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Extreme Love

Page 20

by Abby Niles

  What if she had a great time?

  Then she and Dante might have a chance. A win-win situation—a possible future with this wonderful man, or cutting him free to find someone who could handle his lifestyle.

  She inhaled. “Yes.”

  Dante straightened. “Yes?”

  She nodded. “I’ll go to Vegas with you.”

  The pleasure that lit his face lifted her anxiety. She would make the best of this trip and enjoy their time together. She owed him that much after everything she’d put him through.

  He grabbed her into his arms and swung her around. “Thank you, Caitlyn.”

  She hoped he’d still be thanking her at the end of the week.

  Cait folded another shirt and placed it in the suitcase, trying to keep the butterflies from overtaking her stomach. This was the worst case of jitters she’d ever had.

  Second-guessing her decision had sunk its sharp claws into her mind, but she refused to stop packing. She wouldn’t allow her reservations to rule her. She would get on that plane tomorrow. She would fly across the country by Dante’s side and she would face this hurdle.

  For herself and for Dante.

  If this week turned into a complete disaster, she’d know they weren’t meant to be and move on. And Dante could find someone else to treat as sweetly as he’d treated her last night.

  Cait frowned. She didn’t like the idea of another woman getting the full Dante experience. Not one bit.

  He hadn’t touched her, like he’d promised. What he had done had been so much more. After dinner, he’d turned the air-conditioning up until it was completely frigid in the condo. He’d lit a fire in the fireplace, turned out all the lights, and they’d slow danced for hours. He’d held her tenderly, swaying back and forth, whispering some of the sweetest words she’d ever heard.

  Dante never pressed her to talk, making the evening relaxing and enjoyable. They’d ended the night curled under a blanket on the couch watching the fire crackle, wrapped in each other’s arms with the occasional kiss and touch. He’d been completely there, completely hers. Just the two of them. And how she’d wished it could stay that way.

  She felt herself falling deeper and deeper under his spell. Another reason this trip was a good thing. If she weren’t careful, she’d find herself hopelessly in love with the man. Then where would they be?

  “How did it go last night?” Paul asked as he walked into her bedroom.


  He rolled his eyes. “‘Good’? Jeez, Cait. Is that the best you can do? Learn to be a little more creative. How about ‘Oh, Paul, it was the most orgasmic night of my life. He made me come’—”

  “Okay! I get it!” she said, laughing.

  “So? How was the sex?”

  “We didn’t sleep together.”

  He shook his head. “I know I didn’t hear that right. So I repeat, how was the sex?”

  “You heard me right. We didn’t sleep together. I even took your advice and initiated a blowjob, which he stopped.”

  “He. Stopped. It.”


  “Lord, that man is full of surprises.”

  She folded another shirt. “He asked me to go to Vegas with him.”

  Paul’s brows arched. “Well, now we’re getting somewhere. I take it that’s why you’re packing.”

  “I’m surprised that wasn’t the first thing you asked.”

  “Come on, Cait. Juicy sex stories or a boring suitcase? Which would you have picked? So when do you leave?”

  “Tomorrow at ten.”

  “Is Amy going?”

  “She couldn’t get off work.”

  She’d learned that this morning when she’d found Amy in the kitchen. Brad was going, but not fighting. It would’ve been nice to have her friend along so she wouldn’t be utterly alone, but at the same time, she needed to face this week utterly alone.

  “Are you going to be okay?”

  She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’ll have to be, won’t I?”

  “If you want, I’ll go with you.”

  “What did you call yourself? My beard?”

  Her friend studied her. “You’ve shaved, Cait. Not a quick half-assed job either. We’re talking clean-shaven, smooth-as-a-baby’s-butt, not-a-stubble-in-sight, shaven.”

  “You’re giving me more credit than I deserve.”

  “No, I’m not. Over the last two months, you’ve transformed. Not just in your appearance, either. Your confidence is a force to be reckoned with. Hell, you took on Rocky’s scary coach without batting an eyelash, went out on a date with that piece of trash opponent, all on your own. I am no longer needed.”

  “You’ll always be needed, Paul.”

  “Oh, I know that. Your life would be dull without me in it. But you no longer need to hide behind me because you no longer hide.”

  “What if I revert?”

  “Hmm. What would your Superman think if he heard you say that?”

  Failure and Dante never mixed. “He’d be disappointed.”

  “Exactly. You won’t fail.”

  He was right. If she went into this thinking negatively, she would sabotage the week. She had to go in with a sense of purpose. And that purpose was to do everything she could to fit into Dante’s life.

  “If you need to talk, I’m a phone call away. And if you need me, it’s only a four-hour flight.”

  “I can do this alone.”

  “I’m certain of that. But if anything were to happen, I’ll be there in a flash.”

  The only thing of consequence she hoped would happen was having the time of her life with a man she could easily love. She held onto that thought as she finished packing.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dante draped his arm along the back of the booth, smiling as Caitlyn and Julie chatted about Julie’s veterinarian clinic inside one of the cafés at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino.

  Caitlyn threw her head back and laughed. About what? He had no clue. He was too captivated by the happiness brightening her face, the life shining in her eyes, to register the exact words of their conversation right now.

  Love constricted his chest as he twirled a strand of Caitlyn’s hair around his index finger. She glanced over at him, then scooted closer to him with a soft smile on her lips. The same smile she used after they made love and were wrapped in each other’s arms.

  She was here, and she’d been completely his.

  In the four days since they had arrived in Vegas, everything had been downright perfect. Caitlyn had left her insecurities back in Atlanta. She’d been completely open and supportive, except for the times he caught her muttering pep talks to herself. Those whispered “You got this” pump-up sessions were usually right before a fighters’ social function. Considering the way Amanda and Sentori had treated her, he couldn’t blame her for being wary about meeting more people in the industry. But she faced each one like a champ, with her head held high and a friendly smile.

  Afterward, they’d go back to their room and make love and spend the night holding each other tight.

  He couldn’t have asked for this trip to turn out any better. The more time he spent with Caitlyn, the more she awed him. She’d faced so many internal obstacles in her life, and she’d fought back like any man would in the cage. Pride and love clogged his throat.

  “I told you these two would hit it off,” Tommy said, draping his arm behind Julie. “This one loves to run her mouth.”

  Julie nudged his side, lips pursed. “Hello pot, meet kettle.”

  Tommy laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and hugging her to his side as he kissed the top of her head. “That’s why I love you. You don’t put up with my shit.”

  The amusement faded from Julie’s face before she recovered and poked him under the arm. “Someone has to keep it real for you, or that ego of yours would go to your head.”

  Dante studied Julie. Would she ever tell Tommy how she felt?

  He wasn’t sure how long she’d
sat on her feelings for her best friend, whether the childhood love they shared had morphed into an adult love somewhere in the last few years, or if it’d always been there for Julie. Either way, Dante was amazed at how well she kept her desire for Tommy in check.

  He didn’t want to be like Julie. Spending time with Caitlyn, laughing together, cuddling, and enjoying her company made it almost impossible for him not to tell her he loved her.

  But he had a plan. After he won the championship, they wouldn’t attend the after-party. They would go back to their room, where he’d arranged for candlelight, roses, the whole romance ambiance package, and he would confess his love for this woman.

  “You ready for the weigh-in?” Tommy broke into his thoughts.

  Dante lifted his glass. “There’s a reason I’m only sipping water.”

  “Did you have to cut weight?”

  “No, but I’m right at limit, so no eating until afterward.” He glanced at his watch. “In fact, I probably need to be getting back to the room. The press conference is in a few hours and then I have the weigh-in tonight. I’d like to rest for a bit.”

  “Sure you would…with that sweet lady beside you.”

  He glanced at Caitlyn to see a blush spreading across her cheek, but instead of looking away, she chuckled. “You’re bad, Tommy.”

  “That’s what all the ladies tell me. That’s why they love me.” He winked at Caitlyn.

  Dante watched Julie, who’d ducked her head, then fiddled with the fork by her salad plate. How did she put up with Tommy’s womanizing?

  He could almost go insane with jealousy thinking about Caitlyn with another man. She belonged to him. “You ready, baby?”

  When she met his eyes, there was a wicked gleam in them. She no longer fought her desire for him; she displayed it freely now. “More than ready.”

  After they paid and said their good-byes, they hurried up to their room. As soon as the door closed behind them, Dante pulled Caitlyn back against his chest, nuzzling the skin behind her ear. The scent of her green apple shampoo teased his nose.

  He tightened his hold and nipped her neck. Caitlyn tilted her head to the side to give him better access and Dante smiled against her skin.

  God, he loved her. And he wanted so badly to say it.

  “I know you’ve got more than that, Inferno.” The breathless challenge charged him with lust.

  Whipping her around, he grabbed her by the hips and hauled her closer, bringing them pelvis to pelvis. “Oh, I’ll show you what I got.”

  She pulled from his embrace and ran her finger along his chest. “You’ve got to catch me first.”

  He lunged for her. Caitlyn squealed and ran into the living room area of the penthouse suite. Dante gave chase. Halfway to the bedroom, he caught up with her and scooped her against his chest, carried her to the bed, then tossed her there. Standing at the edge of the bed, he watched the woman who’d stolen his heart curl into a ball and giggle.

  Her delight tightened his chest. The real Caitlyn. Carefree and full of life. Not the troubled soul he’d met two months ago.

  He climbed over her body, and Caitlyn smiled. Desire flashed in her eyes as she stretched beneath him and rolled on her back. She slid her hand under his shirt and caressed his chest, scorching his skin. He loved how uninhibited she’d become. No more worries about the light. No more coaxing and being patient. She devoured him with the same frantic need that he devoured her.

  Dante braced his arms on either side of her head and gazed down at her. Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips. Dipping his head, he nipped her lower lip then licked where he’d bit. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too.” She looped her arms around his neck and feathered her fingers across his skin. The touch sent shivers through him. With his hand, he seized her hip and positioned himself atop her as he took her mouth. He didn’t tease, he didn’t entice. He took. Caitlyn clung to him and met his tongue with hers, her nails digging into his back as she pulled him closer.

  He ran his palm down her thigh, then hooked his hand behind her knee, drew it up, and rocked against her. The friction made him groan and he increased the intensity of his kiss. Caitlyn returned his passion with a ferocity of her own.

  He yanked her shirt over her head. Black satin greeted him. His breath caught and he slowed his lovemaking to outline her cleavage with his finger. The bra pushed her lush breasts up and together, creating a tantalizing valley, perfect to play in. “You need to wear lower-cut shirts.”

  “You like?”

  “Very much.” He replaced his finger with his tongue.

  Caitlyn shivered. Her ragged breaths made his cock tighten even more. The need to take her—now—hit him.

  He flicked the front clasp and freed her breasts, their pink tips hard and pleading. Not one to deny, he sucked one into his mouth while lightly pinching the other. Mewling, Caitlyn arched toward him, her fingers gripping the back of his head. He rolled his tongue around the nub, making her whimper and shift closer. He loved the way she responded to him.

  Sliding an arm behind her shoulders, Dante lifted her upper body and peeled the bra down her arms. As he laid her on the mattress, her eyes never wavered from his, trust shining from them. His heart stuttered as he placed a kiss on her belly.

  “You need to lose your shirt,” she said.

  He glanced up. “What?”

  “You heard me. I want to explore you.”

  His shaft hardened to painful. To relieve the pressure, he rubbed against her.

  “I said,” she gasped out, “lose the shirt.”

  “As you wish.” He grinned and pulled his shirt over his head.

  “Lay back,” she demanded and pointed to the head of the bed.

  Dante immediately obliged. Excitement raced through him. She was taking the lead.

  She crawled toward him, her breasts swaying provocatively with each movement. Dante gulped—he might not be able to wait much longer. Every nerve ending demanded fast and hard. By her lazy movements, she planned to do the exact opposite.

  She placed her first kiss on his belly button. Dante shuddered. His gaze never strayed from the erotic vision she made kissing her way up his chest. Her lips trailed over his abs, his nipples, his shoulder, until she straddled his lap and rocked against him.

  Dante grabbed her waist, pushed her on his throbbing cock, and ground upward. Caitlyn gasped, moving faster. He gritted his teeth to prolong the exquisite torture.

  Half her clothes missing, her head thrown back, her breasts jiggling as she moved, she drove him mad. He had to have her. Now. “Kiss me,” he ordered.

  A saucy grin twisted her lips and she pecked his mouth.

  He growled. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “I know.”

  Her grin widened with mischief as she leaned forward, her erect nipples a hair away from caressing his chest. One deep breath and their flesh would touch. Dante prepared to do that, but stilled when her mouth hovered over his. He waited, wanting, needing to feel her lips. But the little minx barely touched his mouth before backing away.

  “Caitlyn,” he groaned.

  The plea was his release from her teasing, because she took his mouth the same way he’d taken hers minutes earlier. Hard and demanding, her tongue boldly invaded his mouth. The moment her nipples scraped across his chest, Dante’s fragile control shattered. He crushed her to him and rolled her beneath him.

  If he had to endure one second more, premature would have a whole new meaning. He fumbled with the snap of her denim shorts as he ravaged her mouth with purpose and promise, oblivious to anything except being inside her and sating the unbearable arousal she elicited.

  Suddenly, she shoved at his shoulders and turned her head away from his kiss. Dante stilled.

  “Do you remember the song we danced to the night we met?” she asked.

  She was thinking? He blinked. “Umm…no. Can’t recall that right now.”

  He couldn’t recall anything except the feel and t
aste of her.

  “I do.”

  “Okay.” This wasn’t a great time for chatting. It irked him she hadn’t reached oblivion with him. He’d have to rectify that. He bent to kiss her. She placed her hand on his lips. He groaned. “Caitlyn!”

  “It was ‘Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy).’ Do you know what I thought?”

  She wasn’t going to drop it, so he might as well listen. She pushed at his shoulders again and he allowed her to roll him onto his back as she climbed on. “I thought I’d like to take a ride on this man.”

  Dante’s eyes widened. Good God.

  “What do you say, Dante? Can I take a ride on you?”

  The erotic words made his heart gallop. “Ride away, baby.”

  The smile she sent him dazzled his senses.

  Caitlyn rose to stand beside the bed. With slow movements, her fingers clasped the button of her shorts. When she popped it open and lowered the zipper, his cock jumped.

  “A man can only take so much, Caitlyn. I won’t be held accountable for my actions if you keep it up.”

  A wicked grin tilted her lips as she lowered her shorts and panties. At the provocative strip, Dante panted. God, he wasn’t going to last. One sweet touch of her wet center welcoming him, and he’d be done.

  “Your turn.” She climbed onto the bed, and rested on her knees.

  She unsnapped his jeans and tugged the zipper. The back of her fingers grazed his rigid shaft, sending shards of need through him. Dante inhaled and closed his eyes.

  “Commando? How very naughty of you.”

  Her scolding pushed him to the edge. He squeezed his eyes closed tighter.


  “Wallet, nightstand,” he grunted and forced his eyes open.

  She leaned across him, her nipples grazing his chest.

  Dante stiffened, so turned on that the soft touch was painful.

  She ripped the foil and placed the rubber on his tip. When she slowly rolled it down with her lips, shocked excitement ran through him. Although she fumbled with the task, it was the most sexual thing he’d ever seen. Fascinated, he watched her mouth work around him, her hair flowing around her face. As she withdrew, she pressed her tongue against him, driving him wild.


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