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Sold as a Fake Fiancee: A Virgin and a Billionaire Romance

Page 96

by Juliana Conners

  Chapter 39 – Brynn

  I walk into the living room, afraid that Caleb is going to be upset that I’m leaving him on Thanksgiving. I feel a bit guilty, but I have to work tomorrow at the new Albuquerque office and then head back to New York City so I don’t have a lot of time to see Larson.

  I want to make every second count. And I also want to make sure that I don’t let anything get in the way this time.

  “Caleb, Mommy and Larson are going to go out on a date, okay?”

  He barely takes his head away from the doggy show to look at me.

  “Bye bye,” he says. “Woof woof.”

  He points at the screen.

  I laugh and bend down to kiss him on his head. His hair is soft and it smells like cinnamon.

  “Good night little man,” Larson says, prompting Caleb to jump up and throw his arms around Larson’s legs.

  “Don’t go. Stay here!”

  “You got more of a reaction out of him by saying you’re leaving than I did,” I tell Larson, slightly pouting.

  “It’s just because I’m not around as much,” he says, patting me on the shoulder to comfort me.

  We’ve got to change that, I think.

  “I’ll probably see you tomorrow,” Larson tells Caleb. “You be good for Miss Riley, okay?”

  Caleb nods while wiping a tear from his eye.

  “Good boy.”

  Larson hugs him and then takes my hand. We say goodbye to everyone and he leads me out his bike parked in front of the house.

  “Where to?” he asks.

  “Umm… your house?” I suggest, not really knowing where else we would go or why he would even ask that question.


  He looks around as if someone might be lurking in the shadows. Then he shakes his head and hands me a helmet.

  “Why not?” I ask him.

  I’m getting suspicious. And a little scared of whatever he might be looking for.

  “You ask too many questions,” he says.

  “They’re reasonable questions!” I protest. “You don’t let me in on much.”

  “I could say the same,” he says quietly.

  I sigh.

  I don’t want to fight with him but this is getting ridiculous.

  “I don’t even know where you live,” I tell him. “What your life is like. What you do for a living. Why you always seem to disappear and never stay in one place for long.”

  “Maybe the answers to those questions are all connected,” he says, as he pats the seat of his bike.

  I jump up despite my reluctance to go with him now. My head says no but my body— or at least certain parts of it— say yes. And that’s the part of me that can’t be denied.

  “Will you tell me the answers?” I ask him. “If I tell you what I’ve been trying to tell you for weeks now about my own answers to the questions you probably have?”

  He nods.

  “Fair enough.”

  I feel something wet hit my cheek, and look up to see falling snowflakes.

  “It’s snowing!” I cry out.

  “First snow of the season,” Larson says. “On Thanksgiving.”

  “It never snows this early here.”

  The gently falling, beautifully white snow seems a touching way to top off our day. I lean back against Larson as he revs the motor and pulls away from Jensen’s and Riley’s house.

  I don’t know where we’re going. And I don’t even care. As long as I get the answers to the questions I’ve been wondering about. And some long overdue sex while I’m at it as well.

  Chapter 40 – Larson

  I take Brynn back to the same hotel where we first made love. It only seems fitting.

  I’ve been wanting to fuck her for far too long. I can barely wait.

  I want to carry her off my bike and into the hotel but I know we have to stop at the front desk and book a room. I’m so fucking antsy to get into her pants.

  She’d better wait until we make love to ask her billion questions. First things fucking first.

  Once we’re in our room she puts her purse down in the corner and says, “Okay, I’ve put my phone on silent so that there are no work interruptions this time…”

  But that’s as far as she gets. Because I pick her up and kiss her and carry her over to the bed like I’ve been wanting to do since laying eyes on her earlier today. Or well before that of course.

  I kiss her and she stops trying to talk. She’s already moaning and saying my name, and not in the “I have a billion fucking questions to ask you” type of way. It’s more in the “keep doing what you’re doing” type of way.

  I lay her down on the bed. I take off her pants as fast as I can and her silk panties too. She smells like a mixture of fumes from my bike, the windy cold outdoors, and the warm aroma of food baking in Jensen’s kitchen.

  “I can tell by your panties and waxed pussy that you were hoping to see me today,” I tell her. “I love to know how much you want me.”

  I spread her legs open wide and stare at her gorgeous, naked pussy. I put my hands on it and spread its lips apart. Then I get down on my knees so I can suck the juice that’s already dripping out for me.

  “Look how wet you are for me.”

  I stroke her pussy hole with my finger while alternating my tongue in its place. Licking and stroking. Licking and stroking.

  “Oh my God, Larson, that feels so good.”

  She leans back on the bed and lets me go to town on her pussy, my lips and tongue working all around it and in it and on it.

  Finally she’s squirming and moaning in that way that I love, gripping the sheets and yelling, “Larson! I’m coming!”

  “Come for me baby,” I tell her. “Come in my mouth.”

  I catch the liquid pouring out of her with my tongue and suck it down deep into my throat as she wiggles around on the bed, panting and groaning before collapsing onto the pillow.

  “That was amazing,” she says. “I really think it’s the best time ever.”

  I lay down beside her and wipe a strand of hair away from her eyes.

  “Good things come to those who wait?”

  She laughs and nods.

  “I guess it’s really true.”

  Then she stares into my eyes.

  “Why didn’t you answer my calls? I thought we were over.”

  Her bottom lip trembles and I just want to wrap her up in my arms. So I do. She nestles her head into my neck and I can feel her breath, still coming faster and harder than usual due to the fucking fantastic orgasm I just gave her with my tongue.

  “I thought we were over too,” I tell her. “But we’re not. I mean, unless you want to be. Because I don’t want to be.”

  She shakes her head adamantly, like I can only imagine she does when negotiating a deal at work. My strong Brynn, full of fiery passion. I love it.

  “I don’t want to be either,” she insists. “I know I left without explanation when you were in town, and I feel horrible.”

  “I thought it showed your priorities,” I tell her. “I thought you were just stringing me along. And I’m not the type to be strung along.”

  “I know,” she says. “I didn’t mean to do that at all. It was the craziest thing. I had taken off of work that weekend, but then I got a call from my boss that we all had to come in for a firm meeting.”

  She sighs, obviously annoyed at this boss at hers. As am I, for ruining our otherwise fucking amazing time together.

  “I assumed it would be a quick meeting. He mentioned a firm-wide announcement. I thought, well if they’re calling in the entire staff and all the lawyers, it can’t last that long. They know people have families to get back to on the weekend. At least I thought so anyway.”

  “You really think bigwig partners give two shits about your family time?” I ask her, trying without success to suppress a smile.

  She half laughs, half sighs.

  “I guess you’re smarter than me, for figuring that out way sooner than I did.�

  There’s a pause and then she continues.

  “I mean, I guess up until that second— or maybe even until right now— part of me still had hope that I can juggle it all. But it’s impossible. And you’re right. They don’t care. It’s not their job to care. It’s my job to be their billable hour slave.”

  I run my fingers through her hair, not sure of what to say.

  “But anyway,” she continues, looking up at me. “When they called us in, Clay Tucker was there and he wanted me to open this Albuquerque office.”

  “I heard about that,” I tell her. “From the Bradfords. That’s awesome. He must really like your work.”

  She shrugs.

  “It was… is… so damn creepy. I think he just wants an excuse to be near me. Because he said he had to take me to breakfast and talk to me one on one.”

  I think about how I saw them in the diner and then I feel compelled to say something.

  “I have a confession to make,” I tell her. “I… came to the diner.”

  “You did?” She looks shocked. “Why?”

  “I was just going to eat breakfast and wait for you to get back,” I admit. “But then I saw you and Clay and…”

  I trail off. I don’t have the fucking words to express how disgusted it made me feel to see them together.

  “…I lost my appetite,” I conclude.

  “Wow, so no wonder you haven’t been wanting to talk to me.”

  “It was childish,” I confess. “I should have just talked it out with you. I wanted to believe there was a good explanation.”

  “I understand why you need your space,” she says. “It must have looked… very different from what it was.”

  “So you really only had breakfast?”

  I hate how fucking jealous I sound. How pathetic and weak. The power she has over me, to make me feel this way.

  “I love it when you get possessive,” she says, scooching her hot ass closer to my cock.

  It was already still half hard, but now it rises to the occasion.

  I guess she doesn’t take my vulnerability as weakness. So that’s good news for me. And my cock.

  “But yeah,” she continues. “We just had breakfast. We went back and he presented this plan to have me head up a new branch office. We’ve been working on it ever since. That’s why I’m back in town. Well, in addition to hoping to see you, of course.”

  “You hoped to see me, huh?” I smile. “Did you hope to see this?”

  I run my cock along the ample curve of her ass, teasing her. She looks down at it and smiles.

  “I sure did. And Larson?”


  “I tried to make it up to you. As soon as I was free I rushed to the airport. I envisioned this ridiculous movie- type ending where the hero and heroine make up at the last possible minute…”


  I’d imagined the same fucking thing. But I wasn’t about to tell her that.

  “But we didn’t get to have that ending,” she concludes. “I guess life isn’t a fairy tale.”

  “We can still have any ending that we want,” I tell her.

  “When I got to the airport, you had already boarded your plane. Earlier than the other passengers, it seemed.”

  “Damn war medals,” I mutter, under my breath.


  She half sits up, propping her head on her elbow and looking into my eyes.

  “You have war medals?”

  “Yeah,” I tell her. “Just two. Silver Stars.”

  “Just two,” she mimics. “Two is a lot, right?”

  I shrug, not able to resist smirking a little as I do.

  “I knew you were in the Special Ops with the Bradford Brothers,” she says. “Riley told me as much. The pararescue unit, right?”

  I nod, impressed that she remembered the specifics. She must be really fucking into me. And I can’t say the feeling isn’t mutual.

  “But I didn’t know you were awarded two Silver Stars.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  “Such as?”

  “Well, I’m not in the Special Ops anymore,” I tell her.

  She nods.

  “I’m not in the military at all anymore.”

  She nods again. Waiting.

  “But I do still work for the military. Kind of. As a private contractor.”

  “I see.”

  She doesn’t say anything further than that, and I don’t know how to tell her anything further.

  “My job is… shady.”

  “Is that why you move around so much?”

  “I can’t exactly let everyone know where I live and such. I’m hired to do the military’s dirty work. Kind of like Blackwater, if you’ve heard of them?”

  “I haven’t heard good things,” she says. “Weren’t they the private contractor company who had to be shut down for doing under the table what the military couldn’t do in public?”

  “Something like that,” I tell her. “But it wasn’t exactly shut down. It kind of quietly went away and transformed into the company I work for now.”

  “I see.”

  “So when people cross government officials or high- ranking officers, or when they’re terrorists or otherwise a threat to the country…”

  I’m not sure how to say this part.

  “You take care of it,” she says.


  She’s looking at me, as if knowing I need to tell her more. And I do. I just can’t seem to summon the words.

  This is it. The point of no return. I’m falling for her, and falling hard, and this is either going to make us or break us.

  She sidles up closer to me, and it makes my cock rock hard.

  “They’re really bad guys, Brynn,” I tell her, as my cock brushes up against the side of her body. “So don’t think of me badly. Someone has to deal with them.”

  “I know,” she says, straddling me with her legs. “And it’s hot that you take care of our country like that?”

  “You really think so?” I ask, relieved. If she’s okay with this part, she might be okay with all of it.

  “Can’t you tell?” She grinds on my cock and I hold tight onto her hips.

  “I sure can,” I tell her, as she rides me.

  “You really are an American hero,” she says.

  “As long as I’m your hero, I’m a happy man.”

  Chapter 41 – Brynn

  I love feeling Larson’s big, swollen cock under me as I ride him. There’s something about Larson explaining his past and his life to me that turns me on even more than I already was for him. Even more than I thought possible.

  I can tell that there’s more that he wants to tell me but I need to get my fill of him first. He slips on a condom and slips his cock into me. I bounce up and down on his hard dick, which reaches all the way up inside me and fills me with pleasure.

  “Oh my god, Larson, this feels so good.”

  I grip his strong shoulders while he grabs my ass. I ride him hard and fast, more into him than I ever have been into anyone. And I can tell the feeling is mutual, as he groans and says, “You’re going to make me come so fast.”

  “I’ve needed this so badly,” I tell him.

  “I couldn’t wait until to fuck you,” he says. “It’s all I thought about.”

  “I missed you,” I tell him, as he pushes his cock even further into me.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  I can feel him pulsing and throbbing inside me as we come together. We lay back on the bed, a sweaty mess of naked entangled limbs, and he brushes my now- frizzy hair out of my face and looks into my eyes.

  “I love you, Brynn.”

  “I love you too.”

  We kiss, more passionately and intensely than we ever have, and everything finally feels perfect. As I feel myself drifting off into sleep, I know it’s going to be the first night in a long time I’ve gotten a good night’s rest.

  I wake up in
the morning to the hotel phone ringing.

  I look over beside me to where I think Larson is, but he’s not there. Oh yeah, early riser.

  “Good morning,” he says, from the armchair where he’s sitting in his boxers reading USA Today, with some pastries and coffee spread out on the table in frton of him. “I got us some breakfast.”

  “What time is it?” I ask him.

  “About ten.”

  “What?” I sit straight up, embarrassed that I slept so late. “You let me sleep in?”

  “I know you need your rest,” he says. “You deserve it.”

  “Who could be calling?” I ask.

  He shrugs, looking as confused as I am, neither of us expecting a call and knowing of no reason that the front desk would want to talk to us.

  I realize my phone has been on silent in my purse all night.

  “Do you have your phone on you?”

  He shrugs.

  “I need to charge it. I think the battery died.”

  He half smirks at me and I know he’s thinking of making some remark about not needing to be tied to an asshole billionaire like I am. But luckily he thinks better of it. Because I don’t want to fight with him after what a great night we had last night.

  I lean over and pick up the receiver from the bedside stand.

  “Hello?” I ask, trying not to make my tone sound as annoyed as I feel at this interruption at the most inopportune moment.

  “Ms. Elliot?” asks the hotel desk worker on the other end of the phone.


  Now I’m really annoyed. Just get to the point and let me get back to having Larson profess his love to me.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, but there are some people down here in the lobby who say they need to talk to you, that it’s an emergency.”


  I look frantically at Larson, but he only returns a quizzical look, not knowing what’s going on any more than I do.

  “Would you like to speak to them?” the desk clerk asks.

  “Yes,” I say, a little hesitantly.

  It’s probably Clay or the partners at work and they’re the last people I want to be talking to right now, which is exactly why I hadn’t been looking at my phone. But I also don’t want to lose my job if they need me so urgently as to track me down at the hotel and call me on the room phone.


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