m very sorry, but we can’t stay now and count fatalities, there will be time for that. On the meantime, you must withdraw the fifteenth Astral division completely, since we’re going to use the most powerful weapons we have, indiscriminately.

  —Right, Admiral Tronius. The fifteenth Astral division… it’s only a handful of spaceships decimated and unarmed. We’re under their command in the tenth quadrant beginning now. May our ancestors have pity on us.

  The Atirovian image discolored, disappearing in seconds.

  Tronius understood, observing the battle developing in the gigantic quadrant’s general holography, that the confrontation could last for days.

  —Tribar, they’re besieging us with unusual strength. The Browns already know we’re the flagship.

  —Surely, one of these damn undercover spies has revealed our identity. They intend to bring down our fleets’ command, while our allies withdraw the rearguard too.

  Just in front of the main holography control, were some of the fleets highest rank’s advisors, who also had heard Commissioner’s Azor serious reports.

  —Have the Thirtieth battle group fifty Flantarts get ahead coming from the right. They should use the Supernovas from the beginning. The rest of our battle group is forming on the left, above and below. Let’s send a consistent response, Tribar.


  —Don’t keep anything.

  —Very well. Behind us, the Vectors are defending the Tubulars, Sir. Some enemy destroyers are already besieging them.

  —I understand, let them remain there and have the Thirtieth send about thirty Black Stars to help them. Let’s try something.

  —At your orders Admiral.

  —How many Nimides do we have in the nearby perimeter?

  —Adding the ones from the Thirtieth to our group, about four hundred remain in that section.

  —Right, Tribar. Have them take off from our flank, accelerating to the fullest and drop down from another angle over the main A body.

  —Their interceptors are going to besiege them brutally. There are hundreds of thousands, really millions.

  —I know. Gather all your robotics’ squads you can, to escort them.

  —At your service.

  They were all witnesses of the repositioning in space strategic movements, which were performed in a matter of a minute.

  While the first Gamma torpedoes launched by the A’s were coming against them at great speed, intercepted greatly enraged, by the Black Star’s countermeasures launched in the forefront.

  In the thirty meters wide times ten tall central holography, the instant when the Thirtieth entity’s Flantarts, could be clearly seen, beginning the direct attack against the enormous invaders’ mother crafts, on the right flank. These deployed, at the same time responding with countless defensive and offensive weapons. The images were extremely shocking because of the spaceship’s size involved in the brutal crash.

  When the battle space was overwhelmingly riddled with after glowing lines drawn by the warheads, the monstrous detonations began. It was a postcard from that day, which would be hard for a survivor to forget.

  First, two flaming balls of about seventy kilometers in diameter, took out a mother craft A in space. Almost immediately, two others exploded also. But only a couple of seconds afterwards, Tronius witnessed with his heart torn, the ruthless Flantart’s explosion, which was reached in its entirety by a couple of Gamma torpedoes that outsmarted hundreds of countermeasures, it was now transformed in the middle, into a blinding bright ball. Tronius figured, filled with sorrow, that about thirty thousand Spacians had just died.

  In the following minutes the struggle’s intensity didn’t decrease. The huge battle space’s detonations kept the entire section permanently lit, to the point that at plain sight you could see every detail from the firestorm. This was very hard to digest for the ones present in the room, since countless Espacian corpses could be distinguished half burned and then frozen, swarming everywhere in space.

  A two hundred class Nimide raiders’ spaceship’s entity could be seen, emerging surprisingly through the A spaceship’s right flank, and another similar one emerging diagonally. The class A mother crafts couldn’t settle before the surprising and swift attack coming from two different angles. Without wasting time, these fifty meters long versatile raiders, launched hundreds of thermonuclear torpedoes and Class Supernova antimatter, choosing the objectives for sure. The attack was reinforced by a shower of torpedoes thrown by the smaller spaceships.

  Amidst the enormous spaceship’s interchanging crossed fire, an enormous swarm of interceptors was seen weaving into combat with thousands of robotic squads, led by the Espacian pilots. Consequently, other hundreds of small blasts per second, surprised Tronius and the present ones. It was clear that it was a merciless combat there.

  After brutally struggling a few minutes, the strategy was giving results ant at least seven invader’s A mother crafts were destroyed in fifteen minutes, along with a countless number of different types of small destroyers; despite that, the remaining invaders’ crafts, opposed resistance ferociously, and likewise, were able to finish the other three Flantarts located in the Thirtieth’s battle group forefront, as well as more less a dozen Black Star spaceships.

  Up until then, Tronius’ strategy was evidently having results, although the cost for the Nimides raider’s squads had been devastating. At least forty of them were pulverized by the invaders’ defenses, once the side attack finished, and not to mention thousands of hunting spaceships destroyed in the attack maneuver.

  —Admiral, we’re slaughtering these bastards. They might retract.

  —No, Tribar, they don’t know how to withdraw. They’re going to send more mother crafts against our battle group. Tribar, you shouldn’t lose sight of the cost this maneuver had for our small spaceships, added to three Flantarts we just lost. It’s already foreseen that we’ll pay a high price for beginning the combat. At some point we must see, what the invader proposes. Have the twenty-fourth and the Fortieth get out of reserved formation. They must position themselves over us in the next few minutes, this is just beginning…

  —At your command.

  Another strategic command Officer approached Tronius and quickly, delivered a message.

  —Sir, they’re asking for help from other quadrants.

  Tribar discretely approached Tronius before speaking to him.

  —Admiral, we must help them.

  —Right, we’ll do it, but without taking our eyes off this. Decan and Taris are the most inhabited two planets in the system. We can’t lose this battle.

  —I understand Sir. I’ll send some entire battle groups in their aid.

  —Tribar only send two groups to the quadrant. Nothing else for now.

  —Right, Admiral.

  In Tronius’ mind, Lena’s face emerged suddenly, and his heart seemed to stop for an instant. He called out her name indiscernibly.

  —Lena, my daughter…

  Unintentionally, a seven-year-old little girl’s image, running by herself through the Cerlador Forest, filled his vision and his feelings.

  Similar scenes had emerged in his dreams for decades occasionally, without knowing he had a daughter. The little one’s translucent vision, forced him to hold some tears which fought to
come forth, closing his eyelids strongly.

  Once again, some words came out of his mouth, which nobody was able to hear. It was more less a rough and contained whisper escaping from between his half-closed lips.

  —My little girl…

  When he opened his eyes, he was in front of an overwhelming destructive sequence, that devoured thousands of lives and spaceships each minute. They were monstrous war images which was barely beginning for them.

  At the same time, a taken decision developed in his thoughts.

  If he survived that day and the coming ones, he would leave everything behind and would run to find her wherever she could be. He didn’t care that the whole universe blocked his path, he would find her, if it was just to hug her for just one time.


  Copyright © 2018 Boris Mosso

  All rights reserved.



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