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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 7

by Theodora Lau

  A Rat born in the summer during the night, however, must work harder and be more aggressive than Rats born during the day. Their accumulative urge is greater. They are not satisfied with what they have; they feel the need to expand and invest. Socially involved and very knowledgeable, the capable summer Rat is the catalyst of large-scale ventures that require great planning and expertise.


  The autumn Rat born during the evening will be an excellent organizer. He or she will be virtually indispensable in arranging charity functions, family reunions, banquets, and all sorts of gatherings. Attending to details and mindful of every implication, this is one person who should always be entrusted with long-term planning. This Rat worries not only about the harvest but also about ensuring its proper storage, away from theft, spoilage, and other forces beyond their immediate control.

  Similar to the evening Rat, daytime autumn Rats are less anxious to please. They are likely to be just as qualified as their nighttime siblings, but they move with less urgency and are not as prone to worrying. They will be able to delegate tasks. One who likes to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making commitments, the Rat person of this season is an excellent advisor and meticulous administrator.


  This is the time for all Rats to snuggle down and enjoy the fruits of their labors. But the Rat is always anxious in winter, the nighttime ones more so than their daytime siblings. Winter should be the time of rest for them, but still they venture forth in search of dwindling resources. Hopefully, winter Rats will learn early that they are only safe in the security of their homes and families. They will care a great deal about their education, and they will be well-read and able writers and communicators. Winter Rats are naturally reflective and intuitive, and they will also be sentimental and possessive of those they love.

  Famous People Born in the Year of the Rat


  Antonio Banderas

  Colin Firth

  Hugh Grant

  Julianne Moore

  Sean Penn


  Ben Affleck

  Cameron Diaz

  Jude Law

  Richard Nixon

  Gwyneth Paltrow

  Pope John Paul I


  James Baldwin

  Marlon Brando

  Truman Capote

  Jimmy Carter

  Doris Day

  Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

  Katy Perry

  Sidney Poitier

  William Shakespeare


  Ursula Andress

  Shirley Bassey

  Charlotte Brontë

  Wolfgang A. Mozart

  Robert Redford

  Yves St. Laurent


  Kathy Bates

  Charles, Prince of Wales

  Al Gore

  Leo Tolstoy

  Jules Verne

  Andrew Lloyd Webber


  The Second Sign of the Lunar Cycle

  The Ox

  Mine is the stabilizing force

  that perpetuates the cycle of life.

  I stand immobile against the

  test of adversity,

  resolute and unimpeachable.

  I seek to serve integrity,

  to bear the burdens of righteousness.

  I abide by the laws of nature

  patiently pushing the wheel of Fate.

  Thus, I shall weave my destiny.


  Lunar Years of the Ox in the Western Calendar Elements

  January 25, 1925, to February 12, 1926 Wood

  February 11, 1937, to January 30, 1938 Fire

  January 29, 1949, to February 16, 1950 Earth

  February 15, 1961, to February 4, 1962 Metal

  February 3, 1973, to January 22, 1974 Water

  February 20, 1985, to February 8, 1986 Wood

  February 9, 1997, to January 27, 1998 Fire

  January 26, 2009, to February 13, 2010 Earth

  February 12, 2021, to January 31, 2022 Metal

  January 31, 2033, to February 18, 2034 Water

  If you were born on the day before the start of the lunar year of the Ox, e.g., February 8, 1997, your animal sign is the one before the Ox: the Rat, the first lunar sign.

  If you were born on the day after the last day of the lunar year of the Ox, e.g., January 28, 1998, your animal sign is the one after the Ox: the Tiger, the third lunar sign.

  The Ox, or Buffalo, rules the two-hour segment of the day between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. This period of time follows that of the Rat and precedes that of the Tiger. People born during these two hours are said to have the Ox sign as their ascendant; they will display many of the characteristics peculiar to this sign and will have great affinity for persons born under the sign of the Ox. Quite possibly, one parent will also belong to the year of the Ox.

  The direction appointed to the Ox is north-northwest. Its season is winter, and its principal month is January. The Ox corresponds to the Western astrological sign of Capricorn, which rules winter from December 22 to January 20. Water is its fixed element. The Ox has a negative stem and is considered a yin or passive sign.

  The Ox Personality

  The Ox symbolizes the attainment of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. A person born during this year will be dependable, calm, and methodical. A patient and tireless worker, the Ox sticks to routine and conventions. Although Oxen are generally fair minded and good listeners, it is difficult to persuade them to change their views, as they are stubborn and often have strong prejudices.

  Still, because of their steady and reliable character, the Ox will be awarded positions of authority and trust. They will not fall short when duty calls. As a matter of fact, they should be careful not to get totally wrapped up in their responsibilities.

  Beneath the Ox’s somewhat modest but neat appearance is a resolute and logical mind. Their intelligence and dexterity are masked by their reticent and undemonstrative front. Yet, in spite of being basically an introvert, their forceful nature can turn them into a commanding and eloquent speaker when the occasion demands. In times of turmoil their presence of mind, refusal to be intimidated, and innate self-confidence will enable them to restore order. An Ox walks with head held high.

  A person born under this particular sign is systematic. They adhere to fixed patterns and have great respect for tradition. In fact, they tend to do exactly what is expected of them and are so predictable that they may be unfairly criticized for a lack of imagination. But the dutiful Ox knows that only through doing things in their proper order can they hope to achieve lasting success. Theirs is the uncluttered mind. You won’t find them muddling through life depending on others or luck to pull them through. What people born under the other signs may accomplish by guile and wit, the Ox will achieve by sheer tenacity and dedication. You can rely on their promises; once they give their word, they will stick by it. Public opinion means little to Oxen. They will apply themselves wholeheartedly to whatever task they are doing and finish the job. The Ox detests loose ends.

  When it comes to affairs of the heart, the Ox can be terribly naive. They cannot fully comprehend the entrapments of love, much less employ enticing strategy and other allures to plead their romantic cause. Don’t expect lyric poetry and moonlight serenades from them. They just don’t have the right chemistry for these sorts of things. Even the gifts they give are likely to be strong, durable, and unpretentious.

  Because they are traditionalists, Oxen will be inclined to long courtships. It takes them time to develop intimate relationships because they are slow to warm up and reveal their true feelings. An Ox may be a well-educated, distinguished speaker, a well-traveled leader, yet they can turn into a fumbling, tongue-tied teenager when it comes to wooing their longtime crush.

  But if you commit to an Ox and place your trust squarely on their shoulders, they will never disappoint you; they will stick by you faithfully. You never
need to worry about the rent or bills getting paid on time or a promise going unfulfilled. Oxen like to get their priorities straight, so don’t expect champagne and caviar unless the Ox can really afford them. They will always follow through on expectations. Life will always be as comfortable as they can make it, and their family and friends will never be in need.

  If you have the good fortune to marry an Ox, you have picked a no-nonsense partner in crime. Efficient without being fussy and protective without being too dominating, the Ox strikes a balance that is hard to fake. Soft-spoken and confident, they will know what needs to be done and how to do it without wasting time and resources. Caring and intuitive, an Ox tends to take the initiative, and you will find them anticipating your wishes with uncanny accuracy. At times, they can be overly concerned about details and punctuality. The Ox hates being late for anything. Like an experienced world traveler, an Ox is always prepared. They will handle finances well and do more than their fair share of chores. Honest, hard-working, and above reproach, the Ox is the ideal partner.

  The Ox may not be the life of the party, but he or she is certainly the backbone of society. People born under this sign are charitable by nature and make good social workers. While they may not be the most effusive, Oxen take it upon themselves to help others by taking on a difficult task and seeing it through to completion with no fanfare, unlike more boastful animals. The Ox may be the good Samaritan who saved someone and then left without giving their name. The Ox will not abandon you in times of trouble. They are around for the good times as well as the bad.

  A lot of wonderful things come wrapped in plain brown paper; the Ox is one of them. Don’t ever belittle the packaging. They are worth their weight in gold.

  In addition to their many sterling qualities, the Ox is known to nurture grievances for far too long; years at a time is not uncommon. As a result, Oxen should be cautious of how they engage with others in small talk or online. A small, careless comment from an acquaintance could eat at the Ox for a long time. They have long, exacting memories, and Oxen remember injuries down to their last detail. They would be better off if they could let more things go and stop taking life so seriously. The Ox, who tends to be oversensitive where their pride is concerned, can magnify injuries and insults, real or imagined. Therefore, it is no surprise that the Ox will try to avoid what they sees as frivolous social engagement online unless it is absolutely essential to their work or personal life. Some Oxen may say that they limit their time online to use it more “efficiently” elsewhere, but often they do so because of a negative past experience that continues to sting. After all, the interconnected world can be rough and fast-moving, with very little thought to the scrapes and cuts we get along the way. An Ox is quietly loving and generous and so will prefer to reach out one on one if motivated—or not at all.

  Whereas other signs such as the Tiger, Rooster, or Dragon may complain vehemently when they are upset, and the Sheep and Rabbit will sulk and become morose, Oxen will react by plunging themselves into hard work to alleviate their misery and tension. If severely disappointed in love, they may bury themselves in their work forever and lead a solitary existence instead of running the risk of ever being humiliated or rejected again. It is not surprising that an Ox’s friends often try to be matchmakers to break this cycle. With such a wonderful spirit hidden under a quiet public persona, the Ox is an incredible catch who benefits from a good wingman to give them visibility.

  The Ox will insist on settling accounts. Debts will be paid to the last decimal point. If an Ox owes you something, they will never forgive themselves if they don’t show gratitude in a meaningful and tangible way. No profuse yet empty phrases of appreciation from an Ox. They consider flowery words and lavish flattery uncouth and beneath their dignity. But won’t it come as a surprise when you find out that the gruff stranger who barely managed to mumble a “thank you” left you something in their will? Well, that’s a typical Ox gesture for you. If anyone’s actions speak louder than words, the Ox’s do.

  Beware if you overtax the Ox’s legendary patience. When an Ox loses their temper, they are really someone to reckon with. It could be a terrifying experience. There will be no reasoning with them: they will act like a bull and attack anyone in their path. The only advisable thing to do is to get out of their way until they cool off. By and large, however, an Ox is seldom given to such a taxing display of temper unless they find their situation truly unbearable. Most of the time, we find the Ox suffering quietly and bearing problems without complaint.

  As a leader and parent, the Ox’s word is law. An Ox knows how to give orders as well as follow them. And they expect directives to be carried out to the letter. They may be inordinately fond and proud of their family, but the Ox demands a lot from them, too. It is not uncommon for Oxen to use the yardstick of success and personal achievement to measure love. This results in a high-pressure environment where the most ambitious and hardest workers are rewarded with praise, while the less successful members of the team are somewhat ignored. Unfortunately, this is the best way the Ox knows how to engage: task by task, struggle by struggle. However, one should not mistake the Ox’s praise or censure as unfairness in either direction. The Ox does their best to be objective. There are winners and losers in different areas of life, and the Ox will call the game as they see it. While this is often hard to stomach, especially for the children of an Ox, one always comes to see that the Ox observes and takes careful note of how one deals with life’s challenges in the long run. Those who don’t give up and persevere will always win an Ox’s respect. Even though Oxen are not easily moved by emotions, they are good parents and providers, and they are capable of great sacrifices for loved ones and their welfare. When and where it really counts, the Ox person will not let family or close friends down. By the same token, an Ox has no reason to feel insecure, because they will likewise be well cared for all their life. Reason dictates that one so valuable should not be left to fend for themselves. An Ox person will always be an asset to their family, friends, and workplace.

  If it is up to the Ox, the home will be decorated in a classic style, often similar to the way their childhood home was styled. When looking for ideas, the Ox will study the homes of neighbors and friends, quietly assessing the prevalent ways to go about putting together a comfortable and respectable home. In a pinch, a smart-looking catalog or a photo they come across will do as well. The Ox’s outlook on life is materialistic but not shallow. Cars, watches, handbags, and trips will be envisioned as goals, and the Ox will make them a reality. These are all strong motivators for the Ox.

  Oxen often use the example of someone they hold in high regard as a blueprint for significant purchases. If an Ox and their partner go to a dinner party held by the Ox’s mentor, the partner may experience a bit of déjà vu when they find they are essentially walking into their own dining room, seeing the same cherrywood table, the same crisp blue and white linens—all at the insistence of the perfectionist Ox. “Of course!” says the Ox, when asked about the uncanny similarities. “Why reinvent the wheel when someone else has already done the work?” It’s hard to argue with such logic. And when a more creative partner implores the Ox to add more character—or, dare we say, more fun—to the mix, the Ox will draw a line in the sand. “I’ll decorate my office as I wish. You can decorate the living room as you wish.” Consider this compromise a win, because the mix-and-match approach is not for the Ox!

  The Ox born during the day will be more aggressive and active than the quiet night Ox. Similarly, the winter Ox will have a more trying life and leaner times than the summer Ox. The native of this lunar sign is a down-to-earth type who will follow their head rather than their heart. To win your case, appeal to reason and intelligence. Make a list of the pros and cons, and support every item with pertinent and credible data. Sentiment alone rarely makes the Ox change their mind. An Ox also possesses a strong constitution and does not get sick easily. Proud and uncompromising, the Ox is disdainful of weaknesses in ot
hers. If the Ox can learn to cultivate more humor and compassion, they will be much happier. Wise Oxen learn to be more forgiving of first impressions as life goes on.

  Likely to be self-made, the Ox staunchly believes everyone should pull their own weight—and no hedging about it, either. At their worst, Oxen are unapproachable, inflexible, and narrow-minded. Their lack of tact and consideration for others, coupled with a militant view of life, could at times make them unsuitable for positions involving public relations and diplomatic maneuvering. However, Oxen are respected and liked for their basic honesty, unpretentiousness, and steadfast principles. They inspire loyalty in all their subordinates, and no task is beneath them. The military, the law, and other traditional, hierarchical work environments are places where the Ox will excel.

  As mentioned earlier, the Ox person is not someone who takes shortcuts. An Ox’s dignity and integrity will prevent them from resorting to unfair means to achieve their goals. They will dislike asking others for help. As a matter of fact, Oxen are so self-reliant that you may have to beg them to accept any aid.

  The Ox has dynastic tendencies. Careful and conscientious, they build things to last. This sturdiness will extend to an Ox’s offspring and generations to come, even if they are not born under the same sign. The Ox’s excellent character makes them an empire builder. If Oxen are true to their ideals and follow their superior instincts, they will take all precautions to ensure the prosperity and survival of their lineage.

  A natural-born leader and disciplinarian, the Ox can sometimes be too rigid. They will lay down the law and stand for no rebellion in areas under their control. The Ox builds a life around home, work, and country and will always prefer long-term, stable investments. Being creatures of habit, Oxen are not gamblers. Oxen find risks and razor-thin margins unnerving because they endanger an Ox’s profound need for security.


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