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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

Page 14

by JoAnna Grace

  Tears. She was actually crying. Joy overflowed her heart.

  “Thank you…Dante.” She whispered his name for the first time, her voice laden with emotions. “This means so much to me.” She laughed and wiped one of her cheeks, but the tears kept coming.

  Dante reached up with a tenderness seeming at odds with his giant body and pushed back a loose strand of hair. His eyes were soft, so unique in their color and intensity. “It is my pleasure, Lysandra.”

  He tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow. They stood in silence and listened to the water. This was what she missed in Delphi. Companionship, touch, the intimacy of having another person to stand with. She leaned her head against his arm and sighed.


  TAKING LYSA INTO the mountains became one of Dante’s favorite activities. Like everything he did, they kept the visits sporadic, so as not to draw attention. Sometimes they were in the mornings, sometimes they would have lunch by the creek.

  This was their first evening trip. Brenden volunteered to stay close to Dyna’s suite while they ventured out.

  Lysa stepped out of the dressing area and Dante nearly swallowed his tongue. Even Bren froze.

  “I’ve never worn pants before.” Lysa fidgeted with her new pair of jeans. The suckers fit her like a second skin and accentuated every curve. She ran her hands over her stomach and tugged at the teal button-up shirt. Another first for her, as were the hiking boots on her feet. “It might take me a while to adjust.” She cast her eyes to Dante, but he was busy trying to keep his tongue in his mouth and the drool off his chin.

  Bren saved him. “You look very modern, Lys. Just like the girl next door.” He smiled widely and Lysa blushed under his compliments.

  Lys? That snapped Dante out of his lustful stupor. Lys? Brenden had a special nickname for his—oh boy. She wasn’t his anything, now was she? Lysandra belonged to Apollo and if Dante had a damn brain in his head, he would remember that.

  “Ready to go?” He pushed through Bren and snagged her coat. The nights were cooling off and if Master Ryse didn’t hurry, it would be winter by the time he and the others returned.

  Before Dante and Lysa snuck out the private exit, Brenden grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. “You’re headed down a dangerous path, bro. Don’t fall for her.”

  Dante blanched. “What makes you think that I’m—”

  “The same way y’all knew I fell for Nikki.” One blond brow rose and his lips thinned. His southern accent was so much like Avery’s.

  “I appreciate your concern, Bren. But you need not worry.”

  “Funny, that’s what I said.” Bren glanced down the staircase where Lysa beamed up at him.

  Knowing his secret was out, Dante nodded and went down the staircase to join Lysa. He couldn’t deny the physical attraction; the woman was his personal version of perfection, a real life Snow White. Even now his body stirred as he descended the staircase and saw her waiting by the door. Her porcelain face turned to him, her eyes sparkling and her smile stretching wide. She loved their escapes.

  They scurried out the exit and deep into the woods behind the palace. He marveled at the way she danced over the exposed rocks, her light footfalls barely heard on the leaves. Perhaps she really was an angel.

  Lysa stopped and took in a deep breath. Her eyes closed and her shoulders moved up and down, her chest expanding as if she could capture the entire forest with one inhalation.

  Merciful Zeus, he needed to get a grip on his hormones. He was a soldier and he needed to act like it. This wasn’t simply a joy ride. He scanned the area and made sure no one had followed them. The only sounds were the forest creatures and the wind rustling the leaves in the tall trees. He didn’t sense another aura for nearly a mile.

  “Do you feel it? The winter is coming,” Lysa whispered. “The animals are preparing and the leaves cringe at the thought of the cold. I’ve never seen such a beautiful place as this.” She glanced back at him. “Have you been in this part of the world long?”

  “About five years. Before this, I lived at the Haven in Rome with my family.”

  “Your father is a guardian of the prince. Have you spent time with him during their visit?”

  Dante clasped his hands behind his back and looked down at the ground, noticing how the moss grew on the rocks. “My father did not care to spend time with me until I grew into adulthood and my gifts developed. Even then,” he sighed, “it was very little. Now, it is a strain for us both.”

  “That saddens me.”

  “Why?” He tilted his head up at her, curious as to why she would care.

  “My parents were devoted to me. I was blessed with the most loving family. My mother doted over me and my father treated me like a little goddess. I can’t imagine a childhood without them. They were proud of me when I joined the temple. My mother cried because it meant that my body and soul would be separated, a technical death. But they were proud that I gave my life to the service of the gods.”

  “May I ask how long you’ve been with the Oracles?”

  Her face fell, her eyes lost their luster, and her brow furrowed. He instantly wished he could take the words back.

  “Long enough to watch my parents live on this Earth, die, and ascend to the Heavens.”

  “Don’t you see them?”

  “Delphi is separate from the Olympians where the souls of our people spend eternity. No one but the highest of gods enter Delphi, mainly Apollo. Rhea alone can set foot in our temple. It is a very solitary life.” She gingerly sat down on a boulder, then perched on the edge of a lightly trickling stream. “We see everything and everyone. The pools of the Pythia are full of faces and events. Every ripple is the birth, life, and death of one of our people. But we are so far removed from it all.”

  “Did you know that going in? Before you surrendered your life to the gods, did you realize how isolated you would be?” Dante stood close to her and watched the water weave through the rocks, over the dips and curves of the land. The warmth from her body reached his leg, although he didn’t touch her.

  “One never knows what they might get into with the gods.” She chuckled. “It’s not as if they have ever sent an Oracle back to Earth.” Lines formed between her eyes and Dante wanted to lean down and kiss them away. She truly believed she was shamed somehow by coming here.

  “Their secrets are vast and their knowledge is immeasurable. Make no mistake; there are those of the gods who simply tolerate mankind and the Olympians of Earth. If the decision were handed to them, they would rid the universe of us all and start over. Then there are those gods and goddesses who adore us. They fawn over our achievements and ache when we ache. Rhea was once like this, until she lost her connection with her children.”

  Dante knelt down, perched his weight on one knee, and picked up a smooth, rounded stone. “What do you mean?”

  “She allowed Zeus to take over. This is why our people consider him our ultimate authority. In most circumstances, he is. Even Zeus answers to Rhea. As do Hades and Poseidon. The fact that she created Avery, sent her to Earth, and revived her after death is incredible. It could be the beginning of something wonderful.”

  Dante stared at Lysa. He couldn’t help it. Her knowledge of the gods and the Heavens was impressive and enlightening. When she turned her eyes on him, he looked away. If he allowed himself to indulge in her innocent stare, his obsession would only grow. Instead, he thought of the obvious reasons they couldn’t be together. They were both bound to the service of the gods.

  “I’ve often felt blessed that Avery chose me,” he confessed in a quiet tone. “Until she picked me out of the crowd, I was less than a leper. I had few friends in the training academy and there were times when I know they hesitated to shake my hand.” Holding out his hands, he examined the scars and calluses. Warrior’s hands. Not the hands of a gentleman who could delicately stroke the cheek of the beauty beside him. “So many nights I’ve wondered what the gods could have in store for me. What was my purpose? Why do
I have such a rare and fear-inspiring gift? Could they not have given me something that would…”

  “Make your father proud?” Lysa picked the words from his thoughts.

  “Humph.” Dante shook his head and stood, tossing a rock into the flowing stream. “I’ve come to the conclusion that unless I become Master Thracian, I cannot live up to what he wants me to be. Even then, he would resent me for gaining more favor with the gods than he has. He’s angry with me now because I am an Elite. He might deny it, but I have achieved something he coveted for many decades.”

  “Do you long for his approval so desperately?” Lysa’s question was birthed from her genuine concern and he could sense it in the way she looked up at him.

  “I did. Until I saw the truth. He is a mighty man in his own right and his own mind. I’ve caused a great rift in our relationship by becoming an Elite. Yet, I finally discovered my purpose. My mistress is a kind woman and my Master is an honorable man. They have each given me more approval than I could have ever desired. I have the Elites as brothers. It is a far better gift than that of my father’s acceptance.” He held up his hands. “And none of them shy away from my touch.”

  Lysa smiled, her ruby lips stretching wide. She held up a hand and wiggled her fingers at him. “Your assistance, warrior?”

  Eagles took wing in his gut as he reached down and slid his palm against hers. “Milady.”

  She closed her fingers around his much larger hand and pulled herself up. “Mighty warrior, I shall never shy away from you either. It does not take a vision from the gods to see why Lady Avery chose you.” She bowed her head to him and he returned the gesture. They stood, staring at one another, their hands clasped.

  What was he doing? He couldn’t fall for her, he just couldn’t. It was impossible, irresponsible, and a lot of other words that end in -ible.

  “Thank you for helping me.” Lysa released his hands and started back. She was two steps in front of him before he gathered his courage and called out.

  “Lysa?” He cleared his throat as she turned to face him. He clenched and unclenched his fists, then wrung out his hands. “Would it be, uh, might I have permission to…” He swallowed hard. “May I hold your hand while we make our way back?”

  Lysandra was momentarily stunned. He wanted to hold her hand? As courting couples did? Or perhaps this was a warrior’s way of keeping his charge close. Perhaps she should clarify?

  There were already so many emotions that bubbled up inside when it came to Dante. Oracles were not supposed to feel so much. They were trained, she was trained, to view the world with neutrality and dispassion.

  Oracles didn’t take sides, they didn’t judge right and wrong, they didn’t make assumptions. They simply interpreted the visions they received. One of the Pythia told her that they were heartless. They must be. Lysandra couldn’t imagine the heartache they witnessed. It was best to distance themselves from the emotions of their visions.

  Dante, however, tipped the scales. The way her body reacted to him was a surprise. The way her mind connected with him was a treasure. The way her heart desired him was like nothing she’d ever experienced. But…what did a woman such as she know of love and matters of the heart?

  On the other hand, Lysandra wasn’t in Delphi any longer. Rhea had admitted that Lysandra was different from the others of the temple. Maybe, just maybe, she should attempt to understand these abundant new emotions.

  “I have to ask. What does this gesture mean to you?”

  She was delighted at the way he stumbled and stammered over his words. “Well, um, it means, it’s a way of…I-I would enjoy the connection as we walk.” Red washed over his face and his smile was shy, reserved.

  The bashful beast. Such a contradiction, this man. The thought of him desiring her was preposterous—but possible, judging by his current nervous fidgeting.

  Lysandra held out her hand. “As would I.”

  Dante smiled, his sand-colored eyes glimmering. He took her hand in his and tucked her arm close to his side until they had to walk in sync lest their hands be separated. It was a most pleasant sensation. Their thighs brushed and her body rested against him.

  “Dante, will you tell me about your duties to Avery? When she awakens, what will you do?”

  “Bren and I will both be at her side. Truth be told, I’m not sure. Avery and Ryse are not like other royals. There might be a dinner party every now and then, but I have a feeling guarding Avery will be much more adventurous.” He chuckled.

  Precisely what she feared. The excitement in his voice told her all she needed to know. He was proud of his station and ready to follow Avery to the ends of the Earth—even outside of this Haven if necessary.

  “These are uncertain times, though,” he continued. “All I know is that once she awakens, she has to be my first priority. It is the fate of all Thracians to be at the service of the Olympians we protect.” He stopped walking, lifted his face to the darkening sky, and took a deep breath. “I’ve been waiting for this all my life. To have a purpose, to protect those under my care.” He turned his eyes to her. “Avery has to be my first priority. Do you understand what that means?”

  Even as his words shattered what hope she might have had, she lifted her chin and squared her shoulders. “Of course. It is no different from my vow to the temple of Apollo and the other gods. My life is theirs, my body is theirs. They are my first priority.”

  Dante’s jaws clenched. “As it should be.”

  They continued to the palace tunnel in silence. She didn’t know what he was feeling, but she didn’t think it could be any worse than the loss of what could have been. They were both chained—voluntarily—to their appointed tasks. Their respective vows brought them together and they were the exact things that would keep them apart.


  HE SPIED ON the young Thracian as he walked through the gardens of the palace. Ashton was curious as to why Dante came here daily and picked a single rose. They had to be for Lady Dynasty because he always took them to her suite when she tutored him.

  What was the boy’s angle? Was he simply trying to please the widowed queen or perhaps he was overly fond of her? That could be the ammunition he needed to bring the Elites down.

  Ashton would find out.

  “Dante.” He forced a wide grin that put people at ease around him. Dante’s body went rigid for a split second before he returned the greeting.

  “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” Ashton ran a hand through his blond hair as it whipped about in the breeze. He looked to the skies as if he didn’t have a care in the world, save soaking up the sun.

  “Yes, prince. It’s a perfect day for a walk.” Dante brushed his hair back, the strands of gold falling in his face.

  “I’ve always enjoyed the gardens here. When I was a child, this was my favorite place to play with Sa—” He swallowed, his eyes darting away as he played the role of lamenting brother. “With my sister. The castle was full of children then. Ryse, Hayden, Evander, and so many screaming little girls; it would drive us all bonkers.” The two men shared a chuckle. “It’s different now.”

  “Troy’s death has cast a shadow here,” Dante observed. “It’s as if the walls mourn his passing.”

  Ashton nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I agree. But there will be a time of rejoicing soon enough. We are Olympians. We never mourn long.”

  Dante nodded his head in agreement but said nothing. After a couple weeks of this mindless chatter, Ashton had to change tactics. Dante must’ve been warned off trusting him, but giving up wasn’t an option. If he could get even the slightest bit of information from Dante, it would be worth it. He merely had to find a weakness. Xavier mentioned Dante took after his mother and was close to his family, especially his sisters.

  “Your father told me something today,” Ashton said. “Did you know that your sister wants to come visit you?”

  “Really?” Dante’s brows rose high on his head, the first true emotion he’d shown. “Which on

  Shit. Xavier had twelve daughters and, for all their years together, he couldn’t recall ever giving a damn enough to memorize all their blasted names. Seriously, twelve kids? How did Xavier even remember with that many ankle-biters running amuck?

  Ashton pinched his lips and looked down at the ground as if trying to recall the conversation. “Bloody hell, what did he say? I was so preoccupied with my mother I was only half listening. He said you two were very close.”

  “Ariebella?” There was excitement in Dante’s voice and his eyes gleamed at the thought.

  Ah. Here was Ashton’s chance. He snapped his fingers. “Yes, Ariebella. You didn’t know?”

  Dante’s face went placid again. “No, I can’t say I did.”

  “Oops! Maybe it was supposed to be a secret.” He shrugged. “I wanted to tell you, though. I know it’s been so long since you’ve seen your family. You must miss them terribly.”

  “I do. Especially Ariebella. I’d like to see her.” He spoke absently, distracted enough to show his weakness for his sister.

  Before Ashton could make promises he had no intention of keeping, Dante spoke. “I’m afraid I will have to discourage her trip. I don’t believe it’s a good time to be traveling.”

  “Do you think the Haven is unprotected?”

  “The Havens are supposed to be on lockdown. I don’t imagine even a daughter of Xavier could get through. It’s simply not a good time for our people. The kings are gone. The rogues attack young Olympian women. She is safest at home. Sadly, I would be a distracted host right now, anyhow. I should talk with my mother and ask her to postpone the visit.” Dante headed into the palace with Ashton hot on his heels.

  “Don’t worry yourself with it. You have so much to do and I’ve already taken up too much of your time. I’ll relay the message.” He waved it off. “Tell me, Dante, what will you do now that there is no position for you in Avery’s service?”


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