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Claimed in CHAOS (CKMC Book 4)

Page 10

by Linny Lawless

  I held her tight. Her mother stood behind her, looking as worried as Kat. “I need to tell you something. And Jean needs hear this too.”

  Kat looked up, her eyes watery, “Do we need to sit down for this?”

  “No.” I lifted her chin and smiled “Becky’s not pregnant. She never was.”

  Her brows lifted, “Oh my god!” She smiled back, “Really?”

  “Yes. I just went to see Brandy tonight and she told me. Becky lied about being pregnant. Just so she could fuck up – “, I looked at Jean, “Sorry… Just so she could put herself between us. I brought Wez along and we found Becky. She’s hanging out with a couple of meth-heads. I told her to stay away from you, me, and the club.”

  “That bitch!” Jean barked.

  “Well I called her something much worse.” I grasped Kat by her arms, “I made sure I wasn’t followed back here, but I want you to stay alert where ever you go, Kat. Be aware of your surroundings. Becky knows where you work, and I don’t trust her or those meth-heads. You call me immediately if you ever feel weirded out about anything! Understand? I don’t care if I’m at a job site, I’ll leave in a heartbeat. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Or your mother.”

  “Yes, Noah. I understand.”

  I pulled both Kat and Jean to me and held them both. Love can also bring on the fear. Because for the first time in my life, I actually was afraid. Afraid of losing the only woman I’d ever loved.


  I’d always been a pretty rational person and anger is an emotion that can be irrational. But I’ve never felt so much anger at one person like I did toward Becky. And some of my anger was also directed at Noah sometimes too. Only because I felt I needed to lash out at him for getting himself involved with a woman like that! I also realized that deep down I had been competing with both Becky and Brandy for Noah’s attention. But not anymore. I had my insecurities just like everyone else, but I showed Noah my true self. And he fell in love with me, and that made our love for each other real.

  Becky tried to destroy us, but we worked together to put it in the past and move on with our lives. I did as Noah told me, to stay aware of my surroundings at the bookstore or anywhere else I went. His brow was furrowed at times, showing his apprehension that Becky would do something crazy and take it out on me. It was a bit unnerving to think Becky would do something irrational, but Noah told me to never under estimate someone else’s thinking, especially if they were angry.

  Noah was so protective of both me and my mother, which made us feel safe. He, along with Wez, told the club to stay on the look-out if Becky or those two assholes she hung out with came around. A week had past, but the feelings of anxiety were still there, nagging me in the pit of my stomach.

  A month had past and the nag in my stomach settled down a bit, as I stayed close to Noah, to my Mom and the women in the Coven. Noah told his parents that Becky was never pregnant, and they were so relieved and delighted that we were back together again. After all we went through in such a short span of a lifetime, our bond became even stronger. We were there for each other, the club, and our families.

  Noah was reluctant to meet with Brett about helping with his tutoring. I understood his hesitation because of all the unpleasant, and traumatic experiences he endured in high school, and his recent encounter with Jackie. But he was determined to reach for his goals.

  We met Brett for dinner and drinks and chatted at a local restaurant with a comfortable atmosphere. And after a few beers, Noah and Brett actually clicked really well! They opened up to each other and began to discuss the goals Noah wanted to achieve in ramping up his reading skills to get his GED.

  Brett was very laid back and easy to talk to, “We’ll start off by reading ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. It’s one of my favorites about fuckin wizards and magic!”

  Noah chuckled, “Sure. Sounds good.”

  Brett took another gulp from his frosty mug of beer, “Maybe you can help me out with something too.”

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  Brett’s eyes moved to Noah’s shoulders and biceps, then looked down at himself, patting his gut, “I really need to get back into shape. Do you think you could be my work out partner?”

  Noah’s eyes immediately lit up and he grinned “Sure man, I’ll work out with ya! I’ll text you details on the gym I go to and get you a free pass for the month.”

  “Deal!” Brett reached out his hand and Noah shook it. And a new friendship was made that night.

  One evening, that nag that was one a small pebble became a heavy rock that sunk to the pit of my stomach when I walked into the front door of my house. There, I saw my mom, sitting on the couch, her eyes wide with fear. Two filthy looking men, sat on either side of her.

  Becky stood by the couch, holding a revolver. It was pointed it at me. “Come on in Kat! The party is just starting!”

  I felt a hot, fiery rage building up inside me, as one of the assholes sitting too close to my mother draped his arm over her shoulder.


  I took a stepped forward, but Becky kept the gun pointed right at me, “I’m the one with the gun bitch. So, I call the shots!” Becky screeched.

  The piece of shit with the missing tooth kept his arm wrapped tightly around her, letting out a high-pitched giggle, “These bitches better have some cash hidden around here somewhere!”

  Becky turned to him, “We’ll get to that soon enough. You can rip this house apart if you want, I don’t give a shit!” Her eyes pivoted back to me, “But first, you WILL call Magnet and tell him to get his ass over here!”

  Her hand that held the gun began to shake. In that moment, all I wanted to do was drop kick her right between the legs “You tell your scab friend to get away from my mother, and then I’ll call him.”

  “I’m ok Kat. Just call him.” My mother, the brave lioness, kept her eyes only on me.

  I pulled out my phone pushed Noah’s name. He answered in just one ring, “She’s there isn’t she Kat?”

  “Yes. With a gun. Her friends are here too.”

  “If they hurt you or your mother, they’re all dead. Be there in ten.”

  I hung up. My eyes glared at Becky “He’ll be here in ten minutes.”

  Just then the doorbell chimed. Becky steered the gun to the door. I knew it could only be Brett from across the street, “It’s ok. It’s just my neighbor.” My voice shook, trying to keep Becky calm with that gun.

  “Tell him to go away!” Becky barked, hiding the gun behind her.

  I moved to the door and opened it. Brett’s smiled faded the moment he saw the look on my pale face. He leaned over my shoulder. His brows turned downward, when he saw Becky, and he lowered his voice, “Everything okay Kat?”

  “Uh. Yeah. Just a few of Noah’s friends. He’ll be here in ten minutes.” I faked a smile, my throat dry.

  “Well. Ok. I’ll come back later.”

  The sinister looking man with the long beard scooted away from my mother. He patted the couch and grinned at me, “Come and sit by me, little pussy cat.”

  Bile rose up my throat as I walked over and sat next to him. He chuckled, wrapping an arm around me. He smelled of body odor and cigarettes. At least I was wedged in between one of those disgusting assholes and my mother.

  I stared at the clock above the TV, watching the long hand move ever so slowly. Becky paced back and forth biting on her long acrylic thumb nail, her eyes darting around the room.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, realizing I was holding it as three knocks came at the door, “Becky, It’s Magnet. I’m coming in!”

  The door knob turned slowly and Noah stepped inside, leaving the door ajar. His hands were raised and he kept his eyes on Becky who now pointed the gun at him. “Just take it easy with that gun, Babe. It’s me you want. Just let Kat and Jean leave the house and we’ll talk.”

  Becky’s hand shook as she leveled the gun at Noah’s chest. Her bottom lip sta
rted to tremble, “I was the best god damn woman that ever came into your life! You loved me more than you ever loved Brandy! Then you just threw both of us out of your house for“ she looked down at me, “this frumpy bitch!”

  Noah took one step toward her, tilting his head slightly, “I’m sorry babe. I’m a Chick Magnet, remember?” His eyes turned soft, taking another step, “You’re right. I’ll get bored with Kat sooner or later.”

  Becky lowered the gun a bit and began to sob. Noah was then only inches away from her. He raised her hand to point the gun into the middle of his chest.

  “Noah! Please don’t!” I cried out.

  He kept his eyes on Becky, holding her hand that still kept a shaky grip on the gun. “Do you really want to kill me Becky? After all the good times we’ve shared? You know we can still be together right?”

  Her head dropped. In half a second, Noah snatched the gun out of Becky’s loosened grip and shoved her hard against the wall face first. He pinned her there, as Wez and James rushed in through the front door, stampeding toward the two men on the couch and my mother screamed. We both jumped off the couch and out of the way as the Chaos Kings began pounding their fists into them.

  Brett must have called the police, because a minute later, came the blaring sounds of sirens. Three police officers came through the door, followed by Brett. Two officers pulled Wez and James off the meth-heads, their faces a bloody mess. Noah left Becky to the third officer, keeping her pinned against the wall, and restraining her wrists in handcuffs as she screamed and sobbed.

  My mother sobbed, clinging to me tight as Noah came to wrap his arms around us both, “Are you ok? Did they hurt you?”

  “We’re ok Noah.” I released my mother so she could stay in his arms. “Hold her.” I moved quickly toward the officer who jerked Becky away from the wall. And with all my strength I had, I back handed her hard across the face! She cried out as Wez braced his hands on my shoulders pulling me back to him and chuckling, “Whoa there Kat. We don’t want you riding along with her to the pokey now do we?!”


  I sat on my couch, changing the channel on the remote to check on the weather forecast that night as my mother paced back and forth in front of the window in the living room. “You look fine Mom. Stop fidgeting or you’re going to wear out that carpet.”

  She stopped and looked down at herself dressed in jeans, a cute sleeveless blouse with pink flowers and brand-new motorcycle riding boots, “Is this appropriate enough? Should I change into something different?”

  “Yes, you’re dressed appropriate enough, looking like a hot sexy biker mama!”

  She giggled “Oh stop Katrina. It’s just a ride on a motorcycle with Noah’s work friend, Hank. It’s not a date.”

  “Oh yes, it is a date Mom!”

  That’s when we heard the rumble of pipes outside. She rushed to the front window peering out behind the curtain.

  “Don’t go out there, Mom! Make them come to the door and greet us. I want to take a look at Hank myself!”

  The doorbell rang and I got to the door and opened it before her. Noah leaned against the frame, with a handsome grin on his face. “Hey Kitten.” He nodded his head to the older man standing next to him. “This is Hank”.

  Hank had head full of salt and pepper hair, with a full growth of beard. He nodded, “pleasure to meet you, Kat.” His eyes pivoted from mine to my mom, standing right behind me, “You must be Kat’s sister?”

  She giggled and stepped around me, holding her hand out to the huge burly man. “I’m Kat’s mother, Jean.”

  Hank clasped her little hand in his huge paw-like grip, “Well the pleasure is all mine darlin. I mean Jean.”

  I smiled up at Noah as Hank and Mom chatted, like two nervous teenagers going out on their first date. Hank was close to my mother’s age and was a widower, who worked for Noah’s father’s business. We thought they would be a good match for a blind date to the county fair that night. Hank also rode a Harley – the kind with all the bells and whistles, with a fairing, hard saddle bags, and even a radio and cd player. It was painted in pearl white, parked next to Noah’s chopper.

  Noah pulled me into his chest, wrapping his strong arms around me and planted a warm and not so chaste kiss on my lips “You two biker chicks ready to ride the ferris wheel tonight?”

  My lips lifted to a devilish grin, looking up into his sea blue eyes, “Ready to be rode hard and put away wet, Chick Magnet!”


  About the Author

  Linny grew up in Northern Virginia, right outside Washington DC, self-published her debut novel, “Salvation in Chaos” in January of 2018. Her stories are about scruffy, sexy alpha bikers who belong to a tribe, their club, and the women they fall in love with. They live in a world full of chaos, not unlike reality. But within that chaotic world, they live their lives the best way they can and discover true love.

  Social Media

  Facebook page:

  Chaos Coven Clubhouse:





  Other Books by Linny Lawless

  “Salvation in CHAOS”

  “Deep in CHAOS”

  “Coveted by CHAOS”

  “Claimed in CHAOS”

  “Summer Heat” Anthology

  Coming Soon:

  “Conquered by CHAOS”


  “Switched” – Co-written with Elizabeth Knox




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