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Masque of Enchantment

Page 25

by Charlene Cross

  “Hardly. When you came in here … before all this happened … tonight. …”

  Jared chuckled as he slid along the sheet, edging closer to her. “I’d hoped it would end like this, but my intent was to explain why I kept the information about Rothhamford secret. After you heard me out, I’d planned to offer you your freedom, which I did. You made the choice to stay, Alissa. Now I choose to love you again.” He reached for her and pulled her close to his body, and she gasped at his strength. “Just look me in the eye, sweet,” he said, as his head rested high on his hand, the other traveling low on her stomach, then his fingers slipped into her curls. “This is my home,” he told her, his gentle fingers entering her. “No other shall ever seek refuge here, promise me.”

  Her huge eyes stared up at him and she nodded, wondering if he thought she would cuckold him. Had Celeste?

  Surely not! Jared was all a woman could ever want. His masterful hands and tantalizing lips could satisfy any female. They had her! And she blushed anew.

  “Tell me,” he said, his fingers lightly teasing her until she felt herself relax in wanton surrender.

  “I promise,” she said breathlessly, then moaned in wild delight, feeling that special warmth surge through her again.

  His heated gaze still held hers. “What do you promise?”

  “That no one shall have me but you.”

  His magnetic gaze seduced her, and she slowly placed her hand on his chest. Solid, virile, masculine, she decided, as she threaded her fingers through the crisp fur growing there. Feeling the rougher texture of his flesh, she marveled at the difference between man and woman. Then more boldly, her hand edged downward, and she heard the rasp of Jared’s indrawn breath as his desire-laden gaze beseeched her to search lower. Knowing she held power over him, the same as he held it over her, she sought and found his erect member. His eyes closed, a look of pain crossed his face, and she instantly released him.

  “I hurt you?” she questioned innocently, and heard his ragged laugh.

  “No, sweet,” he groaned. “When we have been together longer, you’ll understand. Now hold me, love.” Her gentle touch almost undid him again, but he fought for control. Then he moved in her hand, showing her what he desired. Shyly, she tried to please him, then with more understanding, she did, and with his own hand actively ministering to her, his lips captured hers in an achingly endless kiss. Their tongues entwined, mating in furious delight; then Jared’s mounting desires ready to erupt, Alissa’s hips twisting wildly, he tore his mouth from hers and hoarsely demanded, “Lead me home, Alissa … lead me home.”

  And she did.

  At breakfast, Alissa lowered her fork and glanced up to see her husband’s warm gaze upon her; a lazy smile curved his lips, and she blushed. Her own gaze fell to her plate.

  Their night of lovemaking had not ended until dawn, their passions finally satiated. But, now, as she pondered her wantonness, she felt embarrassed. The hardest thing she’d ever done in her life was to walk from behind their closed door to face, again, all those residing at Hawkstone. Every last one of them knew what had kept the master’s attention through the past evening, as well as the entire night!

  “You’ll get used to it, sweet,” Jared whispered as he leaned close to her ear and squeezed her hand, resting along the table. “None of us would be here now, if it were not for the private times a man and woman share together. Just hold your head high and look them in the eye; the house will soon quiet of its gossip.”

  “I doubt it.”

  Jared chuckled. “You fear they heard your cries of ecstasy?”

  “Jared!” she admonished, then looked around the room.

  “We’re alone, sweet. In fact, we might be for quite some time. I have a feeling that everyone here is afraid to walk into a room where we’ve closed the door.”

  “In the dining room! You can’t mean—”

  Jared laughed at her innocence. “Passion, my love, does not know the name of a place, nor does it care if it has a feather mattress. It simply needs a man and a woman to find its fulfillment.”


  “Shall I show you?”


  “Always.” And he watched as she blushed anew when she realized his meaning.

  The door suddenly opened, and Robert strode through, but stopped short when he saw the magnificent beauty seated at the table. Recovering, he sat to Jared’s left. “Well, I thought never to see you this early,” he commented, snatching a muffin from the plate. “I can’t say that I’d blame you, though, if you were to disappear for months.” He turned to Alissa. “This surely is not Miss Pembroke?”

  “No,” Alissa said, looking him directly in the eye as Jared had suggested; she found it helped. “Miss Pembroke unfortunately passed on some time ago.”

  “Unfortunately?” he asked. “Or fortunately?”

  Taken aback by the hard look in his eye, Alissa stared at him, then she heard Jared say, “Both, Robert. Unfortunate for the dear woman herself. But most fortunate for me. I wouldn’t have met Alissa, unless dear Agatha had taken the opportune time to transcend these earthly bounds. Heaven has her now, and I have an angel from on high.”

  “I believe she’s turned you into a poet, cousin,” Robert gibed. “Of course,” he said, rising, stuffing another muffin into his pocket, “a beauty like hers has encouraged many a man to pick up the pen and pour his heart and soul onto the parchment. Why should you be any different?” Theatrically, his hands covered his heart. “I must confess I can think of a rhyme or two myself.”

  All bawdy, Alissa thought, her eyes narrowing.

  “Well, I’m off for a ride through the countryside,” he informed them, striding to the door. “Lovers should definitely be left alone.” Then the door thumped closed behind him.

  “I should box his ears,” Jared commented in a growl.

  Alissa smiled brightly. “You’ll get used to it, sweet.”

  “Madam, I’m beginning to find it easier said than done. But, of course, the reason behind the teasing is worth every annoying bit of banter that touches my ears.” He smiled. “Now, I believe we were discussing dining rooms … or was it passion? I’d be more than happy to show you—” The door opened again, and when Jared saw it was Megan, his mouth clamped shut. “Good morning, darling,” he said when she reached his side, and placed a fatherly peck on her forehead.

  “You should have joined us earlier, dearest,” Alissa said, smiling over Megan’s head at her husband, and received a disconcerted look in return. “Let’s fetch a hot plate, shall we?” She rose and guided Megan to the buffet.

  As Jared watched the sway of her hips, last night’s memories came flooding through him, and he quickly adjusted the napkin on his lap. Some rules would need to be laid down to his daughter about entering his rooms at will. It mattered not if it was in broad daylight, either. A lazy smile crossed his face. The new mistress of Hawkstone would be kept quite busy, but not with household matters. Unmaking the bed would be the most she’d be allowed to do in the way of labor; the rest he would attend to himself. Quite happily so, he decided.

  After the threesome finished their breakfast, Jared suggested they go upstairs. When they reached Alissa’s door she was surprised to see her personal items were being moved two doors down.

  “Close your mouth,” he said, nudging her chin upward. “My room is the farthest from anyone’s ears.” He nodded toward Megan, who had signed she wanted to carry Alissa’s blue silk dress and now was helping Mary. Then he noticed his wife’s shocked look. “Have no fear, love. I swallowed most of your ecstatic cries with my kisses. However, I’m not certain of my own.” She reddened further, and he laughed. “Don’t be embarrassed, sweet. You should be proud you can evoke such passion in your husband.”

  Stepping from her father’s room, Megan ran up to them and took Alissa’s hand, urging her to her new quarters. Once inside, Megan skipped off toward the armoire to again help Mary. Alissa felt a bit awkward as she gazed at the
gold, white, and black decor. She’d been in here only once, when she’d frantically searched for Megan, to eventually find her in the east wing. Jared still did not know of the doll’s destruction. And possibly never would. As she glanced at the huge bed, draped in gold and black satin, she noted it was twice the size of her own, and she imagined Jared’s long body lying in its center, she cuddled close to his side.

  “We only need a small portion of it, sweet,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning her ear. “As soon as the room clears, we shall discover which area provides the most comfort.”

  Startled by his boldness, she turned to make a retort. What could she say? Especially with Mary and Megan within earshot! Apparently, Jared realized her predicament, for he grinned lazily, challenging her with his eyes to make a comeback. She flashed him a superior look, telling him with her own eyes he’d better behave or she’d slap his hands. But Jared mistook her meaning.

  “Don’t ever think to settle our differences in bed, love,” he said, a subtle threat laced through his tone. “I’ll not have a cold body next to me again.” Then he strode toward the chair near the armoire and fell into it, waiting for the room to empty.

  Alissa’s confused gaze followed him, but her attention turned to Megan, who had moved to her side, then she glanced at the dress Mary held on high. “My clothes!” she cried, realizing the ones she’d left in London were now here at Hawkstone. “Where did you get them?”

  “While in London, I stopped to visit with Mrs. Binnington. She sent them along with her love.”

  “She knows about us?”

  “Yes. In fact, the poor woman almost fainted from relief when I told her.” He chuckled, his temper having subsided. “I’m certain she’d thought I had come to accuse her … to exact some sort of punishment. But once all had been said and done, she seemed quite happy to know you were now my wife.”

  “You charmed the stockings off her, I suppose?”

  “Certainly,” he admitted conceitedly. “By the way, she is coming for a visit about month’s end.” He watched a surprised delight spread over his wife’s face and smiled to himself. “In the meantime, I’ve planned a trip for us.”

  “Where?” she asked, her hands settling on Megan’s shoulders, and both gazed at him in expectation.

  “The three of us are off to Edinburgh on the morrow.”

  Megan broke from Alissa’s gentle hold to run and hug her father’s neck, overjoyed at the news. His brow rose. “Don’t I get a hug from my wife, as well?”

  Alissa slowly walked toward him. “Only if you promise to take us to the Royal Theatre. Megan has so wanted to see a real play.”

  “Influenced by an actress, I suppose.”

  “Possibly.” She leaned down and kissed his upturned cheek. “It’ll be a wonderful holiday. Thank you.”

  “With my two leading ladies by my side, how could it not be?” he asked, smiling a bit wickedly as his hand slid low over her hip, making Alissa straighten with a jerk. “Mary,” he called over his shoulder, still chuckling, “have Mr. Stanley bring up my surprise.”

  Several minutes later, Mr. Stanley, followed by two other servants, carried box after box, marked by the finest fashion houses in London, into the room. Watching his excited wife and daughter tear through the wrappings, strewing lids and tissue paper all over his room, Jared began to wonder if love might not be such a bad thing after all.



  A low hum of voices chorused through the Royal Theatre in Edinburgh as the throng settled into their seats. In their private box, Alissa fanned herself as the excitement grew around her. Next to her, Megan gaped in awe. Not every day did a child of six attend a play, and Alissa smiled, noting the girl’s expectant look.

  “You’re beautiful, love,” Jared whispered in his wife’s ear as he leaned intimately close to her.

  Alissa turned a teasing smile on him. “So are you.”

  Jared’s throaty laughter drew several curious glances from the boxes sweeping the circle beyond theirs. Smiling, he inclined his head toward the onlookers; each bowed in return. Then behind their fans and cupped hands, he noticed the speculations passed one to the other. “I believe the word is handsome, sweet,” he said, while wondering if he’d be approached during the break. “Women are beautiful; men are handsome.”

  “In my eyes, you are beautiful,” she countered, her captivating smile melting his heart. “Tell us how we match up,” she said of Megan and herself. “Shall we pass for those of the peerage?”

  Jared quickly masked his surprise over her words and surveyed her lithe form swathed in a white satin gown, the bodice beaded with tiny pearls; her intricately styled hair, woven with white rosebuds; the silk lace shawl, draped over her gloved arms; and the ivory fan in her hand. “You look like a marchioness. And Megan looks like a princess.”

  His daughter smiled up at him, then straightened the satin skirt of her dress, which matched Alissa’s, except for its decolletage and length, and turned her eyes back to the activities below. “Thank you again for our beautiful gowns,” Alissa said, her gaze warm. “They fit perfectly.”

  “Indeed, they do. Mrs. Binnington assured me the dress we’d taken on our shopping trip had been an exact fit. Megan’s size I already knew. But beware, my love, should you start gaining weight, you’ll be left without a stitch.”

  Alissa blinked. Did he think she ate too much? Then noting his gaze rested upon her stomach, she caught his meaning and cast her eyes about to see if anyone noticed the flush rising on her cheeks. “Your talk is inappropriate.”

  “It is fact, love. If it hasn’t happened already, it will soon. It can’t be helped, especially when we’re not apart for more than a few hours at a time.” His words turned her a flaming scarlet, and she snapped her fan open, hiding her face behind it. He chuckled, his smile growing wicked. “I would have it no other way. Nor, might I add, would you, love. In fact, I recall, approximately two hours past, we—” Jared’s breath whooshed from his lungs as a pointed elbow jabbed his side. “I’ll tell you later,” he rasped, the houselights dimming slowly.

  The curtain rose, and Alissa noticed Megan sit taller in her seat. As the lines flowed from the actors’ lips, she turned her attention to the stage. Ten minutes along, the actress playing the lead marched across the front of the stage, her lamenting verse recited from memory. The woman turned, the train of her gown swinging wide behind her. Alissa gasped; her hands gripped the chair’s arms. My God! She’s too close! her mind shouted, realizing the woman’s flowing dress was about to brush one of the lamps lighting the stage. Halfway rising from her seat, she started to cry out, but her throat refused to shout its warning.

  “What’s wrong?” Jared asked, leaning toward her, touching her arm. Anxious cries erupted from the audience, and he turned to see the flames licking up the back of the actress’s gown. A shrill scream sliced the air, only inches from him, yet he couldn’t fathom its source. Then he glanced at his daughter.

  Alissa squatted before the child, shaking her slender shoulders. “Megan!” she called, yet the girl’s screams still pierced the air. “She’s all right. Look!”

  Onstage, the lead actor had swept off his cape to smother the fire; the audience breathed a relieved sigh as they saw there was no actual injury, but Jared paid it no heed. In one swoop, he lifted his screaming daughter into his arms and strode from their box, Alissa running behind them.

  By the time they’d reached the entrance, brushing past those who’d fled the unnerving scene, Megan had quieted. Her jaw clamped rigidly, her wide green eyes stared unseeingly, and her small body quivered as though she’d been taken with a chill.

  Out on the street, Jared glanced up and down the long line of carriages, frantically searching for their own, but Mr. Stanley had already spotted them. The team of horses drew to a bone-crushing stop, and he jumped from his seat. “What be the matter with her?”

  “Get us to the hotel, then find a physician,” he ordered, and strode to
their open carriage, Alissa still following close behind. “Help me with this sleeve,” he commanded her when they were seated inside, Mr. Stanley whipping the horses into a full gallop, and she pulled his arm free of his coat. His daughter cradled close to him, he wrapped his coat around her to warm her shivering body. “Megan, sweet, it’s all right. Papa has you, love,” he crooned, rocking her in his arms. “He won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Alissa heard Jared’s ragged, indrawn breath, his face turning heavenward. Eyes closed, his features twisted in emotional pain. “What do you think it is?” she asked, placing a gentle hand on his. His anguished gaze held hers a long moment. No answer came forth. Then his attention switched back to Megan as he spoke softly to her again.

  Confused, Alissa surveyed him. Did he blame her for insisting they take in a play? All was right, until … My God! The fire! Did any of this have to do with Celeste?

  The carriage suddenly came to a stop outside the hotel, and Alissa followed Jared up to their suite. With Megan swathed in blankets, they awaited the physician’s arrival.

  “She’s suffering from extreme shock,” the white-haired man said, placing his stethoscope into his bag. “Her mind has closed itself off. I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.” He squeezed Jared’s shoulder, consoling him. “If she should have the terrors again, give her a few drops of this. It should settle her nerves. But only a few drops, mind you. Laudanum is a powerful drug. It can be habit-forming, and quite dangerous to one so young. Tomorrow, if she’s not better, I suggest you return home. Familiar surroundings might help, and her own physician knows her needs better than I.”

  “There is nothing we can do?” Alissa asked, anxiously.

  “Talk to her. Tell her of your love. She’s able to hear you. One’s hearing never shuts down, not until we’ve met our end. If you need me, send your man around.”

  “Thank you, sir. My husband and I appreciate your concern and advice.”

  “See to him, too,” he said, nodding in Jared’s direction where he stood by the bed. “He’s on the verge of coming unglued. Are you sure you can handle this alone?”


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