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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 24

by Theodora Lau

  Hence, a Dragon with an incompatible ascendant, like the Dog, has perhaps a more difficult inner struggle than a Snake born during the hours of the Snake. The double intensity of the Snake person will be easily understood by horoscope readers, while the more intricate Dragon/Dog may exhibit the contrary Dog and Dragon traits to varying degrees. There are many voices within each person, but in the end, only the individual determines which course he or she will follow, which choices he or she will make.

  Following are the time periods governing the twelve ascendants, with descriptions of each ascendant’s effect on the Horse born during that period. The time of birth used to determine the ascendant is always the local time in the place of birth.

  11 p.m. to 1 a.m. = Hours of the Rat

  With the affectionate Rat on board, this will be a merry-making and more companionable Horse. Both signs are good at acquiring and handling money. A Horse with a Rat ascendant tends to be more sentimental, calculating, and likely to have strong family ties. Inquisitive and acquisitive, this Horse will be able to make commitments and will like things to revolve around home life.

  1 a.m. to 3 a.m. = Hours of the Ox

  After the Ox gets through toning down the Horse’s restlessness, this may well be a serious and even consistent Horse who can stick to one thing at a time and will not fall madly in love so easily. The stable Buffalo brings order and discipline into the Horse’s life, and this lends great credibility to the Horse’s promises and earns the Horse the respect of peers.

  3 a.m. to 5 a.m. = Hours of the Tiger

  This is a good combination of daring and skill. The Tiger provides the daring, the Horse the ability to steer clear of trouble. Now if only the doubting Tiger would follow the Horse’s uncannily accurate hunches. A Horse with this ascendant is colorful, exciting, and very adventurous. They will never let the grass grow beneath their feet. Idealistic, extroverted, and passionate, you can count on this person to blaze a path to their dreams.

  5 a.m. to 7 a.m. = Hours of the Rabbit

  This Horse will have a touch of moderation in their actions. Their extravagant and sometimes outlandish tastes will be muted by the Hare’s more discerning preferences. The Rabbit’s composed and prudent personality produces a more thoughtful and guarded Horse who can better control both their temper and their tongue. This Horse may also be more passive and less outpsoken than other Horses.

  7 a.m. to 9 a.m. = Hours of the Dragon

  Because these Horses can’t help winning—or stop running, for that matter—they are too powerful for inexperienced hands to handle. They also have a tendency to overreact! The powerful Dragon may intensify the Horse’s ego and their need to dominate others. High-spirited and courageous, these Horses cannot help running with the wind and tossing their heads defiantly against opposition.

  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. = Hours of the Snake

  Let’s hope the Snake can distill some wisdom into this Horse. If so, the result will be a slower Horse but one more assured of success. With the Snake as the Horse’s other self, this Horse is deep, secretive, and given to contemplating and thoroughly analyzing their objectives before they act.

  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. = Hours of the Horse

  This pure Horse sign is a thoroughbred who really knows their business. Although they may have a very restless and fidgety nature, they will move with amazing grace. But they can also be conceited and insufferably capricious. A pure Horse sign with all the magnificence and beauty of the Horse’s superior reflexes and love of sports, these Horses will opt for a very active lifestyle, and it will be hard to keep up with them.

  1 p.m. to 3 p.m. = Hours of the Sheep

  With some of the Sheep’s harmonious and compassionate ways, this Horse is less boisterous. Still flirtatious and fun-loving, this Horse can be artistic, sensitive, and amorous. With the Sheep ruling their birth time, this Horse may need more security and love than other Horses, but he or she will be a good listener.

  3 p.m. to 5 p.m. = Hours of the Monkey

  This combination will produce a strong alliance of agility and wits. Because both signs are egotistic and swift, these Horses will always strike out for themselves. They are also glib talkers who are hard to pin down. Knowledgeable and inventive thanks to the Monkey’s brain, this Horse will be a clever tactician with a tendency to be an overachiever. Watch out—he or she will be very competitive.

  5 p.m. to 7 p.m. = Hours of the Rooster

  This competent and perceptive Horse will have an ultra-sunny disposition. With the Rooster’s fearless and self-confident outlook on life, these Horses will never fall prey to worry. They will be meticulous, industrious, and lovers of routine. Always busy, they often have an overwhelming need to both supervise and criticize others. But they are always on time and usually above reproach in their excellent attention to details.

  7 p.m. to 9 p.m. = Hours of the Dog

  The Dog makes this Horse more faithful and honest. Both signs here are quick, practical, and mentally acute, which may make this Horse condescending, impatient, and easily agitated. With the Dog guiding their birth hours, this Horse is likely to be more devoted to loved ones and kind to and protective of those who are less fortunate. One thing is sure: these Horses will not hesitate to speak their mind or fight for their rights.

  9 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Hours of the Boar

  The Boar’s sincerity makes this Horse more steadfast and cooperative. These Horses may be less shifty, but at times they may also be too complacent. The Boar as the ascendant makes the Horse sensuous, boisterous, and scrupulous, but it also brings out a kind, obliging nature that makes this Horse a good and true friend who will always lend a helping hand or a shoulder for you to cry on.

  When Moon Signs Meet Sun Signs

  In our interpretation of Chinese horoscopes, the first lunar sign, the Rat, is not linked with the first Western astrological sun sign, Aries. Instead, we pair the Rat with its counterpart based on the month and season of the Rat, which are December and winter. This makes the most sense, as the lunar month of December (also called the Twelfth Moon or the Twelfth Earth Branch) is supposed to parallel the sun sign Sagittarius, the Archer. We envision the Eastern and Western horoscope cycles as two large wheels, each with twelve spokes. To correctly juxtapose these cycles, we must find the matching notch that will join them together. Once the Rat and Sagittarius are paired as the first signs, the other eleven signs of both systems fall into place.

  Following are the twelve Western solar signs, with descriptions of each sign’s effect on the Horse born under that sign.

  Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

  Sagittarius Horse = Fire + Positive Fire

  This personality loves to live life at a feverish pace, and there isn’t a weary bone in his or her body. Brilliant and daring, they are forever on the go. But the Archer’s sign could be disruptive to the Horse here: too much speed, spirit, and wit without enough perseverance. People with this combination rely on intuition a great deal and tend to work themselves into a nervous state by taking on more than they can handle or letting their fertile imagination get the better of them. However, they are very sports oriented, and exercise is the ideal outlet for their accumulated energy. The Sagittarian Horse not only speaks their mind but acts on it with absolute conviction.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Horse = Earth + Positive Fire

  The Mountain Goat’s most welcome gift to this combination is consistency. This Horse should possess more permanent and reliable qualities because of it. Both signs in this match spur the subject toward continuous activity and industry. A responsive person who is careful to check the sources of their information, the Capricorn Horse likes to mind their own business while tuning in to the wavelengths of others. A less carefree spirit, this Horse will lend speed and grace to Capricorn’s solid resolve. They will know how to establish priorities and thus will be able to accomplish much.

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Ho
rse = Air + Positive Fire

  Enthusiastic personalities full of wanderlust and caprice, these people may always have their bags packed for some real or imaginary journey. The Aquarian Horse lives half in the present and half in the colorful future of their magic rainbow. The one thing they never dwell on is the shadowy past—and with their record for surprises, they may very well have one. This optimistic and jaunty Horse’s cup runneth over with love of life and involvement. Given to searching for truth, the Horse and Uranus-ruled Aquarius speed on, surrounded by crowds and commitments that keep both mind and body well occupied.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Horse = Water + Positive Fire

  The soul of gallantry and finesse, this Horse is more subtle and receptive to the moods of others. Pisces patience will act as a tranquilizer for the Horse’s mobility and will tone down the Horse’s exaggerated mannerisms. Maintaining a steady pace and cautious about resorting to action, this conspicuously conventional creature will not have the Horse’s quick sense of urgency nor the Fish’s flaw of relying too much on the throb of their tender heart. This Horse is a refined mixture of speed and sensitivity, neither too fast nor too slow, neither too efficient nor too sentimental.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Horse = Fire + Positive Fire

  As one can see, this sign has too much active fire. The Aries Horse could be perpetually on the go. Yet the Horse could teach the Ram to run with grace and agility and not to use those horns so much. Witty, dashing, and spirited, these people tend to overwork. They express themselves brilliantly but often rashly. Both dauntless and impatient, they will rush to start new ventures but may not persevere in finishing them.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Horse: Earth + Positive Fire

  Here the normal Taurean steadiness and love of regularity may be colored by the rainbow moods of the flamboyant Horse. Still, both are conscientious in attending to their needs and are never hindered by overdeveloped scruples or deep self-analysis. People born with this combination will feel very secure and will be able to pursue their interests with quiet determination. This person will be a quicker Taurean on one side or a slower Horse on the other, but inevitably he or she will have a lively personality that will always be receptive to reason and a sound argument.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Horse = Air + Positive Fire

  In this combustible and highly inconsistent combination, the Twin’s love of chameleon changes and the Horse’s penchant for constant mobility are combined to the highest degree possible. The Gemini Horse is supremely capable and has lightning-fast reflexes. With this wit around, there will never be a dull moment. A Gemini Horse moves at breakneck speed, covering a lot of ground, but never going deeper than the surface. Quickly infatuated and perhaps just as fast to lose interest, this solar-lunar mixture personifies Mercury incarnate.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Horse = Water + Positive Fire

  This is an active but calmly collected personality. Although Cancerian Horses are refined and in tune with their environment, they are still subject to myriad moods and suspicions. This person will not be as self-sacrificing as Cancer is with other lunar signs, but he or she will nevertheless have tasteful preferences and a loving nature. The Horse’s presence ensures that this person will be more outgoing and less inclined to take life too seriously. The Crab won’t be so clingy because the Horse knows when to let go. The result is a character polished in speech and manners, but with a safety valve to protect them from becoming too involved.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Horse = Fire + Positive Fire

  With such a sunny disposition, this personality rarely has shadows of doubt about anything. Idealistic and ambitious, passionate and true, Leo Horses surge forward in an optimistic but sporadic fashion. They will be impulsive and given to grand gestures. They need many emotional outlets to release their pent-up energies. A generous and sportive individual, the proud Leonine Horse is expressive and loves physical exercise. A happy-go-lucky innovative leader, this Horse will have droves of friends and fans.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Horse = Earth + Positive Fire

  Virgo makes Horses more predictable and subdued in their passions. Their actions are bound to be better calculated and even rehearsed. Although the Virgo Horse’s reflexes are slower, he or she will still be acute and alert, though in a less boisterous way. The solar Earth sign could smother some of the Horse’s flame, but the outcome could be beneficial, since the result may be a more responsible, stable personality who will welcome order and stability.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Horse = Air + Positive Fire

  Libra is even more sunny and kind-humored here and will express expertly when linked to the quick and ever-youthful Horse. The Libran Horse will be less selfish and more cooperative. But while these Horses are vacillating diplomats when it comes to the affairs of others, they can be keen negotiators on their own behalf. And in spite of their unpredictability and apparent glibness, they will be capable producers who know on which side their bread is buttered. These people are forever seeking and finding greener pastures, so no one need be too concerned about their welfare.

  Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

  Scorpio Horse = Water + Positive Fire

  Scorpio has the fixity that could coax Horses to apply their strength strategically. Here is a Horse who lacks the casualness and cheerful spontaneity of other Horses; yet, though they may be more serious, they certainly won’t be grim. They will still resist being bound to repetitious chores and trivia. Not at all transparent, they may be moodily handsome and acutely sagacious because of that mysterious and intense Scorpion aura. They could be difficult to reason with when they are hell-bent on going their own way. Never underestimate them.

  The Seasons of the Horse


  Spring Horses are loved for their spontaneity and sunny dispositions. Those born during the day tend to be more active, involved, and outspoken. They are also likely to be more open, friendly and realistic. In spring, Horses are bound to get more exercise than in winter. And because grass and food are abundant, they will get a good start in life. However, they may tend to be the most impatient of all Horses because they are so active and lively and have a great love for the outdoors and sports. They should be careful not to get distracted and thus lose their focus and commitment. It would be wise for spring Horses to check out every option before making any decisions. They need people to rein in their excitable natures and help them appreciate all aspects of a problem before they rush out to fix it.


  Summer Horses are self-assured and will hate to take “no” for an answer; nor will they accept defeat easily. They have few fears in life and will meet challenges head on. Competitive by nature and blessed with tremendous energy, these Horses tend to bite off more than they can chew. Although summer Horses are intelligent, they can also be self-indulgent. Sometimes they have trouble keeping a tight hold on their purse strings, and they tend to overspend without a thought for tomorrow. Usually successful in their undertakings, the Horses of summer must learn moderation and caution. Although they tend to be more emotional and headstrong than other Horses, they are also well known for their generosity and uncanny ability to predict new trends.


  A Horse born in the fall will be most concerned with security. This Horse will mature early and will be stable, purposeful, and able to take on responsibility. Autumn Horses will strive early in life to show their ability and their capacity to take on difficult tasks. Less aggressive than other Horses, they will show dedication to their goals in life. Although they are still risk takers, autumnal Horses will always hedge their bets and protect their interests. Serious and at times demanding, these Horses are primarily achievement conscious and are unlikely to go back on their promises.

; Winter

  The least outspoken of all the Horses, the winter Horse tends to study a situation thoroughly before giving an opinion. As the most unhurried of all Horses, people of this sign are more conservative in outlook. Winter Horses also have quieter dispositions and will display more pride and love of privacy than Horses of the other seasons. By far the most reliable of the Horses, they will be fast learners and capable managers. Drawing strength from the magnificent calm of winter, these Horses will be able to withstand adversity without complaint. They will be an asset to any team because of their organizational talents and analytical skills.

  Famous People Born in the Year of the Horse


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