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Deathly Christmas

Page 11

by Irena Nieslony

  Eve didn’t know what to do. If she went down the stairs, Kevin might see her and wonder if she had heard anything. She thought she’d better go back to the bathroom.

  Eve stayed in the bathroom for over five minutes before deciding it was safe to come out. However, as she walked past Kevin and Lucy’s bedroom, Lucy appeared. Eve stopped, knowing she had to act normally. Lucy couldn’t know that she had overheard her conversation with her husband.

  “Lovely party, Lucy,” Eve said, smiling, even though she felt herself trembling.

  “Thank you, Eve. It’s a pity David couldn’t come.”

  “Yes it is, but he is very dedicated to his work, I’m afraid,” Eve replied, moving towards the stairs.

  She didn’t want to prolong the conversation any longer than necessary. Kevin thought his wife was capable of murder, so she could be in real danger and she wanted to get downstairs as soon as possible.

  “I should get going soon however,” Eve said. “I want to see how David’s getting on.”

  “Oh, not before I bring out the cakes and desserts, Eve. You don’t want to miss those.”

  “Okay,” Eve replied.

  She decided however, that she didn’t want Lucy to give her any food or drinks, not wanting to risk being poisoned again. It was quite possible that Lucy had killed Jennifer and poisoned her.

  When Eve came downstairs, she saw Alison and Robert holding onto each other in a slow dance. James and Jane were doing the same and Eve suddenly felt sad and lonely. She missed David terribly. However, this feeling didn’t last long as Paul marched over to her.

  “I hope you’re satisfied with your meddling,” he spat at her.

  “What?” she asked shocked to hear him speak in such a manner.

  “I’m sure James is the killer and he’s all over Jane. If he murders her, it’ll all be your fault.”

  “I doubt if he is the killer,” Eve replied calmly. “There are many more likely suspects.”

  “Yes, who?”

  “I think you’d be the last person I’d tell, Paul, the last person.”

  Paul’s eyes filled with anger and he grabbed Eve by the throat and tried to strangle her in full view of everyone. Pete and James were the first to see what was happening and dashed to her rescue.

  The two men managed to pull Paul off Eve in no time at all and Annie and Jane went over to comfort her. Eve was bent over coughing, unable to believe what Paul had tried to do.

  Why on earth had he done that? Perhaps he’s the killer? Perhaps he had a night of passion with Jennifer and she rejected him afterwards?

  “What on earth is wrong with you, Paul,” Pete asked.

  “Nothing,” he replied.

  He couldn’t think of what to say. What had come over him? He had suddenly become so angry watching James and Jane dancing in each other’s arms and then he saw Eve and he flipped. However, he didn’t want to admit to everyone how much he liked Jane and that he still thought James was the killer. What good would it do? It wouldn’t win Jane back, would it?

  “What on earth has Eve done to make you attack her like that?” James asked.

  “It’s between me and her,” he said.

  “The hell it is,” Eve said, recovering from her ordeal.

  She was well and truly fed up of Paul and now everybody would know what an idiot he was.

  “Basically he still thinks James is Jennifer’s killer. To top it all, he fancies Jane. Because I helped to get Jane together with James originally, Paul says it’ll be my fault if James kills Jane. There, you have it. Ridiculous.”

  “Oh Paul,” Jane said first. “How could you think of such things? James would never kill me. And as for attacking Eve; that was a terrible thing to do. She’s my friend. I’m afraid I wouldn’t go out with you even if James wasn’t here. You’re not my type. I’m sorry.”

  Paul hung his head in shame. This party was turning into a disaster and he had made a fool of himself. Eve was going to pay for this.

  “Yes,” James joined in. “You have a warped mind, Paul. I should be angry with you, but I’m not. Instead I feel sorry for you. You need help.”

  “I don’t need your help or anyone else’s, thank you.”

  With that, Paul stormed out without telling his brother or sister in law where he was going.

  Everybody was silent until Kevin spoke.

  “I expect we all feel a bit subdued and you want to go home, but please stay for Lucy’s desserts. She spent a long time preparing them.”

  Most people nodded and started to dig in as soon as they were brought out.

  “How are you holding up?” Annie asked Eve.

  “I’m okay I think,’ Eve replied. “He’s got a bit of a temper, hasn’t he?”

  “Yes he has. I bet you wish David was here?”

  “Not really. He’d probably say I’ve been meddling again when I haven’t, I really haven’t.”

  Alison came up and handed a plate of deserts and cakes to Eve.

  “I didn’t think you’d want to get up, so I got you a bit of everything.’

  “Oh, how lovely, thank you Alison.”

  As she ate, forgetting completely that she was going to get her own desserts, Eve started thinking. Now there were two suspects in the case, Lucy and Paul, perhaps even three. Kevin could also have killed Jennifer. Perhaps he had wanted a one night stand while she’d wanted more. He could have killed her to get her out of the way. However, this was less likely because Lucy knew, so Jennifer couldn’t have threatened to go and tell his wife.

  No, Eve decided Lucy and Paul were the most likely suspects, but it was going to be difficult to prove. She wished David was here to help her, but he had gone and she had no idea if he’d ever return.

  Chapter 12

  Eve woke up late the next day. It was after ten and she jumped out of bed, not knowing how it had been possible for her to sleep so soundly. She thought she would have had nightmares after that awful party the night before. Paul had been so angry he had wanted to kill her…. and then there was the argument between Kevin and Lucy.

  She was certain Lucy knew she had been listening, and if Lucy were the killer she would surely try to silence her next. This was unbelievable. She hadn’t even been searching for the murderer, yet all these suspects kept appearing. How did David expect her to keep away from the murder? It just wouldn’t leave her alone.

  Eve got out of bed and looked in the mirror. She wasn’t happy with what she saw. Her eyes were puffy and her neck was red where Paul had grabbed her. She still couldn’t believe his strength. He had seemed such a sad, lonely fellow.

  Just goes to show, she mused.

  Eve decided to wash her hair and do her make-up even before she went downstairs to have a coffee. Normally she wouldn’t bother, but she had guests and didn’t want them to see her looking like this.

  Forty five minutes later, Eve came down the stairs looking more like her old self, but when she saw David sitting on her sofa she burst into tears, ruining all her efforts. He jumped up and rushed over, taking her in his arms.

  “Eve, stop that, I’m back now. Robert came over this morning and told me what happened at the party last night. I know you didn’t do anything to provoke such a reaction from Paul. I’ve half a mind to go over and have it out with him, but Robert thinks it’s best left alone.”

  “Yes, David, it probably is,” she said, pulling away slightly so she could look at him. “He’s a little crazy I think, but that’s not all. Oh dear…”

  Eve started sobbing again.

  “What is it?” David asked, his heart pounding.

  “I wasn’t doing anything planned, I promise, but I overheard something last night which could tell us who murdered Jennifer. I don’t know if either of the people talking knows I overheard them, but unfortunately it’s possible.”

  “Oh, Eve,” David sighed.

  “I promise you, it wasn’t deliberate. I went upstairs to use the bathroom, and as I came out I heard Kevin and Lucy arguing in
the bedroom. Apparently Kevin had a one night stand with Jennifer and Lucy can’t seem to get over it. It’s a perfect reason for murder don’t you think?”

  Alison gasped.

  “Yes it is,” she said. “Wow, to think it might be Lucy. She seems so dull and quiet.”

  “I don’t think she really is,” Eve replied. “Kevin talked about her vile temper and how we’d all be surprised if we saw that side of her.”

  “I only hope they don’t suspect you overheard them,” David put in.

  “I was about to go down the stairs when I heard Kevin about to leave the bedroom. So I went back in the bathroom. Unfortunately, when I came back out, Lucy was there, so I think she may suspect.”

  “Damn,” Robert said. “Perhaps you should go to the police with this information. If she is the killer, she’ll probably go after you.”

  “I don’t know. It’s not very concrete evidence, and if she finds out it came from me that’ll give her an excuse to get rid of me.”

  “She wouldn’t dare.” Alison said. “Not if the police are watching her.”

  “I don’t know,” Eve said. “I really don’t know what to do.”

  “I think you should tell the police, Eve,” David said. “Rather than trying to find out more on your own.”

  Eve knew he would say that. He didn’t want her to try and find the murderer herself, knowing that she could be risking her life again. However, the case was getting interesting and she didn’t want to tell the police what she knew quite yet. She would much rather hand the murderer over to the police herself, but David had come back and she didn’t want him to leave again. She felt much safer with him around.

  “Do you really think Lucy is a murderer?” Eve continued. “I would have thought Kevin was also a possibility. Perhaps he was fed up of Jennifer pestering him so he decided that getting rid of her was the only answer.”

  “You could be right,” David replied. “But either way it’s highly likely one of them is dangerous and you need to keep your distance.”

  “If they’re determined to kill me they will, David, mark my words,” Eve said. “There’ll be nothing I can do about it.”

  “Well, you’d better keep your mouth shut from now on and one of us needs to be with you all the time.”

  The others nodded in agreement.

  “Yes,” Robert said. “However much you hate it, we're going to be sticking to you like glue.”

  “Great,” Eve sighed. “Just great.”

  “Come on, Eve,” David said. “You had an exhausting day yesterday and a traumatic evening. You probably still need some rest. You look like you haven’t had much sleep and I’m sure that by the afternoon your mind will be clearer and you’ll know what’s the best thing to do.”

  “Surprisingly I did sleep and didn’t have any nightmares, but perhaps I will lie down for a bit. I still feel a little shaky after last night.”

  “Well, you need to be wide awake for the New Year’s Eve party tonight,” David said, smiling.

  “You mean you’re coming?” Eve asked happily.

  David nodded and Eve suddenly felt hopeful after all the gloom and doom she had been experiencing.

  “Sleep well, Eve,” Alison said as Eve went up the stairs.

  * * * *

  Eve finally got up again around one and when she went downstairs, David was working on his novel.

  “Hello darling,” he said. “Did you get much sleep?”

  “Finally.” Eve said smiling. “Where are Alison and Robert?”

  “They’ve gone out for some lunch and a drive. They thought we’d want some time alone.”

  “Oh,” Eve whispered, wondering what this was going to be about.

  Is he going to make me promise not to search for Jennifer’s murderer? I can’t do it. I’ve got to find some way of making it sound like I am promising to give it up when I’m not really.

  “Come and sit on the sofa, Eve,” David said.

  She went over meekly.

  “I know the murder excites you, but it worries me sick thinking about losing you, darling.”

  “I know,” Eve replied. “But I don’t know much this time. To tell you the truth, I think the police would laugh at me if I went to them with the information I have about Lucy and Kevin. I’ll not bother.”

  “I don’t know about that, Eve. It is a possibility.”

  “Oh, I doubt it. I’ll wait until after the New Year anyway.”

  “Alright, but I still think you should tell them.” David paused for a moment.

  “They’ll think I’ve been snooping again.”

  “Better than being attacked by Lucy. That is if she is the killer.”

  Eve gave David a hug, a tear falling.

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Oh, I’m just remembering Paul trying to strangle me last night. I know he wouldn’t have managed it with everybody else being there, but it was still pretty frightening.”

  “It must have been. I’m sorry I let you go on your own,” David said, wiping away her tears.

  David lightly kissed Eve and she felt a sigh of relief, knowing she had him back.

  “Right, I’m off to the local shop to get a few things. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “I should go with you, darling,” David replied.

  “Don’t be silly,” Eve said. “You can’t go everywhere with me. If I’m not back in fifteen minutes, send out the search parties.”

  David smiled, but he was worried. He knew he couldn’t follow Eve all the time, despite what he had said earlier. It would drive her crazy, but he knew he would be nervous every time she was out of his sight.

  * * * *

  Eve didn’t need to get much so she decided to walk to the shops. As she was strolling along, she heard a voice behind her.

  “Eve, wait, wait a moment.”

  She turned and saw Jane running behind her.

  “Jane, hi, how are you?”

  “Oh, I’m fine, but how are you after that awful man attacked you at the party last night. I couldn’t believe it. I never liked him much. Well, I did a bit in the beginning, but then I thought there was something slightly odd about him, but now….gosh, attacking you so horribly. He could have killed you.”

  “Well, if we had been on our own, he might have done.”

  “What on earth was it all about?”

  “I don’t think you want to know.”

  “Oh no, it wasn’t about me, about my relationship with James?”

  “Unfortunately, he blames me for getting you together with James. He thinks he would have been with you if it wasn’t for me.”

  “He’s crazy. I wouldn’t go out with him even if I wasn’t seeing James. He’s living in a dream world. I’m so sorry this happened because of me.”

  “Don’t be, Jane. He’s a little mad. He couldn’t stand seeing you dance with James and suddenly went potty. It’s hardly your fault.”

  “I hope he doesn’t cause any problems at the New Year’s Eve party tonight,” Jane mumbled.

  “I hope he doesn’t come.”

  Both girls laughed. Then Eve spotted Dimitris Kastrinakis, the police officer, outside the shop and wondered if she should tell him about the Fowlers after all.

  Why not? David’s not going to give me a chance to solve the murder on my own this time. And if Lucy thinks I suspect her, it’s better the police are keeping an eye on her.

  “I’ve got to go and have a word with the police officer, Jane. Will you excuse me?”

  “Of course,” Jane replied. “See you tonight.”

  Eve walked up to Dimitris, finding she was trembling. She imagined he would think she had been meddling.

  “Ah, Miss Masters, I hear that Mr. Paul Fowler attacked you at a party last night.”

  “My goodness,” she replied. “News travels fast. Yes, he did. He went slightly crazy. He was upset because he saw James and Jane dancing and believes I had something to do with them getting together. What he can’t get into his head is
that even if I hadn’t, Jane wouldn’t have gone out with him. She can’t stand him.”

  “I’m pleased it was nothing to do with the murder.”

  “Ah, that,” she murmured.

  “Oh no,” Dimitris replied. “What have you done now?”

  “I haven’t done anything, but I overheard something that might be relevant. Instead of doing anything, I’m telling you. You see, I’m being sensible.”

  Dimitris shook his head. He couldn’t believe that she wasn’t going to do something with this information, whatever it was. Perhaps she was going to see if she could prove who the killer was quicker than the police. That would be more like her.

  “So what did you overhear, Madam.”

  “Well, last night when I was at the Fowlers’ party, I went to the bathroom upstairs and when I walked by Kevin and Lucy’s bedroom, I heard them talking and I stopped to listen. The gist of it was that Kevin had had a one night stand with Jennifer Anderson and Lucy found out about it. Naturally, she wasn’t too happy; in fact she was very angry.”

  “That is very interesting, especially as both of them had denied knowing her when we questioned them.”

  Dimitris was becoming curious about all of the Fowler family. Either Kevin or Lucy could have killed Jennifer, and Paul had a foul temper. He might also have had a connection with the deceased.

  “So,” Eve asked. “Are you going to question them?”

  “That is procedure.”

  “Do you need anything else from me?

  “Not at the moment, madam. Thank you for this information.’

  Dimitris put out his hand to shake Eve’s and then he went on his way. Eve hoped Kevin and Lucy wouldn’t find out it was her who told the police about their conversation.

  Chapter 13

  The New Year’s Eve bash was being held at The Black Cat, but everybody had decided to make it more of a communal event, rather than Ken and Jan sell tickets. They would charge for drinks as usual, but all the people going had clubbed together to book a band for the evening and for the food.

  Annie and Jan had agreed to do most of the catering between them, with Betty making a couple of desserts. Eve had shocked Betty by saying that she was excusing herself from any of the cooking, telling her friends that she would be busy with her guests. In reality, she didn’t want her dishes to be mixed with the other ones and somebody else getting credit for what she had cooked. She preferred to cater for a party on her own so that everybody knew that she had cooked everything herself.


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