Tempted by the CEO: An Office Romance

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Tempted by the CEO: An Office Romance Page 16

by Iona Rose

  “Go home Gary,” I say, refusing to take the bait and have an argument with him here.

  “Go home? That’s all you have to say? Dammit, Opal. You’re running around town with some other guy, betraying me, and that’s all you can say?”

  “How the hell am I betraying you?” I snap, no longer able to bite my tongue.

  “We’re taking a break because you said you needed some space. I get that. But you seeing other guys was never part of the deal!” he shouts. “Who is he anyway?”

  “Gary, we’re not taking a break. We’re over. What part of that don’t you understand? This whole break thing is just something you’ve cooked up in your head because you choose to ignore the fact that we are over.”

  “No Opal, you choose to ignore the fact that we’re soul mates and that we’re meant to be together. What can I say to make you see that?”

  I’m starting to think Brett is right about Gary. His obsession is scary to witness this way, and I’m thinking maybe I should have let Brett have a word with him the other night when he wanted to. Whatever I decide to do to fix this thing long term, right now, I am done with talking to Gary. Maybe I’ll see about getting a restraining order or something. Or maybe I’ll move to China – it’s so big there, surely he’ll never find me.

  I shake my head and step around him.

  As my foot goes towards the bottom stair, Gary grabs my arm just beneath the elbow. He pulls me roughly back around to face him, keeping his grip on my arm.

  “Get off me!” I shout, trying to pull my arm loose.

  Gary keeps his grip on me and I reach up with my other hand and try to pry his fingers loose. Still he grips me, his grip getting tighter. I can feel real fear starting to gnaw at me now.

  “You’re nothing but a little slut, Opal. Fucking other men while we’re together,” he snarls, his face pressed close to mine.

  As I release a little whimpering sound, I wonder how the hell I can appease him enough to get him off me without giving him any impression that we’re going to get back together.

  “How could you do this to me? How could you act like a little whore like this when you know I’m the only man who could ever love you?” His voice is soft now, pleading. His words don’t match his tone.

  I’m starting to seriously think that the man is mentally ill. I can’t keep up with his mood swings, how he can go from berating me to begging me to be with him in one sentence. “Gary, you’re hurting me,” I say, looking at his hand on my arm. He’s gripping me so tightly I can see where his knuckles are starting to turn white.

  He shakes his head, tightening his grip and making me cry out.

  I try to pull my arm loose from his fist, but all that does is make my arm hurt more.

  “I’m hurting you? This is nothing to how much you’ve hurt me, Opal,” he growls. He has a dangerous glint in his eye as he glares at me. “Maybe I should punish you, let you know what I am capable of doing to you if you cheat on me again. And then maybe next time, you’ll think twice before fucking some other guy.” He nods to himself like he’s decided that would be a good plan.

  I’m so afraid, I can barely speak. What the hell is he going to do to me? I can feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, but I blink them away. I won’t let him see how scared I am. I have a feeling he’ll enjoy my fear, that he’ll start to believe he’s teaching me a lesson or whatever bullshit idea is going through his head. I just need to find a way to calm him down long enough, so I can get away from him and into my apartment then lock the door. “Gary—”

  He shakes his head, cutting me off. “You’ve had your chance to apologize for your behaviour Opal and you chose not to do it. Now, it’s my turn. I need to make you understand how much you’re hurting me pushing me away like this. And Opal? I need you to keep in mind that I love you okay? I love you, and I’m just doing this for your own good.”

  I feel relief flood through me when the door opens. Surely, Gary will let go of me now someone else is here. Now, I can take my chances and run to my apartment. The relief is even more intense when I glance up and see Brett standing in the doorway. He’s got my scarf in his hand. I must have left it in the car and he spotted it and came back to return it. Thank God, I forgot the scarf. Thank God Brett didn’t just wait until tomorrow to return it.

  For a moment, time is frozen.

  Gary still holds my arm too tightly, but we’re both looking at Brett now.

  Brett is looking right back at us, the realization of what is happening here slowly registering on his face. He goes from casual to raging in the blink of an eye.

  Time starts to move normally again, when Brett takes a step forward. The door slams shut behind him as he takes hold of Gary, grabbing his shirt in two fists. “Take your fucking hand off her right now,” he says in a low and dangerous voice.

  Gary starts. “But—”

  “Now!” Brett shouts.

  Gary releases my arm.

  Instinctively, I rub the sore spot with my other hand. I can already see the bruises where his fingers dug into me.

  Brett puts one arm across Gary’s throat and slams him against the wall. He pins him in place and turns to me. He holds my scarf out to me with his other hand.

  I take it automatically.

  “Opal, go and wait for me upstairs,” Brett says in a tight, controlled voice that barely conceals the rage simmering beneath the surface.

  If I walk away now, he’ll go too far. Gary needs to be stopped, but I don’t want this to end up with Brett getting arrested or something. I step towards Brett, ignoring Gary’s fruitless struggles to free himself, and I put my hand on Brett’s arm in what I hope is a calming manner. “Brett …”

  He shrugs my hand off him and the words die in my throat. “Go and wait for me upstairs,” he repeats in the same tight voice. “Now.” He glares at me, almost daring me to put up another argument.

  I can see he is in no mood for me to persuade him out of this, and his tone has brought the tears right back to the surface. If I start crying now, I am almost certain Brett will kill Gary. I turn and run up the stairs, not looking back. There’s no sound from below and I realize Brett is waiting until I am out of earshot before he deals with Gary.

  Getting to my apartment, I fumble to get the door open. I step inside, leaving the door ajar for Brett. I go to the sink and splash some cold water on my face and then I go to the living room area and perch nervously on the edge of a chair. My bottom has barely made contact with the seat when I am seized by a fit of restless energy. I jump back to my feet and begin pacing the apartment like a caged animal.

  I hear Brett’s footsteps in the hallway before I see him. He steps into the apartment and kicks the door closed behind him, and it’s as if a flood gate has been opened inside of me. The tears just start flowing from nowhere.

  Brett closes the gap between us in two long strides and wraps me in his arms.

  Breathing in his scent, I cry against his chest, clinging to him. My intention had been to give him a piece of my mind for the way he ordered me around downstairs, but I see now that it doesn’t matter. He’s nothing like Gary. He wasn’t attempting to control me, he just wanted me somewhere safe, so he could deal with Gary without having to worry about where I was the whole time.

  “You’re shaking Opal,” Brett says into my hair.

  I try to tell him I’m all right, it’s just spent adrenaline coming out of me, but I can’t get the words out yet. Brett holds me tightly, whispering to me that I’m okay now, and eventually, I start to believe him. I feel safe wrapped in his arms, like he can keep the world away from me and I focus on that.

  Sniffling a little, I pull back from Brett giving him a watery smile. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from.”

  He kisses the tip of my nose. “You don’t have to apologize.” He leads me to the couch and sits me down. He goes to the kitchen then comes back with a glass of water and a wet cloth. He rubs the cloth over my face, soothing my skin that is still
hot from the tears. He hands me the glass of water.

  I take a few sips. I feel much better now, much more in control of myself. “I can’t believe that just happened. I dread to think how far it would have gone if you hadn’t have showed up when you did.”

  “You don’t need to think about that Opal. I did show up. And you’ll always be safe with me.”

  I smile at him, a genuine smile now. “Maybe I should just move or something so Gary can’t find me again, because clearly changing my phone number isn’t enough.”

  “If that’s what you want, then I’ll help you find a place,” Brett says. “But Gary won’t be a problem anymore.”

  I raise my eyebrow at him.

  He smiles a little, showing me his knuckles. They’re skinned, bleeding. “I had a little word with Gary and he won’t be bothering you again.”

  I gasp a little at the scrapes as I pick up the wet cloth. I gently pat it against Brett’s knuckles. He winces a little as I dab away the blood. “Thank you,” I say. “I can’t believe I was ever with him. I mean I knew he was a little intense, but I never thought he would be dangerous.”

  “Men like him are very good at appearing to be normal, charming even. They don’t show their true colors until things are already serious. And then it’s gradual, and each little step they take to cut you off from your life feels reasonable. Then it’s only when you stop and see the big picture that you realize what’s going on. You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself.”

  “Well, at least this time, I made the right choice.” I look into his eyes.

  He smiles at me and kisses me gently.

  I feel my body coming to life beneath his kiss. I pull my head back slightly and smile up at him. “Do you want to stay here tonight?” I ask.

  “What about your boss?” Brett asks with a playful grin.

  “Ah, fuck him.” I roll my eyes.

  “I certainly hope you will.” Brett laughs. He scoops me up into his arms and carries me towards the bedroom.

  God, how did I get so lucky as to find someone like Brett and have him want me as much as I want him?


  Glancing up from my computer, I smile as Jessie comes flouncing into my office.

  She throws herself into the chair opposite mine, leaning back in it and putting her hands behind her head. “Morning.” Jessie smiles. “How is the ever delightful Brett this morning?”

  “You know when you come to someone’s office, you’re supposed to ask them how they are, not ask about someone else.” I smile back.

  “Ah, I can see how you are. You’re fine,” Jessie says waving a hand at me. She peers at me suddenly, leaning forward in the chair and resting her elbows on my desk.

  I feel a moment of paranoia seize me. Do I have something on my face or something?

  Then Jessie grins at me. “In fact, you’re more than fine. You’re positively glowing. You’re seeing someone aren’t you?”

  “No,” I say quickly, my cheeks heating up. “Maybe I always glow and you’ve just never noticed before.”

  “Oh, dream on, honey!” Jessie laughs. “No one glows like that unless they’re getting some. Now, tell me all the details.”

  “There’s really nothing to tell,” I say firmly. “And if you don’t mind, I really have to get this report finished. Mr. Connell is coming in today and I know he’ll want to see it.”

  “Fine,” Jessie says, standing as she’s still grinning. “But don’t think for a minute you’re off the hook. I won’t forget to circle back to this.” She leaves my office without a protest.

  I know for a fact she really won’t forget about this though. Great. Now I’m going to have to invent a boyfriend and just hope Jessie doesn’t start suggesting we go on double dates or anything like that.

  I shake the thought away, thinking again of Brett and how much part of me wishes our relationship didn’t have to remain a secret. Hopefully, it won’t have to for much longer.

  Mr. Connell is coming in today and Brett has confided in me that he thinks he will be pushing him for an answer as to whether or not he wants to take over the company. Brett told me he’s still in two minds about it, and that the majority of the decision will lay in how well his father looks, like if he is recovering from his heart attack.

  Mr. Connell has been given the green light to return to work after eight weeks, and it has been almost six now, so hopefully, Brett will be able to tell whether or not he thinks his father can handle the stress of the job again or not. I want him to be okay for obvious reasons, but now there’s so much more riding on it, and I feel guilty suddenly for being so selfish.

  I spend some time working on my report, trying not to get my hopes up that Brett is going to turn down the job. If he doesn’t, I know I will have a big decision to make.

  Brett and I can’t spend our whole lives in a secret relationship, so if he stays here, then I am left with two choices. I can either end things with Brett, or leave my job. Neither of the options sound particularly appealing to me, but I know that no matter what happens, I can’t bring myself to end things with Brett.

  So really I don’t have a big decision to make. I already know what I’ll do. I just have to find a job that suits me as well as this one does. I know that won’t be easy, but Brett is worth it and besides, it might not even come to that yet.

  After I’ve finished the report, I take a late lunch break, knowing there’s less chance of me bumping into Jessie that way and being grilled again. If all goes well today, I’ll be able to tell her the truth soon enough. She will be so jealous.

  The rest of the afternoon goes by slowly, even though I have kept myself plenty busy. The hands of the clock finally read 4.25. I go and prop my office door open so I can see when Mr. Connell comes in.

  Of course, Brett’s secretary can greet him and make him his coffee – it is her job after all - but I want to do it. I have worked for the man for a long time, and while it’s been great having Brett here obviously, I do kind of miss Mr. Connell.

  He appears at a minute to half past four, exactly on time to get to Brett’s office for dead on half past, exactly as I knew he would.

  Rising up, I rush out of my office to greet him, “Mr. Connell, it’s fantastic to see you up and about. You look great.”

  And it’s true. He really does. The color is back in his face and he’s lost a couple of pounds. He’s never looked healthier really.

  I feel a spark of hope in my stomach.

  “Thanks Opal. It’s nice to see you too,” he says. “The missus has me on a diet you know. It’s so nice to get out from under her feet and be free to have something I really want.”

  “Coffee and a muffin?” I ask, taking the hint.

  “Ah, I knew there was a reason I’d kept you around all of these years. That would be great, thanks.”

  Smiling to myself, I head towards the kitchen. I make Mr. Connell his coffee and I make Brett one too. I put two muffins on a plate then load a tray with the cups and the plates. I head for Brett’s office. Or is it Mr. Connell’s office again, now? Oh, how I hope so.

  I’m humming to myself when I reach Brett’s office door. I stop abruptly when I hear shouting coming from inside. I know I should knock immediately and let them know I’m here, but I can’t help but pause and see what they’re fighting about now. I tell myself it’s okay, because Brett will tell me eventually anyway.

  “Why do you have to be so damned stubborn?” Mr. Connell shouts. “After everything, can’t you just take this damned job and stop being a baby about it?”

  “I’m not being a baby about it. I’ve told you I don’t want the job. I’m happy to stay on for a few weeks while you find a replacement for me if you don’t want to come back yourself, but that’s it.”

  “That’s it? You’re still not going to give me a reason for it?”

  “It’s complicated,” Brett says.

  I hear a noise behind me and I realize Brett’s secretary is returning to her desk.

  She pause
s and peers at me

  I smile at her, acting like I haven’t just been caught listening at the door. “I’m just bringing them some refreshments,” I say, nodding down to the tray in my hand.

  “Brett told me he didn’t want anything,” she says, frowning as she takes her seat at her desk. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was because he had already roped you into doing it.”

  “Brett doesn’t know, I don’t think. Oh well, he can just leave his. Mr. Connell asked me for coffee and a muffin on his way in,” I explain. I don’t want her to think Brett doesn’t trust her with something as simple as making coffee and sought me out instead of her. I turn back to the door and knock lightly on it.

  “Come in,” Brett and Mr. Connell both shout together.

  Mr. Connell might not want to come back to work here, but he still sees this as his office. I can’t help but smile. I suppose I would still think of my office as mine if I moved to a different office somewhere.

  I wipe the smile off my face as I open the door and step into the room. I move to the desk and the door starts to close behind me. I can feel the tension in the room.

  Both of the men have stopped talking and are watching me as I carefully place the tray on the desk.

  “I’m sorry to have made you do this unnecessarily Opal, but unfortunately, I have to leave,” Mr. Connell says to me.

  “Oh, it’s alright, it was no problem,” I tell him. I start for the door, but I have barely moved an inch when Brett gets up. He takes my wrist gently in his hand to stop me from leaving. I look up at him questioningly. He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist. I feel myself blushing. I go to push him off, but I think better of it. It’s not like he’s telling his father about us. He’s just going to say I’m a good personal assistant or something, and if I shove him off, it’s going to look really odd.

  “Actually father, the reason I can’t stay on here? It’s not that complicated,” Brett says to Mr. Connell. “I can’t take over the company because I am in love with Opal and I want to pursue a relationship with her. She is far more valuable to the company than I and so it makes sense that I’m the one to go.”


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