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Second Chance Love: A Regency Romance Set

Page 34

by Wendy Lacapra

  A dismayed glance about the room where the breakfast had been set and Amelia could not help but believe that their recent sacrifice had been for nothing. Their wedding had been a small affair at St. Georges this morning, with only her parents and sisters, Kate and Marcus, and his sister in attendance. An air of unreality had washed over her as she said her vows to Nathan. And the first time he called her Lady Ainsley she’d ignored him, not realizing he spoke to her.

  Happiness had slowly seeped into her, bringing with it all the joy she had dreamed of since she’d first met him. At present, however, standing in the receiving line of her breakfast, with only a handful of people other than those who had attended the wedding making their way to them, wishing them happy, the joy began to pall.

  Nathan had insisted on inviting half the ton to the breakfast, to assure himself that she would be accepted by the people who would decree whether or not their children would be outcasts because of the rumors and lies that had been told about their mother. When she glanced up at him, his mouth was drawn into a pucker that she’d come to learn meant he was quite perturbed and likely to take immediate action about something. What action he could take, singlehandedly against Society as a whole, she couldn’t fathom. But something must be done or her sisters’ outlooks for next Season were as bleak as they had ever been.

  “Shall we mingle with our guests, my love?” Amelia smoothed her new blue-striped silk gown, one of the extraordinary number of gowns she’d bespoke two weeks ago. There was much she would need to get used to in her new life.

  “Such as they are,” Nathan grumbled, but took her hand good-naturedly. “I suppose we shall have to come up with another plan for wooing the ton. Perhaps our friends can help devise a way to convince Society that your reputation was ruined in error, although people usually need very strong proof to change their minds.”

  “I doubt such proof exists, my dear.” They headed toward Amelia’s parents, who were speaking with Lord and Lady Haversham.

  “Well, I suspect it does, but we shall not be able to convince anyone of its existence until it no longer exists.”

  Still pondering that enigmatic statement, Amelia greeted her guests, making small talk about the feast spread out in the room around them, but all the while highly aware of Nathan beside her. In just a little while he’d promised they could slip away to their apartments and finally be alone. Despite the disappointment of the many missing guests, she would always remember their wedding day as the most wonderful day of her life. Because she and Nathan would be together forever.

  “And now if you will excuse us, Mr. and Mrs. Burrowes, Lord and Lady Haversham,” he bowed and grasped Amelia’s arm, “I must finish showing Lady Ainsley the rest of the house. We have been so busy settling her things in here and preparing for the wedding that I have not had the chance to acquaint her with everything that is now her domain alone.”

  Her parents bowed and moved off to speak with Lord and Lady Ivor, but a strangled sound from Lord Haversham drew Amelia’s attention to him and his new wife. His face had that pinched look about it, as if he were trying not to laugh. Kate seemed to be biting the inside of her mouth and studiously trying to avoid her husband’s gaze.

  “Perhaps you could show us as well, Nathan?” His sister grinned up at him, mischief snapping in her eyes. “I daresay there are things about the house that I have never seen as well.”

  “And will have to continue to be ignorant of, my love.” Her husband took her hand. “I believe they are about to play a waltz.” A peculiar light blazed in his eyes. “You would not disappoint me, would you?”

  “Of course not, Haversham. You know how much I love a waltz, especially as it is a dance for married couples.” Kate gazed into his face, oblivious to the rest of them. “Another time, brother?”

  “Of course, my dear.” Nathan exchanged a look with his friend. “Best of luck to you, Marcus.”

  “And to you as well.” Grinning, Lord Haversham took his wife’s arm and led her to the area where a few couples were about to commence the dance.

  Nathan seized her arm. “Let us make our escape before Kate decides she’d rather devil us than dance with her husband.” Swiftly he led her out of the ballroom, down a corridor and up the stairs, finally arriving at the viscountess’s suite of rooms. Her rooms now.

  “Your maid is here, ready to assist you in any way.” He dipped his head and kissed her, waves of that lovely heat his touch always brought coursing through her. “I will see you shortly.”

  He slipped further down the corridor to his suite and Amelia smiled as she sped inside her chamber. At last the waiting was over.

  * * * *

  Despite the summer’s day outside, a fire blazed in Amelia’s bedroom, taking the slight chill from the room, though it did nothing to allay the sudden nervousness that assailed her as soon as her maid left. She’d been wishing for this moment for longer than most brides and now it was upon her, she might fly to pieces. No longer a young lady in the bloom of her youth, but a mature woman with plump curves, she’d neglected to consider that her body would soon be on display as never before. What if he didn’t like what he saw? The week before last they had celebrated her thirtieth birthday, a time when some women were almost past their childbearing years. What if she was too old to bear Nathan’s children? If she could not give him an heir, what would they do? Why had they not discussed any of these things before they married?

  She lay back in the bed, her hair fanning out over the pillow, resisting the urge to pull the covers over her face and hide. This was her long-awaited wedding night and she was determined to enjoy it, no matter what. She would think of all those things another time.

  The door that connected her suite to the viscount’s rooms opened and Nathan entered, dressed in a blue silk banyan with a gold leaf print, carrying two glasses of champagne.

  Her mouth dried instantly as she took in his superb form, for the robe revealed as much as it concealed. The soft silk draped elegantly over his wide shoulders, giving her their true shape rather than the usual square cut of his jacket. Although tied at the waist, the opening of the garment undulated as he walked across the floor, giving her tantalizing glimpses of what lay beneath. A flash of shapely leg, a show of strong thigh and suddenly the room had become much too warm.

  “Here, my love.” He handed her a cool glass and she seized it with shaking fingers. “Let us toast our marriage.” Gazing deeply into her eyes, he raised his glass. “May we live long, love well, and enjoy true happiness always.” They touched their glasses together, then instead of drinking, he seized her head and brought her lips to his.

  As ever when they kissed, Amelia’s pulse pounded, her lips warmed, and her body tingled. This time, however, with all of him so very close, and only a thin piece of fabric between her skin and his, a terrible ache formed deep within her, at her very core. Like a giant spring being wound tighter and tighter, every time he thrust his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and twisted, wishing she could get rid of the champagne and wrap her arms around the body so tantalizingly close.

  Either Nathan had the same idea or he’d somehow read her thoughts, for he pulled his lips away from hers—ever so reluctantly—then grasped her glass and plucked it from her fingers. “Drink a bit of this, sweetheart. You’ll be glad of it.”

  She nodded and he put the glass to her lips, letting her take tiny sips, careful not to spill it on her. The tart, refreshing wine seemed to clear her head, making her sit up straighter, shake her hair until it rippled down her back, and lower the sheet until all of her shoulders were bared to him.

  He had turned to put the glasses on a table and when he turned back, he stopped, his gaze fastened on her naked skin. “Amelia, dear Lord, but you are beautiful.” Two long strides brought him to the bed. Slowly, he slid his hands down her neck, over her shoulders, until he pushed the sheet away and she allowed it to drop to her waist. His ragged breath sounded loudly in the still room. “I see I misspoke, my love. You are exqu

  Catching his excitement, Amelia pulled the belt of his robe until it slithered to the floor, then boldly she reached up to push it off his shoulders. His broad shoulders, as strong as she’d suspected, gave way to a lean, well-muscled chest that tapered to a small waist. The smooth skin invited her touch and she ran her hand, first cautiously then more boldly, from shoulder to waist. Lower than that was still hidden by the bed, though she doubted that would be for long.

  “You do know what we will do here, don’t you Amelia?” His quiet voice broke the long silence.

  “I do.” Unwavering, she met his hot gaze. “I have known for some time.”

  His eyes widened for an instant, and he paused.

  “My mother explained it to me when I was betrothed to Lord Carrington.”

  His brows raised, then he nodded. “Then can you find room in that bed for me?”

  Relieved, she scooted over and pulled back the covers. “Gladly, my lord.”

  He slid in next to her and turned on his side to face her. With a firm hand, he gripped her waist, pulling her to him until their bodies truly touched at every point and she ached for more. “Then by all means, let us begin at last.”

  * * * *

  Candlelight glowed all about Amelia’s chamber, giving the very air a softness and beauty she’d never noticed before. Perhaps everything would seem different now. The man sleeping next to her had changed her life in so many ways, nothing would ever be the same. She rolled up onto her side once more, eager just to watch him sleep. The calm demeanor of his face in repose gave no indication of the strength, the tenderness, the passion he had given her, and brought out of her in return.

  They had made love three times, each time somewhat different yet gloriously the same. She’d been so exhausted she should be sleeping right alongside him, yet she had never been so wide awake in her life, so aware of every part of her body, for he seemed to have touched every inch. Would it be wrong of her to wake him up so he could touch her again? If she was shameless, she didn’t care. She was making up for lost time.

  “Didn’t you get any sleep?” Nathan’s eyes were open, his gaze sleepily trained on her, his smile lazy as though he might indeed return to his slumber.

  “A little. I couldn’t seem to stay asleep.” Afraid she’d wake up in her bed at home from a dream too good to be true. “I hope I didn’t awaken you.”

  Nathan rolled over to face her, his hand straying out to tug at her disheveled hair. “Not at all. I’ve only dozed a bit myself.” His smile broadened. “Too pleasantly engaged to want to sleep.”

  Her cheeks heated, although they had done nothing to be ashamed about.

  “I assume you may be somewhat sore?”

  She nodded, her face aflame now.

  “I am sorry for it,” his gentle voice soothed her embarrassment. “Although I am grateful that I was the one to introduce you to these particular pleasures.” He kissed her fingers, sending warmth straight to her core. “I promise you, the soreness will fade shortly. It is only the first time that hurts so.” He smiled and pulled her over to him. “Although repetition may indeed play a part in that as well. If you wish, we can say you are indisposed and choose to remain here in your chamber today.”

  That might be very nice. A day in which to simply stay in bed and… Do what they in fact had been doing. “But wouldn’t people assume then that we were…”

  “I believe they would indeed suspect how we were passing the time.”

  “Oh, dear.” Amelia sat up. “That will never do. They cannot think that we are here, in this bed—”

  “My love,” Nathan’s grin spanned his face as he drew her back down into the bed. “They know what we are doing. We are married and,” he lowered his voice to a whisper, “this is what married people do.”

  “I know. But I don’t want people to know it.” That still seemed wicked, somehow.

  “You will become used to being a married lady, with all the privileges thereof. Like breakfast in bed, and other things in bed.” He nuzzled her neck, making her groan with pleasure.

  “Like you in my bed. Could you stay with me, Nathan?” If people already knew what they did behind their chamber door, it shouldn’t matter after all.

  “Not the entire day, my love.” He kissed his way down her neck to her chest. “I will need to visit Marcus to see what he has heard. Why the ton did not, for the most part, attend our breakfast. More people than those who attended spoke to you at Mrs. Doyle’s and at the other entertainments we have attended these past weeks. I want to know why they will still stay away.” Raising his head, he gazed into her eyes, the tenderness there so incredibly sweet. “Especially now that I know the truth for certain.”

  Yes, at last one person in the world knew her innocence without a doubt. “I suppose gentlemen cannot talk about such things, not even to other gentlemen.”

  “Oh, we could, but it would do no good.” Nathan slid his lips between her breasts, then down to her stomach. “Even if I told every man in Christendom that you were a virgin until we married, they would simply think I was lying in order to save my honor and your reputation.”

  “How terrible! I know you would never do such a thing, Nathan. You are too honorable to lie, even about something like that.” How could the ton disparage his reputation thus? Wasn’t it bad enough that they still assumed her guilt?

  “My love.” He rested his cheek against her, his night beard prickly on her soft skin. “If your honor was concerned I wouldn’t care what they said about me. No gentleman would. And all the other gentlemen know that, ergo, even though I know the truth, and can speak it all day long, I will not be believed. Therefore, I must meet with Marcus and plot a strategy to continue our bid for the return of your reputation.”

  “We must meet with Lord Haversham.”

  “We?” Nathan gazed up to her, making him look funny, with his chin upside down.

  “I should be with you to devise the strategy. I know what has happened every step of the way for ten years. If there is something I can remember, or bring to light, I had best be there to do it, don’t you think?”

  Rolling over, so that he now lay sprawled over top of her, he kissed her navel, making her gasp. “Yes, I do. Not to mention I do not wish to let you out of my sight.” He wiggled his eyebrows and she burst out laughing.

  “But surely we cannot do such things as this at Lord Haversham’s house.”

  His stare turned hot once more. “I will only say, Amelia, you have been married less than a day. You still have a lot to learn.”

  Her breath caught as he lowered his mouth to her flesh once more, then stopped and raised his head. “I did have one question that crossed my mind at some point during our love making last night.”

  “What was that?”

  “Why did you not anticipate your wedding with Lord Carrington?” He sat up a little, his hand cupping her face. “Not that I am not grateful you didn’t, but you were betrothed. Almost every betrothed couple I’ve known for the past five years has apparently begun their marriage before their vows were spoken.”

  “Even your sister and Lord Haversham?” Raising her eyebrows, she stared back at him. She knew the truth but wondered if he did.

  He pressed his lips tightly together. “I do not know for certain. Marcus procured the special license rather quickly, but still….” He glared at her. “That is how gossip begins and I would not have Kate the talk of the ton.”

  “Neither would I. But I will answer your question, my love.” She drew him back down to her, until he pressed her again with his full weight. “I did not anticipate my wedding with Lord Carrington, nor would I have done so with any other man, because he was not you.”

  “Not me?” Nathan had gone so still she could hear his heartbeat.

  “No. No one else, even the man I agreed to marry, was you.” She’d thought about this on the day she’d accepted Jonathan. Had they married, she’d have done her duty by him, but her heart had been lost forever to Lor
d Ainsley. “I told you during our first carriage ride that things would have been quite different if the gentleman in question had been you. For you alone would I have given myself without my vows. A silly thing perhaps, but since I would have to marry and consummate my marriage, my only way of being faithful to you, in my mind, was to give myself to no one until I legally belonged to another man.”

  “Amelia.” Nathan dropped his head back onto her stomach and kissed her. “You have given me the most precious gift, my love. Nothing I can give you will ever compare to it.”

  “You are gift enough for me.” She wrapped her arms around him. “I do so love you.”

  “And I you.”

  “Show me.”

  “My pleasure.”


  The next afternoon Amelia sat in the drawing room, self-consciously the hostess of a very odd meeting. The participants were not odd, but friends. Nathan had sent around a note first thing this morning asking his friend and sister to come ’round and they had brought Lady Celinda, deeming her as a “secret weapon,” according to Kate. Amelia had just ordered tea and was chatting with the other two ladies while her husband had his head together with his friend at the sideboard.

  “I was truly shocked that Mrs. Doyle and her charge, what is her name, Celinda?” Kate turned to her cousin then back to Amelia. “I forget. There is such a crop of young ladies coming out this year.”

  “Miss Sharpe, Amanda Sharpe. Who is in love with Lord Somersby.” Celinda nodded her head sagely. “I have spoken to her about his inappropriate behavior at Lady Marbury’s Christmas house party last year, but she is determined to secure him.” Sighing, Celinda shook her head until her curls bounced. “I fear he will make a cake of her before it is all over. Some men simply cannot be trusted.”


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