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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

Page 5

by Roger Hastings

  Chalmers appeared beside us. “I’ll take her to the room we’ve prepared for your ceremony, Sir Richard. She’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Prepared for my ceremony?”

  “It’s the custom of Blackthorne House; when a family member reaches his or her eighteenth birthday, they are taken to the room prepared for pleasure.”

  Aunt Caroline called to me from across the far end of the table. “Oh, Richard, let him take her. I promise you will find the preparations most interesting.”

  I released Bridgett, and she stood up, turning her back to Chalmers and placing her hands high up behind her, against her back. Her face tilted down toward the floor as he bound her wrists together, pulling them up to loop the long ends of the cord over her shoulders and criss-cross over her chest above her breasts. The ends were then drawn under her armpits and behind her, where they were tied to her lifted wrists.

  My cousin Lamont was standing across the table from me. He had the girl of his choice, a plump little dumpling of red-haired sugar, standing in front of him. Her head barely came up to the nipple on his bare chest. Her pudgy arms were trussed up like my Bridget’s. “A lovely ceremony, isn’t it, Richard.” His girl’s lavish breasts were even larger and heavier than Bridget’s. He cupped his hands under them and jiggled their bulging softness. “Look how vulnerable and defenseless her breasts are. Ready for a man’s teeth or the whip.” He stroked his hand over the swelling roundness of her chubby belly. “I like to ride a soft little cushion when I fuck.”

  Chalmers led Bridget away. “I’ll return for you, Sir Richard, when she is arrayed to accommodate the ceremony.”

  He herded her though the door, turning away from the stairway and heading down a darkened passage.

  The other’s had left, driving their captives before them to a rendezvous with lust. I tried to be patient, fiddling with my napkin while guesses and fantasies of bound and helpless girls swarming naked through my imagination.

  Chapter Four

  Confined To Bed

  I stood alone in the dining room, hearing my family’s voices fade as they escorted their love-captives to their bedrooms. Then I heard a young woman’s voice giggling, and another woman and a man talking quietly. They were coming closer. Even before they entered the room, I recognized the voices as my step-cousin, Treise, my Aunt Caroline, and Chalmers.

  They entered the room, and I saw my cousin holding her hand over her mouth, trying to hide her glee. She had discarded her dark blue dress and bra, and was clothed only in an incredibly tight-cinched black corset, sheer black silk stockings, and high-heeled leather shoes. She had rouged her breasts, and perfumed the dark thatch of her pussy hair. She was waving a long, thin whip in her hand. Chalmers was carrying two pairs of manacles; one pair joined with only one link of chain, the other with a foot of chain between them. In his other hand he carried a black velvet cloth for a blindfold, and a leather-strapped gag.

  My aunt spoke. “Now I must tell you something, Richard, so please listen without speaking. Blackthorne House is rich with tradition. It is our heritage that we protect and nourish. It makes us what we are. One tradition that we are observing tonight is the Coming-of-Age-Rite. Every boy and girl in this family must submit to the ritual. Both the boys and the girls, like your step-cousin, Treise, here, submit on the night of their eighteenth birthday. You were at the university in America on your birthday, and not a part of the household then. So you must submit to it now. Even the Master of Blackthorne must keep and obey every tradition, even if he is made to endure harsh treatment.”

  I opened my lips to protest, but Aunt Caroline pressed a firm finger over them.

  “You must not say a word, Richard. That is an unbreakable rule of the ritual.” She hesitated, “Now, where was I...oh, yes. When a girl submits, she is stripped naked and a man is chosen to abuse her. When a male submits, he is also stripped naked and a woman is chosen to abuse him.”

  My eyes were darting from her face to the things in Chalmer’s hands, to my cousin’s barely contained joy, and back to my Aunt.

  “I know you have already guessed, the family has chosen your cousin Treise for the privilege and pleasure of initiating you tonight and tomorrow.” She lay her long white hand against my cheek. “Don’t be upset with us, Richard. We all have submitted to this when our time came. Please try to trust us. Really, the only way we each can understand the secret that makes our family business successful is by experiencing captivity and punishment ourselves.”

  “Can’t we get on with it?” Treise said. She was twisting the whip in her hands.

  “Chalmers will blindfold you now, Richard. Then we will remove all your clothing and he will manacle your wrists behind you, and chain your ankles. You won’t see any of us again, except Treise, until dinner tomorrow evening.”

  Chalmers stepped behind me and lifted the blindfold.

  The world went dark. I forced my body not to resist as I felt the bulky ball being shoved in my mouth and the leather strap cinched tight and buckled behind my neck. I felt Treise’s soft hands stripping my trousers off, then my underwear, then my shoes and socks. Chalmers pulled my arms together behind me, and I felt the metal bite around my wrists. Then I felt a length of rope binding my elbows together.

  “Make sure they are really tight,”—another giggle— “I want him completely helpless.”

  “Yes, Mistress Treise.” A chain clinked on the floor and chill metal camped around my ankles. I heard the locks click like the drumbeat of doom. The sound of my aunt’s and Chalmer’s footsteps moved away and faded to silence.

  “Oh, you exquisite hunk of man-flesh, you’re MINE!” Her fingers gripped my cock and squeezed. “Move!” she snarled, and tugged.

  I was blind, fettered and hobbled, and my cock was literally in the hands of a woman who loved pain. I was going to learn a lot tonight. All I could know of where we were going was what my bare feet told me. We went from the polished marble of the dining room, to the carpeted elegance of the great room, and down a wooden-floored hall. A few turns, and a heavy door creaked on its hinges.

  My cousin’s voice rasped in my ear. “We’re going down a long flight of stone stairs, so don’t fall and break your neck.” A wicked gaiety was in her voice, “I have plans for you.”

  We went down many steps. I had forgotten to count them. At the bottom a key grated in a lock, and I heard iron grind on iron as another heavy door swung open. Now at the edge of perception I heard faint sounds, distant voices. Girls whimpering, men laughing, the thump and clatter of unknown apparatus, the clang of an iron-barred door slamming shut.

  “Pay no mind to them,” Treise said. I’ve prepared a private party for you and me, plus a few of the girls you want to play with.” She gave a fierce yank on my cock. “Come on, slave, move a little faster!”

  We turned sharply to the right and my shoulders brushed against the rough stone walls, first on the left, then on the right, telling me we were in a very narrow passage. The floor was damp, and a warm draught of air flowed across my face.

  “Stop!” she ordered. I stood obediently while I heard an iron-barred door open. I heard breathing as we stepped inside, four or five people were in this chamber. She released my cock, and I heard the door shut and the clack of the lock.

  “There’s a bed just ahead of you. I’m going to position you beside it, then remove your wrist manacles. Don’t try to remove your blindfold, or do anything foolish. There is severe and painful punishment for any resistance. You’re locked in here, with no way to get out, so behave and do exactly what I say.”

  She put her hands on my hips and moved me as I brushed past the warm flesh of a body.

  “Sit,” she said, as if commanding an animal.

  I bent and felt my buttocks press against a rough wooden surface. “Lie down, and turn to your right.” She gave my chest a quick, hard shove and I topped back. Her hands lifted my chained legs onto the bed. The platform was not level. It rose in a gentle curve to a mound in the middle,
then down again to the foot. My hips, and thus my cock, were elevated about a foot higher than my head and feet, a very obvious invitation for tampering. She pulled my left arm up and out toward the corner of the bed. A metal band clicked around my wrist. I tugged slightly, but could not move my arm.

  I heard her walk around the bed, and grab my other wrist, repeating the motion. Now both my arms were pulled far outward, and upward. A thrill of anxiety coursed through my torso, centering in my crotch. Unbidden, a flood of sensation, a trembling dark pleasure, rose up in my belly... My heart pounded with the totally unexpected joy of feeling my hands imprisoned, unable to defend me from this sex-obsessed, pain-loving imp.

  “Now your legs,” she said with glee.

  The chain was removed from my ankles, and they were spread far apart like my arms, and locked in the metal grip of cuffs.

  “There’s too much slack in your naked body, dearest cousin. I’ll have to teach you correct posture.”

  I heard the clicking of a ratcheted wheel, and felt my legs being dragged much wider apart to the point of pain, mercilessly stretched down toward the far corners of the bed. My nakedness was hopelessly unprotected, spread-eagled and taut.

  “Now we can remove that blindfold and let you see what a delightful torment my wicked imagination devised for you.”

  I felt the warm flesh of her fingers against my face, then my sight was restored.

  “Like it?” she asked, then laughed at my expression.

  The warm air was explained by the kerosene-fed torches burning in iron fixtures high on the walls. My nakedness lay spread out in defenseless display on a large, square, wooden-framed platform, with thick, high posts at each corner. Hanging, spread-eagle, on each side and at the foot of the bed, were three naked girls, chained to the posts. Suspended from the high arched ceiling above my head was Bridget, the servant girl I had chosen for the evening. Her body hung in the air above me, her legs forced wide apart and chained to the sides of the platform. Bridget’s tender pink pussy hovered only inches away, directly above my face.

  Treise sat on the bed next to me and began stroking my heaving chest. “Diabolical, isn’t it, sweet cousin. Here you are, horny as hell, with the naked pussies of pretty girls surrounding you, inches away, and you can’t fuck them.”

  Her hand drifted up the slope to my crotch and toyed with my pubic hair.

  “My, my, look at this!” She pinched my cock between her thumb and finger. “He’s a sturdy fellow. Oh, how did he get so long and thick?” She lay forward on my belly her face inches from my cock and gazed at it with glittering eyes. “You naughty boy, all you think about is fucking!” My hips shuddered as Treise kissed my cock. “I’d love to have him inside my pussy, and I will. But not for awhile, yet.” She grinned wolfishly, “First, I want to make you suffer so you will appreciate the beauty of my cruelty.”

  She caressed the rim of my cock’s tip with the fingers of her other hand, circling them around like she was unscrewing a bottle cap. She repeated the motion, over and over, with a feathery touch. I grunted into my gag and my belly quivered as she teased my manhood.

  “O-o-o-o,” she cooed. “Ticklish, are we?” She smiled up at the silent girls suspended around me. “Shall we explore Sir Richard’s nakedness, and find out how many parts of his body are ticklish?”

  I tried to calm myself, concentrating on the love-dewed pink folds of Bridget’s pussy poised above my eyes. I imagined the rhythm of my cock sliding in and out, the unbearable tingling of joy, then the explosion of ecstasy when the cum shoots from my cock.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, poor Bridget,” Treise said with mock sympathy. “I know how horny you get when you see a naked man. Too bad Sir Richard is chained so tight to this bed. I know how desperate he is to make love to you—but I won’t let him fuck you tonight.” She grinned at my helplessness. “Part of your initiation, dear cousin, is to lay here with an incredibly pretty girl’s pussy an inch above your nose, and you are not allowed to touch her.”

  Treise climbed down and bent over me again. “I can’t imagine what makes poor Bridget so-o-o horny!” Treise giggled and stroked the hair laying on my forehead with her whip. “She’s been caught rubbing her pussy when we wouldn’t let her have a man to fuck her, oh, for so-o-o-o long. I can’t imagine what she will do if she can’t have you.” She kissed my cheek, “You just keep watching her pussy and thinking about how much fun you could have with it.”

  I didn’t have time to consider the impossibility of fucking Bridget’s cute little pussy. Treise was now lying at the foot of the bed, her fingernails dragging lightly across the sole of my foot. I grunted and strained, but couldn’t escape her sport with my body.

  “You’re so amusing, Richard. I wish Uncle Garrick would buy me a male slave with a body like yours, so I could abuse him when I get this horny.” She crawled across the platform and attacked the bottom of my other sole with the wet warmth of her tongue, gripping my foot tightly with both hands. I grunted in agony, the breath snorting from my nose as I mewed into the gag, begging her to stop.

  Treise teased me between licks. “Isn’t this torment sumptuous, Richard? I’m in paradise.”

  My muffled groans were the only answer possible.

  After an eternity of sporting with my feet, she grew bored and stretched out, belly-down, beside me. “Poor cousin Richard, I’m such a beast, aren’t I?” She toyed with the sweat-dewed brown curls tumbled across my forehead. “Just think, my dear prisoner, this will go on and on, all night and through tomorrow.” She showed me a mock pout of sympathy. “Don’t worry, I won’t bore you. There are so many fiendish tricks in my toy box, I’ll keep you interested.” Triese rose up and turned a crank jutting from the wall. Bridget’s body rose higher above me, making room for Treise to play with my body.

  hips began quivering, and she moaned through her gag.

  “O-o-o-o,” Treise cooed, “It looks like somebody’s pussy is itching for love. Don’t you wish your tongue was long and free of that gag?” Treise stroked her fingertips up and down Bridget’s pouting pussy lips. She rubbed her fingers together, savoring the slippery juice oozing from Bridget’s pussy. Bridget struggled, her head quivering with carnal need.

  “Don’t get so eager, you naughty child!” Treise said. “Tonight is my night with Sir Richard,” She reached out and pinched Bridget’s pussy lips, digging in with her fingernails. “No more begging for his tongue.”

  Bridget struggled, her vulva wrenching from pain to pleasure and back again. She groaned and gasped as the twisting of her hips resumed.

  Treise lay down on her back with her head beside mine. She giggled, “The tender inside of Bridget’s thighs are such a tempting target.” Treise picked up her whip and swung it hard.


  Bridget gave a muffled shriek as her legs shook and struggled above my face.

  “Splendiferous!” Treise laughed like a child.

  Watching Bridget’s punishment wasn’t as bad as I anticipated. I just hoped my enjoyment wasn’t showing.

  Treise twisted my head toward her. “Was it good for you, too, sweet cousin? Perhaps now you understand how we helpless girls feel when you men tie us up and shoot your cum into our mouths.” Treise kissed my face. “Um-m-m,” she said, licking her lips, “you’re wearing a delicious cologne! Perhaps next time instead of a gag, I’ll put a clamp inside your mouth and force it open so-o-o wide. I love to dribble inside men’s helpless mouths.”

  “Well,” she said, looking at my pulsing manhood. “It looks like all the excitement made you ready for fucking.” Treise reversed her body, lying on top of me with her pussy hair tickling my nose. I felt her fingers toying with my cock. “Let’s see if I can bring this defenseless lad a taste of frustration.” I gasped with pleasure as her soft crimson lips sucked at the tip. The fingertips of one hand stroked the length of my passionate cock, while her other hand cuddled my balls. “Oh, I can feel your fiery blood pumping in those big veins,” she murmured, “Just like your fathe
r’s did.”

  She became serious for a moment. “I miss him so much. It was your father who initiated me.” She sighed. “He kept making me cum so hard I fainted.” She kissed my cock again. “I hope you will be just like your father and do that to me, too.”

  My father must have taught her many secrets, because her sexual skill was irresistible. In spite of my discomfort and the frustration of Bridget’s pussy hovering just out of touch, my body was a slave to Treise’s fancy. She knew just where to touch me, the exact lightness for a caress, the direction and length to stroke. I was suffering an exquisite agony that I wished would never stop. In just moments she had me gasping deeply.

  “There’s a good boy,” She said, kissing the base of my shaft. She turned her head to look at my face. “Look at your cock now. He’s standing so tall and proud, begging for a pussy to fuck. He’s so-o-o frustrated, dear cousin. So many pretty pussies here for him, but I won’t let him have any. Let’s see how he likes my teeth.”

  Iced water flushed through my veins as I felt the sharpness of her teeth press against the purple tip of my manhood.

  “Nibble, nibble,” she said with a mumbled giggle, and waggled her jaw tighter.

  “Numph!” I bellowed as the pain sent waves of panic through my torso. “Numph!” My eyes were wide with pleading, but she could not see them.

  Treise raked her teeth down my shaft, almost tearing the skin.

  “Aunguf!!” I had visions of being carted off bleeding to the hospital, bent over in embarrassed agony “Aunguf!!” My head thrashed from side to side. “Oh, please, my mind begged, “Please, cousin Treise, stop before it’s too late!”

  She paused, her voice a mocking melody. “Are you frightened, dearest Richard?”

  I gasped and my shuddering body relaxed.

  “Now perhaps you realize what these poor girls feel when you strap them to one of our bondage fixtures and show them your whip.” She pushed herself up on her arms so she could see my eyes behind her buttocks. “There is something worse than pain, Richard. Want me to show you?”


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