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by D. L. Jackson

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Bringing Down Romeo

  Copyright © 2016 by D.L. Jackson

  ISBN: 978-1-68361-077-9

  Cover Art by Fiona Jayde

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  Wedding Moon by D.L. Jackson

  Bringing Down Romeo

  Hide your girlfriends, hide your daughters.

  Tad Dawson, confirmed bachelor and runway model, has come back to the Black Hills for his brother’s wedding. Also known as Romeo for his love them and leave them attitude, Tad has a reputation to lose and a woman to win. However, he won’t be able to do it on his own, since the woman he wants would rather assault him with nail guns, power saws, and rocks. Not what he expected when he turned on the charm.

  Megan could use a good dose of anger management, along with a shot from Cupid’s bow, and lord knows she has a lot to be mad about when it comes to Romeo. Tad left her five years before after she declared they were mates. Not only did she have to deal with a crazy Alpha, who got off on tossing her to the Wolves. Literally. Rumor has it, Tad’s appetite for anything with a skirt has grown since he left. Not that she could confirm it. He’s hasn’t called or written once.

  For Tad to win the love of his life, he’s going to need some help, and the four pack matchmakers have decided they are just the wolves to assist, whether he wants their help or not. No tactic is too dirty or underhanded. Bringing down Romeo is going to take every trick in their match-maker’s bag.

  Bagging the girl, well that could be a bit trickier.

  Will the four matchmakers beat the nearly impossible odds, or will their tactics unravel at the seams?

  Before the wedding is over, someone is going down, and if the matrons have any say, it’s going to be hard.

  ~A Note from the Author~

  From the first moment my friend and fellow author, Rebecca Royce, approached me about writing for a new Decadent super secret project, Black Hills Wolves, I’ve had several characters in mind. I started with the more serious tales of bank robbers and a PTSD plagued hero. By the time I got to my Dawson boys, things took a different direction. Never did I expect my Dawson Wolves to be so much fun.

  And trouble.

  I hope you’ll check out my newest tales, Wedding Moon and Bringing Down Romeo, and laugh along with me at the Matron’s antics. They certainly ran away with the stories more than once, and let me tell you, as Gee can attest; they are not easy to rein back in.


  D. L. Jackson

  Black Hills Wolves Stories

  Wolf’s Return

  What a Wolf Wants

  Black Hills Desperado

  Wolf’s Song

  Claiming His Mate

  When Hell Freezes

  Portrait of a Lone Wolf

  Alpha in Disguise

  A Wolf’s Promise

  Reluctant Mate

  Diamond Moon

  Wolf on a Leash

  Tempting the Wolf

  Naming His Mate

  A Wolf Awakens

  The Wolf and the Butterfly

  Infiltrating Her Pack

  Omega’s Heart

  Rebel’s Claw

  Claiming the She-Wolf

  Worth Fighting For



  Promiscuous Wolf

  Disquieted Souls

  A Cougar Among Wolves

  Long Road Home

  A Mate’s Healing Touch

  Another Chance

  Broken Silence

  A Wolf’s Contract

  A Mate’s Redeeming Touch

  A Cougar Among Wolves

  Pleasure Me

  Craving His Love

  Jasmine Moon

  Winter Solstice Run

  Wolf’s Holiday

  Winter Magic

  Winter Secrets

  Winter Solstice Ménage

  Wolf in Winter Clothing

  Murder in Los Lobos

  Scent of Murder

  Scent of the Hunt

  Scent of His Woman

  Scent of Madness

  Coming Soon

  Secrets of the Hunt

  Salvaged Souls

  Also by DL Jackson

  Carnal Desires

  Carnal Attraction

  Carnal Denial

  Cinderella Wore Combat Boots

  Seducing Liberty

  This Endris Night

  Her Boogie Woogie Bugle Guy

  Being Prince Charming

  Beauty and the Brigadier

  Rebel Souls

  Last Flight of the Ark

  Courtesan Boot Camp

  Prepper Romance

  Finding Mercy


  Slipping the Past

  The Willfully Wedded Virgin

  Moon Crazy


  Wedding Moon

  Bringing Down Romeo

  A Black Hills Wolves Story


  D.L. Jackson

  Chapter One

  Wolves didn’t get married—at least not Dawson Wolves, and not to humans. What the hell? Tad crumpled the invite and tossed it into the trash. Going to his brother’s wedding would mean he’d actually have to return home.

  Like that would ever happen. He’d pretty much put a nail in that coffin five years before when he’d fled the Black Hills as though he had the hounds of Hell on his ass. And he had. Now, his past mistakes had come back to bite him in a big way, one he could no longer avoid.

  “What are you tossing away? A court summons for a paternity test?” His buddy eyed the trash.

  “Ha, ha. No. Leave it alone.” For the last few years, he’d put on a good show, making it look like he had a different lady every night. In fact, he’d lived quite the lie. The moment he kissed any woman, he could only see Megan’s face and his dick wouldn’t cooperate. He’d die before he admitted it. Yes, he’d whored his way through Los Lobos’s females years ago, but avoided one; the one he knew was too good for him. And, now, the only female his wolf wanted happened to be the one he’d put off-limits.

  His friend stooped down and uncrumpled his invite, reading it without bothering to ask if he minded. “Your brother is getting married?”

  “I threw that in the trash for a reason.”

  “Do you hate him?”

  “No.” He swiped the invite away. “I don’t. He’s my b

  “Then, what’s the problem?”

  “What are you, my shrink or something?”

  “No, dude, I’m your friend. If you give two shits for your brother, you need to go to his wedding, no matter what personal stuff has you all riled up. You can’t take family for granted. Trust me, I know.”

  Tad glared. Yeah, and he’d taken a lot for granted. He didn’t deserve her. He never would, but fate had thrown one hell of a monkey wrench in his life by making the one woman he couldn’t have his mate. And God knew he didn’t want to dwell on it any more than he already did. Going home would only make it worse. However, his buddy made a good point. He needed to return and face the music—make amends, patch up the damage he’d done. “Is this a guilt trip you’re on? Because you’re doing a damn good job of making me feel like an ass.”

  Jason raised both hands, palms out. “I’m just saying you don’t want to throw family away. You might want to go home someday, and if you toss them out with the garbage, there will be nothing there for you.”

  Yeah, but he already knew that, too. Been there, done that.

  “Come on. It’s time to earn our paycheck.” Jason spun around and exited the backstage for the runway; the music pulsed past the curtain. Tad waited five counts and followed, strutting down the walk in even strides like the predator he was. As he reached the end, he opened his jacket, taking it off and slinging it over his shoulder as he made his return trip. The beat thumped through his soles and pounded against his heart.

  Why did he do this? He hated crowds, and especially people, along with the kiss-kiss and peacock costumes of the industry he’d chosen to make a living in. Maybe he should go home and reconnect with the land that called to him, become a retriever like every other member of his family. He’d been gone for five years. What could he possibly be afraid of?

  You know what you’re afraid of.


  It had taken him years to get past the loud noise and bright lights of the environment he worked in. His wolf hated it, and at times hounded him about why he continued on this path. Punishment? Atonement for leaving? Fear? Yeah—that.

  He had to go home and see what his cowardice had reaped, and the wedding made as good an excuse as any. For all he knew, Megan had found happiness in the arms of another man and had a dozen pups following her around. With the bachelor party and rehearsals, it would be a long two weeks to live with what he’d done. He couldn’t stand the thought of watching the one woman he wanted more than anything go on with her life, blissfully unaware he sat in hell, wondering, what if? He wanted to know if she’d found someone else, and he didn’t. Knowing could be a worse punishment than wondering.

  Los Lobos, five years before….

  Tad walked out of the general store and spotted a lone figure sitting on the wooden walk, two doors down from Gee’s bar. The smell of lavender drifted on the night air—her signature scent, one he could pick out in a crowd with his eyes closed. It carried something else with it tonight. Distress.

  He strode over and sank down to sit beside her. Her bare feet swung back and forth, and tears filled her eyes. Shit. He hated when females cried, especially this female. She’d followed him around since she could walk, and to say he’d grown protective of her over the years could be called an understatement.

  She raised her cherry pop and took a long pull before coughing and spluttering. An acrid stench burned his nostrils.


  Tad swiped it from her hand. “What the hell are you drinking?” He tipped it up and took a swig. Liquid heat burned the back of his tongue, sliding all the way to his belly, leaving a trail of fire behind. He choked as he tried to spit out words past the vapors. “Are you trying to kill brain cells, or something?”

  “Or something. It’s moonshine. Got it from some old guy in Hot Springs for a handful of loose coins. He told me his wife makes it, but I’m not so sure. You’d think a woman would try to add some kind of flavor.”

  “Hold on there. Back up to the stranger-danger bit. What were you doing in Hot Springs, buying alcohol from ‘some old guy’ you don’t know?” Another kind of heat burned his gut, threatening to explode.

  “Magnum found a mate for me, but I don’t want him.”

  “You just turned eighteen. He can’t do that.” Tad glanced around, frantic to get her out of there.

  “He can, and he did. I fled to Hot Springs and made it to the bus station before Magnum’s henchmen caught up to me. Daddy’s in Gee’s talking to the alpha now.”

  “I’ll take you out of here.”

  She shook her head. “He said he’d kill whoever helped me, and anyone else I care about. Family. Friends. I won’t be responsible for anybody’s death, especially yours, Tad. You’ll be the first one he comes for.”

  “Meg, I can protect you, your family.”

  “Nobody can, and you know it. Even the alpha’s son took off because he couldn’t beat him.”

  “Maybe we can organize an uprising or something?”

  “No. I’m not going to be the cause of the loss of innocent lives. I refuse to let it come to that.” She sighed. “But you can do one thing for me, Tad.” She turned and gave him a wry smile.

  One thing? Yeah, kill that fucking alpha. If he was strong enough, which he wasn’t. It would take half the pack to bring him down, and he doubted there were enough wolves left around Los Lobos who didn’t have their noses up Magnum’s ass to even try a rebellion. “What?”

  “Kiss me.”

  Tad drew back with a snort, a smile creeping onto his face. Meg screwed with him. “Excuse me? That’s crazy talk, Meggie.”

  “Don’t you feel it? The connection? I don’t want the mate Magnum has arranged because I want you.”

  No. No, she didn’t joke. She couldn’t be more serious.

  Even if she spoke the truth, he couldn’t. Tad looked away, staring at the three-quarter moon hanging in the sky. “I can’t do that, Meg, and you’re mistaken. I’m not your mate. I would’ve known a long time ago.”

  “You wouldn’t. We’ve never…you know.” She shrugged.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, and that’s not happening. We are not going there. I care about you too much to do that. Honey, you’re only eighteen, and I’m not that kind of man.” Tad took a deep slug of Meg’s pretend cherry pop and swallowed, hoping the alcohol would wash away memories of the conversation. “God, that’s awful.”

  “Yup. So…?”

  “So what?”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’re a kid. That’s why.” He took another gulp. Damn, she’d gone someplace with words he’d never thought to go to physically. Never would go. Sweet Meg. Young Meg. Off-limits Meg. Hell, he’d run off any male who had looked at her, because he’d taken it upon himself to protect her from guys like him. He took another pull. Or had he? Could she be the one, and that’s why he’d done what he’d done?

  “You are eight years older. Don’t get all respectable now, Tad Dawson. I know exactly what kind of man you are, and you’re not opposed to kissing females, among other things. I’ve seen you with dozens through the years, loving and leaving them. I won’t tell anyone. It would be one kiss. It’s not like I’m asking you to bang me.”

  Tad spewed moonshine everywhere. “Don’t talk like that!”

  “Or what? You might see me as grown-up? I’m not a little girl anymore, Tad. Even that bastard of an alpha sees that. Open your eyes and really look at me.”

  He turned to her and leaned in. “It’s a bad idea and wrong on so many levels.”

  “I love bad ideas.”

  Of course she does.

  She gave him a wicked smile, the dimples in her cheeks growing more pronounced. His heart thumped double time, begging him to do it, discover the truth, but his mind wouldn’t let him move closer. He loved her too much. She wasn’t like the others, never had been. No. She’s too good for you. Not this female, not Meg.

abe, it would be like kissing my sister.” Liar.

  “I’m not your sister, and you know it. We belong together. Deny it.”

  That was just it. As he studied her, he realized she wasn’t the kid he’d protected all these years but a young woman. A beautiful young she-wolf. Meg had filled out and looked really good. Too damn good. He shook his head and moved back. “Someday, you will find your mate.”

  “He’s sitting right here. I don’t have to kiss you to know it.”

  He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I’m not it.”

  “Magnum isn’t giving me a choice. I know you are it. If you’d only kiss me, you’d discover the truth for yourself. If you’re my true mate, Magnum would have to listen to that. Wouldn’t he?”

  “Megan….” Would the crazy alpha listen? Doubtful. Tad would more than likely end up dead, and Megan would get traded off to another wolf anyway. Magnum didn’t have a reasoning bone in his body.

  “Megan, you need to get away from him now,” her father said as he exited Gee’s.

  She jerked her hand free. “He was just saying good-bye.”

  Didn’t mean he would turn her over, though. His wolf bristled at the thought. “The fuck I was. You can’t give your daughter away to scum who doesn’t deserve her.”

  Megan’s father gave a slight shake to his head. Fear filled his eyes, and the acrid stench of terror clung to the air. “You should go. I have to protect my family, all of my family. That’s what I’m doing.”

  “Did you hear me?”

  The older wolf nodded and jerked his chin, motioning behind him. The proposed mate in question stepped out of the bar, followed by the alpha.

  “What’s going on?” Magnum demanded.

  “Tad was just headed out and wanted to wish my girl well on her upcoming mating.”


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