Guilty! The Trials of Phil Ferguson
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All rights reserved. Sean Russell asserts his moral right to be identified as the authorofthiswork.
This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, by any means including photocopying or any information storage or retrieval system, without thespecificandpriorwrittenpermissionoftheauthor.
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Russell Sean Russell was born in Jamaica, but moved to Barbados at an early age where he grew up and presently lives and works. He is a physician by profession,butheenjoyswritingimmensely,findingittobeapleasantoutletfor his abundance of creative energy. He also expends his creative energy making music.
He has been writing for the past three years, since February 2008, and has written and produced a film from his first story, The Kite Flyer, which was screenedinBarbadosandTrinidad,hasreceivedcriticalacclaiminBarbadosas the “Festival Pick” at the 2007 Bridgetown Film Festival, and has been well receivedinNewYork,CanadaandEngland.
Sean enjoys writing for young people because he feels young at heart, and prefers to write highly entertaining stories with young, vibrant characters. He started writing this, his first novel after his film was published. He feels that much of the popular, published fiction written by and for Barbadians and
Thisfirstnovelisintendedtoentertainyoungadultsandbringtolightsomeof the misfortunes and mistakes of young, trendy, seemingly successful and upwardly mobile Caribbean professionals. The plot is spicy and sexy, with a mixtureofromance,intrigueandsuspense,andwilldebutSeanasawriterwho isadeptatcraftingagoodplotthatwillkeepyoungpeoplereading.
I wish to thank my editor Carol Pitt, who was instrumental in helping to transformtherawmanuscriptintoafully-developedstory Thisbookisdedicated tomywife, whoismybiggestfan,myfamily& friends,andallthosewhohave supportedmywork
Thisbookisaworkoffiction.Names,characters,placesandincidentsareeither the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
I ’mgoingtokillher.Howcouldshe?Histhoughtsweremovingatwarpspeed, muchlikethecarhewasdrivingasheraceddowntheABChighway.
It was another beautiful, ugly day; beautiful because the sky was blue and the sand he saw on his left as he fought the morning traffic was golden—it was a perfectdaytobeonthebeachlikethemillionsoftouristswhospentthousands ofdollarstogettheredid;uglybecausehisthoughtsweredarkandstormylike thehurricaneswhichoftenthreatenedthisCaribbeanparadise.
In fact no, not discrete—not at all. He had given her everything. Just thinking aboutitnowmadehisbloodboil.Hestartedtotremble;hisheartwasracingand histhroatconstricting.Themerememoryofitmadehimfeelasthoughhewas
going to explode. If he barely saw her or heard her voice it could get much worse.
It started as most love stories do. Philip met Jade when she was back from university and there was an instant attraction, at least for him. They were at a mutualfriend’shouse.Shewasabombshell.Shehadallthebasicrequirements and the excesses that black men love—silky, smooth skin, cocoa brown complexion, hips and booty that would fit right at home in a rap video, but coveredinawaythatmadeyoufigureitout.Shewasfieryteasing,butofcourse inagoodway,awaythatwastotallyalluringtohim.
Things happened quickly. They went out a couple of times, fooled around, got engaged,gotmarried.
Thatfast.Itwasheavenatfirst.Hecouldnotbelievehewassolucky.Shewas gorgeous,bright,ambitious,andshewasintohim.Sheexcitedhim.
ShewaspursuingadegreeinInternationalBusinessinCanadawhenshehadto stop because her parents ran out of money. It was not as if they had not budgeted, but inflation and an old house in need of repair took a toll on their finances.Theycouldbefaultedonpridebecausetheywaitedtoolatetoinform Jadeofthesituationanditwastoolateforhertoapplyforascholarshiporloan.
Jadewasnotangryforlong.Sheknewthatherparentsgaveheralltheycould, and their dignity was important to them. She knew the turmoil they endured tryingtomaintainthehousewhiletheymadesacrificessothatshecouldpursue herdream.
They were proud of their home. It was the showpiece of their humble neighbourhood until they made the decision to finance Jade’s education and couldnolongermaintainittheywaytheyusedto.
Itcutdeep.Shehadbeenwellonherway,andcampuslifewasbetterthanshe haddreamed.Shewouldmakeupforlosttime.
Shehadtastedthesweetlifeandshewasnevergoingtogiveitup.Philipwas cute.Infact,themanhaditgoingon,butshewasnotabouttoletonthathehad her in more ways than one. She immediately saw into the future. Like many womenwhentheychosetheirman,shenoticedafewroughedgesthatsheknew
He arrived at his office building, not recalling the latter part of his journey to work.Hismindwassomewhereelse.Jadewasonhismind.Howcouldshe?He
hadtofocus.Hehadafulldayandalotofresponsibility.Hehadtocontrolhis thoughts;hehadtocontrolhisemotions.
“Sandra! Where is my appointment book?” Sandra looked surprised. “On your deskSir,whereitusuallyis.”
“Sorry Sandra, I was distracted. Give me five minutes before you send anyone in.”
workingallday. Itmustbe afternoon.No.Actuallyit’sonly10:30a.m.
Philipjustbarelymanagedtogetthroughtheday.Hismindwasstillreeling,and tomakemattersworse,hesawaclientthatremindedhimofJade.
Theencounterwassovisceralthathefelthisbodychangeagainasithadearlier inthemorning,andhehadtor
emindhimselfthatthiswasnotJade,thiswasa client.Hehopedthathewasabletomaskhisemotionsenoughnottodisturbher.
Itwashardtoreallytellwhateffecthedidhaveonher.Shewasacoolcustomer, somewhat like Jade. Ooh Jade… so sexy, so alluring, so provocative. It was agony to think she could share herself with another man. Why? What did I do wrong? What’s wrong with me? No. It was not him. It was her. She was the taintedone,nothim.
Not that he was perfect. He did have his moments of weakness, especially on thatparticularday.
He suddenly recalled his epoch of indiscretion three years earlier. He and Jade werehavinganokaytime—
no major disagreements. But Jade was distracted. No, not distracted, Jade was focused. She was finishing her MBA. She did not have room for a needy husbandandshewasclearonthat.Shewasgoodenoughtopointoutthatitwas onlyforatimeanditwouldallbeworthitintheend.
AmandaCallenderhadwalkedintohisoffice,secureinherpresence.Shehada simple matter to settle. In fact, it would only require him to write one letter.
SeveralappointmentslaterPhilipnevergotthatlettercompleted.Herelivedthat firstencounter.
“I’m just pulling your leg, Philip. I need a little levity ’cause I’ve been a little stressedlately.Itrustyouhaveasenseofhumour.Lawyersareallowedtohavea sense of humour, right? Or should I go see my doctor? Now he’s a really cool guy.”
“Now you see, that’s why I like my doctor. He has a wonderful BEDside manner. He makes sure I’m comfortable before he gets down to business.
Foreplay, if you will.” She looked at Philip coyly, and licked her lips ever so slightly.
professional and focus on the business of the appointment. His second thought wastoendtheappointment.Hisotherthoughtwastoletthingsflow.Afterall,it wasonlyplayfulbanter,anditcamefromher.Hewaslivinginthe21stcentury and he should not be so close-minded. Shouldn’t he entertain his clients?
“Philip,catgotyourtongueorareyouoverwhelmedbyasimplelegalmatter?I thoughtyouwerethecrèmedelacrème.Atleastthat’swhatIheard.”
“Okay.IneedtocommunicatetoaclientthatIwantmymoney.Theproblemis that this is an important client, so I don’t want to lose his company’s business, but at the same time I can’t allow them to take my services for granted. Of course I’ve tried the usual means… phone calls, letters, but no satisfactory response.Iamthinkingthatsendingaverycarefullywordedletterfromalawyer mayleveragethingsmyway.”
Philiplookedatherbemused.“Areyousure?Manytimespeopletakeoffenceat alegalletter;theyperceiveitasathreat.”
“That’swhyIcametoyou,Philip.Iwasgiventheimpressionthatyouhavethe abilitytowordtheletterinsuchawaythatIcanachievemyobjective.Itoldyou I’vealreadytriedmyself.ButI’mnotalawyer.”
“Sure.Iunderstand.Sogivemesomedetails.Whatisthenameofthiscompany andwhatservicedoyouprovide?Howmuchdoyouhaveowingtoyou?Doyou
Philip looked back at her, and he began to get distracted. Her eyes had a hypnotic effect on him. She was so close to him now he could smell her perfume.
Her breath was so sweet he could almost taste it. He began to feel intoxicated.
Hepulledhimselfoutofit. Comeon.You’rea professionalandyou’remarried.
Getyourselfontrack, man.
“I was about to.” She smiled again. “Philip are all you top notch lawyers so...
“Ms.Callender.Ihaveanumberofseriousclientstolookafter,soifyoucanjust gettothepoint…”Herphonerangwithacoolringtone( What’s MyName? by Rihanna).Shetookthecall.Herfacechangedimmediately,shelookedflushed.
Philip looked up to see Sandra approaching him with a concerned look on her face.Hefeltasifhewassuddenlyawakenedfromadeepsleep.
“Mr. Ferguson, you don’t look well.” Philip yielded. He was not focusing, and workinglikethiswouldberisky.
“Sandra,pleasereschedulemyappointmentsfortherestoftheday.I’llcallyou by4:00p.m.Ifyoudon’thearmebythen,call.Iwanttobesuretobesetfor tomorrow.”
Philiptookadrive.Hehadnoparticulardestinationinmind,buthismindwas allovertheplace.Hefinallysettledonatrainofthought.HewouldkillJade.He mapped the journey in his mind to her work place. He was going to stalk her first,letherfeelthefear,lethersuffer.Histhoughtswerearrestedbytheringof hiscellphone.ItwashisfriendTeddy.
“HiPhil.Teddyhere.Youallright?IcalledtheofficeandSandrasaidyouleft early.Shesoundedconcerned.”
“Phil you talking idle, man. I would like to meet you right now and deal with youfacetoface.”
sp; “Meetmehomenow,orIwillsendthepoliceforyou.”
Teddy always had a drink ready. At first glance their friendship would have seemed incongruous. Teddy was not at all like Phil. He was of average height
His most distinguishing features were the dreadlocks he wore, which often partiallyobscuredhisbloodshoteyes,andhissmilerevealedasinglegoldtooth.
Phil,ontheotherhand,wasclothedinanavyblueHugoBosssuit.Heloosened thecrimsonsilktieandundidthetopbuttonofhiswhiteshirtashesat.Hisbody was stiff and his face tight. He deflated somewhat as he sank into the soft upholsteryoftheeasychair.
There were two of them in the room along with a sofa set covered in a soft microfibrematerial,eachpiecewithadifferentpattern.Therewasamahogany coffee table which had stout legs, each with a lion’s head carved in it. The overalleffectreflectedTeddy’seclectictaste.ThechairhuggedPhilgentlyashe settledinandtookasipofthedrinkTeddyofferedhim.
He winced as he tasted it. It was STRONG. Teddy’s pouring hand was always veryheavy.Itwasjustaswell;heneededastiffdrinktosettlehisnerveswhich werefrayedtoapointapproachingdisintegration,likeanold,tiredropewhose strandshadseparatedandwereabouttopop.
PhilandTeddygrewuptogether.Teddyhadlivedinadilapidatedchattelhouse not far from Phil’s parents’ old house, that house which now served as their office—thefamilyhadlongsincemovedtoamoresuburbanlocale.Teddystill
lived in the chattel house he lived in as a boy, except that it was no longer dilapidated.Itwasneatandwellkept,andhelivedtherealone.PhilandTeddy had been in a few scrapes together, as energetic little boys are wont to do.
Strangely enough, Teddy’s common sense and reasoning had saved Phil in the past.
PhilipwasnotsurewhatTeddydidforaliving.Itwasclearthathewasnotthe kindofpersontoholddownajob.Hewastooindependentandforthrightinhis opinionstobeanemployeeforanysignificantamountoftime.Philthoughtthat maybehewasinInformationTechnology,buthewasn’tsure.Hehadlosttrack