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The Only Solution (Crowley County Series Book 3)

Page 15

by T. E. Killian

  Daisy was trying to think of some way to head off what she knew was coming but wasn’t quick enough.

  Frank cleared his throat and said, “I know that you've always thought your mother and I have been over-protective of you and meddled in your affairs a little too much. But we’ve always only had what we thought was best for you in mind.”

  Daisy was getting angry now but was afraid to say anything yet for fear it wouldn’t come out right.

  He continued, “We both love you and Lucy very much.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly and even tried to smile a little. But a smile on an old cop like him often looked more like a scowl.

  He slammed his palm down on the table without much force. “Well, what I’m trying to say is that . . . I like Mike. And you know how much it takes for me to say something like that. But Mike seems to have been a good cop and right now I think he’s exactly what you and Lucy need.”

  She was stunned. She couldn’t even remember if her dad had ever given his wholehearted approval of Richard back when they were getting married. And for him to give that kind of approval for Mike was really saying a lot. She was overwhelmed.

  She found that she couldn’t get upset with them now for interfering in her life.

  Connie spoke up then. “Daisy, Honey, we both want only the very best for both you and Lucy.” She paused to look into Daisy’s eyes. “Do you think there’s any chance that you and Mike may get together . . . in the future of course?”

  Daisy giggled and said, “If you’re trying to find out if Mike and I are going to start dating, then the answer is yes . . . tonight.”

  Both of her parents expressed their approval with big smiles and her mother said, “Well then, we could stay another night if you need us to babysit.”

  She shook her head and smiled, as she said, “No, that won’t be necessary. Mike wants both of us along on our first date.”

  After a little more talk about getting together for Thanksgiving, her parents left and she took Lucy to pre-school.

  As she was pulling out of the pre-school parking lot, she suddenly didn’t want to go back home. So she decided to go to Best Friends. It would be a slower time for them business wise and she just felt the need to talk to Jo and Sue Ann. Both women had tried reaching out to her before and right now, she felt the need of companionship that she thought they might be able to give her.

  When Daisy walked into the coffee shop, she didn’t see either one of the women at first. Then Sue Ann popped out from the kitchen just as she was about to sit down at a table by the front window.

  “Hi Daisy, I’ll bet you’re sure relieved not to have to worry about Hollis anymore.”

  She smiled back at the tall blond and she said, “Yes, we all are. How are you? Is Jo home with the baby?”

  Before Sue Ann could answer, Daisy heard a mewing sound and looked up to see Jo coming from the kitchen carrying her baby.

  “Oh, Lucy and Bert are both going to be so upset that I got to see the baby and they didn’t.”

  Jo grinned over the top of Luke’s head and said, “Did you come in for something to eat or drink?” She looked a little closer at Daisy’s eyes and said, “Or was it just to talk?”

  Daisy nodded and smiled. She couldn’t say anything just then. It seemed that she was a little choked up all of a sudden.

  Sue Ann waved toward the kitchen and said, “Come on back to the kitchen. We have a table set up back there for us to just relax and talk.”

  Once they were all seated, Jo said, “Would you like to hold Luke?”

  Daisy eagerly reached for the baby and sat there holding him, as he seemed to smile up at her. Then another one of those strange feelings came over her and she tried to keep it from showing on her face but knew she hadn’t been successful when Jo giggled.

  “Girl, you’re going to have to ‘fess up before we let you leave here today. What’s put that dopey look on your face. And don’t tell me it’s all due to holding a baby.”

  Sue Ann laughed loudly and said, “I think I know what it is or should I say who it is.” She crossed her arms across her chest and continued, “Floyd told me last night that when he went into Mike’s house yesterday the two of you were having what looked like a serious conversation . . . alone.”

  When Daisy blushed, Sue Ann yelled, “That’s it. I knew I was right.”

  Jo placed a hand on Daisy’s arm that was holding the baby. “That's okay Daisy. We’re both on your side. And by the way, I think Mike seems like a wonderful man.”

  Daisy was feeling good, glad that she’d stopped by until Sue Ann added, “Mike doesn’t go to church. Is he a Christian?”

  Daisy looked at Jo for help but she just shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m not sure. It hasn’t really come up. We hadn’t talked very much before yesterday. I guess I just assumed he was since his mom is such a strong Christian.”

  Luke started to fuss and Jo reached out to take him. “I think my little boy is getting hungry.” Then she looked into Daisy’s eyes for the third time. “We’ll all be praying for the two of you, and especially Mike . . . whatever he needs.”

  In spite of that one drawback, Daisy left there feeling much better than she had before she came in.

  * * *

  When Mike and Sarah returned from the high school, Jason was sitting in his Tahoe in the driveway waiting for them.

  Mike turned to his mom and said, “I almost forgot about PT.”

  She laughed and said, “Me too. But you really don’t want to be late today. Karen said she’s going to start you on a new set of exercises that will take advantage of you being able to feel your legs now. Do you think she’ll try getting you up on your feet?”

  He laughed at her enthusiasm. “I hope so. If she doesn’t plan on it, I’m going to suggest it.”

  Jason helped Mike out of one car and into the other. Then a short time later, he was pushing Mike’s wheelchair through the swinging doors into PT.

  Karen was standing there waiting for them with a big smile on her face, which faltered only slightly when she saw Jason pushing Mike. “Well, Mike, are you ready to begin to really work hard now?”

  He chuckled. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. I want to start walking today.”

  She giggled and Mike could see that she was nervous and avoiding Jason’s gaze. She finally acknowledged him with a subdued, “Hi Jason.”

  Jason’s “Hi Karen,” was equally subdued.

  Mike was trying desperately not to laugh at how the two were skating around each other. Jason didn’t know how not to push and Karen didn’t know how to avoid him. This was going to be a fun session.

  Karen turned to Mike and said, “Now is when we really get started on your therapy program. We weren’t able to do much before you had feeling in your legs. But I must warn you though that it’s going to be rather painful at times?”

  Mike was sure that his face showed his grim determination. He slapped his hands down on his wheelchair arms. “It can’t be any more painful that sitting around in this thing all day.”

  An hour later, Mike wanted to take those words back. Karen had kept saying she was trying to go easy on him at first, and he was extremely thankful for that. In spite of her efforts not to hurt him, he was hurting all over and not just in his legs.

  But even though he hurt all over, he felt good because he did feel the pain in his feet and legs. He chuckled to himself. That sounded dumb even in his own mind. He wasn’t about to say it out loud though. But he knew what he meant.

  As she was picking up her equipment when the session was over, Mike remembered that he needed to tell her something.

  “Karen, I need to change my appointment time. I’m going back to the high school tomorrow. I’ll be able to make a four o’clock appointment though.”

  She smiled and said, “I should be able to shuffle my schedule a little in order to do that. I’ll see you at four on Wednesday then.”

  As Jason started to push Mike out, Karen plac
ed a hand on Jason’s arm and said, “Jason, could I talk to you for a second . . . please?”

  Mike didn’t have to turn around to know that Jason was grinning when he said, “Sure thing Karen.” He could hear it in Jason’s voice.

  Karen walked a few feet away from Mike so Jason followed her. Mike almost laughed. He could still hear every word they said. He didn’t turn his chair around though. That seemed like it would have been invading their privacy for sure.

  Karen spoke first. “Jason, I just wanted to make sure that Daisy talked to you last Friday.”

  Jason said, “She sure did. And I understand completely. And I won’t bother you anymore either.”

  She must have frowned for Mike could hear the concern in her voice. “No Jason. I think you misunderstood. You weren’t bothering me” She sighed. “I knew I should have found a way to tell you myself.”

  He heard her sigh again before continuing. “I do like you, but I’m just not ready to date. That doesn’t mean that we have to avoid each other. Actually, it means exactly the opposite.”

  There was a long pause before she said, “Do you understand?”

  “I’m not too sure how I’m supposed to act around you then.”

  This time, she giggled softly. “Oh Jason, you don’t have to act any special way. Just be yourself. I don’t want you to feel awkward around me.”

  Still nothing from Jason then she said, “I want us to be friends. It’s just that I’m not ready to take it any further than that right now.”

  Mike heard her sit on the table behind her. “I think I might be in the future though. Just give me time, okay?”

  He could tell that Jason had probably picked up on one word only.

  “Okay! That’s great Karen. You just tell me when and I’ll be waiting.”

  They said goodbye then and Jason resumed pushing Mike out of the clinic.

  On the way home, Mike was working hard to keep from laughing. Jason was alternating between whistling softly and humming to himself. It was easy to see that Karen had said just the right things to him. The man was really happy now.

  When they pulled into Mike’s driveway, Jason turned to Mike and said, “How long do you think Karen’s going to make me wait?”

  Mike did laugh then. “Hey man, don’t look at me. It’ll be a snowy day in August when I start giving out advice about women.”

  That didn’t satisfy Jason though. “Aw come on Mike. You’ve got to have an idea. Help me out here. Can’t you see I’m dying here?”

  Mike laughed again. “Okay Jason. I will say this much. I think I’m getting to know Karen well enough to say that it probably won’t be very long and she will make it clear to you when the timing is right. How’s that? That’s all you’re going to get from me though.”

  Jason shouted, “Yes! I just knew that we were meant for each other.”

  Chapter Ten

  Tuesday morning Mike was so nervous that his mom had to remind him three times to finish eating his breakfast. He kept staring off into space. Why was he so nervous? He couldn’t remember ever being this nervous any other time in his life. Why now?

  He knew the cause of his nervousness. He was going to go back to work as a teacher again today. That was the cause but it still didn’t explain why he was so nervous.

  Finally, his mom placed both her hands on his hands and said, “Son, I’m happy for you but if you don’t stop worrying so much you’re going to make yourself sick.”

  He tried to laugh but it came out as more of a snort. “Is it that obvious?”

  She laughed loudly and said, “Yes, Mike, it is quite obvious and it won’t be just to me either. If you don’t calm down, the kids will pick it up immediately and I don’t have to tell you what will happen then.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ll try.”

  He took several deep breaths and let them out slowly the way his first physical therapist had taught him months before. It helped a little, at least enough to get his breakfast down without gagging on it.

  Mike barely had time to brush his teeth and gather his things into his briefcase before Jason was ringing the doorbell.

  Jason took one look at Mike and didn’t say a word, just pushed him out to his Tahoe and helped him get in.

  Mike was pleased that Jason didn’t have to help him quite as much as before. He was getting better much more quickly now.

  When Jason helped him into his chair at the high school, Mike looked up at him and said, “I want to wheel myself in from here. I’ve got to start doing things for myself if I want to be able to pick up and start teaching where I left off last winter.”

  Jason grinned and said, “Sure thing Mike. Have a good day.”

  With that, Jason jumped in his vehicle and pulled away leaving Mike staring at the front entrance of the high school. It had once been a place where he’d felt very comfortable. Right now, he didn’t feel comfortable at all though. Would that feeling return any time soon?

  He checked in at the office first then headed down to his classroom. The substitute wasn’t there yet, so he just sat at the front of the room and looked out over the student desks thinking.

  He thought of how he was going to try to be the same teacher he’d always been before but was sure that so much had happened since then that he couldn’t possibly be the same. He wondered how the students were going to respond to him now that he’d actually be teaching them again.

  When the sub came in, they went over the lesson plans that she’d used last week and what she had planned for this week. He didn’t think there’d be much of a problem for him to pick up and go from there.

  When the students in his first class started coming in, they all gathered around him at the front. Carla Early was the first student to come in and she was beaming at him.

  “I’m so glad you’re back Mr. Bates.” She leaned closer and said in a low voice, “Some of us have been praying for you.”

  He didn’t know what to think about that so he just smiled and remained silent.

  After the bell rang, it grew completely still in the room. He knew they were all expecting him to speak so he didn’t disappoint them.

  “Good morning everyone.”

  After they all responded in unison, he continued, “It’s good to be back. And it’s really good to see all of you.”

  He looked around the room and said, “I know most of you but there are a few new faces. That’s okay. We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

  He looked around the room again, letting his gaze rest briefly on each face before continuing, “As I said before, most of you know me and I’d be willing to bet that those of you who are new have been told everything you need to know about me for right now including how I came to be in this wheelchair.”

  He paused for a deep breath. “So why don’t we start it off with any questions you may have about my last six months.”

  When a loud murmur spread around the room, he was quick to add. “But no questions about any specific case that I worked on when I was with the DEA. And that includes anything about the night I was shot. Okay?”

  Just then, the door opened and Ron stuck his head in and motioned for Mike and the sub both to come to him.

  When they arrived, Ron spoke to Mike in a whisper, “I know we talked about you easing into things this week, but I’ve got an emergency.” He frowned. “Last minute call-off.”

  He turned to the sub and said, “I need you to take those classes today.” He turned back to Mike and said, “We should be able to get back to our original plans starting tomorrow.”

  Mike smiled at Ron’s discomfort. “That’s all right Ron. I feel pretty good right now. So don’t worry about it. I can take it from here and keep on going.”

  “Okay. If you’re sure?”

  Mike nodded emphatically and the other two left him alone with his class.

  Things went well from there and he didn’t get into any actual teaching in that class or the next one. After second period, he had the nex
t period off for what was called a planning period.

  He decided he’d get it over with and go to the teacher’s lounge, or what they had actually renamed the Staff Workroom. He always laughed at the reasoning behind that. Teachers weren’t supposed to lounge while at work. Most of the teachers still called it the lounge though.

  When he approached the door to the lounge, he could smell perfume behind him even before a woman stepped in front of him to open the door. He looked up ready to smile at her.

  No, not so soon! Suzette Owens! He wasn’t ready to deal with her. She had hounded him last year wanting to get close to him. He’d successfully fended off her advances for the most part. But, it looked like she was going to pick up where she left off.

  Suzette opened the door wide, smiled her megawatt smile at him, and stepped aside to allow him to enter the room. And before he could stop her, she grabbed the handles on his chair and pushed him up to a table where two other women teachers were sitting. One of them pulled a chair out to make room for his wheelchair.

  Terrific! This was all that he needed. He was right in the middle of a henhouse and it looked like he was the one they were going to start pecking on. Help!

  While Suzette was pulling out the chair next to him, Mike looked at the other two. One, he knew. Her name was Darla Chadwick and she was a petite brunette with big brown eyes. She taught music.

  The other one he didn’t know. She was as tall as Suzette but not nearly as thin. She had long black hair and eyes to match. He reached out his hand to her and said I’m Mike Bates.”

  She smiled back at him and said, “I know. I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m Brandi Leonard. I teach science.”

  He’d forgotten about Suzette and was rudely reminded that she didn’t like that. She placed her hand on his arm and said, “Mike is our local hero. He saved the sheriff and his little daughter last winter.”

  Mike didn’t like that kind of talk and tried to put a stop to it quickly. “I’m telling all my classes that I’ll talk about anything they want to talk about except the shooting or anything else to do with my involvement in the DEA.”

  At the shocked looks on all three faces, he tried to tone it down a little. “If I talked about any of that, it could possibly cost another undercover agent his or her life. And I know none of you would want that.”


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