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Deathly Christmas

Page 14

by Irena Nieslony

  Eve knew she couldn’t go to the police with this story. After all, she had only thought of it herself and it could easily be completely untrue. What was she to do? Perhaps she should go and talk to James. He might know if his aunt had had an illegitimate child that she’d given up for adoption.

  Eve then wondered if she should go and tell David that she was popping out.

  No, I’d better not. I don’t want to disturb him. Besides he doesn’t want me interfering in the murder; not that this is really interfering, but he would still be angry. Nothing will probably come of it, so David doesn’t need to know.

  Eve went and put on her jacket. Portia looked up expectantly, but Eve decided to leave her dog at home, remembering when Phyllis almost killed her pet by giving her rat poison. She had decided never to take Portia with her whenever she did anything connected with the murder.

  As Eve strolled through the village, she nearly turned round and went back home. This was probably a waste of time. Paul probably wasn’t Jennifer’s son, and even if he was, why would she tell James. After all, they didn’t get on.

  Eve was disappointed in herself. She’d had much better ideas during the summer murders. What had happened to her brilliant mind? However, in the end, she decided to keep walking. What else was she going to do today anyway?

  Arriving at her destination, Eve saw that James had parked his car outside his house and right next to it was Paul’s. Her heart started beating faster. Perhaps her theory was right after all.

  However, Eve’s first inclination was to run away.

  What is wrong with me? I didn’t used to be this timid. But it does seem strange that Paul is visiting James. Come on, I’ve got to pull myself together and find out what’s going on.

  Eve rang the doorbell, but there was no reply. She rang again, but still nobody came to the door. She knew James was at home, so why wasn’t he answering?

  Something fishy is going on and I’m not leaving.

  Eve started banging at the door and finally James appeared.

  “What on earth is going on?” he asked, looking flustered and quite angry.

  Eve realized she hadn’t planned what to say.

  “Err, I was looking for Paul and saw his car outside,” she said loudly, in case he was close by and could hear her.

  “He’s not here.”

  “Well, that’s strange. Why would he park outside your house then? It seems very odd.”

  “I have no idea, Eve.” James replied, sounding annoyed.

  He wanted her to go, but she was rooted to the spot.

  “How was your dinner with Jane last night?”

  “Lovely. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Suddenly there was a bang from the sitting room.

  Both of them looked towards the room.

  “What was that?” Eve asked.

  “I have no idea. I’m sure it’s nothing important,” James replied, sweat starting to run down his forehead.

  Another small bang followed and Eve leapt towards the sitting room door before James could stop her. When she opened it, she gasped. Both Jane and Paul were sitting on the sofa, hands and feet tied up and their mouths covered with tape. A couple of ornaments were on the floor, obviously knocked down by Paul from the table next to him.

  Suddenly Eve felt an arm around her neck and a gun in her back.

  “You should have just left when you had the chance, Eve,” James hissed. ‘Now you’ll have to join your friends on the settee.”

  Eve felt sick. Why hadn’t she listened to David? He always knew best, yet she continually went off and did her own thing. He would be mad with her this time, that is, if she came out alive.

  * * * *

  Jane had woken up late that same morning and was surprised to see it was well after ten thirty. She felt in the bed for James, but he wasn’t there. She knew he had work to do, so she had expected him to get up early. He had told her to have a lie-in the previous night, so she was sure he wouldn’t mind her being in bed so late.

  Jane got up and went to have a bath and do her make up. As she came out of the bathroom, James came in with a breakfast tray. It was beautifully set out with flowers, fresh juice, cereal, boiled eggs, toast, croissants and marmalade.

  “Oh James, you shouldn’t have,” she said, delighted nevertheless.

  James put the tray down, then took her in his arms and kissed her passionately, holding her close.

  “Yes, I should have,” he said moments later. “You deserve it. Unfortunately, I’m afraid I can’t join you as I have a few phone calls to the U.K. to make, so enjoy this and I’ll see you a bit later.

  “Okay, darling.”

  Jane sat down to indulge in her special breakfast. James was completely spoiling her and she didn’t mind one bit. Could life get any better than this?

  * * * *

  About forty minutes later Jane was full up, having thoroughly enjoyed her wonderful breakfast, and wondered if it would be alright to go downstairs. She didn’t know why she was nervous. She had spent a night of passion with James, so she shouldn’t be uneasy with him, but she was on edge, not wanting to disturb him if he was still working.

  I’m being silly. Why aren’t I completely relaxed with the man I’ve fallen in love with?

  Finally, Jane got up the courage to go downstairs. She went and put the tray in the kitchen and then went towards the sitting room. She was about to open the door when she heard voices. One was James, but she couldn’t quite make out who the other person was.

  “I shall be contesting the Will,” James said abruptly.

  “It won’t do you much good.”

  “You’re Jennifer’s illegitimate child. She gave birth to you, but she didn’t want you. She was totally ashamed of what she had done and that you were the result of it.”

  Jane gasped. Jennifer had a son. Who was it? She still couldn’t tell who the other voice belonged to.

  “She changed her mind about me. We were getting on well.”

  “Well, you’re not having her money,” James stated.

  “Why are you so concerned about her money, James? She didn’t have that much. You’re a rich man and her cash is a drop in the ocean to you.”

  “I had to put up with her all my life. You didn’t deserve the money and I’m having it,” James remarked stubbornly.

  “As I said, I don’t think you’ll win.”

  Oh my goodness, Jane gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. That’s Paul. He’s Jennifer’s son. He must have killed her for the money.

  “Well,” James said harshly. “There are other ways.”

  What’s he going on about? Jane wondered.

  “Now James, put that away,” she heard Paul say. “Look, we can discuss this man to man, there’s no need for violence.”

  Jane stumbled against the door and wanted to run upstairs and hide, but she was frozen in fear.

  “Jane, are you out there?” she heard James call. “If you are, come in here.”

  Jane wasn’t able to do anything but obey him.

  When she opened the door, she saw Paul standing completely still with James holding a gun at him. In that one moment all her hopes and dreams disappeared.

  “I’m sorry, Jane,” James said coldly. “I wish you hadn’t come downstairs and seen this. Then everything could have remained as it was between us. Now I’m going to have to get rid of you as well I’m afraid.”

  “I thought you loved me, James,” she asked, tears beginning to fall.

  “I did, I do, but I’m not going to jail.” James replied. “Now, get over there.”

  “But why, James, why did you kill her? I thought you had money?”

  At that moment, the doorbell rang and James grabbed Jane and threw her on the settee.

  “Don’t you dare make a sound,” he said harshly, as he first tied up Paul’s hands and legs and taped up his mouth, before doing the same to Jane.

  Paul looked at her. She was weeping and all he wanted to do was put his arms arou
nd her, but he couldn’t. He had known all along that James was no good for her and now he had broken her heart. If they ever got out of this mess, he would try and mend that heart of hers if he could…. and if she would let him.

  The person outside was now banging at the door very loudly.

  Who is that at the door? Please don’t let them give up. Paul prayed.

  * * * *

  Eve was now tied up as well, but James had run out of tape.

  “Now, keep your mouth shut, Eve,” he spoke severely. “I won’t hesitate to shoot you.”

  Eve was certain he wouldn’t, but she wondered if he really would have the nerve to kill all three of them.

  “Before your untimely arrival, Eve, Jane asked why I killed my aunt if I had so much money. To tell the truth, I also have a lot of debts. I like to gamble; the big league of course. However, these debts have been mounting up, so I had to do something about it.

  I lied to you all about my relationship with my aunt. Jennifer and I actually got on very well. It was my mother I didn’t get on with. Jennifer promised me that she was going to leave me everything in her Wills, both here and in England. I was her only relative…. or so I thought. I didn’t plan to kill her. I actually came here before Christmas to ask if I could borrow some money to help pay off the debts, but she didn’t have much to hand. She still had the house in England and had spent all her cash on the house here, but she said once she sold the house in the U.K., she would lend me some money. I couldn’t wait that long, so she had to go. What that bitch hadn’t told me was that her son...,” he paused, the anger rising again. “I can barely say that word…. her son had contacted her. That was the reason she moved here, to be near him,” James pointed at Paul, his finger shaking. “Paul had found out who she was and had gone to see her in England. They had got on well and she moved here to get to know him. Apparently you didn’t tell anyone that she was your mother, did you, Paul? Not even your brother or sister-in-law? And she didn’t bother to tell me she’d changed her Wills. If she had, she would be alive today. There would have been no point killing her. But I thought with you dead, Paul, I’d inherit everything after all.”

  “How do you possibly think you’ll get away with it, James? You’ll have to kill all of us?” Eve asked.

  She was trembling, but was determined not let it show. She had been in these situations before and got out of them.

  “Don’t you think I know that?” James snapped at Eve. “Oh, Jane, why did you have to find us? I would only have had to get rid of Paul. It would have been so much easier.”

  Jane bowed her head, still weeping. Both Paul and Eve wanted to put their arms around her and give her some comfort.

  Eve studied James. He looked anxious. Perhaps he wouldn’t go through with it. Three people were a lot to kill and she didn’t think he wasn’t a seasoned murderer, even though he’d killed his aunt.

  And Eve had no doubt that he did love Jane, but he was in a mess now. The only alternative he had was to lock them up somewhere where they wouldn’t be found for some time and get away from the island. He would have to forget about the money and go on the run. Would he want to do that?

  James sat down looking stressed, gun pointing at the three of them.

  Eve watched him carefully.

  He doesn’t know what to do. There’s too many of us. Perhaps he’ll cave and give himself up.

  Paul was thinking almost the same thing. James hadn’t planned to kill all three of them, but perhaps he would go crazy with fear and shoot them anyway. Then he would drive off, hoping to disappear somewhere in the mountains.

  James got up and checked the locks on the windows and doors. They all watched him and Jane started sobbing again. Paul moved closer and tried to rub his arm against hers. He so wanted to give her a hug, but that touch was enough to calm her.

  “I’m locking you in here for a moment, but I’ll be back soon, so don’t get any ideas,” James said as he left the room.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry about this, Jane. I feel it’s all my fault,” Eve said. “I should never have encouraged you to go out with James. We should have remained on guard after the first time he was arrested, but we didn’t believe he was guilty.”

  “I did,” Paul said, having managed to get the tape off his mouth. “The tape wasn’t very strong, Jane. Keep trying to move your mouth and it might come off.”

  She nodded.

  “Yes,” Eve said to Paul. “You were the only sensible one.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I wasn’t sure if he did kill my mother. I knew they were close; she told me that, so I thought it strange he told Jane he didn’t like her. I was worried the police might suspect me if they knew I was her long lost son, so I kept my mouth shut. Bit stupid really.”

  “Perhaps; but you’re right. You would have been a suspect, probably their major suspect.”

  “There, done it,” Jane said, finally managing to get the tape off her mouth.

  “How are you, Jane?” Paul asked, looking concerned. “I know this must be awful for you.”

  “No, it’s not turning out to be the best day of my life. I can’t believe I fell in love with such a monster. And you warned me, Paul. Oh why didn’t I take any notice of you? Why?”

  “James bowled you over,” Paul said sadly. “I was hoping to do that, but unfortunately, it was him who captivated you.”

  “Thank you for trying to comfort me a little while ago, Paul, despite being tied up. I really appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome. I wish you hadn’t come in and seen this, but then James might have got rid of me and you’d have been left with a killer. Who knows when he might have struck again?”

  Jane smiled.

  How sweet. He’s only thinking of me, not of himself.

  Why had she fallen for such an evil man? Then she remembered the previous evening and the wonderful meal. It had been a perfect night. James had been both passionate and tender and she could hardly believe that he was a cold blooded killer.

  “So what are we going to do, Paul?” Eve asked, feeling they were wasting time.

  “I don’t know if there is anything we can do,” Paul replied. “I’ve been wriggling my hands and feet, but the ropes have been tied much too tightly.”

  “Mine have been too,” Eve said, while Jane just nodded.

  James came back into the room carrying three syringes.

  “No, James,” Jane cried out. “Please don’t hurt us.”

  “I see you’ve got your tape off? And you too, Paul? Well, it was the end of the roll and probably not sticky enough. Never mind. I’m going to check your ropes now and I don’t want you to move. Do you understand?”

  They all nodded. Eve decided there was no point begging for mercy. James was going to do what he wanted, but she somehow had a feeling he wasn’t going to kill them. As he wouldn’t be able to get Jennifer’s money now, there was no point killing an extra three people. He was probably going to cut his losses and run, but whatever was in those syringes would probably knock them out for a long time.

  “Right, you first, Paul.” James stated, completely without emotion.

  “You’ll never get the money now, James; you do know that, don’t you?” Paul said. “And I don’t know how you thought you’d get it if you shot me.”

  “I wasn’t going to shoot you. I know that wouldn’t have got me the money. I was just trying to show you who was boss, but then everything went wrong. This really is your fault, Jane, coming into the sitting room when you did. You spoilt my plans. I’m not too happy with you, but I refuse to get caught and put in jail.”

  “Please don’t kill me. Last night was wonderful. I thought...”

  “Don’t think about last night. That time is over. You ended it, not me. I should kill you, my darling, but I’m not one to take revenge. You will meet the same fate as the others.”

  I was right; he’s not going to murder us, thought Eve, or is he lulling us into a false sense of security?

  “And y
ou, Eve Masters, always poking you nose in where it’s not wanted. You should listen to David and stop playing detective.”

  Eve felt herself going red. James might be a killer, but he was right. Why hadn’t she listened to David? If she lived through this and he forgave her, she would never ever again interfere in anybody’s lives again. Of that she was certain.

  James moved towards Paul with the first syringe. Paul sat completely still while James injected him. He knew there was no point struggling. Next he went to Jane. What a pity. She was beautiful and she did everything he wanted her to. She would have made a perfect wife.

  Jane started weeping again and James, refusing to look at her face, injected the syringe into her thin arm. Then he went to Eve. She had decided to act like Paul and not say a word, but in the end she couldn’t help herself.

  “You really are a nasty piece of work, aren’t you James. It was bad enough killing your aunt, but what you did to Jane beggar’s belief.”

  “You had to have the last word, didn’t you, Eve. You couldn’t just sit there and take it like Paul. I don’t know how David puts up with you.”

  “Oh shut up and get on with it,” she replied. “It’ll be worth it not to have to see your face again.”

  However, she was trembling, hoping that it was just something that would make them sick and not kill them.

  James sat and watched, his face expressionless. Eve didn’t say another word to him, but she couldn’t believe he could just sit there looking at Jane, the woman he had professed his love to.

  Jane had moved closer to Paul and leant her head against him for comfort, but Eve saw no change in James’s expression, not that Eve felt she was doing it to make him jealous. She was just scared.

  Jane was affected by whatever was in the syringe first. She felt sick and dizzy.


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