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Page 8

by Coco Miller

  “Oh God,” I sigh.

  His fingers run through my wet folds and I nearly buck off the bed. It’s not going to take much to push me over the edge.

  “I would have killed somebody for you today, Kelly.” I bite my lip as he looks down at me. “You know what that means?” he asks what I think is a rhetorical question but I nod my head no anyway. “It means that you belong to me now and I protect what is mine.”

  “Yes, I’m yours.”

  “And this pussy is mine.”

  “Yes,” I say breathlessly. “It is.”

  “So now I want my pussy to come in my mouth and then on my dick.”

  I have no words, I just bite my lip harder. He smiles before he starts to slide down my body. He tosses my legs over his shoulders and drags his tongue through my pussy. I shout in pleasure and he begins to feast on me.

  He licks at me with a speed I didn’t know was possible. I grab onto the sheets, trying to hold still. His hot breath against me while he eats my pussy has the burning in my stomach already.

  “Fuck, I’m so close already,” I breathe out.

  Like I said the magic words, he has me thrashing beneath him. His tongue is licking at my clit fast and hard, while he pushes his fingers deep inside me. I moan finding it impossible to hold still. My body is starting to fall apart and I’m not about to stop it. He bends his fingers, hitting just the right spot as he sucks on my clit. It happens so fast, it shocks me. My voice echoes around us as I scream out his name. He sucks at me, moaning against me as my orgasm rips me in half.

  When I am coherent once again, I notice he’s looking down at me. His mouth glistening in my release. “You taste so fucking good, so sweet.” He presses his lips to mine, letting me taste myself on him. It’s hot and unbelievably makes me still want more. Which is exactly what he gives me.

  While he continues to kiss me, he pushes his unyielding dick into me with a possessiveness that’s new. I feel like I’m being torn apart in the best way. I moan in his mouth and he begins to move. It’s slow and sweet. He’s taking his time, making it last as long as possible. It’s exactly what I need, what I think we both needed after the last twenty-four hours we’ve had. When we both start breathing heavily, we break the kiss.

  “Giovanni,” I whisper, looking into his heavy eyes.

  “I’m here, sweetheart, I’m right here.”

  It brings tears to my eyes, but in a good way. I feel cared for, I feel safe, I feel loved. The emotional and the physical feelings are taking over. I don’t ever want to be alone again. I’ve spent my whole life alone. My thoughts are quickly pushed aside when he picks up his speed just a bit.

  “You feel so fucking good wrapped around me. So wet and tight,” he groans.

  I close my eyes, letting his words and body wash over me. In the moment I realize he's making love to me. I snap my eyes open and they collide with his. A tear runs down my cheek and he kisses it away.

  “I feel it too,” he whispers, looking back into my eyes. “You’re not alone.”

  I tighten my hold on his shoulders as his hands cup my cheeks. He’s making sure I look at him, although I had no intention of turning away. I’m getting close again and I want him to see me. My heart beats so fast, so in tempo with his.

  His dick pumps in and out of me, going deeper each time. His solid chest drags along my tits as he keeps moving. I moan out and he knows I’m getting close. He reaches down and rubs my clit. I moan louder, watching his eyes bounce between mine. The heat and arousal is enough to once again pull my orgasm out of me.

  “Giovanni!” I shout, never breaking eye contact.

  He picks up his pace, dragging my release on, and a few minutes later my name is falling from his lips. I watch his face and it’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. The look of absolute pleasure. I’ll never forget it.

  We lay tangled around each other until the sky begins to turn pink. My head rests on his chest and I listen to his heart beat. I start to feel tired, but force myself to stay awake. He won’t be in this bubble of just us two for long and I want to enjoy every second.

  “I’m gonna make this right, Kelly. I’m gonna get everything handled,” Giovanni says.

  “It’s not that easy,” I regretfully reply. “I feel like my father is the answer to all of this. I think we should find him.”

  “I agree.” Just as he says that, his cell phone rings. He grabs it off the floor and answers it on speaker phone. “Yeah?”

  “We found her father,” Leo says.

  Giovanni’s eyes widen.

  “Okay, let’s do this shit. We’re on our way.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  We’ve got the motherfucker. Whether it’s Henry or Vincent or whoever the fuck–I just want to end this shit. I want to be able to be with Kelly without the constant worry of someone taking her away from me.

  It hurts me that I never saw the truth in Henry’s eyes. That I never knew what kind of a man he truly was. I should have seen the signs. I should have known.

  But, how could I?

  Leo didn’t see them either.

  I decide not to beat myself up about a past I can never change. Instead, I look to a future.

  A future with Kelly.

  Last night was fantastic. It was beyond anything I could ever ask for. I never thought in my whole life I’d ever fall for someone, but Kelly charged into my heart with her butter pecan skin, and fiery attitude.

  I think I fell for her the moment I saw her.

  And I took an oath to protect her. Even if the man who told me to protect her was lying the whole time, I still vow to keep her safe.

  From him.

  From her fucking father if I have to.

  From everyone.

  She’s mine and only mine and I don’t plan on losing her again.

  After last night, I’m one-hundred percent positive she’s my forever. Everything I want for the rest of my life lies in Kelly. I want her by my side for the rest of my time here on this earth, and I pray she does too because there’s no way in hell I’m ever letting her go.

  We take a quick shower and get dressed in a hurry.

  “I haven’t ever seen my father. So I don’t trust him. And you shouldn’t either,” Kelly says. “Can I call my mother?”

  I hand over my phone. “Her number’s programmed in.”

  She smiles, raising up on her tip-toes to kiss me on the cheek. “Thank you.”

  I smile as my chest warms. I’ve never felt this feeling before, but I like it. I like being here for her. Someone she can trust.

  She dials the hospital as we both leave my room and make it downstairs. Leo meets me at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Henry took her to get her father to surface. I guess us taking her wasn’t good enough for her dad.”

  I raise a brow. “Where is he?”

  “You’ll never believe this.” Leo says as we head to the garage. “He’s waiting for us in a motel out of town.”

  “He called us?”

  “Yes, he sure did. Said we would want to meet him if we ever want to take down Henry.”

  Kelly speaks into the phone to her mother, not listening to the words Leo says.

  “I think Kelly should stay here,” Leo suggests.

  “No way,” she says, hanging up the phone and handing it back to me. “I want to go. I have a few things to say to the man.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask her. I have to admit, I feel safer having Kelly with me at all times, but I also understand the need to keep her here too. If things go south with her father, I don’t want Kelly anywhere near the line of fire.

  “Positive. I’ve already been kidnapped twice. I have some strong words I want to say to this man. Plus, I’ll feel safer with you two than back here.”

  I smile, kissing her on the top of her forehead before heading toward the door. I glance over my shoulder, my eyes meeting Leo’s.

  “You heard the woman. She comes.”

shrugs, jogging a bit to catch up with me. “Justin and the team will be right behind us.”

  The three of us pile into the SUV as Kelly fills us in on the details Henry told her.

  I grit my teeth when I hear her mention how he talked about me and Leo. How he’d been planning this for a year. How he’d played us both. I hate the fact that I was only a pawn in his plan. I want to kill him for what he did to the family, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way. Wait until Aurora hears all about this.

  But, I don’t voice my desire to kill the man out loud. I silently hope I’ll get my chance to waste the motherfucker.

  Leo races to where Kelly’s father sits, patiently waiting for us. I swear this is all too easy, and I hate myself for possibly falling into the biggest trap ever.

  “Swing around back,” I tell Leo.

  “Already on it.” He pulls into the lot, taking the SUV into the back lot.

  Vincent is in room two-twelve, and we make our way cautiously there.

  Justin sits in a van, waiting for our single to bring on the rain to these assholes if anything should go wrong.

  I knock on the door, and a man with dark hair and a mouth the same shape as Kelly’s answers the door.

  “Come in,” he says, his eyes never leaving his daughter’s eyes.

  They stare at each other, both of them speechless for a few minutes. I know she said she had many things to say to the man, but she remains quiet as we enter the room and move into our spots.

  Leo by the door, me by the window, wanting to see if anyone enters. I check the bathroom, making sure no one is patiently waiting inside to kill us all.

  Kelly sits on the bed, her eyes finally leaving her father’s and glancing around the room.

  Her father stands by the TV, his hands crossed over his chest.

  “Why did you call us?” I ask him, to get things started.

  “Henry. He’s willing to kill Kelly to get to me.”

  I move closer. “I won’t let that happen.”

  “What do you care?” Kelly says, crossing her own arms to mirror her father.

  I allow Kelly to take over her own inquisition of the man who was never there for her.

  This is her time.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I hate him.

  I hate the look of him.

  I hate that I have his mouth and I think maybe his ears.

  I hate it.

  I try not to even listen as he answers the question I asked.

  “You may not believe me, but I’ve always made sure you and your mother were kept safe from my life.”

  “My mother hates you. I hate you,” I spit back to him.

  He shakes his head. “No, your mother and I knew what was best for you.” He drops his arms to his sides. “So, we made up the story that she hated me. That she told me to leave. But, we both love each other.”

  I shake my head. “No. No. No. My mother wouldn’t lie to me. She told me she hated you.”

  The man who never raised me steps closer. “I love your mother. I love you.” He pulls his wallet out from his suit jacket. He opens it, pulling out a picture and handing it over to me.

  I glance at the picture. It’s of me, in my favorite blue dress. “I was twelve when this was taken.”

  “Your mother sent it to me. She’s sent me so much of you over the years, but this is probably my favorite picture.”

  My brain can’t process what this stranger says to me. “I don’t believe you.”

  I glance at Giovanni. “Let me call my mother.”

  Giovanni hands over his phone. I search his contacts, finding my mother’s name. I wait for her to answer.

  “Hello?” I say to the woman who answers, who is not my mother.

  “This is your mother’s nurse, Gina.”

  “May I speak to her?”

  “Someone came and picked her up.”

  “Who?” My stomach drops.

  “Your father? Henry Montanari.”

  I hang up the phone panic stricken.

  “That asshole has my mother.”

  We’re far outside of New York City, and tears begin to fall from my eyes.

  Giovanni rushes toward me as Vincent grabs his own phone, placing a call to who knows.

  I don’t care.

  I don’t care about anything but getting my mother back safely.

  “We’ll find her,” Giovanni reassures me. “We’ll find her.”

  She’s too sick to leave the hospital. I bite my lower lip in worry as Giovanni holds me closer. I can see the worry in Vincent’s eyes as well.

  “You caused this,” I spit out at him.

  He shakes his head. “No, it’s all Henry. I promise we’ll find her.” But his words do nothing to calm my nerves.

  Giovanni squeezes my shoulder. “Let’s go. We’re about an hour outside of the city, and we have a lead on where he’s taking her.”

  I nod, following Leo and Giovanni outside. Vincent follows us, and I glare him down. “Where do you think you’re going?” I ask him.

  “I want to find her just as badly as you do.”

  “No way are you coming with us.” I cross my arms, not wanting this man anywhere near the same air as I breathe. “If you love her so much you would have protected her.”

  Like Giovanni takes care of me.

  “We could use all the help,” Giovanni says, staring into my eyes. “Time is of the essence, right?”

  Our eyes battle a private war between us but I finally relent. Because he’s right. The more people we have looking for my mother, the better.

  We all pile into Giovanni’s SUV, heading into the city as quickly as possible.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Where are we?” I ask, not recognizing my surroundings.

  “This is where we believe Henry has brought your mother.”

  The sun is barely rising, making this dawn one I won’t ever forget. My insides are a mess, worry and guilt hurling together in a bottomless pit of anger.

  I’m angry at these men I’ve never met before turning my whole life upside down. Last week, everything was fine. Now, it’s horrible.

  I can’t even...My thoughts get cut off by Giovanni turning the engine off and opening his door.

  “Let’s do this,” he says, eyeing me to make sure I’m ready.

  I give him a nod of confidence, even though I don’t feel it at all. But every part of my heart wants to barge through the front doors and demand my mother back. She needs to be in the hospital.

  She needs her medicine.

  She needs me.

  We hit the side wall of the building and crouch down against it. Leo and Giovanni throw hand signals to each other, both of them understanding each other, but me not catching any of it.

  I look to Vincent, and he there’s so much worry in his eyes. Does he really care about my mother?

  No, impossible.

  He wouldn’t have ever left her if he did.

  We move even closer to the side entrance and Leo and Giovanni both pull out their guns. Another SUV shows up, and some men I remember from the estate join us on the side of the building.

  I breathe a slight sigh of relief. The more men the better. The more gun power the better.

  We keep moving, all of us in unison as we try to find inside with out being seen. Before I can even think anything more, Giovanni finds a side door, and opens it, ushering everyone inside.

  “Stick close to me,” he says into my ear as I enter the building last.

  I trust this man, more than anything. I will always be his ride or die. I nod, waiting for him to shut the door and I follow him the rest of the way.

  It’s dark, but there’s just a hint of the sun streaming in through the a few windows near the top of the ceiling of the warehouse.

  “What is this place?”

  “It’s his factory. The one he values above all things,” Giovanni whispers.

  “Why would he
bring my mother here.”

  Giovanni swallows, and I can tell I’m not going to like his answer. “Because this is a sausage factory. I think he’s going to kill her here.”

  I cover my mouth, trying my best not to cry out in fear. “Is she dead?” I ask the question even though I know Giovanni doesn’t have the answer for me.

  He shakes his head. “I fucking hope not.”

  We keep moving, following all the men from the estate working for Leo and Giovanni. Even Vincent sticks close, holding a gun he had on him.

  Everyone has a gun but me but I don’t care, I wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway. Instead, I stick close to Giovanni like I’m glued to him.

  We hear voices, and Leo stops the group with a fist in the air. Him and Giovanni exchange more hand signals, and Giovanni and I split off from the group to go down another corridor.

  “What are we doing?” I ask him, whispering as to not be heard by anyone.

  “We’re hoping to surprise him.”

  I hope he’s right. Together we keep walking, moving through the empty sausage factory. Until we spot my mother lying on a metal counter.

  I try rushing toward her, but Giovanni holds me back. “Not yet,” he tells me, trying to calm me down.

  He’s right. We need to see what we’re working with, but I can’t help but to want to run to my mother lying there all helpless and fragile.

  God, I hope this plan works.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Henry is an asshole.

  Thank God I was able to grab onto Kelly quick enough so she didn’t give our position away. I still haven’t seen the man I considered a father to me yet. The man who taught me everything I know. The man who after this is dead to me.

  Or better yet… just plain dead.

  The more I think about him and the way he screwed over Leo and I, it makes me almost go insane. But, I won’t let this man ruin my future like he has my past.


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