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With Me in Seattle Bundle Two

Page 46

by Kristen Proby

  “You are mine. I stayed away like I promised I would, but I’m done, Nic.” His voice has softened, but it’s still intense. His hand glides up the inside of my thigh as he leans his forehead on my own, his eyes clenched closed. His hand drifts higher until his fingers graze my lips and circle my clit gently.

  “I can feel how fucking wet you are, little one, but apparently I need to remind you who you belong to.”

  He boosts me up against the wall and presses his denim-covered cock against my core, rocking against me, making me gasp and groan. Hell yes, I’m his! And suddenly, he can’t get inside me fast enough. I don’t care that we’re in the restroom of a restaurant. I need him. Now.

  He leans back to unfasten his jeans, unleashes his cock and very gently rubs the head of his hard dick over my clit and through my folds, until he slips inside me, burying himself as deep as he can go. He pulls both my hands over my head and pins them with one of his hands, supports my ass with the other and proceeds to fuck me hard and fast, panting and growling. He bites my neck, leaving a mark, I’m sure, then kisses me again, until we both have to break away to breathe.

  “I told you before, I’ll never share you, sweetheart, and I meant it.” He releases my hands to cup my face in his palm, brushing the apple of my cheek with his thumb.

  God, he’s consuming me. I can feel the frustration rolling off him in waves, and while his movements are urgent, he’s still gentle, careful not to hurt me.

  He’d never hurt me.

  He leans his forehead against mine and in a low voice commands, “Come.”

  And I can’t help it, I do. Having him touch me, inside me, is my undoing, and I come hard, bucking my hips and clenching around him.

  “There is nothing sexier than watching you come,” he groans and explodes inside me.

  We’re both panting, and I’m quivering from the aftershocks of both of our orgasms. Before pulling out of me or even setting me back on the floor, he grips my chin in his hand and keeps my gaze pinned to his.

  “You have five minutes to get rid of the asshole and get in my car. You are already spending the night tied to my bed, but you take even a second longer and you’ll be blindfolded as well.”

  I gape at him as he pulls out of me, tucks himself away and sets his watch. He turns to the sink, wets a paper towel and returns to me, kneeling at my feet, cleaning the insides of my thighs where his semen has streamed out of me. He straightens my skirt, tosses the towel away, stands and kisses me thoroughly and completely, then takes my hand in his and leads me out of the bathroom back to my table.

  When we arrive, Ben is grinning wider than I’ve ever seen him.

  Matt leans in and kisses my cheek, then whispers in my ear, “The clock is ticking. I’ll see you outside,” and then he’s gone.

  “So, are things resolved?” Ben asks, watching Matt walk away.

  “Uh, I think the groveling is about to come sooner than I expected,” I reply in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, Ben, but…”

  “No, don’t be sorry. I’ll be here all week. We’ll catch up another day.”

  I lean in and kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”

  I grab my purse and hurry out of the restaurant to find Matt parked in front of the entrance, the engine running, and waiting for me.

  I climb into the passenger seat and watch him warily. “I’m here.”

  “That’s a good start,” he replies and pulls away from the restaurant toward his own apartment.

  “Where are we going?”



  The look he sends me is hurt and angry, making me sink back into the seat. “You and I have some things to work out. The first of which being you don’t go out on dates with anyone but me.”

  “We broke up, Matt. I can see whomever I choose.”

  “Bullshit.” His voice is low and hard, and the usual calm that Matt exudes has settled back around him.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  He parks in his space and pulls himself out of the car and around to my side, opens the door and waits for me to climb out of the car.

  I hold my hand out for his. He takes it, raises it to his lips and kisses my knuckles tenderly before leading me into the elevator. He’s quiet as the elevator climbs to his floor, then he leads me down the hall to his door.

  Once inside, I’m at a loss. I’m not sure where to take it from here.

  Do I just blurt out I’m sorry?

  “Let’s start with who was he,” Matt begins and sits on the edge of a chair in his living room. He gestures to the couch opposite him, and I sit, remembering our last night together here on this sofa.

  “Ben,” I begin and clear my throat, “he’s a good friend.”

  Matt raises an eyebrow, waiting for more of an explanation.

  “He’s from my hometown, and he was my boyfriend until I moved here to go to culinary school.”

  Matt’s eyes darken, and his hands clench into fists.

  “There’s been nothing sexual happening with him in years, and frankly, right before you walked up and interrupted, we were talking about you.” I raise an eyebrow and then keep talking, “And how I was going to clean up this mess I caused.”

  “Dating other men isn’t the answer,” Matt mutters.

  “He’s in town for the week and invited me to dinner and wanted to know why I look sad.” The last few words are a whisper as I look down at my feet.

  “Why are you sad, little one?”

  I feel tears gather, so I cover my face with my hands and take a deep breath. “Because I miss you,” I murmur. “Matt, I owe you a big apology.”

  “Lower your hands and look me in the eye.”

  I comply and am shocked to see tears in his eyes when my gaze finds his. “I’m so sorry, for not being more open with you, for assuming instead of discussing. Hell, for just being an idiot in general.”

  “You’re not an idiot, but I accept the apology for the rest of it.” He wipes his hand over his mouth, watching me. God, he looks amazing. His hair is a riotous mess, and his eyes look tired, but the T-shirt he’s wearing molds to his upper body, showing off every line of every muscle, and his jeans are just delicious.

  I can’t stop looking at him, soaking in the sight of him.

  Oh, how I’ve missed him.

  “I can’t stand this.” Matt stands and pulls me to my feet then lifts me into his arms, sits on the couch and settles me in his lap. “This is better.”

  I loop my arms around his neck and cling, just hugging him tightly, breathing him in.

  “Talk to me, baby.”

  I lean back to look into his face, gliding my fingertips down his cheeks. “I’m afraid.”

  “Of what?”

  I swallow and let a tear fall on my cheek.

  “Ah, baby, don’t cry. It kills me.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I’m afraid that one day you’ll decide that I’m not really what you need.”

  “Why would I ever decide that?” He frowns at me in confusion.

  “I know it’s early, and we have a lot of time ahead of us, but when I saw you with your pregnant sisters, and all the kids in your family, it occurred to me that if we continue on the path we’re on, I’d have to admit to you sooner or later that I can’t give you those things. I don’t want you to make the decision to be with me now and then a couple years from now regret it because you want to start a family.”

  “I’m not going to lie, baby. I do want a family someday. But there are other ways of having children. I would never want you to put your body through something that it’s not capable of. At the heart of it, we are you and me. This”—he wags his index finger back and forth, pointing to both of us—“doesn’t work without you. So, when we come to a place where we’re ready to add more people to this life, we’ll work together to decide how that’s going to work.”

  “I know that now,” I admit shyly.

  “What changed your mind?” he a

  “Your mom came to see me today.”

  “Oh God,” he groans and then chuckles. “What did she say?”

  “She reminded me that family is about love, and the rest is details. She’s a smart woman.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “I don’t want to lose you,” I whisper. “I love that you’re so supportive and proud of me. You encourage me to be better, and you don’t try to control every aspect of my life.

  “But I also love when you go all bossy and controlling in the bedroom, and I can give that part of myself over to you and trust you to know what I need and what makes me feel good. It’s nice to have a place where I don’t have to worry.”

  “Ah, baby.” He leans in and kisses my forehead tenderly. “You finally figured it out.”

  “Yeah.” I nod and shrug and then bite my lip, afraid of the next question.

  “What is it?”

  “Can we try this again?”

  “I never gave up in the first place,” he reminds me. “I have been waiting for you. And then I walk into that restaurant to pick up dinner, and I see you there with another man, and for the first time in my life, I had murderous thoughts.”

  “Killing him wouldn’t have solved anything.”

  “Who said I wanted to kill him?” he asks with a raised brow.

  “Killing me wouldn’t solve it either.”

  “I never want to feel that way again,” he whispers and hugs me closer. “I’m not typically a jealous man, Nicole, but when I saw him holding your hand, I almost lost my mind.”

  “I get it,” I assure him. “If the tables were reversed, I’d cut a bitch.”

  He laughs and stands with me in his arms and marches back to his bedroom.

  “Are you really going to tie me to the bed?”

  “Are you going to skip out on me in the morning?”

  “No,” I reply as he sets me on my feet. I reach for his shirt, helping him peel it over his head. “God, you look amazing in this shirt.”

  “You’re good for my ego, little one.” He smirks. “I think I’ll tie you up later. First, I want your hands on me.”

  “Thank God,” I mutter and unfasten his jeans, watching him spring free. “We should have a shower.”

  “We will.”

  “We should have one first.”

  “Remember a few minutes ago when you said that you like it that you can let go and let me handle this part of things?” His eyes are sparkling with humor as he undresses me, pulling my tank top over my head and yanking my skirt down my hips, leaving me in just my bra.


  “Stop trying to top me, stubborn woman, and enjoy.”

  I giggle as he boosts me up onto the bed and covers me with his body, resting his hips against my pelvis, nestling his cock in my folds.

  He buries his fingers in my hair and brushes his nose across my own then sinks in and kisses me deeply, licking across my lips and inside, then nibbling the corners of my mouth and down my jawline to my neck. “Your skin is so fucking soft.”

  I hitch my legs up around his hips and pull my hands down his back to his ass.

  “Matt,” I whisper as hot need sets up camp between my legs. The gentle brush of the head of his cock against my clit just isn’t enough.

  “Yes, baby.”

  “Oh, God, please,” I growl as he circles his hips, sliding his cock through my wet lips.

  “You’re always so ready for me, little one.” He pulls his hips back and then slowly pushes inside me. “God, so tight.”

  Tears gather and fall into my hairline.

  Matt scowls down at me, kisses my mouth gently, caressing my hair and my cheeks. “What is it?”

  “I didn’t think we’d ever be here again,” I whisper. “I love you so much.”

  He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine as he sinks into me and rests there.

  “I know,” he answers. “I don’t ever want to lose you, Nic. You put your arms around me, and I’m home. I’m permanently in love with you. Don’t ever forget that.”


  Two months later


  “I can’t believe you talked me into letting you drive my car.” I smirk and shake my head then glance over to see that she’s driving at least ten miles per hour over the speed limit. “Slow down, Nicole.”

  “I love to drive, and I never get to anymore.”

  “I’ll buy you a car,” I remind her and hold my breath as she takes a curve a bit too fast. “And for the love of Jesus, slow down!”

  “Oh, don’t be a killjoy.” She rolls her eyes and then shrieks when there are red and blue flashing lights and a siren behind us. “Oh shit.”

  “I tried to warn you,” I mutter at her.

  “It’s okay, I got this.”

  I raise my brow and then watch with absolute amusement when she rolls down the window and wipes frantically at her nose.

  “I’m so sorry, officer!”

  “Hello. Did you realize you were going nine miles an hour over the speed limit?”

  “No! I didn’t. I’m sorry. I was having a sneezing fit.”

  I sit back and cross my arms over my chest, watching with amazement as my little spitfire of a girlfriend tries to get out of this ticket.

  “A sneezing fit?” the officer asks.

  “Yes, you know when you suddenly have to sneeze and you do it like eight or nine times in a row?”

  “Oh, yeah, I’ve done that before.”

  “I couldn’t stop it, and I guess I must have accidentally sped up.” She sniffs again and then to my utter amazement, the cop shrugs and nods.

  Shrugs and nods!

  “Well, let me have your license anyway so I can make sure everything is in order, and then you can be on your way.”

  “Thank you so much,” she gushes and hands over her license then grins smugly at me when the cop walks back to his cruiser.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “What?” she asks innocently with wide eyes and then laughs her ass off. After a few moments, the cop returns with her license.

  “Well, it seems it’s your lucky day, Ms. Dalton. My computer is down, so I can’t even issue you a warning.”


  “A sneezing fit, huh?” He shakes his head and laughs, taps the hood of the car. “That’s a new one. Be safe.”

  And with that he walks back to his car and pulls away.

  “I told you I had it covered,” she says with a smile. “Works way better than crying.”

  “Are you pulled over often?” Geez, maybe I should pull her record to see what’s on it.

  “No.” She shakes her head and then laughs. “Well, maybe.”

  “Slow the fuck down and you won’t get pulled over.”

  She parks the car in front of the park where we’re going to have our picnic and drops my keys in my palm when I hold my hand out.

  “That was fun.” She grins.

  “I’ll drive us home,” I reply and climb out of the car, pull the picnic basket from the trunk and lead her to a tree off the beaten path.

  She spreads the red and blue quilt on the ground, kicks off her flip-flops and sits down.

  “I’m starving.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask. I still worry about her diabetes, but she is always on top of it.

  “Oh, I’m fine. I’m always hungry.”

  “Before we dig in,” I begin and rub my suddenly sweaty palms down my blue jeans, “I have something for you.”

  “You do?”


  “Oh dear God.” Her face pales, making me laugh and shake my head.

  “Not that something. And I can see by your reaction that you’re definitely not ready for that yet.”

  “Oh.” She frowns for a second, almost in disappointment, making me grin again. Maybe she’ll be ready sooner than I thought.

  But not today.

  “We’re going to the club tonight,” I remind her.
  She grins and nods, blushing beautifully.

  “We don’t go very often,” she replies. “It’ll be fun.”

  I nod and pull a small square blue box with a white bow out of the picnic basket and watch her eyes widen.

  “You have good taste,” she whispers.

  “I chose you.” I shrug and push my fingers through my hair, trying to decide what to say. “Have you noticed at the club that some of the submissives wear collars?”

  “Yes,” she replies and frowns.

  “In some cases, those collars mean as much if not more than a wedding ring between the Dom and his sub. It’s not just a symbol of ownership, but of companionship as well. For me, I’m not interested in seeing you wear a true collar, but…”

  I hand her the box and watch as she tugs the lid off and gasps at the platinum chain inside. She pulls it out of the box and holds it up, examining the simple pendant of two linked hearts.

  “I would like for you to wear this, as a symbol of being mine. I want you to be tied with me in every way, just as I’m tied to you.” I take the chain from her and clasp it around her neck and brush my finger over the two delicate hearts. “I want everyone to know that you’re mine, little one.”

  “I am yours, babe.” She looks down at the hearts and back up into my eyes, smiling happily. “And I’ll wear it proudly. Thank you.”

  She launches herself at me, pushing me onto my back on the hard ground and kisses me soundly. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re beautiful,” I reply and brush my thumb over her lower lip.

  “I’m hungry,” she reminds me and rolls onto her back, still admiring the hearts.

  I’m so relived that she loves it. I sit up and pull our meal out of the basket, and when I glance back down at her, she’s staring at me with so much love and trust it steals my breath.


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