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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 15

by Theodora Lau

  7 a.m. to 9 a.m. = Hours of the Dragon

  You’ll be an ambitious and rather tough Rabbit. With the Dragon as your ascendant, you will want to be in charge but won’t want to dirty your hands if possible. You will have the ability to convince others to follow your well-devised and commendable plans. The fire of the Dragon gives you the courage and conviction that may not be present in other types of Rabbits. However, you tend to rule by consensus and not by force, and you will be considerate of the wishes of the majority.

  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. = Hours of the Snake

  The Snake could make you an elegant but moody and reflective Hare. Your inborn wisdom inclines you to be self-sufficient and reluctant to solicit advice or confide in others. Extremely sensitive to your surroundings, you tend to be highly artistic, well-informed, social but introverted, and guided strictly by your own intuition. Mystical, religious, and intense, you can be an unfathomable enigma to others when your barriers are up.

  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. = Hours of the Horse

  The Horse brings fresh breezes into your life, giving you more self-confidence and a happy-go-lucky disposition. Both the Hare and the Horse have winning instincts and tend to follow them without hesitation. The Horse makes you impatient and hot-tempered at times. If the Rabbit can hold the Horse’s tongue, there will be fewer problems in relating to others. However, both signs in this combination tend to be self-serving and selfish when they are negative. You must realize that you need the cooperation of others to succeed. To secure it, you must treat their goals as if they were as important as your own.

  1 p.m. to 3 p.m. = Hours of the Sheep

  The loving Sheep cajoles the Rabbit toward more sympathy and generosity. Both signs here are highly tuned to beauty, art, and the environment. You have many artistic contributions to make with your talents. Your main drawback will be your reluctance to stand up for yourself when necessary. Easily upset and discouraged when others take advantage of your tolerant and peace-loving nature, you need strong mentors and administrators to guide you and curb your tendency to spend beyond your means.

  3 p.m. to 5 p.m. = Hours of the Monkey

  The Monkey makes you an outgoing and inventive type of Rabbit. Here, your natural intuition and graciousness are colored by the Monkey’s love of mischief and innovation. That superior Monkey intelligence may be masked by a calm and collected exterior. People should think twice before matching wits with this combination. Your beautiful Rabbit demeanor is an excellent cover for the Monkey’s ingenious plots.

  5 p.m. to 7 p.m. = Hours of the Rooster

  Because the Rooster is your direct opposite in the lunar cycle, you will be a study in contrasts. In this mixture, your Chicken ascendant could bring out a kind of boldness in you that makes you speak your mind without caring too much about the consequences or what others think of you. With your basic Rabbit sensitivity and sound judgment, you may be well worth listening to. You will also find yourself drawn to persons born under the sign of the Rooster, Snake, or Ox. Cautious, analytical, and intelligent, you are never in doubt of your abilities.

  7 p.m. to 9 p.m. = Hours of the Dog

  With the Dog as your ally and ascendant, you could be a friendly, likable person, concerned about the welfare of others. You are inclined to make serious commitments and will give more of yourself than other Rabbits. The fair-minded but protective Dog teams up with your basic Rabbit sense of purpose and self-preservation for an amazingly stable and trustworthy personality.

  9 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Hours of the Boar

  In this combination, your Boar ascendant is most compatible with your native sign and will add texture and bright color to your refined and conformist Rabbit ways. You are drawn to helping the less fortunate, and the Pig’s generosity makes you volunteer for unrewarding tasks the Hare would normally pass up. You are immensely popular and good-hearted, a great fundraiser and an eager partygoer.

  When Moon Signs Meet Sun Signs

  In our interpretation of Chinese horoscopes, the first lunar sign, the Rat, is not linked with the first Western astrological sun sign, Aries. Instead, we pair the Rat with its Western counterpart based on the month and season of the Rat, which are December and winter. This makes the most sense, as the lunar month of December (also called the Twelfth Moon or the Twelfth Earth Branch) is supposed to parallel the sun sign Sagittarius, the Archer. We envision the Eastern and Western horoscope cycles as two large wheels, each with twelve spokes. To correctly juxtapose these cycles, we must find the matching notch that will join them together. Once the Rat and Sagittarius are paired as the first signs, the other eleven signs of both systems fall into place with each other.

  Following are the twelve Western solar signs, with descriptions of each sign’s effect on the Rabbit born under that sign.

  Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

  Sagittarius Rabbit = Fire + Negative Wood

  This will be a gallivanting Hare who will enjoy mixing with all colors and creeds. The Sagittarian Rabbit will also have the ability to understand the incomprehensible—or at least they will make every effort to understand their opponent’s point of view. Both signs present here have foresight and vision. Open, mild-mannered, and perceptive, this Rabbit rarely becomes agitated to the point of losing that splendid composure. A diplomat’s dream, they can be calculating and bold without appearing obvious. The Rabbit can certainly make use of the Archer’s buoyant spirits, and Sagittarius in turn could fare well with the Hare’s love of harmony and discretion.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Rabbit = Earth + Negative Wood

  As the upholder of society’s values, the Capricorn Rabbit is usually blessed with a fortuitous life. While the moralistic Goat takes nothing for granted, the sagacious Rabbit will ferret out all the best deals for his or her own benefit. They will know how to cultivate important friends and invest wisely. The Hare’s docility is toughened by sinewy Capricorn resolve. This person will display a passion for sound strategy. They will neither form nor change their opinions readily. Both signs possess a similarly calm disposition. The Rabbit is never above negotiations, while the Goat is a surefooted climber.

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Rabbit = Air + Negative Wood

  An optimistic nature is combined here with an exploring mind. This person will be neither oversensitive to injury nor quick to anger. The personality formed by these two signs is able to project itself splendidly. The Aquarian Rabbit can also facilitate understanding between people through psychic insight into their character. Both solar and lunar signs here pick up brain waves and vibrations of impending events and can decode them expertly. The Aquarian Rabbit has reliable premonitions. Whereas the Water Bearer is open-minded and too liberal, the Hare mitigates that impulsiveness by hesitating to leave familiar settings or to trade in an old lamp for a new one. By and large, Aquarian Rabbits will be more engrossed in the world around them than in their own selves.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Rabbit = Water + Negative Wood

  Piscean Water nourishes Wood here and produces an imaginative and impressionable personality. The Pisces Rabbit presents a picture of gentility, beautiful ideas, and soft words. A poetic soul, dependent on others, this Rabbit will be ingeniously artistic, clever, and even fastidious. Yet despite their modest and unassuming demeanor, they do not lack foresight or confidence. Actually, their low profile can conceal an observant and astute mind. They will work hard to stabilize their existence and to deflect problems and conflicts away from themselves and onto others. Noncommittal in a pleasant and agreeable way, the Pisces Rabbit possesses a certain amount of narcissism and is very concerned about their creature comforts.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Rabbit = Fire + Negative Wood

  This combination will produce a domesticated Ram with the genteel and beguiling calm of the Hare. This person will also possess nerves of steel, always willing to bend in theor
y yet never quite doing it in actuality. Aries frankness is camouflaged by the Rabbit’s carefully chosen words. This person is nicer and kinder than most Rams, with slower and more painstaking ways. You can expect them to be solicitous but firm, enthusiastic but given to biding their time. The peaceful but observant Aries Rabbit is assured of getting things done their way in the end.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Rabbit = Earth + Negative Wood

  This combination produces a tactful, artistic Bull who will manifest the Rabbit’s traits of delicacy and congeniality. Both signs here are well-organized, although the Hare is more keenly observant and placidly disposed than the Bull. The Taurean Rabbit will not seek to impose his or her will upon others but instead will strive to convince them through a winning graciousness. Failing to win by diplomacy, the Taurean Rabbit can withdraw into a stubborn sullenness that could be dangerous. But with the help of the Bull’s broad shoulders, the Rabbit may be willing to assume heavier responsibilities.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Rabbit = Air + Negative Wood

  The mixture of Gemini’s cool Air and the Rabbit’s fragrant Wood element creates an eloquent and hugely persuasive personality. The spontaneous ways of Mercury’s Gemini are here joined to the Hare’s subtlety and foresight. A person of this combination will be smart and quick-witted. Both signs are adept at correctly assessing their own potential as well as the probable outcome of a project. The Gemini side discovers worthwhile ventures, while the Rabbit devises the most feasible way to profit from them without investing too much labor.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Rabbit = Water + Negative Wood

  The Rabbit’s fixed element of Wood is nourished by the moon’s Water sign. The Cancerian Rabbit has a kind nature but may have trouble letting go of things or people. Separation is a traumatic experience, and changes are stressful to these people because they thrive on security. They make few lasting relationships in life and will bare his soul to a precious few. They like to carefully assess situations from a vantage point located at a safe distance. Although they are blessed with intuition and vision, they tend to concentrate on their own affairs and can be less than compassionate when required to become involved in any controversy. Given to romantic illusions and idyllic dreams, the Cancerian Rabbit should guard against indulging in intense brooding and self-pity when things fail to go their way.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Rabbit = Fire + Negative Wood

  This will be a proud, majestic Hare with excellent leadership capabilities, despite being somewhat self-centered. They will have the charisma to sway the masses and the luck to get through the trials they face in life. This combination links aggressiveness with cool discretion. A person born under these signs will never advocate war openly. While they are not afraid of confrontation, they know how to use their popularity to achieve their aims. They also have the knack of doing the right thing at the right time. Both the solar and lunar signs take their leisure activities seriously, so this personality may pursue expensive hobbies.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Rabbit = Earth + Negative Wood

  Virgo’s Earth element promotes the Rabbit’s growth here, because the Rabbit’s fixed element is Wood. This combination will produce a virtuous but solitary soul who will do whatever needs to be done with a minimum of fuss. Both the Virgin and the Hare believe in being organized and careful. These people will also be realistic and will enjoy doing everything by the rules. They love to deliberate in a quiet, factual manner and will approach their problems with cool logic. Tied to Virgo’s stability, the Rabbit won’t shun commitments if they prove financially rewarding.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Rabbit = Air + Negative Wood

  A delightful combination of grace and intelligence, the Libran Hare will have the Rabbit’s clarity of thought and excellent appreciation of the arts. Both solar and lunar signs here are good at weighing the pros and cons. Often, however, they want to have their cake and eat it, too. Despite their immense popularity and ability to forge relationships, these Rabbits are twice as shy about long-term involvements or being tied down permanently. Not a power grabber or an egotistical person, the Libran Rabbit will be levelheaded and sensible. In spite of their faults, they will always exhibit good taste and gravitate toward the finer things in life.

  Scorpio: November 23 to December 21

  Scorpio Rabbit = Water + Negative Wood

  This combination produces a soft-spoken but secretive and recalcitrant personality. Pluto’s child is deep, and the Hare’s soft and seemingly modest appearance provides excellent coverage for the Scorpion’s strong emotions. These people discipline themselves admirably but can have a deadly temper and an unforgiving heart when crossed. Still, Rabbits know how to preserve their dignity with a feigned acquiescence when necessary to keep up appearances. Scorpio Rabbits have a highly erotic and intense nature hiding beneath a cloak of conformity. They are sometimes lost between the tugs of Pluto’s passion and the Hare’s calm intellect and love of harmony.

  The Seasons of the Rabbit


  Rabbits born in the spring are optimistic and carefree by nature. They have kind dispositions and like to get involved in group action. They occasionally act independently, but on the whole they do best in a large circle of friends. Spring Rabbits will pursue an artistic career and will be well-informed in areas that interest them. They know how to position themselves strategically to benefit from any revolutionary technologies or future developments. Sociable, intelligent, and quick on their feet, spring Rabbits do not miss a step.


  Summer brings love of ease and need for refinement to the Rabbits born in its season. Rabbits born in the summer will avoid disharmony and stress like the plague, because they lose their sense of security and balance when there is conflict in the air. These Rabbits know how to negotiate their way out of trouble. They can even retreat from a war front without having to do battle. They will be able to get others to fight for them, and this is probably just as well, as Rabbits are not born fighters; they are the peacemakers. People will need the skills of summer Rabbits, and they will be sought after for their sound advice and ability to communicate.


  Rabbits born in the fall are thoughtful, considerate, and cautious in all they say and do. Serene philosophers who always see the whole picture before dispensing advice or making any decisions, they have patience, excellent taste, and a good nose for investments, whether in real estate, business, modern art, or antiques. Autumn children will put their mark on all their achievements as they perform with aplomb and dedication. Autumn Rabbits know how to bide their time and are adept at manipulating others to do their will. Beneath that calm and indolent exterior, this Rabbit is both swift and decisive.


  Inscrutable and at times very calculating, the winter Hare never takes anything for granted. Extremely good at assessing trends and calculating what the public likes, they will make the right call most of the time. These connoisseurs and critics par excellence are renowned for their flawless logic and love of beauty and the arts. Unlikely to let others influence them, winter Rabbits largely rely on their own intuition and powers of deduction. They may not pounce on an opportunity as quickly as Tigers do, but then they rarely get caught in any traps. Sensible and realistic, they do not take on more than they can handle; as a result, they will not get in over their head.

  Famous People Born in the Year of the Rabbit


  Lewis Carroll

  Henry Miller

  Sally Ride


  Jeff Bezos

  Nicolas Cage

  Cary Grant

  Michael Jordan

  George Orwell

  Brad Pitt

  Dr. Benjamin Spock


  50 Cent

  Drew Barrymore
r />   Ingrid Bergman

  Russell Brand

  Michael Bublé

  Bradley Cooper


  Billie Holiday

  Enrique Iglesias

  Angelina Jolie

  Eva Longoria

  Gary Neville

  Jamie Oliver

  Alex Rodriguez

  Zadie Smith

  Orson Welles

  Kate Winslet


  Harry Belafonte

  Cesar Chavez

  Marie Curie

  George C. Scott


  Albert Einstein

  Ali MacGraw

  Joseph Stalin

  Tina Turner

  Queen Victoria


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