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Second Chance Love: A Regency Romance Set

Page 14

by Wendy Lacapra

Her slim leg slid along his.

  Her feet tangled in his. She’d awakened, obviously, but…

  Doubts assailed him. He oughtn’t feel so uncertain at his age. This woman assaulted his senses and created havoc in his normally astute brain.

  And then her hand slid up his chest.

  He was not yet ready to return to being Mrs. Mossant and Mr. Waverly. Hell, he didn’t think he ever would be.

  “I’ve proven quite the nuisance of a client, haven’t I?” He wondered if she laughed half-heartedly at her question or her actions.

  Client be damned. He’d put an end to this here and now. He could not think of her as a client this morning. He doubted he’d ever relegate her to such a position again.

  Pain hounded his left side, she warmed his right. Ignoring the stabbing sensation of moving, he rolled in her direction.


  “You would deny that I’m annoying?” A teasing smile lifted her lips.

  He chuckled softly and studied her in the morning light.

  He could hold her more easily like this. Skim his free hand along the length of her in order to divine feminine curves beneath the large gown. Dips and flares. He buried his face in her hair. “You aren’t a client this morning.”

  “Niles.” She buried her fingers in his hair. “We shouldn’t.”

  Ah, but he would.

  This kiss differed from the one they’d shared yesterday. Earthier. Heartfelt and yet, raw.

  Different than any kiss he could remember. Was it the woman herself, or was it him?

  She’d joined him in the bed — in only a night dress. He could touch her freely. They would not be interrupted.

  She arched her back, pressing into him.


  She opened her eyes and stared back at him. He needed to know she wanted this before going any farther.

  One tear crept out the side of her eye. She blinked it away and nodded.

  “I want it. You can’t imagine…” And then she closed her eyes and pressed closer.

  Realistically, he couldn’t satisfy both this morning. Hell, he’d barely been able to turn onto his side.

  But this.

  This he could do.

  His hand wandered downward again, over the soft mound of her abdomen and watched her lips part on a gasp. God, he loved the pale skin of her neck and shoulders. Bending to trace her pulse with his lips, he discovered skin that tasted as delightful as it looked.

  Gathering her gown in his fist, inching it upward so that he could touch the bare skin of her leg, seemed the most natural thing in the world.

  He pushed the gown aside and traveled his palm over the soft skin of her thigh and buttocks. And then up and around to cup a warm, heavy breast.

  “Niles.” She clutched at him almost frantically as he settled his hand between her legs. A little pressure here, and then inside. Slick and warm. Niles dipped his head to her breast and nuzzled her above the material of her gown.

  She trembled and squirmed, trying to get closer as her gasps came quicker. “Niles.” She spoke his name in awe. “I can’t. I’m not. I don’t know what—”

  “It’s all right, love. Let go. Open for me. Ah, yes.” His encouraged her release. “Just like that. Beautiful, oh, my beautiful Eve.” His voice broke on her name.

  She was Eve.

  “Niles, please, please,” she begged. “Oh! Oh!”

  He pulled away to watch her lovely face as she found her release. Ecstasy, pain, delight, and then satisfaction. The crimson flush of passion only enhanced her classic beauty.

  No tears now. Just a soft, sensual, lazy smile.

  His own arousal persisted, but he disregarded it. This had been about her. His gaze memorized her curves, the dips and shadows of her belly and the dark curling hair entangled with his fingers. When she let out a sigh, he removed his hand and reluctantly eased her gown down to cover her again.

  “I’m afraid to open my eyes.” Her voice sounded sleepy. “I’m afraid this is just a dream. I’m also afraid it’s all too real.”

  Her honesty gave him pause.

  He could not read more into this than there was. Eve Mossant had been born into the upper classes. He was all too aware of society’s constraints. God damn him if he fell in love again.

  He turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

  “Nothing more than a moment in time, Eve. We must seize life’s pleasures when offered.” Did he sound as stilted to her as he did to himself?

  And then she rose on one arm and was leaning over him. Brandy colored eyes met his. “Niles. Thank you. Thank you for offering me one of life’s pleasures. I haven’t…” She shrugged almost imperceptibly.

  And then her lips found his.

  And like her smile, this kiss unfolded lazy and slow. They savored it like a decadent dessert after a gourmet meal.

  When she drew back, he couldn’t help but ask, “How long?” The question was inappropriate, he knew, but all of this was inappropriate. And he wanted to know more of her, her secrets, her desires, her dreams.

  She winced. “Too long.”

  “You never sought intimacy outside of your marriage?” Would she answer him? He half expected the question to send her into a rage.

  “I did not.” She looked as though she might apologize. But then, “What of you? Have you had somebody special in your life? Someone to warm your bed at night?” She flushed pink at the second part of her question.

  Eve traced her finger along Niles’ shoulder.

  None of this made for appropriate conversation. They’d gone well beyond being appropriate with one another.

  Niles had never married. A part of her hated imagining him alone, lonely, but another part of her hated even more, the idea that a woman awaited him somewhere.

  “On and off,” he answered vaguely.

  Niles touched her face and then lifted his chin to demand another kiss. Oh, how lovely to touch another human being like this again. To be kissed. To feel another person’s hands on her body.

  During the early months of her marriage, Jean Luc had kissed her, but he’d not seemed overly comfortable doing so.

  Those kisses had never made her feel like this — like she could melt into him. Not that she could remember.

  It had been so very long.

  “Did you never come close to marrying? Did you never fall in love?” She had no idea as to the etiquette required after such an intimate act. Could one ask a lover about previous… lovers?

  He captured her lips a second time. More melting. Exploring.

  “Are you avoiding the question, Mr. Waverly?” she half teased him when their lips parted on a sigh.

  “No. Just couldn’t help myself, Mrs. Mossant.” And then he shifted himself so that she lay half on top of him. “I was in love once. Hard not to ever experience the ailment over the course of four decades.”

  “What happened?”

  “She didn’t feel the same.”

  “And you haven’t been in love since? Was she the love of your life, then?”

  “I don’t have to tell you how painful it is to be disappointed after you’ve handed over your heart. After you’ve trusted somebody.” He sounded so serious. And yes, he was correct.

  “I’m sorry she hurt you.”

  “It was a long time ago.”

  She would not press him. Love had the power to imprint wounds one would rather forget.

  She knew that this — whatever it was between the two of them — was not love. It could not be. She pushed herself to a sitting position and shivered as cool air met her upper half. “I’m not sure what to do now. I’m quite naïve about matters such as these, Niles.” She avoided meeting his gaze, instead focusing on the privacy screen. She’d done her best to clean the gown she’d been wearing yesterday. It would be presentable, she supposed, glancing wryly at her boots.

  “Matters such as what, Eve?” She felt his gaze uncomfortably.

  Rising and then moving across the room,
she shrugged. “Moments of pleasure?” What did one call this sort of thing?

  “What would you wish?” By now, he was sitting up, looking perfectly at ease with the conversation.

  “I… I don’t know,” she mumbled, stepping behind the screen and out of his sight.

  “How about we start with breakfast?” Laughter rumbled in his voice. Part of her wanted to admonish him for joking about her uncertainty, but the relief washing over her drowned that part out.

  “And tea,” she added, pouring water into the basin. This was normal. She knew how to conduct herself well enough, performing normal tasks. “Are you able to come downstairs?” His color seemed better today. “I can have something sent up if you’d prefer to lie abed.”

  He didn’t answer so she peeked around the screen, catching a glimpse of him fastening his breeches. Standing, fully clothed, he appeared once again to be the business man she’d come to rely upon.

  Only now she knew the texture of his skin. And she remembered how hard his body had felt pressed up against hers.

  When he glanced up, he seemed to be suppressing a grin. As though he could read her mind. She lifted her hand to tuck some stray hairs behind her ear. He didn’t force the issue, however. “I’ll meet you downstairs in half an hour. I’m going to see what I can do to acquire some sort of conveyance for us to travel in tomorrow.”


  Pebble’s Gate.

  For some reason her heart dropped at his words. He sounded anxious that they be on their way. She ought to feel the same. Hadn’t it been she who had insisted upon traveling without delay?

  “Yes. But of course.”

  “Eve.” He turned back and captured her gaze. Something in his eyes flared, sending an unexpected warmth swimming through her. “Moment by moment.”

  He’d apparently realized her uncertainty. She nodded, feeling foolish but also comforted.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs then.” What would they do for all of a day in one another’s company? They certainly could not remain in the chamber!



  The list of details he’d subconsciously catalogued regarding Eve Mossant was becoming amazingly long.

  She drank tea with one spoonful of sugar but no milk. She brushed her hair behind her ear whenever she was nervous. She mumbled in her sleep.

  And after sharing some intimacy with a man, with him, she turned up shy.

  Niles had especially enjoyed the blush that crept up her neck when he stared at her with a certain knowing. As though she too, was reliving the intimacy from earlier that morning.

  He’d told her it was important to seize the moments of pleasure life offered. He’d decided to take his own advice. He knocked the mud off his boots and reentered the taproom.

  He’d reserved a gig for the two of them to rent the next day. It wouldn’t be as luxurious as the coach they’d lost, but he deemed travel would be safe.

  For today… He’d enjoy the moments he could steal with her.

  A shuffling on the stairs drew his attention. Eve. She all but glowed.

  Ah, yes, he’d embrace whatever pleasure life might present today.

  They had shared a comfortable late morning meal. She’d initially picked at her food, quietly, until he’d asked after her daughters’ schooling. Afterwards, they ventured outside for a short walk, but returned quickly, unwilling to wade through the mud again.

  Eve was polite to everyone they met, and during a short conversation with the innkeeper’s wife, discovered the existence of a very small library set off from the tap room. This provided a few hours of amusement for them. Both favored several authors in common and despite the pain Niles experienced with each breath, what ought to have been a banal afternoon, proved to be rather enjoyable.

  This woman.

  Her company had made yesterday quite tolerable as well.

  “Can the bishop jump other pieces?” Eve’s question drew his attention back to the board they’d discovered set up near the window. She’d confessed to not having played in years. She could not remember all the rules, she’d admitted. A game was exactly what they needed. He wasn’t certain either of them was ready to return to the chamber he’d rented.

  Niles had held out the chair for her, grateful for the distraction.

  “Only the knight can jump.” He patiently explained, watching her fingers turn the piece so she could study it. Although it was not an expensive looking set, someone had put a great deal of care into carving the wooden pieces.

  Once play began, she caught on rather quickly. Already, she was establishing her pawns in the center of the board.

  “It’s difficult to plan one’s moves far in advance.” She scrunched her nose up, deep in concentration. “And contemplate every possible scenario.” She frowned and then slowly slid her bishop across the board making it so that she could utilize her queen.

  Which was exactly what he’d failed to do the entire course of this journey. Examine every possible scenario. Plan his moves in the unlikely event that he might find himself sharing a bed with her.

  “Emotions cloud your strategy,” she added.

  Indeed, they did. He could escort her back to their chamber. And then what? Turn his back while she donned that ridiculously large night dress? Feign sleep when she climbed into the bed with him?

  Or would he make love to her, in truth, tonight?

  Could his ribs survive it?

  And what if she took offense at his advances? He’d lose this tenuous but pleasing connection they’d established with one another. And yes, he could lose a valuable client, but even worse, she’d be without protection.

  She slid a pawn sideways and took his rook.

  Damn, but he’d lost his concentration.

  Four moves later, he’d placed her in checkmate. He’d not insult her by allowing her to win.

  She was disappointed but immediately went to lining the pieces up for another game. “You’re a devious man, Niles Waverly.” She laughed and moved one of her pawns forward two spaces. “I’d always thought the game represented war, but it’s more than that, I think.”

  “It’s often used to practice military strategies.” But it was so much more, he agreed to himself. Niles matched her next move. “Anything that involves strategy,” he added.

  “For example?”

  “Business dealings.” He briefly explained one scenario he’d orchestrated for Mr. Findlay. An opening bid. A counter. Negotiations and eventually capitulation.

  She listened carefully as they took turns opening up the board.

  She frowned and nodded. “I recognize similarities in how I evaded my husband throughout the years. He’d make a move and I would counter. In the beginning, I acted defensively. Toward the end, I made my own moves. I set up my own strategy to protect the girls from his influence, from him.” She bit her lip. Almost as though she’d revealed more than she’d intended.

  He’d change the subject for her. He knew well enough of Jean Luc Mossant’s treachery. “Miranda plays chess with Ferdinand, in the Tempest. It’s the only time the Bard ever referred to the actual game of chess, as far as I know. Although he used the terms of chess numerous times.” Niles eyed the board thoughtfully. “Checkmate. Stalemate. All the strategies of chess could be found in his work.”

  He grinned as she took one of his pawns and then fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Sweet lord, you play me false.” Eve, of course, knew the scene he referred to.

  Niles searched his memory for Ferdinand’s response… “Not for all the world.” He could not recite the line word for word. Miranda had accused Ferdinand of cheating, so that she could win. The entire plot had been something of a chess match.

  “In the middle ages, it was one of the only activities where a couple could spend time together, alone. Even now…” Eve frowned at the pieces before her.

  Niles moved his piece into position.

  He’d been allowed to play chess with Lady Katherine. What harm
was there? He had been the gardener’s son. She’d gotten angry with him when he’d put her in check mate. She’d told him it wasn’t gentlemanly to play to win.

  Niles had countered by reminding her that he was not, and never would be, a gentleman. Lord, but that fact had come back to haunt him.

  He’d never played the game with any other woman. The subsequent women he’d spent leisure time with would not have been interested in such entertainment.

  Until today.

  “Chess can also resemble a courtship.” A mysterious smile played on Eve’s lips. Her flirtation was having a dangerous effect on his libido. And his heart. Because he knew their dalliance was not a true courtship. He’d do well by himself to call it a fling. An affair. A temporary liaison.

  “An opening bid.” He moved a pawn. What had his bid been with her? Holding her in the carriage? Kissing her beneath the trees? Or bringing her to satisfaction in bed this morning?

  Her gaze teased him as she moved her queen across the board. “A counter.” She’d kissed him back, eagerly. And she’d admitted to not knowing how to conduct herself following such intimacy.

  Did she want something more?

  He moved his knight in position to take the lady. “Negotiation.” Was their time today a negotiation of sorts?

  Could they have anything other than a brief affair?

  She stole the knight with her bishop. Best not to want more from her. Had he learned nothing from Lady Katherine’s betrayal?

  Niles then moved his other knight. “Checkmate.”

  Eve had not seen his move coming. She’d thought she’d examined the board from all angles.

  Niles cocked one eyebrow upward, causing himself to appear quite roguish. This day, rather than bringing any clarity to their situation, led to scrambling them all the more.

  She liked him.

  The attraction she felt had only managed to increase as the day slipped away. His eyes shone brighter, his smile held more charm… Each time they drew near to one another, the urge to lean into him, to feel his strength along the length of her body, was quite compelling.

  Would she resist him for long?

  “I remember why I gave the game up now,” she said, laughing.


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