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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

Page 26

by Theodora Lau

  Don’t be afraid to lead Sheep children by the hand or help them make decisions. They will never get enough reassurance, and as a matter of fact, they may seek their parents’ advice or approval for everything they do.

  Don’t try to wipe the fairy dust away from their eyes; forget trying to change, mend, or rearrange them into sterner stuff. It will be useless. The Sheep will always see life and the world through rose-colored glasses.

  The Five Different Sheep

  Metal Sheep—1931, 1991, 2051

  Metal Sheep will have great faith in themselves and will be well aware of the value of their talents. They can camouflage their high degree of sensitivity by putting up a brave front, but beneath it the Metal Sheep has a very vulnerable ego and is easily offended by offhanded remarks.

  Metal reinforces the Sheep’s abundant artistic inclinations, and this personality will be inspired to search continuously for beauty in all forms. This Sheep’s home could be a masterpiece of interior design, for Metal Sheep are concerned above all with harmony and balance in daily life. Leaving a familiar environment can be traumatic for them, and they will find it hard to adjust to change.

  This type of Sheep will also seek security in both domestic and financial life. Their services won’t come cheap, although they are not averse to handing out free meal tickets now and then.

  Their social activities will be limited to people they cherish or those who could be of use to the Sheep’s career. The uninitiated will simply have to wait for the Metal Sheep to warm up to their advances.

  Beneath their calm and helpful exterior, Metal Sheep have unstable emotions they find hard to control. As a result, they can be possessive, jealous, and overprotective of their loved ones. They should allow the people around them more freedom. Expecting everyone to be at their beck and call will only cause resentment as well as resistance to the invaluable contributions the Metal Sheep could make.

  Water Sheep—1943, 2003, 2063

  This type of Sheep will be extremely appealing to others. There may be dozens of people around who will want to mother them, and if they need help, they can summon an army.

  Popular but not really knowledgeable, meek yet innately opportunistic, Water Sheep will seek out people they can rely on. When Water is joined with their basic sign, it encourages Sheep to travel the route of least resistance. Water Sheep are impressionable and will always go along with the wishes of the majority or those who have a strong influence over them. But while they may readily absorb the ideas of others, they will still cling to what they are accustomed to. They fear changes in their lifestyle and will never be eager to explore the unknown by themselves.

  Although Water Sheep have multiple interests and therefore can mix well with almost anyone, they also suffer from a martyr complex and will feel rejected and persecuted whenever they are not allowed to have their way.

  Wood Sheep—1955, 2015

  This thoughtful, good-humored Sheep has leisurely ways but is mindful of other people’s wishes. They are sentimental and strive to please; with Wood as their element, they will be prevented from being too flippant. Their nature will be steadier and more generous, and they will have high moral principles.

  These loving Sheep will have complete trust in those they believe in and will put their lives in those trusted hands with the simple faith of a child. Even though these Sheep know their intrinsic worth, they allow others to take advantage of them. They capitulate too readily when harassed and make unwise sacrifices for the sake of keeping the peace.

  The Wood Sheep has the tendency to mother others and can be most devoted to those they care about. They will be overwhelmed by the circumstances of those less fortunate than themselves and may have a collection of both human and animal strays to take care of.

  Their good deeds and compassion will not go unrewarded. Because they won’t mind supporting others, money will always come to them when they are in need. They will receive financial help or inherit money from unlikely sources.

  Fire Sheep—1907, 1967, 2027

  The sure-footed Fire Sheep are more courageous about following intuitions and will take the initiative in their work.

  Their creativity lies in their ability to dramatize rather than invent. They can highlight strong points and play down weaknesses. Even when experimenting with vivid colors, they can produce restful and pleasant compositions.

  If possible, they would like to own a stately home. They are indulgent where their personal comforts are concerned, and they enjoy entertaining lavishly. Consequently, they are likely to overextend themselves financially and mismanage their affairs.

  Fire makes them very energetic and aggressive. They are outspoken when offended. They will exhibit an enticing personal grace, but their emotionalism could, at times, defy logic.

  When Fire Sheep are negative, they are given to wishful thinking without appreciating the benefits of their current situation. They reach for the proverbial pie in the sky and will be sullen and spiteful when it isn’t within their grasp.

  Earth Sheep—1919, 1979, 2039

  This type of Sheep is optimistic and more self-reliant than other Sheep. In spite of their strong attachment to the domestic scene and their devotion to family members, they will try to maintain a certain degree of independence. Having Earth as their element makes them conservative and careful. They won’t waste money, but they won’t be counting pennies, either. Being Sheep, they will still find it difficult to deny themselves. What may appear as luxuries to others will be bare necessities to them. However, just as they play hard, the Earth Sheep will work hard. They can take their responsibilities seriously and will go out of their way to help friends. They are unlikely to ever turn their back on someone in trouble. Although this particular Sheep may be more adept at concealing emotions, he or she is also prone to being neurotic and ultradefensive when criticized.

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Sheep

  The Sheep is part of the Fourth and last Triangle of Affinity, a group consisting of the emotionally and artistically guided signs of the Rabbit, Sheep, and Boar. These three are mainly concerned with their senses and what they can appreciate with them. They are expressive, intuitive, and eloquent in aesthetic and talented ways. Fine arts, architecture, design, fashion, writing, software, and other innovative fields are their forte. Diplomatic and compassionate, the signs in this trio possess calmer natures than the other lunar signs. Dependent on others for stimulation and leadership, they are flexible because they are sympathetically attuned to the vibrations of their environment. These three signs are drawn toward beauty and the higher aspects of love. They will extol the virtues of peaceful coexistence with the rest of humankind. These lunar signs will doubtless provide each other with excellent company, as they share the same basic philosophies.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Sheep

  Circle of Conflict

  The Sheep will encounter the most difficulties with the opposite sign in the Circle of Conflict: the Ox. Anyone whose ascendant is the Sheep (having a birth time between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.) will most likely also be incompatible with the Ox native. Sheep and Oxen are on the opposite sides of the spectrum. The Sheep’s season is the summer, and the Ox rules in the winter. Fire, the Sheep’s fixed element, is in conflict with the Ox’s fixed element, Water. The Sheep tends to be emotional, possessive, and sensitive; the Ox is stern, practical, and disciplined. Both are industrious but in totally different ways. The Ox favors constancy and persistence, whereas the Sheep prefers harmony, creativity, and mutual communication. The Sheep will find the Ox cold and calculating; the Ox will lose patience with the Sheep’s many fears and insecurities. Because they have a tendency to use their wits against each other rather than for a common goal, these two signs could work well together only when dealing through experienced go-betweens respected by both.

  Aside from the signs most compatible with the Sheep, the Rabbit and Boar, and the Sheep’s most incompatible partner, the Ox, the other nine signs are compatible with
the Sheep to varying degrees.


  The Sheep and the Rat do not have much in common. The Rat is not sympathetic to the frivolous ways of the Sheep. The Rat saves pennies; the Sheep spends, borrows, and indulges every whim. The Sheep is creative and needs to be on an equal wavelength with others before he or she can be effective; the aggressive Rat enjoys hard work and prefers to handle challenges without needing help from others. Such different outlooks will generate some animosity on both sides. However, a Sheep person born during the hours of the Rat may be the exception. Similarly, if a Rat is born during the hours of the Sheep, he or she will be able to establish rapport with the Sheep native.


  The Ox and the Sheep face challenges in communication, which frequently lead to conflict. The Ox lives by the rules and frequently sees the world in black and white, whereas the Sheep sees many situations quite subjectively. The Sheep’s penchant for negotiation can easily frustrate the Ox, who has little patience for the Sheep’s methods. The Ox and the Sheep will need a common ascendant or a skilled intermediary to avoid frequent bouts of miscommunication.


  There should be no outright confrontations or serious rivalry between these two. The Tiger might be protective toward the Sheep, and the Sheep will give the Tiger loads of sympathy when he or she needs a good listener. Permanent and lasting relationships result when they share the same ascendant or move in the same circle of friends or profession. Otherwise, ties could be cordial but less strong than they may appear. Both signs could be fair-weather friends to each other and go their separate ways when the fun and games are over.


  These two animals have a natural admiration for each other, as their strengths are quite complementary. The Rabbit has a sharp mind, and the Sheep is a natural charmer. They can be quite the dynamic duo, especially with the Rabbit as leader. The Rabbit can sweet-talk the Sheep—the zodiac’s biggest procrastinator—into action with great success. Their shared emotional intelligence makes communication easy between these two kindred spirits. The Sheep is motivated by positive reinforcement, just as the Rabbit is. They will have a strong relationship enhanced by common interests and hobbies, especially in the fine arts.


  Relationships between the Dragon and Sheep range from cool to acceptable. If the Sheep does not make too many unreasonable demands or expect to be the center of attention, things could work out. The Dragon likes to play the “Godfather” to the docile Sheep, who in reality may be more in control than the Dragon realizes. The Sheep is always willing to cooperate and let the Dragon take command. The Sheep’s creativity will bloom under the Dragon’s leadership. If the Dragon is nonthreatening, he or she will be able to inspire the sensitive Sheep.


  The lovable and compassionate Sheep can sometimes prove frustrating to the intensely intellectual Snake. The Sheep has much to offer but often demands too much and can be very unreasonable. Snakes will not like to make long-term commitments or give in to the whims of the Sheep unless it will benefit them. The Sheep needs the Snake’s direction and constancy of purpose, and the Snake could benefit from the Sheep’s expansive talents and kind nature. But then again, the Sheep’s best friend, the Boar, will be at odds with the Snake and will take care to point out all the Snake’s negative traits to the easily influenced and docile Sheep. In such a contest, the Sheep will side with the Boar every time and will move away from the ambitious and tenacious Serpent.


  The Sheep admires the Horse’s forthrightness and courage, while the Horse may provide the Sheep with the direction and confidence needed to market their many talents. The Sheep may indulge the Horse’s many caprices, and the Horse may choose to ignore the Sheep’s many complaints. The good-natured and creative Sheep has need of the commanding and quick-witted Horse and will not care to challenge him or her on issues. The Sheep will do well to join forces with the capable Horse; compatible and successful business ties could result.


  Sheep natives do not have much rivalry when working together. Most of the time the trouble stems from their ascendant signs and their native lack of decisiveness. If they have common interests and similar goals, they will bind together effectively into an unbeatable team. However, Sheep are easily influenced and do have the habit of changing their minds and preferences. In love and business, the Sheep’s capriciousness could damage relationships that took a long time to build. Two Sheep could be best friends until they find a third party or something they both want. Then their possessiveness comes to the fore, and jealousy could damage their relationship.


  The Sheep and Monkey lack a deep understanding of one another. To be mutually attracted, they will have to share an ascendant or have interests and goals in common. The Monkey needs the Sheep’s broad influence and diplomatic abilities, and the Sheep could make good use of the Monkey’s inventive brain. However, Sheep expect love and gratitude for their largesse, but Monkeys would rather have their due in cold, hard cash. The Monkey tends to be analytical and practical, the Sheep emotional and passive. When things go wrong, the pessimistic Sheep will blame the Monkey. Thankfully, the Monkey is a problem solver and may not take the Sheep’s complaints too seriously.


  The Sheep will shun the Rooster because Roosters are hard taskmasters and disciplinarians, and the Sheep prefers to be courted in a kindly, loving way. The Rooster is easily exasperated by nonconformists and will have communication problems with the overly sensitive Sheep. Ties between these two signs will be only moderately good unless they happen to share a common ascendant. Each has reservations about the other and will tolerate little before going their separate ways. Roosters will want to show off their expertise, but they will alienate the Sheep by trying to run the Sheep’s life and imposing too many rules. The Sheep cannot abide the Rooster’s criticism and regimentation, which only serve to bring out the worst in the Sheep’s personality.


  Dog and Sheep may have few things in common, but they do share a mutual goodwill that keeps each one on his or her side of the fence. They work at different speeds and have different objectives. Dogs couldn’t care less whether anyone likes them so long as they can do their duty and fulfill their responsibilities. Sheep must have consensus and approval before they can act, and they are always so worried about hurting others that they can become fence-sitters. Dogs cannot and will not tolerate disloyalty and can be quite stern when Sheep fail to make up their minds promptly. The Sheep has difficulty taking sides and may want to please everyone, something the Dog cannot comprehend.


  The Sheep and the Boar have a number of things in common, which will provide a good foundation for a lasting friendship. Both animals are emotionally intelligent and commit themselves fully to their relationships. The Boar will lend a kind ear to the Sheep’s every trouble. In turn, the Sheep offers support and a sunny disposition when the Boar goes through hard times. These two animals have all the making of a long-term team in love, friendship, or business.

  The Sheep and Its Ascendant Relationships

  We all have a shadow that follows us throughout life. Sometimes it grows bigger than life, and at other times it shrinks until it disappears into the soles of our feet. Sometimes it walks tall before us, and on other occasions it lags behind like a sulking friend. In Chinese horoscopes, this constant partner, manifest or not, is our ascendant, the animal sign that rules the hour of our birth and becomes a comrade in our journey through life. We may view it as friend or foe, or even a little of both. It surfaces when we least expect and shows a better or worse side of our nature. We can often be confounded by the way we listen to our “other self,” and we can feel resentful of the significant influence it can exert on us. Actually, a personality has many rings around the center of the “self,” and each ring can have a different size, texture, and aura. When all these factors combine, they bring forth the unique indi
vidual that the person truly is.

  Hence, a Dragon with an incompatible ascendant, like the Dog, has perhaps a more difficult inner struggle than a Snake born during the hours of the Snake. The double intensity of the Snake person will be easily understood by horoscope readers, while the more intricate Dragon/Dog may exhibit the contrary Dog and Dragon traits to varying degrees. There are many voices within each person, but in the end only the individual determines which course he or she will follow, which choices he or she will make.

  Following are the time periods governing the twelve ascendants, with descriptions of each ascendant’s effect on the Sheep born during that period. The time of birth used to determine the ascendant is always the local time in the place of birth.


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