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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

Page 36

by Roger Hastings

  “But I can’t...I just can’t. I can’t stop the fear and emotions deep inside me, forcing me to resist.”

  “That’s why we have to bind you and make you helpless, so even though you struggle and resist, a man can still fuck you. When you realize that you are defenseless, and can’t escape, you are free of the guilt and shame. A man’s cock is a wonderful thing inside your pussy, Poppie. It gives you the priceless gift of ecstasy, and freedom from cruel judgment by an unloving society. When you feel a man’s warm cum spurting inside your chamber of Venus, it changes you forever. You can open the secret doors of the sex appetites deep in your mind that you were taught to fear.

  Ulysses took a step toward the trembling mare.

  “It’s coming, Poppie. Try to realize that what you fear and what disgusts you is only in your imagination. You won’t know the magnificent reality until I am fucking you.”

  “Please—please! I’m so scared.”

  The mare took a step backward into the lake, her hooves sinking into the muck below the water. Ulysses snorted and stepped forward. The mare panicked and stumbled back, sinking deeper and deeper.

  “Help me!” Poppie shrieked, feeling the water rise up along her legs. “Don’t let me drown!”

  “I can’t,” Scott shouted. “My arms are...” A metallic ‘clack!’ sounded behind him, and his wrist cuffs popped open. “Coming,” he said, urging Ulysses forward. He caught the mare’s headstall and dragged her up out of the lake as a well-trained Ulysses backed away. Quickly tethering the mare to a stout tree trunk, he wrapped his arms around the silky smoothness of Poppie’s naked torso. “You’re safe now,” he whispered in her ear.

  Poppie was astonished, hardly able to believe her whispered words in reply. “Hold me, Scott. Please! Hold me tight and don’t let go!”

  Chapter Six

  Lust Eternal

  Scott unbuckled his ankle cuffs and slid down off the saddle. He patted Ulysses on his flank. “Good boy, now go have some fun with that mare after I get Poppie down.” He unbuckled her ankle straps and lifted her down to the ground. “Look, over there, someone just lit a torch. I’m guessing that’s a signal for me.” Picking her up, he carried Poppie toward the flickering flame. “Scott,” she whispered, and nuzzled her head against his naked chest. Her raven black hair hung down against Scott’s naked hip and thigh, caressing him with his every step.

  They could hear the mare’s anxious whinnies as she fought against the reins binding her head to the tree. There was no escape as Ulysses mounted her with an exultant snort and bellow of delight. There was a sound of pawing hooves as he thrust into her.

  “All creatures center their entire existence on sex,” Scott said. “It is the first principle of nature. She has made us so we cannot live a healthy, normal life without fucking. It is our predestination.”

  “Will you hurt me.”

  “Not this time, unless you resist. Punishment is swift and severe on Blackthorne Estate.”

  “Your body is so handsome. When I dare look at you—at your...male-thing—I feel butterflies in my belly.”

  “Wait until you feel it inside you. Then you will know what euphoria feels like.”

  Scott stepped into a small clearing where the flaming torch lit a scene from a fairy-tale. The branches of a gigantic pine were interlaced and their tips pegged down on the soft ground. Enclosed under them was a soft, moss-carpeted bower, a love-nest for trysting. A large ringbolt was imbedded in the massive tree trunk. A short, silvery chain stretched from the ringbolt to a thick leather collar, waiting to imprison the neck of a pretty girl.

  “Perfect,” Scott said. He lay Poppie down on her back and buckled the collar on her. “How it increases the beauty and seductive allure of a beautiful female body when she is chained and defenseless. Can you sense the blood raging through my veins, Poppie?”

  He lay down beside her and stroked his fingertips up and down the satin flesh of her thighs, each time moving closer and closer to her fur-shrouded temple of Venus. “What a precious moment this is for me. Since I first saw you and Kerrie on the ship, I have dreamed of this night. The days and nights of agony of being denied the pleasure of fucking you is over. You are mine at last.”

  The torch light filtered between the boughs, tracing a moving ripple of golden light over Poppie’s nakedness. The terror of the night creatures and her dread of being deflowered seemed like a fading melodrama as she gazed into Scott’s eyes, admiring the strong, masculine features of his face.

  He moved a hand up to her cheek, caressing it lightly as he bent over her to press his lips against hers.

  A jolt of exhilaration flamed up in her belly. Sensations she had never before felt, or could ever imagine, gripped her pussy and demanded fulfillment with the rigid flesh of a man’s most noble and mystical power. The feel of her bound arms and the touch of the leather collar revealed an impossible thought to her enraptured mind: How absurdly exhilarating it can be for a helpless and vulnerable woman to be to be sexually violated by an aggressive male.

  Scott was whispering, but the vortex roaring in her belly drowned out his words. Her only perception of existence was the sensation of touch. His lips on hers. The feel of his moving hands on the quivering cones of her breasts. The touch of his teeth gripping her nipples. Then the irresistible pressure of his hands spreading her thighs open. It was impossible to resist the delirious entreaty in her pussy. Her willing legs surrendered and surged wide apart. Scott smiled and rolled on top of her.

  Poppie’s hard nipples dabbed against Scott’s pulsating chest as he lowered himself over her. He snuggled into her crotch, not penetrating her yet, sliding his athletic arms under her back. Scott embraced her, pressing her cone-shaped breasts hard against his chest, and bathed her neck and earlobes with his kisses.

  “Oh, Scott—” Poppie gasped. “Scott—Scott—Scott! Your body feels so—so wonderful against mine. Take me. Take me and abuse me for your pleasure.”

  Scott lifted his hips, positioning his firm cock by feel until Poppie felt the warm, resilient tip bequeathing its quivering kisses to her moist pussy lips. He crushed his lips against her mouth as he lunged violently downward, forcing his manhood into her virgin vagina.

  “AUGH! OW! OH!” Poppie’s hips shuddered with the pain as Scott’s cock ripped through the frail membrane of her maidenhead.

  “Hush, Poppie. The worst is over.” Scott torqued his hips into her groin, embedding his rigid cock deep in Poppie’s pussy. Its purple bulb kissed the virgin mouth of her womb, sending a torrent of fire billowing into her belly.

  “AH-h-h-h! Oh-h-h-h!” Poppie’s hips lifted from the mossy ground, rasping her pussy lips against the wiry fleece of Scott’s riotous cock-hair. Her every nerve ending strained to suckle the sensation of his manhood lunging repeatedly in the clasp of the shimmering membrane inside her pussy.

  “AUGH! Unh-h-h-h!” With every dynamic movement, Poppie luxuriated in the sensation of Scott’s nakedness squirming against hers. She quaked with euphoria, her unprotected body defenseless against the assault of Scott’s superlative muscles flexing and straining in his arms, torso and legs.

  The heaviness of Scott’s naked body pressed down on Poppie, grinding, crushing and writhing against her flesh, crazed with frenzied passion. In perfect rhythm he racked his cock-flesh in and out. Its long, rapturous shaft cradled in the slick lubrication inside her silken clasp of Venus.

  Time ceased. The world shrank to a pool of flickering torch light in the fog. The soft, spongy moss under Poppie became the entire universe. Scott was the perfection of a Greek god come down from Olympus to bless her naked body with a fountain of divine sperm.

  Poppie’s first experience watching rigid cocks ejaculating cum happened when she was enduring the torment of her training in the cellar. She was forced to stare in shock as the one-eyed Crom, the black giant Gregor, Chalmers and the other men stood naked in front of her while captive girls were forced to demonstrate to Poppie how to masturbate a man’s cock. Sh
e had seen the white libation spew from men’s cocks and felt their warm sperm splatter against her naked belly and thighs.

  Now the rigid flesh of magnificent manhood was inside her tender sanctuary. Poppie felt Scott’s cock trembling—taut with urgency, pumping vigorously, straining toward the triumph of ejaculating its cum. Now! Now! her mind screamed as she arched her spine, her mouth open—gasping for air as a thousand wild beasts stampeded in her belly. She was panting, her breath jagged and erratic with passion, reaching eagerly, desperately to experience her first orgasm.

  “YAUGH-H-H!” Her body was a thing apart from her mind. It bucked and shuddered, unhinged from reason, obeying the flood of sparks cascading out of the primal brain stem that evolved in proto-humans when they struggled up out of the mire at the close of the Cretaceous era when nature decreed that a male’s sperm would rule life on earth.

  Scott and Poppie became those creatures, bringing back to life the Arcadian eons when the dominion of nature ruled all life. A rapacious age, when the tall, powerfully muscled male hunted down the frail, defenseless female and forced his cock into her. That moment of brute lust and conquest sprang to life again, its eternal spirit rising up out of the fertile earth under them to claim another helpless female.

  Scott possessed her compliant body totally. Her spasming vagina gripped his cock, demanding a tribute of cum. He arched his head back, a feral roar proclaiming his consummation as her plucking love muscle triggered his orgasm. The hammering lust exploded in his turgid cock, rocketing a stream of viscid broth from its expanded slit.

  Poppie’s head rocked violently from side to side, her rapid breath machine-gunning out moans and wails as Scott’s cum spurted repeatedly into the extravagantly sensitive mouth of her fluttering womb. Their voices blended in a carnal proclamation reaching outward, echoing through the tree-clad island, summoning the sensual carnality that springs up, fierce and voracious, from the fertile belly of Mother Earth.

  Consciousness swam languidly back into Poppie’s mind. She was panting, gasping for air, lying in a pool of her own perspiration. Her eyelids fluttered open and she saw Scott’s muscular body hulking over her, supported by his bent arms. His head hung down, eyes closed, his thick hank of golden hair disheveled and drooping. His bare chest heaved, sucking desperately for air to feed his oxygen-depleted muscles. Sweat dripped from his naked flesh, plinking Poppie’s naked breasts, each drop an exquisite caress to her sensitive flesh.

  “Poppie,” he gasped, lowering his muscle-taut torso against hers. “Poppie, sweetest fuck.” He pressed his lips briefly against hers, then lay the side of his face against hers.

  “Scott,” she whispered. Her eyes were closed, a smile on her ruby lips as she snuggled her cheek against his, turning her head slightly to nuzzle her lips in the emerging stubble of his day-old beard. “Oh, Scott, I never imagined it would be like this. Oh, the wonderful things you did to my body, the indescribable feelings I never dreamed I could experience. I can’t put it into words.”

  They lay pressed together as they rested, Scott occasionally drifted his fingers across the intimate, feminine domains of her body. Poppie moaned softly and tried to shift her torso to meet his touch. Finally, he rolled his body off hers, laying on his back beside her. He lay one arm across his eyes, his other hand sweeping across his chest.

  “Are you all right, Scott?”

  “Yes. Just thinking.”

  “About us? About fucking me again?”

  “I can’t.”

  “I’ll help you, Scott. You can do it. I saw men cum many times while they were abusing me. Aren’t you like them?”

  “It’s not lack of ability, Poppie. I have two more girls to catch and fuck before dawn.” He sat up and caressed her breasts. “But there will be an endless number of days and nights for me to fuck you.”

  He sighed and stood up, gazing down at her bound and defenseless body. “I can believe there are other men lurking nearby, Poppie. They’re waiting for me to leave so they can fuck you, too. I’m sure that Broc, Gregor, Chalmers and who knows how many others are concealed behind these bushes, their eyes devouring the naked beauty of your body, their cocks erect and impatient.”

  “Scott, please don’t leave me chained to this tree. Those men did terrible things to me when they were training me.”

  Scott sauntered away toward the sound of his black stallion still mounting Poppie’s mare. His naked body disappeared beyond the trees and bushes.

  “Scott? Scott, can you still hear me? I’m afraid! Please! Come back!”

  Scott could hear the mounting dread in her voice. Then there was a snap as a male foot stepped on a dry twig. Poppie screamed.

  Scott retrieved a winded, but still vigorous Ulysses and swung up into his saddle. “Come on, boy. There’s another panicky mare somewhere out there for you to fuck. And a pretty girl for me. Let’s find them.” He felt something bulky on the saddlebag behind his leg. He reached inside and pulled out a heavy, large-caliber revolver. Six powerful bullets nested in the cylinder, waiting to be summoned by exploding cordite. Scott smiled and slipped it carefully back into the saddlebag. Ulysses splashed back across the shallow part of the lake to the far shore, then galloped off toward the stygian darkness of Blackthorne Forest.

  “Please, horsey, please!” Kerri pleaded with her mare to stop and turn back. But the horse kept walking forward through the darkness, obeying the training beaten into her for the last week. Slowly, resolutely, the mare moved Kerrie closer to the unknown thing waiting to seize her unprotected body. The tears flowed down her cheeks as she heard the scuffling and snuffing in the bushes nearby.

  “Please!” She blurted out. “Whatever you are. Please don’t hurt me!” Then she heard the one sound she could recognize, the one sound she understood. The blood froze in her veins. In the darkness ahead, a man laughed. A black shadow separated from a tree trunk, and moved slowly toward her. Kerrie screamed.

  “You’ve wandered off the trail,” the voice said. “We don’t want Scott to miss you in the dark, do we?” He laughed again. “I’ll set you on the right path again. Scott is coming. He’s going to catch you and fuck you, pretty little girl. He’s going to fuck you until your pussy aches and his cock runs dry, and there’s nothing you can do to prevent it. Doesn’t that sound like a fun game to play?”

  The man-shadow reached up and grasped the mare’s bridle and led her back toward the narrow path wandering westward. “There’s a clearing a few miles ahead. We want Scott to capture you there. We’ve prepared a nice, wicked surprise for both of you. Now, on your way!” The man aimed the mare’s head along the path and swatted its rump. Kerrie jounced and swayed as the mare galloped off along the earthen path between the trees.

  Her sudden encounters with owls and bats drove her mind to the brink of madness. With her arms strapped tight against her back, and her ankles strapped tight to her mare, Kerrie was totally unable to protect her naked body from the teeth and claws of any creature, no matter how small.

  She screamed and flailed her hair wildly as the bats circled her head and torso, scraping their leather wings against her naked skin as they shrieked at her. When they finally flew into the darkness behind her, Kerrie was shaking and blubbering incoherently. “Oh, god—oh god! I’m going to lose my mind. Oh, please, someone help me. Don’t let them strap me into a strait-jacket and lock me in a tiny cell in an insane asylum for the rest of my life!”

  She could feel her mare trembling and sweating, the horse terrified more by Kerrie’s screams and struggles than the pitiless menace in the darkness around them.

  Kerrie sighted a tiny flicker of light ahead. It was only a glimmer of hope, but she almost welcomed whatever merciless fate awaited her. At least, whatever Scott did to her defenseless body, she would no longer be alone in this horrifying forest.

  The mare cantered between the huge standing stones into the pagan world of the circular clearing. In the center of the immense circle stood a tall, cylindrical stone, more than three fee
t in diameter. Its top was carved into a perfect reproduction of the tip of a penis. Next to it was a wide, low, stone platform. Waiting in the torch light was a tall, narrow cage of gleaming steel bars. The powerful, naked black body of Gregor stood towering over it, his brawny arms folded across his chest, his ponderous manhood erect and commanding.

  The mare walked slowly toward him, head lowered in submission.

  Gregor’s white teeth gleamed in his expansive grin. The mare stopped in front of him, trembling and whinnying faintly. Gregor unstrapped Kerrie’s ankles and pulled her off the horse. Laughing at some fiendish secret, he shoved her into the cage and swung the door shut. The snap of the lock extinguished Kerrie’s hopes.

  “Welcome to the Circle of the Satyrs,” he said. “They will be arriving soon to introduce you to the bizarre secrets of Blackthorne Forest. They are very curious about the feminine delights of a girl’s body. With your arms strapped behind you, and confined in this tiny cage, they will be able to reach through the bars and probe your body to their heart’s content before Scott gets here.”

  Kerrie pressed her shivering body against the cold steel bars of her slender cage, her voluptuous breasts jutting between them. “Please, sir! Don’t go away! Please stay here and protect me!”

  Gregor led Kerrie’s mare to the edge of the clearing. He tethered the mare’s front legs, and chained her rear legs wide apart to iron posts driven deep into the ground. She wouldn’t be able to escape the lust of Ulysses when he arrived.

  Then he returned to the cage. He folded his arms across the broad expanse of his muscled chest and grinned at Kerrie. “That’s all part of our scheme; leaving you here alone so no one can protect you. But you won’t be alone for long. They are coming—they are coming soon.” Gregor laughed again as he swung up into the saddle of his horse. His deep, rumbling voice flowed back as the stallion galloped away, carrying him across the clearing to disappear into the gloomy forest. “Don’t disappoint the satyrs,” he cried. “They can get quite vicious when a female resists.”


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