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The Billionaire's Weekend Bride

Page 15

by Love, Kimmy

  He reached a hand to the back of her head and pulled her in towards him for a kiss. It was passionate, just as it had been that night at the beach hut, but also deeper. They weren't strangers anymore. Kaya realized that they had a connection, even if she hadn't expected it and even if she had denied it. Now it was growing stronger and that natural magnetism between them was drawing her in. Henry's lips pressed down against hers and she ran a hand through the soft hair on the back of his head.

  "The first night I met you, I was blown away," Henry said in a soft, low and wanting voice.

  "I want to do it again," Kaya found herself confessing and she was surprised at the need she heard in her own voice. "I loved that you were... unpredictable."

  Suddenly, Henry threaded his arms underneath her and lifted her from the sofa. Kaya kicked off her shoes as he led her into his bedroom and lay her down on the bad. The sheets were incredibly soft and the tall posts of the bed frame of the four-poster bed made Kaya feel like she had entered Henry's territory. The billionaire took off his jacket, removed his tie and slowly unbuttoned his own shirt and moved his body over hers.

  Last time they had done this, it had been dark and cramped, but now Kaya could see with her own eyes the perfection in every sculpted muscle of Henry's abdomen and shoulders and the way his biceps grew firm as he leaned over her. She ran her hands over his shoulders and lifted herself towards his mouth, kissing him deeply.

  "Do you really want me to teach you something new?" Henry whispered suggestively. "I get the feeling you like it when a man takes control."

  "What do you have in mind?"

  Henry leaned across her to pull open a drawer at the bedside table and inside she saw a collection of silk ties, blindfolds and other new and exciting things. Kaya drew in a little breath at the sight and felt both shocked and aroused. She let her fingers run over the content of the drawer and she looked up at Henry uncertainly. A wicked smile crossed his lips.

  "Lady's choice."

  Kaya tentatively pulled out two black silk ties and a blindfold and laid them on the side. Henry grinned at her choice and shut the drawer again and now Kaya's lust was driving her crazy. Even as Henry pushed her down to kiss her again, all she could think about was those ties that she'd picked out and wonder what he was going to do with them.

  Henry gently moved Kaya to lie down on her stomach and then he reached for the zip at the back of her dress, slowly pulling it down. Kaya could feel the cold metal teeth moving down her spine and the weight of Henry's warm body on top of her. When her back was exposed, she heard Henry let out a very small moan of approval when he saw that she was wearing no bra and his hands reached into the material and sought out her breasts, his kisses falling onto the back of her neck, his hot breath tickling the hair at the nape of her neck. He pulled the pins from her black hair one by one and released it over her shoulders.

  Then he turned her over once more and began to peel the black velvet from her shoulders. He pulled the dress halfway down her body, stopping when her breasts were exposed and cupping them with his hands, leaning forward to lick and bite at them, causing Kaya to let out a little moan and grip onto the headboard behind her. Henry continued to pull the dress from her body and then threw her tights aside too.

  "Are you ready for something new?"

  He picked up the blindfold from the side and very gently placed it over her eyes. Kaya felt her breaths coming faster as the hotel room vanished from sight and he pulled the strings tightly together at the back of her head so that there was no chance she'd catch a glimpse of what would happen next.

  "Lie down. Put your arms above your head."

  Kaya did as she was told. She was unspeakably aroused by the feeling of the silk over her eyelids and the weight of Henry on top of her now doing unknown things. The next thing she felt was a k tie around her wrist being drawn tighter and then the hard wood of a bedpost against the back of her hand as he tied one arm to the frame and then the other. Now she was blindfolded with her arms tied above her head, unable to move or predict what Henry would do and completely his for the night.

  Henry began to caress her breasts again and twist her nipples with more force, waiting to hear her gasp so he'd know that the pressure was just right. Then his tongue moved down her body, until he pushed her legs apart and his tongue began to make her moans grow louder and turn into cries. The pleasure was almost unbearable, especially as Henry pushed her past absolute bliss and into something more until it was so intense that Kaya could barely breathe. She began to squirm, but there was nothing she could do, tied with silk as she was and that just turned her on even more and the volume of her cries of pleasure grew louder.

  Then, suddenly, Henry stopped and Kaya was left trembling, her heart beating in anticipation. She couldn't hear him and all she could feel was the tingling all over her body from what he'd already done to her. She was starting to wonder if he'd left her there as part of his game, when suddenly his weight returned and she felt the full length of him push into her. Henry thrust deep into her and Kaya pressed her head back against the pillow, wanting so much to touch him and feel the warm skin of his strong shoulders under her fingertips, but Henry was in control.

  He moved quickly and deeply, so that Kaya barely had time to register one orgasm before he was sending her body into the spasms of another. By the time he gave one, final thrust, she was utterly weak from a pleasure that had reached impossible heights.

  He untied her then, pulled her up into his arms and finally pulled off her blindfold. She was breathless and for a moment when she looked up into his eyes, she could say nothing, but then she pulled his head towards her and kissed him deeply. Her whole body was on fire from the encounter and she had no regrets. He kissed her back with equal passion, not done with her just because the encounter was over and Kaya felt her chest swelling with an emotional kind of attachment building towards him.

  For the first time in her life, she'd met someone who understood her. He'd not come in the form she'd expected or won her heart as she'd always imagined, but she felt a connection to him all the same. He was right - a prince or a pauper, it didn't matter now - Henry made her forget everything else and made her feel something incredible instead. She had the feeling that an incredible summer was ahead.


  "Don't go out with him again, Suze," Kaya pleaded, watching Suzie get ready for another date with Edward and shaking her head in despair. "He's clearly a jerk who's only after one thing."

  Suzie shot her an annoyed glance over her shoulder. "So it's alright for you to date one and not me? You were the one who said that rich guys were obnoxious and entitled, but there you are seeing Henry. Edward said he was sorry. He'd drunk too much. He didn't mean it. Did you see those flowers he sent me?"

  "The cost of a bouquet is not a big gesture from someone worth as much as he is, Suze," Kaya told her. "What matters is how he behaves and he obviously doesn't respect you. Don't let yourself be bought. If any other guy had done that, would you see him again?"

  Kaya's friend flushed at the cheeks and spun to glare at Kaya with her angry, made-up eyes. "Well, maybe if my friend hadn't taken off with her little summer fling, then I wouldn't be left with the choice of giving a scumbag a second shot or staying in some scummy hostel on my own. I mean, seriously Kaya.

  Why are we even here? We could have had a nice holiday and stayed in a decent hotel, but you dragged us out here to do crummy work and all because you said you needed time away from it all, but now you've dropped me like a ton of bricks to be with Henry. You didn't even call me last night. I was worried about you."

  "I'm sorry I didn't call," Kaya apologized sincerely. "It got late and I lost track of time. I fell asleep."

  She really did feel bad about not giving Suzie a call the night before. She knew how Suzie hated being in the hostel on her own and she'd promised to keep in touch, but still, that was no reason for her to spend another night out with the sleazy playboy, Edward.

  "Whatever, K
aya. I don't even care," Suzie huffed unconvincingly. "You do your thing and I'll do mine."

  "He's a creep, Suze. You think he won't do the same thing again? Why do you think he's out here for the summer? He's probably had loads of young women passing through. Don't just let yourself give into him."

  "Stop saying it like that!" Suzie snapped. "Saying I'm ‘bought’ and ‘giving in’. Maybe I'm not here to find ‘the one’. Maybe I just want to have some fun. And you know what? I think expensive things are pretty bloody fun. It's just for a few months. I'm not looking to settle down and marry the guy. Why shouldn't I let him spoil me a little? He said he's sorry."

  "You're better than that creep. Have some fun. I want you to. But do it with a guy who's going to call the next day and at least has the decency to walk you home at the end of the night. I don't want you getting hurt."

  "I'm a big girl, Kaya. I can look out for myself. Clearly that's what you expect of me."

  "All this just because I didn't call?" Kaya asked with exasperation.

  "No, Kaya. All this because you don't understand what it's like. You're gorgeous. You can have any guy you like. And you're rich. You can do whatever you want. But girls like me don't get glamorous nights out with handsome men, so, when my best friend drops me to live the high life, even though she could do those things any day of the week, you're damn right that I'm gonna do the same."

  "You're just jealous?"

  "Drop it, Kaya. You don't understand."

  Kaya wanted to press it further and get to the bottom of what was troubling her friend, but Edward had already pulled up outside and was honking his horn. Before Kaya could convince Suzie to stay home that night and talk things out with her, her best friend had picked up her bag and headed out the door for some glam night with the creep.

  After she'd gone, Kaya sighed heavily and picked up her phone to call Henry. Suzie had gone off God knows where, so she may as well spend her time with the handsome billionaire, even though she'd planned to spend the night with Suze.

  Henry came to pick her up himself. He was wearing a pair of canvas shorts and a smart blue blazer and looked incredibly handsome. Kaya was wearing a long beach dress and her hair half pinned back. The billionaire held out a hand towards her and began to head out towards the marina. He could tell that something was wrong.

  "What is it, Kaya? You're not yourself."

  "I'm worried about Suzie."

  "Why? What's wrong with her?"

  "She's gone off with Edward tonight."


  "So, I don't think he's good for her. You're his friend. What do you think? Can he be trusted?"

  The billionaire fell quiet for a moment and then let out a long sigh. "Edward can be insensitive and reckless and rash, but he's not a bad guy. He's a victim, really."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, we all got shipped off to boarding school when we were young, but he never went home. He was constantly with a different nanny or governess and given everything he ever wanted just to keep him quiet. He got used to having it all without having to earn it and it's made him shallow and restless. He gets bored easily. He used to get into all kinds of trouble just to embarrass his parents, I think - as punishment for ignoring him all those years, I suppose - but then I think he got hooked on the thrill of it. He likes to push boundaries and see what he can get away with."

  "You're describing a psychopath."

  Henry let out a, short entertained laugh. "I'm describing a spoiled little rich kid with Mummy issues. Edward's harmless enough. He might not stay interested in your friend for long, but he won't hurt her. Why are you worried about her anyway? She's an adult. She can make her own choices."

  "Suzie didn't grow up the way we did, Henry. All those fast cars and champagne... Well, she's easily influenced by it all. I worry that she'll make bad choices just because she wants a taste of it."

  "So, let her make some bad choices. She'll learn the hard way, just like we all did. I mean, isn't that why you're here? Because you learned the hard way that it's not all roses in high society?"

  Kaya gave a little shrug. "I don't even know anymore. Suze was really angry with me tonight. She thinks I abandoned her going off with you and that I'm a hypocrite because I made us get normal jobs and hitchhike around when I could have just paid for it all and now I'm back spending time with a rich man."

  "It sounds like she's jealous of you."

  "She just doesn't understand."

  "No, she's envious and I can't blame her. You blow all other women away."

  Kaya looked up at him and gave a little, tender smile. He was an incredible creature. Every one of his features was pure perfection from his straight roman nose to his strong chin and even the wave in his blonde hair. She could understand how Suze could be swept up by it all - the attention of a handsome man. After all, hadn't Kaya been swept off her feet for the same reason? No, she told herself. It was more than looks. Henry understood her and perhaps that's what had been missing from her life all along.

  "Anyway," Henry smiled, "let's forget her. It's a beautiful night and we're alone. Let's enjoy it."

  It was a beautiful night. The pier was particularly calm and it was very warm outside. The gentle breeze lifted Kaya's dark hair from her shoulders and swept her dress around her ankles and it carried with it the taste of the salt of the sea. Henry put his arm around her and Kaya nestled closer to him. Even her fight with Suzie seemed to just drift away to the back of her mind when she was close to him. She felt so safe there, close to him and sheltered.

  Henry took her away from the shore and towards the marina where many boats were moored. He led her across the deck to a particularly stunning yacht called Carpe Diem and she smiled at its name. Henry looked over at her and took her smile for a smirk. He grinned.

  "Am I in trouble for having a yacht?"

  Kaya laughed. "No. It's a perfect night for sailing."

  The billionaire hopped up onto the boat and leaned forward to hold out a hand for Kaya to step up. It had been a long time since she'd been on a yacht and the gentle swaying motion and smell of the sea air brought her right back to her childhood vacations with her parents and her teen years when she and her girlfriends would spend long, lazy summers in exotic places.

  She'd tried so hard to break from all that, because she knew just how much she'd been taking for granted, but tonight she felt like she'd earned a little indulgence and she decided not to judge herself for enjoying those things that others perhaps never would.

  The breeze, though still warm, was picking up and Kaya pulled a light pink shawl around her shoulders. Henry noticed her movement and he came to stand behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her shoulders to warm her up. She smiled and let him hold her a while, even though she wasn't cold. She thought it was sweet how he came to stand by her and wrap her in his arms. He kissed her neck.

  "I feel like the luckiest man in the world tonight," he told her.

  "It's a nice boat," Kaya agreed.

  Henry laughed. "I'm not talking about the boat, Kaya. I'm talking about you. I'm a lucky man to have the most beautiful woman in South Beach here with me tonight."

  The young woman smiled and gave a little laugh. Her instinct had been to make some sarcastic comeback about how he must flirt with all the girls, but tonight she didn't want to be hostile. She wanted to enjoy his company and, like Suze, be spoiled for a change, without feeling guilty about it.

  She sat down on the deck while Henry prepared the boat for sail and soon they were heading out into the open ocean. They didn't speak while they were sailing, as it was hard to catch each other's voices with the wind against them, but Kaya loved every second of the breeze in her hair, looking back over her shoulder to see Henry grinning at her and the sight of the vast ocean out ahead of them. Henry took them far enough out that there was nobody else around and the shore was just a distant slither on the horizon and then he brought the yacht to a still and came to sit at her side.

  It wa
s incredibly romantic to be away from everyone else on the open sea. The waves caused the boat to rock ever so gently and the only sounds were the gentle breeze and the soft lapping of the waves against the body of the boat. Henry put his arm around her shoulders and they sat in silence like that for a while, completely separated from the rest of the world. Kaya felt utterly at peace.

  It was so calm with nobody else around them and the sound of Henry's heart beating when she laid her head against his chest was soothing and romantic all at once. They were both just still and Kaya had the sense that this was the type of simple pleasure that she'd been seeking - two people, needing nothing more than each other and the enjoyment of a moment of peace to be content.

  When Henry lifted her face towards him and pressed his lips down over hers, it made her whole body tremble. The wind lifted her hair to fly around his face and hers and Henry brushed it back with a tender half-smile. His lips tasted of the salt of the sea air; Kaya's favorite taste. He ran his fingers through her dark, wild hair and rested his hand on the back of her head as he kissed her sweetly and Kaya kissed him back.

  They were satisfied to gently kiss and hold each other for a long time, but eventually the desire between them grew into something more urgent and their clothes came off. Kaya felt herself taken to heaven and back when she made love above deck under the stars, her body kissed by both Henry's lips and the touch of the wind.

  She felt so free, as if she was exactly where she should be. She loved the way that Henry made her feel; like she was beautiful even after all the designer clothing was ripped away. Free from diamonds and make-up, he cherished her and she could forgive him for the yacht and the $200 haircut, because she truly believed that he was a much deeper person than a hefty bank account could make one seem - just like she was.

  When they were dressed again, they simply sat beneath the stars, wrapped in each other's arms and talking about everything. She learned all about how he'd spent his childhood between Miami city and a boarding school in England and all the pranks he'd played on friends when he was a boy. She heard stories about how he'd awkwardly met his first love fresh out of an all boys' school and had no idea how to charm her and inevitably put his foot in his mouth.


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