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Reason and Romance (River Valley Book 1)

Page 11

by Jenn Young

  “But you won’t be here next year,” Nicky pointed out, “and I want to see this one! Oh, Adrian, you just have to go! You can tell me everything when you come home. Please!”

  She sighed. “I’ll think about it—”

  “How can you even stay home? Besides, Jason isn’t—” Nicky stopped, her eyes wide.

  It was a punch Adrian never saw coming. She’d hoped against hope that Nicky hadn’t heard about the breakup, but of course, Nicky still kept in touch with old friends. She was online far more often than Adrian, so she would have picked up on it one way or another, but until now, she’d never ever referred to the breakup. Come to think of it, that silence should have made Adrian suspicious because Nicky just couldn’t keep quiet.

  Why now, Nicky? Why can’t you just think for once?

  Another silent wave of questions followed immediately. Why had Nicky never confronted her about the rumors about her and Alex? Adrian had fully expected that round of questioning, but when Nicky didn’t bring it up, she’d been content to leave it alone.

  Her mouth almost twisted. It was the same mistake she’d made with Jason. Even though she’d known there was something wrong, she’d been afraid to rock the boat. If she had confronted him earlier, if she had spoken to Nicky earlier …

  Alex’s soft drawl diverted her attention. “Jason? Isn’t he your sister’s boyfriend, Nicky? The one who came to visit?”

  Nicky flushed to the roots of her hair. She was turning into a human tomato before everyone’s eyes, and Adrian knew it was over.

  “Yes, you met him,” Adrian answered for her.

  Alex’s gaze met hers. “Everything all right?”

  “We split.” She threw in a casual shrug. It wouldn’t do to seem heartbroken. “Let’s just say that things weren’t … great between us for a while. The move here kind of accelerated everything.”

  “When did this happen?”

  “A few days ago,” Nicky blurted before Adrian could wrap her hands around her sister’s throat. “He cheated on her.”

  His gaze flickered, and in that moment Adrian knew he’d figured it out. She could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he did the math. Her, the breakup, and the party—it was all coming together for him.

  Justin shook his head. “Oh man. I don’t know what he was thinking.”

  Her jaw tightened. Yes, Jason had cheated on her, but damned if she’d hold up a sign that screamed: “PITY ME.”

  Quentin tossed a piece of bread at Justin. “Adrian, baby, that’s just all more reason to go with me. I can heal your broken heart.”

  This, she could deal with. As odd as it sounded, Quentin’s irreverent humor was easier to accept than Justin’s honest sympathy.

  “I don’t think so,” she said.

  Alex leaned back and regarded her, his gaze veiled. “Quentin’s right, you know. You don’t want anyone to think you’re staying home crying for your boyfriend, do you?”

  Her hand itched to slap him. What, his ego was hurt because she’d used him as a stand-in for Jason? He didn’t have room to talk since his dating record wasn’t exactly stellar.

  “Funny, I haven’t heard anything about you having a date. Maybe you shouldn’t have cut Mandy loose,” she said.

  His smile was killer. “Are you volunteering?”

  Quentin’s dark eyes were alight as he watched them.

  “I think it’d be a trip straight to hell.”

  For the first time that day, Adrian saw Grant smile. “Yeah, that’s what most of his dates said about him eventually.”

  Alex didn’t acknowledge the hit. “So you’re not going, Adrian? Just because I don’t have a date yet? I’m flattered.”

  “Oh, don’t flatter yourself. I just need to find someone who’s an actual gentleman.” Adrian reached over and laid a hand on Justin’s wrist. “Someone like him.”

  “You can borrow me anytime,” Justin said gallantly. He scooted closer and draped an arm around her shoulders. “I’d like to go with you.”

  “Great, it’s on.”

  She could have done worse, she decided. Justin was the nicest of Alex’s friends, and other than Travis, he’d been consistently friendly.

  “Hey, what about me?” Quentin protested. “I asked you first.”

  “Suck it up,” Justin said with a grin. “It’s her choice.”

  His twin sister didn’t seem too pleased, but she shrugged. “Well, if that’s settled …” She turned to Alex immediately. “How about it?”

  Surprise flickered in his eyes. It was genuine, Adrian was sure of it. Even Alex couldn’t fake it that well. He shifted his gaze to Justin. If she didn’t know any better, she would have said it was downright apologetic.

  Justin sighed. “Bri …”

  “Oh, relax! It’s not like I’ll have wild jungle sex. You’re just as bad as Mom and Dad. Alex, come on.”

  Alex hesitated, then shrugged. “Sure.”

  Adrian had to smile. She’d never seen Alex figuratively backed into a corner, but of all girls he could have chosen, he’d ended up with someone he couldn’t afford to offend. He was going with Bri Latimer, and Adrian was going with Justin Latimer. How hilarious.

  Quentin chuckled. “Okay, now you guys are just pairing off. Grant, will you go with me? Say yes, sweetums.”

  Grant gave him the finger. “Find your victim somewhere else.”

  They made plans to meet at Alex’s house—it was technically Adrian’s house too—for pictures before the dance.

  It was almost frightening how quickly the week went by. Back home, she would have gone for a long shopping trip for the perfect dress and shoes. She’d existed in a serene bubble of existence, secure with Jason and their relationship. Here, she was thrown into an unstable, glittering world. People watched her every move and dissected every word she said.

  She was doodling in her notebook when the principal’s voice boomed over the PA system. “The results are in! We have your nominations for Homecoming Court. From these nominees, we will pick our King and Queen tomorrow.”

  He reeled off the top five male nominees. Alex didn’t even bother looking surprised when his name was announced. Justin, Quentin, and Grant had all made it too.

  “And for the female nominees, we have Marissa Adrian Blake …”

  Every muscle in her body tightened. She pressed her pencil so hard that it tore a hole in the paper. Her name hadn’t been on the original list, so how had the entire school voted for her as one of the top five female nominees? How was it even possible? Besides, she’d only lived in River Valley for a few weeks. No way had she beaten out many other senior girls who’d lived here all their lives. The vote had to be rigged somehow. Yeah, that had to be it. Or maybe someone was playing a cruel joke.

  When the bell rang, she left in a daze. People were actually coming up and congratulating her. For once they were smiling.

  It was almost … nice.

  Vaughn Mackintosh fell into step with her before Adrian had even made it halfway down the hall. “How does it feel being the official queen bee?” she said. “Congratulations, by the way. Not that I ever had a doubt.”

  The last few words had Adrian looking at her sharply. “My name wasn’t on the nomination list,” she said slowly.

  The other girl’s expression was demure. “Oh, you can do a write-in vote. If that person receives enough votes from the entire student body …”

  “And you just told them to vote for me out of the goodness of your heart?”

  “Au contraire. I hinted, I cajoled, and I gossiped, but I didn’t tell them.” Vaughn smiled. “You have some pretty influential admirers, you know. They made their wishes known, if you catch the unsubtle drift.”

  By then, Adrian had enough. “You haven’t stopped talking about me behind my back. What did I ever do to you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve spread rumors about me.”

  “Well, of course. Gossip is my business, and I strive to keep my re
putation smutty.” There was that familiar twinkle in Vaughn’s eyes. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to the school lately. So, of course, we talk about you. It’s nothing personal, honey. If you want me to spread rumors about someone else, I’m game.”

  “You’re insane.”

  Vaughn’s laughter pealed. “Some would agree with you, but honestly you’re too paranoid for your own good.” Smiling, she shook her head. “Not everyone is out to get you. Would it interest you to know that Alex hasn’t hooked up with anyone lately?”

  “It’s not my business who he hooks up with.”

  “Mm-hmm. Why don’t you ask him which female nominee he supports?” With a last chuckle, the blonde left.

  Adrian stood there as if turned to stone. She’d voted for Alex, yes—probably more out of guilt than anything else—but she hadn’t thought he’d return the favor by making sure she was nominated. Or maybe she’d misunderstood Vaughn. Maybe the blonde only meant that Adrian’s status as his future stepsister had helped her cause.

  “You have some pretty influential admirers, you know.”

  She couldn’t get Vaughn’s words out of her mind. They haunted her for the next few classes as people offered their congratulations. Only a few days ago had they pointedly ignored her, but now they were acting as if they were her friends. When lunch time rolled around, she was heartily sick of the suck-ups.

  Alex never glanced her way. They were sitting at the same cafeteria table, but for all the attention he paid her, she might as well not be there. Even Grant had nodded briefly at her, which was more than what Alex had done.

  She finally cornered him after she’d served her detention. As luck would have it, he was at his locker all alone. He was on the soccer team, if she remembered correctly. Captain, of course. She’d tried her best not to memorize any details about him, but some had sunk in anyway. When she approached, he straightened.

  “We need to talk,” she said.

  Alex lifted a shoulder. “Why?”

  “I just want to know if you had anything to do with—”

  “Why talk to me now?”


  Alex leaned against his locker. “We aren’t exactly on friendly terms, Adrian. You act as if I don’t exist most of the time. So, while I’d love to chat with you, I’m looking for the knife in my back.”

  What did he think he was talking about? He’d virtually ignored her, but now he seemed insulted she’d returned the favor.

  “You aren’t exactly the talkative type,” she said.

  “I disagree. I think I talk more than you do.”

  “Oh, that’s funny.” She hadn’t meant to sound so snide, but she went on. “Since when do you talk anyway? You just sleep around and break girls’ hearts.”

  Wait, did I just say that?

  A corner of his mouth tipped into a smile. “You sound suspiciously bitter, Adrian. Don’t tell me I broke yours.”

  The reference to their one-night stand was so obvious that she nearly lost her breath. Suddenly angry, she stepped closer to him.

  “Didn’t anyone tell you, brother dear? I haven’t got a heart, Alex. Me being a bitch and all of that.”

  His lips curved. “You weren’t that cold in bed.”

  Heat flushed her from head to feet. It didn’t help that the top she’d worn today molded to her body like a second skin, and while that did wonders for her figure, it meant that Alex’s gaze seemed to linger on her as if trying to memorize every curve.

  If he wanted to play it like that …

  She arranged herself on the locker next to his, lounging in such a way that it left very little to the imagination. “Am I supposed to say you were amazing in bed? Because if that’s the case …” Her gaze swept over him with silent disdain that not even he could mistake.

  Alex put his hands on either side of her head. It was a quick act that trapped her between him and the locker. “Ouch. So much for complimenting you.” Every time he spoke, his breath brushed her cheekbone. “What brings you here, sister dear?”

  She couldn’t breathe. He was standing too close, and if she inhaled, she could smell the fresh scent of shampoo and soap he’d used. He’d had practice, so he had showered, but damned if it wasn’t seductive. Either way, it was bad. He stood in front of her, so she had to keep her head tilted. Otherwise she’d be staring at his shoulder. She couldn’t duck under his arm and twist out of his grip.

  When in doubt, go on the defensive. Adrian traced the contours of his abdomen with a lazy swirl of her finger. At the feel of him, her resolve almost slipped. She’d forgotten just how much she’d liked his body.

  “I was going to ask you if you knew how I got nominated for Homecoming Court,” she managed. “Vaughn said that I had people backing me.”

  Alex’s eyes narrowed and she saw his daredevil smile. He angled his head as if leaning in for a kiss, but he didn’t close the near distance. “Justin and Quentin threw their weight behind you. I hear that even Cates has been doing some campaigning on your behalf.” He closed his hand around hers. “So you’ve been talking to Vaughn, hmm?”

  Her skin was tingling everywhere. “She likes gossiping about me.”

  “Mm, that’s Vaughn.” His thumb stroked over her cheekbone. “How about it, Adrian? You want to be Homecoming Queen?”

  “I think I’ll pass.”


  She pulled her hand free. “Why, Alex, that sounds like you want me to be the Queen. Out of curiosity … who did you nominate?”

  His mouth quirked. “That would be telling. Who did you nominate for the King?”

  She slid her hand up his chest. His heart was beating faster, and her eyelashes swept down, hiding her satisfaction. “That would be telling,” she quoted back at him. “Maybe I didn’t vote for you. It’s not like you deserve it.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” He leaned in until his lips brushed the outer shell of her ear. It was so intimate that she nearly gasped in surprise. “Who do you think is protecting your sister?”

  Her stomach fluttered. Was it because of his words or his presence? She wasn’t too sure, but either way, she had to turn her head away.

  “What do you mean?” she said.

  “I mean exactly that,” he said, every word soft and precise. “I took Nicky aside and told her not to listen to the rumors about us. I didn’t want her all upset because the school was calling you a bitch.”

  She didn’t know what to think. Nicky was her sister, not his. But that certainly explained why Nicky hadn’t been badgering her with questions. Now she didn’t have to worry about Nicky running off to their father because Alex had stepped in.

  “Or better yet,” Alex said, “you could tell me why you didn’t let me know about your breakup.”

  Her back stiffened. “Is that any of your business?”

  “You made it my business when you slept with me.”

  “What do you care? You have dozens of girls just ready to fawn over you anytime you want. You’re a player, aren’t you?”

  Alex’s green eyes never left her face. “Yeah, that’s me, Adrian. I’m a bad long-term boyfriend, but I’m a great one-night stand.”

  “Oh, don’t get ahead of yourself.” She put her hand on his chest, about to push him back. “I didn’t ask for a repeat performance.”

  His lips found the skin under her ear, and she couldn’t help but gasp. “And I never offered you one.” Every time he spoke, his mouth moved against her skin.

  Her eyes closed briefly. “Well, then, we agree.”

  His laugh was low. “You sound breathless, baby. Something wrong?”

  Irritation bubbled up in her. “Oh, I don’t think so.” One of her fingers hooked inside his waistband. She was rewarded with a swift intake of breath.

  “You look flushed, baby. Something wrong?” she said.

  He moved his head again. A low moan sounded in her throat when his lips grazed hers. She was Adrian Blake, and she didn’t let anyone do this to her. Oh God. I
t was terribly wrong … but it felt right. Too right. The only consolation she had was that Alex was breathing hard.

  Someone thumped the locker next to them. It was so loud, so intrusive that Adrian jumped, but she wasn’t alone because Alex started too.

  Grant Darlington’s indifferent gaze swept over them. “I steered some people out of the way before they saw you with her,” he said to Alex, his duffel bag over his shoulder. He must have come straight from football practice because he’d clearly showered. “Next time, get a room.”

  Alex’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. “Thanks.”

  “Mm-hmm. Need to talk to you, Adrian.”

  This was her escape route, and Adrian knew it, so she followed Grant outside to the parking lot. With every step, she berated herself. Somehow she’d ended up in a compromising position with Alex, all plastered against his locker, practically at the verge of tearing his clothes off right there in the school. In the school building!

  “I want to take Nicky to the dance,” Grant said. “Will you talk to her for me?”

  Adrian stared. Her little sister was a sophomore and Grant was a senior. He was so close-mouthed whereas Nicky couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

  “But why? I don’t think you like her, do you?” she said.

  He shoved his duffel bag higher on his shoulder. “No, I don’t like her, but the guys want me to go, and I need someone on my arm.”

  “Why not pick another girl?”

  “Nicky’s just a kid, Adrian. She won’t bother me; she won’t expect anything. It’ll boost her social standing, and I’ll get an escort. It’s a win-win.”

  Adrian pursed her lips. Most likely, he’d buy a corsage for Nicky and drive her to the dance and then dump her off with her friends. Nicky wouldn’t even be insulted since she just wanted to go. It would be the safest date in the world.

  It was a little odd, really, because he was almost six and a half feet of pure muscle and athleticism. Had he been someone else, he probably could have been the most popular guy in school, but no, that wasn’t a game he cared to play. He was the quietest of Alex’s friends, and in the short time Adrian had known him, she’d never been able to figure him out.


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