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Reign of the Vampires

Page 22

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  For a moment, she thought he was actually going to tell her. He opened his mouth and she thought at that moment she’d finally know what it all meant. But then he closed his mouth again.

  “I see,” she said. “Well then, Mason. I guess you and I have nothing more to discuss. I’ll take Neeman as my mate, and you and I...will be as we are. Two people inexplicably drawn to each other, but unable to be together. Because when Neeman is my mate, if he so much as sees us glance at each other, he will kill you.”

  Mason gazed at her, and in that moment she saw sadness she’d never seen in him before. She almost lost her resolve, but without another word, he stalked out of the office, leaving her there with her thoughts.

  Danika crumpled to her desk and wept. Her life was spinning out of control. She’d be better off selling Mason so she never had to see him again. Her heart froze at the thought.

  Thirty minutes later, there was a knock on the door. She swiped at her eyes, removing the shed tears, and sat up. William entered carrying a package. He stopped halfway to her desk.

  “Are you all right?” His brows knit.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just tired.” She waved her hands. “What is that?”

  “This came from the records building.” He proceeded forward and set the heavy box on her desk.

  “Oh good heavens.” She shut her laptop, exasperated. “This is going to take forever! I meant for the stupid woman to send me the electronic files.”

  “Are these all the business holdings in the city?”

  “This is going to take weeks. Weeks we don’t have.” Danika stood and looked in the box. It was full to the top with papers. “I can’t do this, not tonight. Did you and Ian have a chance to talk?”

  “Yes. They’ve visited half the bars in the city. There are about a dozen left.”

  “Are they going systematically?”

  “They started in the north and are heading south.”

  “Fine, then we’ll start in the south and move north, meeting them in the middle.”

  “What?” asked William, surprised.

  Her body hummed with energy from Mason’s blood. “William, I can’t just sit here and read all these and cross-reference them, and keep going on and on. I have too many loose ends in my life right now. Bring me the list of bars and clubs they haven’t been to yet.” She glanced at her watch. “We don’t have enough time before sun up, so get me the list and we’ll start first thing tomorrow night.”

  She had to do something. If she got the rogue situation under control, maybe she wouldn’t be forced into mating. If she proved she could do it on her own, maybe they’d let her be. It was a big maybe, but Danika was no longer going to wait for things to happen to her. She needed to stand on her own two feet.

  She pushed at her hair and grabbed her bag. She was going to do things her way.

  Chapter 19

  The next evening, Danika was getting ready for a night of bars and clubs when the hunger hit her. She tried to remember how many days had passed since her feeding on Matthew. It had only been about three or four days, but she felt the weight of not feeding. It was strange, blood wasn’t lasting her as long as it had previously. She called down to Siad to have Matthew brought up, but was informed that he was still in Doc’s care. She set the phone down, a pang of guilt pierced her, for having almost killed Matthew yet again.

  Her thoughts traveled to Mason. They hadn’t spoken since after she’d met with Neeman. He’d been there, ever her shadow, but he’d not looked at her, nor spoken since the incident. What was there to say, really? They couldn’t be together, no matter how much she wanted him. He was human, a slave who couldn’t be turned. That fact still bothered her.

  Danika shook her head. She had no time to think about Mason. She had bigger problems. She needed to feed. If they did come in contact with rogues, she needed to be at the top of her game. There were other blood slaves in the house, but she hadn’t fed from any of them. Which left one option: Mason. Her heart leapt at the prospect. But her brain told her that feeding from him was not a good idea. She rang Siad again and asked that some Savor be brought up.

  She hadn’t had to drink Savor for sustenance in years. There were Vampires who couldn’t afford the rare blood slaves, so they had to supplement with Savor on an almost daily basis, but she wasn’t used to it. There was a light knock on her door, and William stood there with a crystal goblet.

  “You asked for this?” His eyes were bright with hunger.

  “William, you aren’t a house slave, you didn’t need to bring this.”

  William shrugged. “I was in the kitchen already.”

  “You seem to need it more, I think.”

  He stepped into the room, carefully carrying the full glass.

  “William, when have you last fed?”

  “I’m drinking the Savor every day,” he said.

  “Yes, but when was your last human feeding?”

  “I have not fed from a human since the celebration.”

  “What? Drink that and I will send down for a blood slave for you.”

  William didn’t wait to be asked twice, he downed the glass in two seconds. Danika called for a female blood slave. While waiting she threw on a pair of tight black leather pants, a red shirt with a black corset over top, and high, black leather platform boots. She looked at her pale complexion in the mirror and for the first time in a long while, she left her hair down. Brushing at the wavy curls, she left them to fall in ringlets almost to her waist. She hadn’t left her hair down since her mother died. It was the exact same shade and length. She swept on a layer of dark mascara and some lip gloss and walked back into the bedroom. Mason stood talking to William. When he saw her, he stopped and stared. William turned to see, and almost dropped the empty glass of Savor.

  “What?” she demanded.

  William cleared his throat. “Nothing... I just... That is...”

  “We’ve never seen you with your hair down,” Mason said

  “I haven’t done it in a long time.”

  “You look beautiful,” William said.

  A slight smile played on Danika’s lips. “Thank you.”

  There was a knock, and Mason opened the door for the small female blood slave. Danika recognized her, but wasn’t sure of her name.

  The girl walked in timidly, past Mason and William, to Danika. “You called for me, Lord?”

  “Yes, but not for myself. You’re for William.” Danika walked to William and took the empty glass from him, setting it on the side table. She turned to Mason. “Wait here please. I’ll be a few minutes.”

  Mason nodded, then took a seat on the couch, his eyes never leaving her.

  The trio walked to William’s room. William sat on his bed, the blood slave sat next to him.

  “You both know how this works, so I won’t interfere, but you should establish beforehand whether or not you will be intimate.”

  He peered nervously at the girl, but didn’t speak.

  “Slave,” said Danika. “What’s your name?”

  “Sue.” She looked at William.

  “Sue.” Danika tried to swallow the icy thirst stabbing her throat. “Are you willing to be intimate with William if the need should arise afterward?”

  “Yes.” Sue dropped her gaze to her hands.

  “Very well. William, make sure she’s comfortable.”

  “Are you comfortable?” he asked barely audible.

  “I’m fine.” Sue glanced up at Danika.

  “I’ll wait by the window.” Danika watched till William licked the girl; then she turned her back on them.

  It was a beautiful night. The stars were bright and the moon was full. Wisps of white clouds dotted the blue-black sky like tissue strewn across the heavens. The smell of blood hit Danika more than she thought it would. It burned her nostrils and caused her throat to clench. Her gums ached, and before she could stop them, her fangs thrust into her already salivating mouth. She
counted the seconds as they ticked by, looking out at the grounds of her estate.

  Her father had built this, and she wasn’t about to let anyone take it from her. Whatever it took, she’d make sure that this stayed hers.

  After a minute and a half, she turned to see William, blood trickling down his chin, and Sue dazed, lying on the bed beside him. Danika approached them and laid her hand on William’s shoulder. “William, enough.”

  His eyes flickered open, but a low growl escaped him. She pulled his chin up away from the girl. Sue’s hand fell onto the bed, blood oozing out of the puncture wounds. Danika held his gaze. “Close her wound,” she commanded.

  He lifted her wrist, licking the wound closed. He licked up her arm removing the last of the blood from her. Sue let out a moan and curled her fingers in William’s hair. William licked up to her neck and covered her lips with his. She responded by wrapping her body around his. Danika walked to the door. William, his mouth on Sue’s, stared straight at Danika, his eyes burning with lust. She walked out into the hall and stood against his door for a moment, trying to catch her breath. The blood and pheromones flying around in the small room had evoked the same bloodlust in her as they had in William.

  * * * *

  Mason waited on the couch. It seemed like hours since she’d left, though it hadn’t been more than a minute or two. The way she’d looked with her flame-red hair cascading in ringlets, he wanted to wrap his hands in it and pull her down on him. And that outfit. He’d never seen a royal Vampire wear something overtly cliché before. He’d seen vamps and wannabes dress like that occasionally, before the war, but never a true Vampire. And there’d never been one who’d come close to looking as good in it as she did, either.

  The door swinging inward pulled him from his thoughts. He tried to sit up, but she was on him. Her lips chilled on his, her body quivering with need, her scent giving off stronger pheromones than he’d ever smelled on her before.

  With one tug, she popped all of the buttons on his shirt and her icy hands were on his body. He gasped. She skimmed her fingers over his stomach and chest. Moving her mouth down his neck, she licked and kissed his skin. His body’s response was immediate as he growled in pleasure, his need for her increasing with every passing second. She licked his collarbone and bit at his nipples. Mason grabbed the edge of the couch and the wooden frame creaked. When she got to his runes, she stopped, her cool breath tingling his skin. She swirled her tongue around each one, tasting them in turn, till she got to the last. She hovered above it, and then kissed every inch. He could stand it no more, wrapping his hands in her hair, and smothered her in kisses.

  Rolling her onto the floor, he covered her with his body, his hips coming to rest between her thighs. The iciness of her skin underneath him mixed with the boiling heat inside. But just as quickly, she wrapped her legs around him, flipped him on his back and straddled his hips. His hands roamed the hard leather of her corset. He couldn’t find any way to get it off. Finally he pulled on the laces and the corset broke apart. He ran one hand over the flat plains of her stomach, and up to her ripe breasts. A gasp escaped her lips as he cupped her flesh though her blouse. Danika arched her back and ground her hips into his. He swore as his excitement accelerated and his beast roared to life. She fumbled with the buckle of his belt. He couldn’t do this again. He’d lose control for sure if they did.

  Danika unzipped his trousers, kissing and swirling her way down his chest to his abs. Lower and lower she kissed and licked at his skin, till he felt nothing else but her. He lifted his hand to guide her mouth to his, but she struck. Her fangs pierced his neck in one hard, swift motion. He sucked in his breath at the instant pain. But it only made his beast croon with pleasure.

  The overwhelming need to taste her as well became his only desire. Rolling her onto her back, he shielded her as she drank. With her body wrapped around his torso the warmth between her legs pressed into him. The beast within came closer to the surface as his claws began to extend. Mason dug into the floor with them. His facial bones shifted and his long, razor-sharp incisors filled his mouth. Mason shuddered, trying to keep the beast from taking over. No. Not now. Not with her.

  Before any more changes happened, he bit into her soft, creamy flesh. Her cool blood quenched the inner fire and contained the beast within him. Over and over he drew from her, until his runes tingled. Suddenly they became cool as ice, and his incisors and claws retracted. His facial bones realigned, and his head fogged. The fuzziness gave way to hunger, need, pain, sadness, loneliness, and a lust. Feelings that were not his own swirled in his head, confusing him.

  He pulled away. Danika lay there, his blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. He felt her confusion, and then her face changed and he felt her panic. Raising his hands to her red blouse, he pulled it down, staring at her chest. Her scar was more than visible now; it glowed against her pale skin, bright and red. Shifting his gaze to his own runes, he found the one that was twin to her own. It glowed ice-blue.

  “Oh, Petruaem!” he said, catching her frightened gaze.

  * * * *

  Danika lay beneath Mason when feelings started to hit her. First was the rage, the boiling, overpowering rage. But then there was more. She was assaulted by his fear, his need, his lust.

  She lay motionless, trying to process. When he pulled down her shirt, dread filled her. Both of them now bore identical runes. The only difference was the color. How was this possible?

  “You said you couldn’t be bonded to me.”

  “I cannot,” he replied.

  His anger seeped into her, agitating her like being pricked by hundreds of tiny needles.

  “Then why can I feel you?” She tried to keep from shouting.

  “Because—” He moved away from her and put his head in his hands.

  She wanted to comfort him, or bite him or punch him. So many emotions swirled inside she couldn’t concentrate on them all. “Because what?” she demanded.

  “Because...we did bond.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense, Mason.”

  “I can’t be bonded to you as a minion or a slave.”

  “Then what? What do you call all your feelings pouring into me?”

  He lifted his head. His eyes filled with pain and longing.

  Her stomach roiled, and she thought she might throw up.

  “You mean... I’m bonded to you.” She tried to make her mind wrap around the news. She couldn’t make herself work it out because the rage in her head pounded out every other thought. Gulping in air, she jumped to her feet, pressing on her head, trying to make it stop. Warm, strong hands grasped her wrists and pulled her close. Mason kissed her head, but she struggled against him.

  “Make it stop,” she cried. “The rage, the pain, the anger, make it stop.”

  “I can’t. It’s the rage inside me, always inside of me. It never stops.”


  “Because it’s who I am.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense, Mason,” she yelled. Her head thundered with pain. “Reverse it, take it away. Unbond me.” She pushed him away.

  “It’s not like a Vampire freeing a minion or a slave. It doesn’t work like that for my kind. I didn’t know it could happen this way. I was never taught how... It’s only supposed to happen with—”

  “With what?” she spat. Her head felt too heavy, like carrying weights on her shoulders.

  “With my soul-bonded mate. The missing part of me.”

  All anger drained out of Danika at that moment. Fear crept over her. “What are you?” she whispered.


  A sharp knock cut him off.

  “Lord Danika, are you all right?” came William’s frightened voice.

  “Yes, William. Everything’s fine.” Her gaze never left Mason’s face.

  “I need to come in,” William said.

  There was no repairing Mason’s shirt and his pants hung low on his hips. Reachin
g down, he zipped them and redid his buckle. Her corset needed lacing, but her peasant blouse was still intact. In one fluid movement she went to the French doors leading to the terrace, facing away from the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” she called. She fumbled with the laces on her corset.

  “My lord,” William said. “Lord Garon is downstairs. I’m afraid he is demanding to see you.”

  “Tell him he’s not welcome here and to leave.” She finished pulling the laces tight. When there was no reply from William, she turned. “What is it?”

  “He said he won’t leave until you see him.”

  It surprised Danika how moments before, in the throes of bloodlust, William had seemed such a formidable creature. And now, he was as gentle as ever.

  “Take him to the study. If it’s a talk he wants, a talk he shall get.”

  William left and Danika stalked to the bedroom door. She was a foot from it when Mason laid his warm hand on her arm. She felt his anger, but also his concern. He smoothed a curl on her head.

  “You need to go into this with a clear head.”

  “Well, it’s a little late, isn’t it?” She stared at his runes.

  He took a deep breath. “In all my...long years of life, I’ve never met a woman, any female, who makes me feel the way you do.”

  “Mason, this isn’t—”

  “Let me finish.” He lifted a hand to stop her. “From the first time I caught your scent in my cell, I knew you were different. While training with Neeman, all I thought about was you. When you walked in that door instead of Garon, I knew at that moment that I’d sacrifice everything for you. Believe me when I say that I would never have asked this of you.”

  She ran her fingers over his runes, feeling each one in turn till she got to the blue one. “I believe you.”

  He bent down and kissed her softly. Her thoughts turned from Garon to Mason, and other things she wanted to do with him. Being so near him caused her mating instincts to go into overdrive. Now more than ever she ached to feel his bare skin on hers. To feel his hard-bodied heat as their bodies melted together and—


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