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Tempted by the CEO: An Office Romance

Page 3

by Iona Rose

  “Don’t Robert me. It’s more stressful for me to not know what’s going on with the company than it is for me to see Opal for ten minutes. Nurse, please send her in,” Mr. Connell says again.

  I wait for the nurse or Mrs. Connell to argue with him, but it seems they’ve seen what I’ve known for years. It’s easier to do things his way than it is to argue with him.

  The nurse steps back out of the room and nods to me. “You can go in. Please don’t do anything to stress the patient, and don’t be in there too long okay?”

  I nod, although I’m pretty sure one look at the mess of papers in my arms is going to have Mr. Connell’s blood pressure off the charts. I move towards the door and tap on it although it’s still ajar.

  “Come in, come in,” Mr. Connell says, gesturing through the crack in the door for me to hurry up.

  I step inside the room.

  Mr. Connell is sitting up in bed wearing a light blue pyjama jacket. He looks a lot better than I expected him to – he’s not pasty looking or anything – and to be honest, if I didn’t know he was ill, I would never have believed it.

  He smiles warmly at me as I approach the bed.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late,” I say. “The traffic was manic and then I nearly got hit by a car in the car park and I dropped all of the files.” I trail off, holding the files up for Mr. Connell to see.

  He frowns and shakes his head. “It’s fine Opal. I knew you would have a good reason for being late, and it’s only a few minutes. I’m just tetchy because I’m stuck in here. I wasn’t really annoyed with you. Did you say you almost got hit by a car?” He pauses.

  I nod sheepishly.

  “Are you okay? Do you want me to ask one of the nurses to look you over?” he says.

  “No, honestly I’m fine. I was just a bit shocked,” I say.

  His whole demeanor has changed since he beckoned me impatiently into his room. I really should have used the, I almost got killed on my way here line before. “Just give me a minute to sort through all of this and get it into some sort of order,” I say.

  Mr. Connell shakes his head again. “Don’t worry about it Opal. Honestly, sorting through it all will give me something to do while I’m stuck in here.”

  Mrs. Connell is sitting beside the bed dressed in black slacks and a cream colored floral print blouse. Her hair is pinned up in a neat French pleat. She’s wearing a pretty gold chain with matching bracelet and earrings.

  Her husband just had a heart attack and she looks more put together than I feel right now. But hey, she didn’t almost get killed getting here presumably.

  “You already have something do while you’re here,” Mrs. Connell says firmly. “You heard the doctor. You’re here to rest, not sort out your secretary’s mishaps.” Mrs. Connell is completely focused on her husband right now and him on her.

  He glares at her.

  I really don’t want to be the cause of an argument between the two of them. “Really it’s fine. I’ll sort the papers.” I start towards the bed, needing somewhere to spread the files out so I can rearrange the loose papers.

  Mr. Connell glances at me and shakes his head as he turns back to his wife. “Yes, the doctor says I should rest. But it’s not his business that will go to shit while I’m laid here reading or watching the TV is it?”

  Mrs. Connell opens her mouth to reply, most likely to remind him none of this will matter if he works himself into an early grave.

  “Listen Yvonne,” Mr. Connell cuts her off before she can get started. “I appreciate your concern, I really do. But right now, I have to focus. Why don’t you be a dear and go down to the cafeteria and fetch us all a decent cup of coffee or something?” He says it gently, but it’s clear that it’s not really a request.

  Mrs. Connell is being dismissed and she knows it. She holds Mr. Connell’s gaze for a moment.

  I squirm awkwardly as I wait for her to argue with him. I’m debating whether I should just dump the files on Mr. Connell’s bed and slip away.

  Mrs. Connell finally responds. “Fine,” she snaps, finally looking away from Mr. Connell. She gets up and storms towards the door to Mr. Connell’s room, making sure to give me a severe look.

  I can read that look easily. When he called and asked for the files, you should have said no. If he dies, it’s your fault.

  “See if you can talk some sense into him, because I as sure as hell can’t,” she says as she steps out into the corridor.

  “Relax, it’ll be a fine,” a voice replies.

  It’s a male voice, one vaguely familiar to me, but I don’t think I know anyone who works at this hospital. I didn’t notice anyone in the room besides my boss and his wife, so I am a bit startled.

  “Right, hand me those files please Opal,” Mr. Connell says.

  As I step towards the bed, a shadow falls over me while I hand them over then turn, waiting for a lecture from a doctor or a nurse for bringing Mr. Connell’s work here. Instead, I find myself face to face with Brett, Mr. Connell’s prodigal son who I haven’t seen for a year since he came into the office and argued with his father and then left the building without so much as glancing at me.

  He’s doing a little more than glancing at me now. His eyes sweep over my face and then lock onto mine as he smiles at me.


  It’s suddenly like no time has passed at all since I last saw Brett, as he has the same mesmerising effect on me. I try to look away from him, but I can’t. It’s like his gaze is paralyzing me, but in the nicest possible way. I can barely breathe and I can feel my clit throbbing as I stare into those beautiful golden brown eyes.

  He doesn’t look a day older than the last time I last saw him and his hair has the same effortless look, in a tousled style as it did that day. I instinctively curl my hands into fists at my sides, stopping myself from even being tempted to reach out and touch his thick, luscious looking hair.

  “Don’t even think about lecturing me about working,” Mr. Connell says from behind me.

  The spell is broken and I look away. I find I can breathe again as take in a breath that is a little louder than I would have liked it to be. I can feel my insides turning to jelly and my cheeks flushing.

  Mr. Connell looks at me as Brett assures him he’s not here to try to convince him of anything, because he knows he would be wasting his time.

  “Good,” Mr. Connell says. “Do you remember Opal? She was my secretary when you last came by the building.”

  “I remember her.” He looks at me and smiles again.

  This time, I’m slightly more prepared to face him and I return the smile with a tentative smile of my own.

  “Opal is one of my most valued employees. Treat her that way. She’s my personal assistant now, and she knows the company almost as well as I do. If you need anything, you go to Opal, because if she doesn’t know the answer to any questions you might have, then I guarantee you that no one at the company does,” Mr. Connell says to Brett. He turns his attention to me. “Opal, this is my son, Brett Connell. He’ll be taking over running the company for a short time until I’m back on my feet.”

  I extend my hand to Brett, knowing it’s the appropriate response to the formal introduction, especially since I’ve been told he’s going to be my boss. I’m already anticipating the sparks that will fly when Brett takes my hand in his and I just hope I can hide my reaction from both men.

  Brett smiles again and shakes my hand.

  His grip is warm and firm, just like I remembered it to be, and at least this time, my palm is reasonably dry. The spark of lightning flies through my body, just like I knew it would and I feel a longing in my lower belly that I have a feeling only Brett can fulfil.

  He nods to his father, releasing my hand.

  I wish that would break the spell he has me under, but it doesn’t. My palm still tingles where he touched it. My fingers still feel as though I can feel his against them.

  “Got it.” Brett picks up the top file from the pile beside his father
on the bed and sits down in the chair his mother was sitting in. He opens the file and begins to flick through it.

  I manage to drag my eyes away from him for a moment, but they instantly go back to him. He’s so damned hot. His mouth is slightly pursed as he concentrates on the information in the file and I suddenly wish Mr. Connell wasn’t here. Then I would be able to really study Brett and drink him in while he’s distracted.

  “Ok Opal. Where are we with the Graham deal?” Mr. Connell asks.

  His voice pulls my attention away from Brett, as I perch on the end of Mr. Connell’s bed and begin to tell him the latest on the Graham deal.

  He nods as I talk, taking occasional notes.

  I’m very much aware of the exact moment Brett stops looking at the file and starts taking notice of what I am telling Mr. Connell. I feel my cheeks growing red again, and I start to fumble my words.

  If Mr. Connell notices, he’s too polite to ask me about it.

  The whole time we’re talking, I can feel Brett’s eyes on me. He doesn’t interrupt and the odd time Mr. Connell directs a comment in his direction when there’s something he particularly needs to know, he speaks with a stilted formality, as though he’s talking to a stranger.

  It makes me curious and I’m dying to ask them about it, but I know for a fact that’s not a good idea and naturally, I hold off from asking about it. “I think that’s everything pressing,” I say finally.

  I’ve been talking long enough for Mrs. Connell to come back with coffee for everyone, even me. She is still short with me, making it clear that she thinks this whole impromptu business meeting is my fault. I wish I could tell her the truth; that right now, I’d give anything to be back at work, safely tucked away in my office, away from Brett’s scrutinizing gaze that makes my insides tilt.

  She sits in the corner of the room, a sulky look on her face.

  “Did you catch all of that Brett?” Mr. Connell asks.

  “Yes,” Brett replies.

  “Have you got any questions about any of it?” Mr. Connell presses him.

  Brett shakes his head. “Nope. And I know – if I run into any problems, I’ll ask Opal.”

  I love the way my name sounds on his lips. I’ve never really liked my name. I was named after my mother’s grandmother. The name is so old fashioned and I’ve always cringed when I introduce myself to anyone, but on Brett’s lips, it sounds modern and exotic. Exhilarating even. “Is that everything then Mr. Connell?” I ask.

  “Almost,” he says with a smile. “I love that you’re so keen to get back to work. Mind you, if Yvonne was glaring at me the way she keeps glaring at you, I’d be in a rush to get away too.”

  I gasp slightly as he draws attention to the fact that Yvonne is still giving me the death glare.

  She turns the glare to him, but then she blushes slightly and when she looks back away from Mr. Connell, she looks down into her lap rather than back at me.

  I clear my throat, trying to break the uncomfortable silence that’s fallen over the room.

  “There’s just the dinner party to arrange,” Mr. Connell says.

  I panic for a second. He expects me to throw a dinner party? I’m pretty sure that’s way above my pay grade.

  He must see my expression because he gives a soft laugh. “Relax Opal. It’s a party, not a death sentence. It’s tomorrow night. William Harley is throwing it. Remember?”

  I nod, instantly knowing what he’s talking about. He doesn’t expect me to throw a dinner party. He’s referring to the one being thrown by William Hardy, a long term client. Mr. Connell has been invited to the dinner party. “I remember,” I say. “I’ll call him and let him know you won’t be able to make it as soon as I get back to the office.”

  “Tell him Brett will be attending in my place,” Mr. Connell says.

  Brett raises an eyebrow in his direction.

  “It’s not optional Brett. There will be some big players there and it’s a good way to get some new contracts. Opal, you will be attending as Brett’s plus one to make sure he speaks to the right people about the right things,” Mr. Connell says.

  “I’m quite capable of working out for myself who I want to speak to,” Brett states quietly.

  “I’m sure you are,” Mr. Connell agrees. “But I have a few leads I’ve been warming up over the last few months and Opal knows who is who and what’s been said. It’s not just idle mingling Brett.”

  “Whatever,” Brett says.

  “Opal?” Mr. Connell says.

  I nod mutely, suddenly afraid my voice won’t come out, even if I try to speak. I don’t know whether I’m excited or nervous to learn that I’ll be spending an evening with the mysterious Brett at an actual party.

  It’s just work, I remind myself, but it’s like my body doesn’t quite get the memo my brain is sending it, because it’s all I can do not to punch the air in excitement.


  I am so nervous that my hand is shaking when I bring it up to my face to apply my lip gloss. I grab my wrist with my other hand to steady it and brush the gloss onto my lips. I smile in approval when I manage to get it on without smearing it around my face or getting it on my teeth.

  Glancing at the clock as I cross the apartment, I see I have about half an hour before I’m due to be picked up. My makeup is on and my hair is done. I’m wearing my hair half up and half down, the top half twisted and pinned in place, with small tendrils hanging around my face. I slip into my room and move to my wardrobe where I stand staring at the clothes there, trying to decide what to wear.

  The event is black tie and I want to look the part. I want Brett to see me outside of work, in something other than pencil skirts and trouser suits. I want him to see me and think wow. I also want to look the part so I don’t let Mr. Connell down. He has a very strict policy of impressing clients, which includes dressing appropriately for any event.

  I think for a moment and then I pull out a short green dress. I slip it on, enjoying the satiny feel of it against my skin. I frown into the mirror, unsure about the dress now. It looks good. It shows off my tanned legs, but it’s a little lower cut than I remember it and I’m not sure that showing my legs and so much cleavage is a good idea at a business event.

  The door to the apartment opens and I relax. My roommate Rita is home from work and she’s always had way more fashion sense than me. She’ll know if this is appropriate or not. I move to the door and pull it open, standing in the doorway without a word.

  Rita looks up as the door opens. She grins when she sees me and whistles. “Well, look at you all dressed up. You look gorgeous Opal,” she smiles.

  “Thanks.” I smile, feeling better about the dress.

  “Big date?” she asks.

  I shake my head. I wish it was a date. Any kind of date with Brett would work for me. “No. It’s that dinner party I told you about.”

  “The one for work with your boss’s son?” she asks with a raised eyebrow.

  I nod again.

  She shakes her head, grinning. “So you’re trying to seduce Brett?”

  “What? No!” I shriek.

  She raises her eyebrow higher.

  I laugh. Rita knows me far too well for me to pretend like I haven’t been dreaming of seducing Brett ever since I first set eyes on him a year ago. “Ok, I’d very much like to. But not tonight. Tonight is strictly business. There’s a few potential clients Mr. Connell wants me to introduce Brett to.”

  “Well, unless you’re trying to seduce all of them, then I suggest you change,” she says.

  “Really?” I ask, a little disappointed.

  “Really,” she confirms. “Opal, if you honestly thought the dress was right for the occasion, you wouldn’t have presented yourself to me like that and waited for my critique.”

  “Ugh, you’re so damned observant,” I say with a half smile.

  She laughs and shoos me back into the bedroom. “Less is more Opal. And I don’t mean less material. I mean find something that looks profession
al and appropriate, but gives Brett just a little hint as to what’s underneath it.”

  I nod and go back into the bedroom. I slip out of the green dress and hang it back up. I stare into my wardrobe again. I don’t think I have anything even remotely close to what Rita is describing. I’m getting frustrated. I’m going to end up having to go in a sensible work outfit and although it will be appropriate, it will hardly put me in a good light with Brett.

  Just as I am about to give up, I spot a black dress at the back of my closet. One I had completely forgotten about. I fell in love with it and bought it on sale, telling myself I would find an event to wear it to, but I never ever did. It would be perfect for tonight though. I reach in and rub it between my fingers as I nod to myself and pull it out and put it on. I look into the full length mirror in the corner and I know it’s the right dress without even having to ask Rita.

  It’s a long dress with splits either side that run to my mid thigh. It’s enough to do what Rita said; look appropriate, but give just a hint of what lies beneath. The dress clings to my body, showing off my curvy hips and flat stomach. The straps are spaghetti straps and the neck line is high enough to be proper, but low enough to again, give just a hint of what lies beneath it. It will definitely show Brett a side to me he’s never seen before.

  A side I hope he likes. I smile to myself and shake my head as I look for the right shoes to wear. I’m acting like this is a date and it really isn’t. As if someone like Brett would even notice someone like me, let alone want to date me. I tell myself the dress isn’t really for him, it’s for me. I want to look good and yes, I want him to notice me, but deep down, I know nothing will ever happen between us.

  Even if he is into me, it would be wholly inappropriate since he’s my boss, and if Mr. Connell ever found out, I’d be fired for sure.

  I find my trusty black heels and slip them on. I add a pair of silver dangly earrings and a silver necklace that hangs to just where my cleavage starts. I grab my matching purse and push my stuff into it and then I go back out into the living room again.


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