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The Only Solution (Crowley County Series Book 3)

Page 13

by T. E. Killian

  He finally realized that he needed to get up and start his day. Why? Well, as he thought about it, for the last six months he hadn’t really had much going on in his life to make him want to get out of bed in the morning. But now? Now he did. He would see Daisy today since his mom had asked him if she could invite her and her family over for dinner after church. He was somewhat surprised that he was not dreading having a group of people invading the privacy of his home. Of course, that was only because Daisy would be one of them. He planned to ignore the rest as much as he could.

  Sarah had called to ask Daisy last night and she had accepted the invitation. Now, he had something to look forward to for his Sunday afternoon other than just watching a Cardinals game on TV.

  He started rolling over in anticipation of pulling himself into his wheel chair when it happened. As he dragged his right leg across the sheets with both hands, he felt it. What? Yes! He felt his foot rubbing the sheet!

  He shouted out and didn’t even know what he said. It must have been enough to bring the others because his mom and Jason were both soon standing in his bedroom doorway and Jason had his gun in his hand.

  Jason stepped into the room and over to the window to look out. When he turned back around, Mike laughed and said, “Hey you two. Calm down. There’s nothing wrong.”

  Jason leaned over Mike where he lay sprawled half in the bed and half out.

  “Then what in the world were you thinking, yelling like that?”

  “Yes Dear. You nearly scared me half out of my wits.” His mom was now leaning over him as well.

  He looked up at both of them then down at his right foot. He concentrated with all his might and his toes began to move a little and then they wiggled.

  Sarah and Jason had both followed his gaze and when they saw his toes wiggling, they both shouted out.

  Sarah leaned farther over Mike and hugged him. “Oh Son, this is the best thing to happen in ages. Now you’ll be walking again sooner than anyone ever thought.”

  He was smiling. Or was he really grinning? Well, he had a right to be happy didn’t he? He was going to walk again. Yes!

  Sarah leaned back up and said, “Oh, I can’t wait to tell everyone at church today.” She looked at Jason and said, “Are you off today Jason?”

  Jason smiled and said, “Yes ma’am I am and if I’m going to make it to church too, I need to get home to get ready.”

  With that, he left to get ready for his ride to pick him up. Sarah still stood there just staring down at Mike with a big smile on her face. Then she seemed to shake herself and say, “Well, I guess I’d better go get ready too.”

  She was in the doorway when he called out to her. “Mom, wait a minute.” When she turned back, he said, “I’m going to call Daisy and tell her.”

  She beamed at him and said, “That’s just wonderful Son. I think that she would much rather hear it from you than me.”

  With that, she left him to his thoughts. His first thought was what his mom had meant by that last statement. Would Daisy rather hear it from him? And if so what did that mean?

  He picked up the phone but stopped to think. How could he tell her? Could he just call her up? What should he say to her? This was the most important thing to happen to him in at least six months. Would she feel the same way?

  Mike had faced down men with guns more than once in his career, even been shot, but hadn’t been as worried about the outcome as he was right now over one simple phone call.

  It took him a full five minutes to work up to it but then when he looked at the clock, he realized that seven-thirty might be a little too early. He’d have to wait until after his shower and he was dressed. That should be time enough.

  Finally, he felt it was late enough to call Daisy. When she answered, he couldn’t find his voice at first. After her second hello, he finally stammered out, “Hello Daisy, this is . . .”

  “Oh, hi Mike. I was just talking with my parents about dinner at your house this afternoon. We’re all looking forward to it, especially Lucy.”

  She giggled and it sounded nervous and that was when he realized she must be for she was kind of babbling.

  “I think you made a friend of Lucy when you watched TV with her that time. I’m afraid she’s probably going to want a repeat of that this afternoon. I’ll try to head her off though.”


  There was a pause on the line then, “Yes?”

  “Daisy, I called because I have something I wanted to tell you. I didn’t want you to hear it from anybody else.”


  He could tell she wasn’t sure if it was good or bad so he just blurted it out and mentally crossed his fingers. “I wiggled my toes this morning!”

  Another pause then she shouted out, “Oh Mike that’s wonderful. I just know you’re so excited. I know I am and I can’t wait to tell everyone else.”

  He was grinning foolishly now but he didn’t care. No one could see him, but even if they could, he still wouldn’t care. Daisy was just as excited as he was. That was great.

  * * *

  After Mike’s phone call, Daisy couldn’t wait to get to church. She was so happy that Mike could wiggle his toes and she knew that the feeling would quickly spread up his legs now. It was simply fantastic news and she wanted to share it with everybody there but especially with Karen.

  Daisy’s parents had been pleased to hear the news, but she was still wondering about the strange expressions they both had on their faces while she was telling them. They acted as if they knew something that she didn’t know. That was certainly odd.

  Lucy had of course been excited. When Daisy told her that this meant he would be able to walk again, she had wanted to know when Mike would be able to go outside and play with her. Daisy wished that everything was as simple as it was to a four-year-old. Wouldn’t that be just great?

  As soon as she stepped into her Sunday School class, she spied Karen talking to a couple of other women on the far side of the room She rushed over and waited impatiently for one of the others to finish telling a story of some kind.

  Finally! She looked at Karen who took one look at her face and said, “What has you so excited this morning Daisy?”

  Daisy grinned at her and said, “Mike Bates called me this morning.”


  “Yes. And he said he wiggled his toes this morning.”

  Karen’s face lit up and she said, “Oh Daisy, that’s wonderful news.” She paused as if thinking, grinned and said, “I can’t wait to get him in PT tomorrow. He’s going to do so well now that he’s starting to get the feeling back.”

  After class, the two women made their way toward the sanctuary where Lucy joined them and the residents of the home as they all went in together.

  Sarah came in a moment later and sat with them too. Once she was settled in her seat, she turned to Daisy and said, “You and your family are still coming for dinner this afternoon aren’t you?”

  Daisy smiled and said, “Oh, yes. We’re all looking forward to it. And especially now that Mike is getting his feeling back it ought to be a wonderful time.”

  Sarah frowned and looked past Daisy to Karen and said “Do you have plans this afternoon Karen. We’d love to have you join us too.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t. It will all be family and I’m afraid I’d just stick out.”

  “No, no Dear. We would all love to have you wouldn’t we Daisy.”

  Daisy had known this was coming and was prepared for it. She placed her hand on Karen’s arm and said, “Of course we would. Don’t worry, Karen. I’m sure Jason won’t be there.” She turned to Sarah. “Will he?”

  She shook her head and said, “No, I don’t think so. He left this morning to get ready for church.” She looked over to the other side of the sanctuary. “Yes, there he is over there with Floyd and his family.”

  Karen still looked doubtful. “Are you sure I won’t be crashing the party, so to speak?”

  “Oh no Dear. It won’t be
anything like that. You’ll fit right in, I’m sure of it. After all, you are playing a big role in my son’s recovery right now.”

  Karen tried to smile. “Okay, then. If you’re sure.”

  The music was beginning and Sarah could only smile back and nod her head emphatically.

  Daisy was aware that her parents were both watching them from their seats behind her as the service began. She thought about the two of them for a moment. She had to admit that even though she had often thought they were so overprotective of her, they had always been there when she needed them. And it was comforting to know that that was exactly why they were here right now.

  Sarah had insisted that they all come to Mike’s house straight from church, that Mike was expecting them to do so.

  So, here she was a short time later, going into Mike’s house for what seemed like the tenth time in the past two weeks.

  She was glad that Karen was behind her when they passed through the doorway because there was Jason sitting in an armchair next to Mike’s wheelchair. She gently grabbed Karen’s arm, steered her into the room, and sat with her on a sofa on the other side of the room from the two men.

  Karen’s face grew pale and she looked at Daisy as if for help.

  Daisy tried to give her a reassuring smile and said, “It’s okay Karen. Mike must have invited Jason after Sarah left this morning. I’ll stay right beside you if you want me to.”

  Karen looked up at her and nodded her head then meekly said, “Please?”

  Everyone else was in the room now and Sarah announced, “I’m going into the kitchen to get things finished for dinner.”

  Daisy’s mom followed her and Karen started to get up but Daisy still had her hand on Karen’s arm and kept her there with a little pressure on it.

  “I think that you and Jason can both be in the same room and you don’t have to feel like you have to leave. He’s really a nice guy and I’m sure he won’t pressure you about going out with him.”

  When Karen didn’t say anything, Daisy said, “Just try to act natural, as if you were in a group of the people you work with. What would you do and say if you were?”

  Karen’s smile then was a little more receptive.

  It wasn’t long before Jason and Frank moved into the family room to turn on the Cardinals game. Lucy tagged along, probably hoping to garner some more of her grandpa’s attention.

  Daisy expected Mike to go with them but he didn’t. Instead, he wheeled his chair over to where she and Karen were still sitting on the sofa and stopped in front of them.

  Karen finally found her voice. “Oh Mike it’s so great that your feeling is coming back. I can’t wait to work with you tomorrow at the shop.”

  He laughed and said, “Well, I’m not so sure I’m so eager for you to get your hands on me now that I’ll be able to feel it all.”

  When her face fell, he quickly added with a smile, “I’m only thinking about the torture you’re going to put me through now. I couldn’t feel it before, but now you’re going to really pour it on aren’t you?”

  She was hesitant at first but then when he kept smiling at her she said, “You bet I will. Just you wait and see.”

  Daisy saw Sarah in the kitchen doorway and she knew Karen did too. Mike had his back to the kitchen and he didn’t notice when Sarah pointed at Karen and motioned for her to come.

  Karen looked at Daisy then Mike and she could tell exactly when Karen understood why Sarah wanted her. She then jumped up and said, “I think I’ll go see if Sarah needs some help in the kitchen.”

  With that, she was gone and Mike was grinning at Daisy. She had a feeling that he knew exactly what had just happened and even why. Still better was the fact that he seemed to approve.

  * * *

  Mike had been surprised to see Karen walk in the door behind Daisy. But then as he thought about it though, he knew his mom must have invited her knowing that Jason liked her. That was his mother all right. She was what they call a hopeless romantic, and he knew that she was trying to get Jason and Karen together.

  Wait a minute! Wasn’t that what she was doing with the whole idea of this dinner? Wasn’t she was trying to get him and Daisy together too? He tried to get mad about it but he just couldn’t. Why? Was it maybe because he wanted to spend at least some more time with Daisy?

  That question was going to require a lot more thought, but later in privacy. Right now, he had to do something.

  It had been rather awkward for a while. First, his mom went into the kitchen and Daisy’s mom went with her. He could just imagine what they were talking about as he kept hearing laughter in there.

  Then finally, Jason had asked if he could go into the family room and turn on the Cardinals game and Frank had gone with him.

  That had left him sitting in his wheelchair across the room from where Daisy and Karen sat on the sofa. Well, it looked like he was going to have to make the first move. So he wheeled his chair over and stopped in front of them.

  After a couple of minutes of Karen and Daisy talking excitedly to him about his being able to wiggle his toes, he noticed that both women’s eyes were focused on a point behind him. He didn’t even need to turn around to know who they were looking at.

  His suspicions were confirmed when Karen excused herself, supposedly to help his mom in the kitchen.

  Now it was just him and Daisy. Well, wasn’t that what he really wanted, to get Daisy alone?

  But what did he say now?

  Daisy looked into his eyes and said, “Mike, I’m glad we’re getting to know each other better.”

  Before he could think of something to say to that, she seemed to rush on. “I mean that when we first met it was very much different. You do remember when Bert brought you to the home to meet me?”

  “Sure do.”

  “Well, I’m afraid I didn't really think too highly of you back then. I could clearly see that you were trying to use Bert but I couldn’t quite figure out why or how. And that was making me angry with you.”

  He laughed loudly. “Yeah, I could see that from the way you looked at me that first day. I was afraid you were going to take my head off.” He shook his head and chuckled. “But you were so nice to me that you even had me thinking that I might have been wrong.”

  She smiled and said, “But after a while, I became a little more comfortable with the whole thing especially when I realized that you were trying your best to keep Bert out of danger.”

  He started to comment on that but she held up her hand and said, “No, wait. I want to say something more about back then.”

  He nodded and she continued, “I was so shocked when after you were shot, it came out that you were actually an undercover DEA agent.” She shook her head. “That really shook me up.”

  He was confused now. “How did it shake you up? Was that good or bad?”

  She laughed and again he liked the sound she made. “I guess you could say it was good. It certainly explained what all you had been trying to do with Bert. And when I explained it all to him, he was so excited and proud. Then he went around telling everybody that he’d helped you to catch the bad guys.”

  That made Mike feel good. “That’s neat. The more I get to know Bert, the better I like him.”

  She smiled and her eyes grew softer. “Yes, Bert has that effect on most people, especially those who take the time to get to know him.”

  He looked into her eyes, swallowed hard, cleared his throat, and said, “Okay, enough about the past. Let’s talk about the present.”

  She looked back at him with such an open, friendly expression on her face that he almost didn’t get the rest of his rehearsed speech out. But he struggled to get started anyway.

  “Daisy.” She looked back into his eyes as he looked into hers. “You said you were glad that we were getting to know each other. Well, so am I.” He held up a hand when she started to speak. “Now that it’s a pretty sure thing that I’ll be walking again before very long, I want more. I want to know you even bett
er. Will you go out with me?”

  Her face didn’t change from the smile that had been almost pasted on her face since he started talking. Then her face lit up even more and she said, “Yes, Mike. I’d like that too . . . very much.”

  He felt like shouting out loud, but didn’t have time to do much more than say, “That’s great.”

  Just then, the doorbell rang. Before anyone could get there to open it, the door opened and Floyd walked right in. Mike was surprised that it didn’t bother him. Maybe it would have with someone else, but not Floyd. He just realized that not only did he trust the big sheriff, but he was beginning to like him too.

  Floyd looked around the room, saw them, and came straight over to where they were sitting. Mike knew this wasn’t a social call for two reasons. First, Floyd was in his uniform on a Sunday and second, the look on his face was one Mike had never seen on the big redhead before.

  Floyd barely greeted them before he said, “Jason here?”

  “In the family room.”

  Floyd stepped into the kitchen and Mike could hear him calling Jason. A moment later, both men came back into the living room and sat down across from Daisy.

  Floyd fiddled with his hat in his hands for a minute and said, “I guess it’ll be okay to talk about this in front of you Daisy.”

  “That's okay, Floyd, I can leave the room.”

  “No, no, you’re fine right there. I guess you’re almost as involved in this whole thing as Mike here is.”

  When no one said anything, he went on, “I guess there’s only one way to say this.” He took a deep breath and let it out. “We found Hershel Hollis this morning.”

  Mike knew there was more to it than that, but Daisy said, “Oh that’s good. Were you able to put him in jail?”

  Floyd gave Mike a meaningful look and shook his head. “I’m afraid not Daisy. You see. He’s dead.”

  “Dead? Oh my!”

  He gave Jason a look this time. “Yes, so I don’t think you’ll be needing to stay here at nights anymore Jason.”

  Mike was proud of Daisy then. “She took one look at Floyd and must have known he didn’t want to talk about the details in front of her so she jumped up off the sofa and said, “I think I’ll go let Sarah know. I’m sure she’ll want to know right away.”


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