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Santa's Assistant (A Holiday Office Romance Bundle #1-3)

Page 10

by J. L. Beck

  I love you. His lips skimmed mine, and then landed against my cheek. My insides melted into a pool of molten lava. The beat of my heart thumped loudly in my ears. I was feeling things for this man that I had never felt for anyone else in my entire life.

  “What would you say if I told you I loved you?” Every hair on my body stood on end, excitement, and anxiety coursed through my veins.

  “I’d say you’re fucking crazy, but that I love you too.” I couldn’t believe the words had actually been said out loud, much less that they had come from me. The look of pleasure that appeared in Cameron’s eyes made me want to drop to my knees and take him into my mouth, to prove to him over and over again the type of love I felt for him even if I myself wasn’t aware of how deep those feelings ran.

  His fingers threaded through my hair, his nails scraping against my scalp as he forced our foreheads against one another's.

  “I’m crazy about you Sadie. Fucking crazy. The feelings I have for you I’ve never felt for anyone else. I’ve never experienced love Sadie. I’ve never felt that racing feeling run through my body every time I see someone. I’ve never fucking wanted to drop down to my knees and eat a pussy like I want to yours.” His honesty, and dirty words caused a shiver to run down my spine.

  “I want you. I want you all the time. In me. On me. I want to be with you.” The words I spoke came from the heart and I could feel each one resonating through me as I stared deeply into his eyes as I spoke.

  I was consumed by this man, owned by him, and there wasn’t a moment in my life that I wanted to go forward with, without him.

  “Good, because I’m never leaving. I’m never letting you run. Not now. Not ever. You’re mine Sadie Walker. Mine.” His teeth sank into the bottom of my lip as he thrust his hips into my core. All I could feel was him, his body taking control of mine. All I felt was him, all I tasted was him. All that mattered was him.

  “Sadie, do you want to go with us to Jose’s Mexican for lunch with the rest of the staff?” Maddie the new intern asked, ripping me from my erotic dream far too soon. I glared at her for a moment, before adjusting my facial expression.

  “Uhh thank you but no. I'm swamped with paperwork. Sorry." I smiled but I could tell Maddie wasn’t buying it.

  "It's buy one get one Margaritas, Sadie." Maddie smiled trying to convince me to leave the office.

  "Drink some for me. I'm swamped, Maddie. I have to get this paperwork in by the end of the day, and although Mexican sounds great I just don’t have the time.” Trying to sound down about something when you really weren’t was harder than expected. I was lying through my teeth and I’m sure Maddie could see that that's exactly why she would make a great lawyer someday.

  Maddie rolled her eyes, as if she didn’t believe me, “Whatever. I’ll bring you something back then.” She shot over her shoulder before walking away, to gather more employees for lunch.

  With Maddie out of the way, I lifted my eyes to Cameron’s office door. The need to be close to him was consuming me. I needed to be near him, by body begged for his touch and my heart pleaded to hear his voice.

  “I need those paper’s stat…” Then I heard his voice and my entire body lit up like a Christmas tree. I was drawn to him my eyes honing in on him across the office. Why I hadn’t realized he was out on the office floor I didn’t know, it probably had something to do with Maddie.

  Cameron's eyes found mine in the crowd of workers, and a ghost of a smile lingered on his lips. He looked good enough to eat today and I wanted nothing more than to sink my teeth into him.

  “Yes sir. I’m working on it.” Garret the employee he was talking to responded. Cameron lingered at his desk for a moment before he headed back into his office, a look on his face that told me I should leave my panties at the door.

  I fidgeted in my seat, unable to focus on a damn thing but that man. My thoughts since the day he had called me into office always revolved around him. Then his text message from the night before where he told me all he could think about was me, made me wonder how much he missed me? What he was doing, and who he was with? Was he thinking about me too? Touching himself at the thought of me naked next to him?

  “You sure you don’t want to come Sadie?” Maddie’s sultry voice met my ears as she called out from across the office. A large group of our co-workers were huddled around her.

  “I’m sure.” I shot her down again. I knew what it was that I would be doing, better yet who I would be doing during lunch.

  “Your loss.” She shrugged heading towards the elevator. Everyone she had gathered from our floor followed behind her leaving merely a handful of us behind.

  I sat at my desk for a few moments, waiting for the perfect time to pounce. My legs wobbled, and my belly filled with butterflies as my heels clicked against the marble floor.

  I stopped just outside his door, there was no one watching me from what I could see. Should I knock or just walk in?

  “She’ll never find out Cameron…” I had pushed the door open a smidge, catching the words just as they left Dawn’s mouth.

  “Catch what?” I pushed the door open all the way, making myself known. I couldn’t unsee the things that were going on right before me. Dawn was stripped down to nothing but her blouse standing directly in front of Cameron. The man I had wanted to claim as my own up until thirty seconds ago.

  "Sadie…" I could hear the fear in Cameron's voice, and the grief-stricken look on his face. Dawn turned around, her legs spread wide open, a gleeful smile on his face. I could feel the tears stinging at the back of my eyes, but refused to let these two people see that pain they had caused me.

  “Oh for the love of God. You didn’t actually think he only slept with one of us did you?” Dawn’s words were as bad as a slap to my cheek. The pain of what she said ripped through me.

  “Shut the fuck up Dawn. You’re such a liar.” The growl that ripped from Cameron’s throat vibrated through me. He stood from his desk with purpose as he plucked Dawn’s skirt up off the floor and flung it at her.

  “You’re fucking fired Dawn. Fired. Get the fuck out.” He ordered and I wanted to believe that he meant the things he was saying to Dawn that he was really firing her but a part of me, the part of me that I didn’t want to pay any attention to told me that maybe it was all an act. Maybe I was the one being played, and that hurt more than anything else he could say.

  “Don’t stop on my account.” I held a hand up, turning on my heels. I could hear Cameron swearing under his breath but I didn’t care. All I could feel was the pain of discovering that I wasn’t the one, but merely another one. Another bimbo that fell into the trap, that thought maybe she could be loved by the millionaire.

  “Sadie!” Cameron’s voice cracked as he scurried from his office on unsteady feet, drawing the attention of the few employees left behind in the office. Except it was too late, I had already grabbed my purse and keys from my desk. I had no intention of staying here and looking like a fool in front of everyone. The way Dawn smiled at me as she was stripped bare in front of the man I possibly loved would forever remain in my mind.

  “Don’t.” I could feel the tears threatening to come and I knew then I needed to get away from him. I needed to go home and shower, and try and wash away the dirtiness that lingered against my skin.

  Cameron’s shoulders sagged as he stood before me, not moving, or flinching even as I pressed the button for the elevator. Unsaid words, feelings, and pain filled the space between us as I stepped into the elevator. Sadness flickered in his beautiful blue eyes and as soon as I stepped into the elevator and the doors started to close I realized just how much the truth of what I discovered hurt me.

  The tears I had been holding back slipped from my eyes and down my cheeks, my chest heaved, and leaned against the wall.

  I had loved him. I had given him a piece of myself that I hadn’t given anyone else in such a short amount of time and it had come to bite me in the ass.

  When I finally hit the lobby floor I
wiped away any stray tears and walked out the front doors of Jefferson Law Office, wondering if I would ever see Cameron Jefferson again.

  Chapter Eight

  Rage. It wasn’t an emotion I felt often but was the only feeling I could feel as a week without Sadie in my life flew by. I had tried every single fucking thing short of showing up at her house unannounced to get her back. I saved that one for last because I couldn’t stomach being turned down by this woman in person. If she told me to leave I would. If she told me to drop down to my knees and beg for her forgiveness I would.

  I had done nothing wrong. I hadn’t touched Dawn and never would. What Sadie saw she refused to let me explain and here I sat in a fucking sour mood, angry at everyone because I missed her. I fucking missed her.

  "Sir you have a meeting with the Lowe case today at three." Laura my new assistant who was a sixty-year woman yelled into the loudspeaker of my phone.

  I slammed a fist down on my desk in anger, because the only fucking person I wanted to talk to right now was the one person who refused to take my calls.

  "Cancel it. Cancel all my afternoon meetings. Hell, cancel all tomorrow's too." I seethed. I had to sort this shit out with Sadie. I had to get her to come back to work and show everyone here that she was my forever and that anything I had ever shared with them was in the past, and nothing but a fling.

  “Sir….” I couldn’t miss the astonishment in Laura’s voice.

  "Do it," I growled hanging up the phone before I made a bigger mistake and fired her too, simply for irritating me further. I had one fucking agenda. One. Win Sadie back and have her become my new assistant. I couldn't let her slip through my fingers not again. I pulled my phone from my pocket and pulled up her number, then I pressed the message icon and type out the message I wanted to send.

  Cameron: Be ready, with no panties. I’m coming to explain what happened and I refuse to take no for an answer. You’re mine, and your pussy is mine.

  I hit send, and then adjusted my cock in my pants. I was taking as much time off as I needed too. I was going to do whatever the fuck I could to win her back, even if it meant I had to fire people, or miss a few weeks of work. I would lay in bed devouring her pussy everyday begging for her forgiveness with every dip of my tongue deep inside of her until she gave into my advances and excepted that she was mine. All the texts I had sent previously had went unanswered. The flowers I sent her were sent back. I had given her time.

  Gripping my car keys in my hand I left the office, taking the elevator to the parking garage every step I took had a purpose. I unlocked the car, slid into the front seat, and started the BMW pulling out of the spot faster than necessary.

  Then I sped like a bat out of hell in the direction of Sadie’s house, only slowing down for the stoplights. Uneasiness burned through me. I couldn’t think of what would happen if she did say no, if she refused to accept my apology. I hated the fact she thought I had hooked up with Dawn while I was with her. That I had wanted more than what she could offer.

  I gripped the steering wheel harder, the leather biting into my flesh. I wanted to take the pain I knew she was feeling away. I wanted to make everything between us okay, because when she was okay, I was okay. When she was soaring I was soaring. Whatever emotion she was feeling I was too.

  I didn’t care that I had only known her a short time. I didn’t care that I was her boss. All that mattered was that I could take her into my arms again, to taste her sweetness against my tongue. I needed her as much as she needed me. Without each other we were miserable.

  When I pulled into her driveway I noticed a black SUV parked outside. Had she found someone else already? Someone better, someone who would never let her leave without an explanation?

  I contemplated my next steps. I could go up to her door, and be a man, drop down to my knees and tell her what happened, or I could sit in my car and pout about everything that had taken place and be a pussy for doing it.

  “Fuck this, she’s mine…” I muttered to myself undoing my seatbelt and opening the car door. I didn’t care if there was another man here, I would show him where the fucking door was right after I beat the shit out of him. Sadie was mine, and I was possessive over things that belonged to me.

  My balls were in my throat by the time I got to her door. I couldn’t leave without making things right with her. If she said the agreement was over, I would pay her tuition debt and try and move on.

  I raised my hand to knock, but the door suddenly opened a smiley Sadie appearing before me with a tall business looking man.

  “Hi, Cameron.” The annoyance in her voice rippled through me in waves. I smirked at the thought of spanking said annoyance out of her. Would she scream my name as she came all over my cock or would she continue to have an attitude with me? I would just have to find out.

  “Hi babe! I was just in the neighborhood and decided to stop by." The man in the business suit looked between the two of us and then back to Sadie, a glint of amusement in his dark eyes.

  “You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend Sadie.” The man’s voice was deep, and husky. It didn’t match the age in which he looked of twenty-eight.

  “That’s because I don’t.” Sadie hissed her eyes narrowing at me. I bit the inside of my cheek in anger, my jaw clenched and I waited praying like hell that I wouldn’t have to knock this fucker out for touching what was mine. Her pussy was mine. Her body was mine. She belonged to me.

  “She does. We just haven’t made it official yet.” I stepped over the threshold, wrapping and arm around her waist as I came face to face with the prick that thought he could replace, the prick she thought she could be with.

  The smile on the man’s face widened, and suddenly something felt very wrong. Like maybe I had made an assumption about the whole situation.

  “I’m Jeremy, Sadie’s brother.” Jeremy offered me his hand to shake and I took it gleefully relief coating my insides with warmth. She hadn’t been trying to replace me or fuck anyone else.

  “Cameron. Her boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you.” I smirked, catching a look of disgust out of the corner of my eye as Sadie watched her brother and I mingle.

  “This is great. Our parent’s have been wondering when Sadie was going to find someone to be with. In fact, come to dinner next Sunday.” Jeremy snickered at Sadie like the evil brother I assumed she thought he was.

  “No thank you. Get out.” Sadie pointed at the open front door and Jeremy turned on his heels walking over the threshold.

  “It was nice meeting you Cameron, see you next Sunday.” Jeremy was out the door in a jiffy and as I turned to face Sadie I understood why. Pure rage had taken over her facial features.

  “No he won’t. Go away.” The door slammed with a loud thud, as she ripped herself out of my arms the moment her body left mine I felt a void deep inside my chest. I had to have her. Not for now, but FOREVER.

  Before I realized it she had walked away, into the living room putting far to much distance between us. My eyes took her in from across the room. She had shucked her office attire and was in a pair of black yoga pant’s with a shirt on that said Save Water Drink Wine.

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Why the fuck are you smiling? You shouldn’t even be here.” She sneered. I wanted to give her the space she desperately needed but I couldn’t leave things the way they were.

  “Because you’re feisty and I love it when you’re feisty. As for why I’m here, I’m sure you’re aware of that by now. You can’t just run away from me, and not show up for work for nearly an entire week and expect me to not come check on you. I care about you believe it or not…” I walked slowly into the room and into her space. She watched me like a feral cat, ready to strike at any moment.

  “I’m not feisty I’m pissed you have no right to be here. Not when you’re fucking every other woman in that building.” The venom she spewed burned me to the soul. I had fucked a lot of women, but I wasn’t a cheater. I never did more than one at the same time, and
since Sadie I hadn’t touched or looked at another woman.

  I slouched down onto the leather couch, where I had fucked her not too long ago. My fingers gliding across the sleek leather with ease my cock growing hard in my slacks.

  “All I fucking feel is you. When you aren’t around I’m miserable. Dawn’s just a jealous woman with nothing but an agenda to hurt others. I wouldn’t ever fuck another woman when I’m with you. Plus you consume me, you’re every thought I have. I think of you before bed every night, and every morning as I stroke my cock.” My admittance caused her to perk up a bit.

  “This hard on…” I grabbed her hand even as she tried to pull away and pressed it against my cock. “It’s because of you. Not because of her, or anyone else. Because of you and the slick pussy of yours. Because all I can think about is the next time I’m going to taste you against my tongue.”

  Those dark emerald eyes of hers grew wide with either fear or excitement which one I wasn't quite sure.

  “I’m Cameron fucking Jefferson Sadie. If I wanted someone else I could have them but I don’t because I want you. Every day, of every hour, of every minute and second I want you. I want you Sadie Walker.” I confessed my emotions were all over the fucking place. I didn’t care about the agreement anymore, the sex, or the money. All I wanted was this fucking woman, the woman that made my heart soar, and my insides a fucking puddle to take me back and to trust me, and know that I would never do her wrong ever again.

  “I wasn’t expecting this…” Sadie’s lip trembled and I knew she was about to cry. Every single cell in my body went to her, as I crossed the space between us in a flash wrapping my arms around her fragile frame. She leaned her head against my shoulder and a small sob racked through her body. I held her tightly against my chest, feeling every single inch of her body against mine.

  The distinct scent of rich vanilla invaded my senses, and I took a deep breath letting it saturate into my lungs. I squeezed her against my chest, and whispered in her ear.


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