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High School Lover

Page 24

by Rose Croft

  John smiled cockily and glanced at me. “She’s cute.” Then he faced her again. “No, I play baseball.”

  “Oh, that’s cool.” She nodded as if she knew what was going on. “Is this like a summer league you’re playing in? I know some friends who told me they play in a softball league.”

  He laughed at her statement, and her forehead wrinkled in confusion. “I’m lost.”

  I was trying to keep a straight face so she wouldn’t think I was making fun of her. “No, sweetie, John plays professional baseball. He plays first base for the White Sox, and is leading the league in home runs and will probably be selected for MVP at the end of the season.”

  “Oh.” She shrugged to show she wasn’t impressed and took a sip of her drink. What was with her tonight? Did she have multiple personalities?

  I glanced at John, and his cocky grin had fallen away. This was probably the first time a woman didn’t fall all over herself when she found out who he was.

  John flagged down a waitress and asked her to bring a round of drinks to our table. He then motioned for me to scoot over so he could sit.

  “Andrew should be here soon.”

  “Yeah, I know, but he didn’t tell me you were in town.”

  He smirked. “Probably because he knows how excited you get when you see me, baby.”

  I rolled my eyes at his joke. Rose frowned at him through her glasses.

  He was smiling until he saw her face, then sobered up and leaned back in the booth, glancing down at his hands on the table.

  The waitress brought our drinks. I was preoccupied with the interaction between Rose and John. “So how long are you in town?”

  “For a few days, then I’ll rejoin the team.” He looked at Rose. “So, what do you do?”

  “I teach high school English.”

  “Damn, I wish I would’ve had a teacher that looked like you. I would’ve stayed after class for tutoring.” John air-quoted “tutoring” and had a half-smile on his face as he raked his eyes over Rose like a ribeye he was about to devour. His eyes seemed to linger on her chest. “I bet you could teach me…a lot.” Uh oh, I knew what was coming.

  She glared at him and then turned to me. “Is he always this offensive?”

  “Rose…” I wanted to explain, but was cut off.

  “How was that offensive?” John tilted his head with arms crossed over his chest, puzzled.

  “You seriously don’t know.” She crossed her arms over her chest, too, staring wide-eyed at him.

  “No, I don’t. Why don’t you enlighten me?” John sounded somewhat annoyed, probably wondering why Rose didn’t giggle and blush over his silly comment.

  She straightened her glasses and looked down her nose at him as if he were one of her students. “Am I supposed to be flattered by what you said? First of all, you just joked about teacher-student sexual liaisons, which is a serious issue that’s happening too often in our schools. And secondly, that was the douchiest line I’ve ever heard. Who even talks like that? Are you fifteen?”

  John pursed his lips together and his nostrils flared as he sat still as stone. I’m sure he had never been set straight like that before.

  This wasn’t going well at all. John was being John, and Rose was being Rose, but there were definitely some sparks flying between them although they were eye-daggering each other at the moment. I needed to get this train back on the tracks. “Hey, Rose, he was trying to be friendly. He kids around a lot, but I know he wasn’t trying to offend you. Right?” I nudged John, trying to get the ball in motion.

  John nodded, looking like a penitent student after punishment. “I’m sorry, Rose. I wasn’t trying to be offensive. I was trying to give you a compliment.”

  Her face softened. “Apology accepted.”

  My phone dinged. Andrew. “He’s here. I’ll go meet him.” I started to rise, but John stilled me.

  “I’ll get him.” He gazed at Rose again. “I’ll be right back.” He stood and disappeared into the crowded bar.

  I turned my attention to Rose. “You wanna tone it down, Scrappy Doo?”

  “Me? Are you kidding?” Now, Rose eyed me like I’d offended her. “Who talks like that?”

  “I know it was cheesy, but John’s a good guy. And he’s obviously interested in you, so give him a chance.”

  “What happened to your promise not to interfere in my business? I’m not here to pick up a professional basketball player.”

  God, she was so sports challenged. “He plays baseball, Rose.”

  “Fine, baseball, whatever.” She waved her hand in the air. “Just worry about your high school lover, and I’ll take care of myself.” There was Rose’s bluntness that I both loved and hated.

  I saw John threading through the crowd with Andrew behind him. Rose was watching, too. “Holy shit, he’s gorgeous, Loren.” Rose was all over the map today, but I had to agree with her on this one.

  “Yeah, he is.” Andrew’s eyes met mine and stayed there as he walked toward me. He almost took out another person passing by and didn’t even flinch, but that was okay. He only had eyes for me.

  “Scout.” He slid in the booth and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close.

  “Andrew.” I leaned into him, reveling in his warmth. I wanted to clasp onto him like a koala bear and never let go.

  But, I glanced up when I heard John tell Rose to scoot over. She hesitated and I thought she wasn’t going to comply. In the end she relented with an overdramatic sigh.

  “Andrew, this is my dear friend Rose.”

  “Hey. Nice to meet you.”

  She adjusted her glasses and beamed in an I-know-something-you-don’t way. “I’m happy to finally meet you because I feel like I’ve known you for years. Loren told me everything about you, and when I say everything, I mean ev-ery-thing.” What the hell was she doing? I pierced her with a warning glance.

  Andrew seemed amused as he surveyed my face. “I would love to hear all about it, Rose.”

  John snickered. “I have some stories, too, but they usually involve a lot of moaning.”

  This time, Andrew and I both scowled at John. “You just had to go there, didn’t you?” Andrew shook his head as if disappointed, as he laced his fingers through mine.

  “What?” John asked and dismissed us, leaning into Rose. “You gotta boyfriend?”

  “No,” she answered, moving away from him.

  He didn’t seem to care. “Good.” His hand dropped under the table, and Rose almost shot out of her seat. “Because you and I are about to embark on an epic adventure. Like Lord of the Rings epic.”

  The look she gave him was something hard to describe—she seemed pissed, but also watched him as though he were mentally unstable, and yet…she licked her lips like she was somewhat fond of his idea, too. “You’re crazy, insufferable, ridiculous. There’s nothing epic going on here, except my being about to leave because you’re being a creeper.” I saw her arm flexing, and she twitched as she struggled with something under the table. What the heck was going on under the table? John seemed not deterred one bit. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear, and she stilled and blushed. She downed her drink. John sat back as a smile slowly materialized on his face.

  “Did you finish your book?” Andrew asked, distracting me from what-the-hell-ever was going on across from me. He’d been bugging me for the last few days about the ending.

  “No. I’m trying, Andrew. It’s just…nothing’s coming to mind lately.”

  “What’s holding you back? Talk to me. I want to help you work through it.” I loved that I had someone who would help me work through the story. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted, but I knew it had to be great, and I didn’t want to put something out there that I wasn’t one hundred percent sure of, just to finish the book. “It has to be Lord of the Rings epic.” I repeated John’s words.

  “It’ll happen, Scout. Just keep writing. I’m here for you always, you know that.”

  “I know.” Our heads were clos
e together, almost touching, and I felt for the thousandth time since we’d reconnected that our lips were going to have some sort of homecoming. I’d missed him so much and was ready to take it to the next level. I needed him.

  We finished our drinks and kept the conversation light. John tried to be a gentleman and refrain from making what Rose would see as sexist comments.

  People began to recognize John and were coming up asking if they could take pictures with him. Girls were openly talking to and touching him, ignoring that he was with companions and was trying to have a normal conversation—as if he had no right to privacy. Some of the girls hit on Andrew, too. I wanted to go straight up primitive and claw their eyes out, but Andrew was curt, not encouraging them in any way. John, however, was more polite, more patient. He probably dealt with this on a daily basis. Fans held up their cell phones and snapped pictures of him without his consent. I could see the pulse in his neck as he pasted on a fake smile.

  Rose had her lips pursed and her arms crossed. She was highly annoyed. Then one sandy-blond-haired girl slid onto John’s lap. She wore a short, trampy dress that looked more like a size small T-shirt. She practically flashed her crotch and areolas. “I love you. You’re my favorite player.” She held her phone out in front of them and clicked two or three times, and John wasn’t smiling. His brows drew together as he stared at her like she was disturbed.

  As she leaned in and tried to kiss him, John jerked away. “Whoa, I’m here with my family and girlfriend. Not cool.” Crazy girl craned her neck and glared at Rose like she was the Antichrist, but slowly slid off John’s lap.

  “You’re an asshole!” The girl huffed off, and John rubbed his eyes, apparently tired of trying to be “on” all the time in front of his fans.

  Rose was fuming. The only things missing were steam coming out of her ears, and horns. “I’m. Not. Your. Girlfriend.”

  John’s charming mask was back in place. “Not yet, but you will be. You know you can’t resist me.”

  Her jaw dropped momentarily before she bent over and grabbed her purse. “I’m leaving, Loren. You coming with me?” We’d ridden here together.

  “I’ll take her home, Rose,” Andrew said.

  She nodded and nudged John to move. “Wait, I haven’t had a chance to talk to you.” He pouted. Most girls probably would’ve surrendered to his wishes.

  “Don’t worry, you have several people around who want to have a conversation with you. Now let me out,” she demanded, seeming unfazed by his charm.

  He reluctantly moved out of the booth as the crowd backed up and gave him space to stand. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” He put on his sexiest smile.

  She watched him with her eyebrows raised, waiting for him to answer his own question. She had her hands out in inquiry. One hand held her phone. He snatched it and turned his back to keep her from taking it away. Then he frowned. “What’s your passcode?”

  “I’m not telling you that! Give me my phone back.” She was reaching around his broad back trying to grab her device as he shifted, blocking her. It was comical.

  Like a mongoose, Rose scurried around him and faced him, but John easily lifted the phone out of her reach. “But I want to give you my phone number, so you can call me.” A small crowd was starting to gather around us. It must’ve registered with him that he was becoming a public spectacle, but he still didn’t relinquish her cell. “Let’s go outside, and I’ll give you your phone.” Rose gritted her teeth and her tiny fists were clenched as if she might kick his ass.

  Not waiting for an answer, John grabbed her wrist and pulled her along with him, and the crowd parted as I watched them make their way out.

  “Should we go out there and check on them?” I wondered, hoping Rose would be okay, knowing she liked to be in control of situations.

  “Nah, they’ll be all right.” Andrew didn’t seem concerned at all. The way his eyes consumed me at the moment told me he was interested in something else.

  Me, too, Andrew. Me, too.

  Ten minutes later, John strolled up to the table looking content, or maybe more like relieved.

  “Everything good?” Andrew asked.

  John took a sip and leaned back casually in his seat and crooked a player’s smile. “It’s all good, man.”


  “Are you gonna invite me in?” I touched her thigh as she sat beside me in my car parked in her driveway. I’d been leering at her all night because she was so beautiful, and spending more time together was making it more difficult to take things slowly.

  She faced me. “I’m just really nervous.”

  “Why?” My hand felt like it was burning on her smooth skin.

  “I still can’t believe I’m with you again in the flesh. I’ve dreamt about this. It all seems surreal.”

  “Does that mean you were dreaming about me, Loren?” Sitting there with her and touching her drove me crazy. I leaned in and kissed her bare shoulder.

  “Yes,” she whispered. I moved in closer, nuzzling her neck. The familiar floral scent I remembered sent me into sensory overload.

  “Tell me what you thought about.” I trailed my lips up her neck. She was like a magnet, and my body was metal.

  “I can’t…think…right now.” She breathed as I kissed her cheek. I realized I was gripping her thigh, kneading it. It wouldn’t take much for me to inch my hand farther north to reach paradise city. She spread her legs a little bit wider. She felt so right. Everything did. It was like all these years something had been missing inside of me; nothing had ever seemed to be pieced together fully. Now it did. Thoughts of her consumed me. I wanted everything from her—everything she could give. Then, I’d fucking want more because I could never get enough of her.

  “God, Loren, I’ve missed you so much,” I admitted as I finally connected with her full, sensual lips. She moaned into my mouth and kissed me with fervor. It was as if time had stood still all these years because the feel of her lips still gave me the most exhilarating thrill. I kneaded her thigh, keeping myself from taking a road trip up her skirt.

  Finally, our lips smacked as we pulled apart, both of us gasping for air. “Can we go inside?” I thumbed her cheek and kissed her forehead.

  “Yes.” Her breath was irregular as she leaned into me. I wanted to kiss her again, but not out here. We exited the car, and I led her to the door.

  As we stood in the living room, Loren shifted on her heels, glancing around the room and rubbing her wrists. I didn’t want to rush things or push her into something she wasn’t ready for. “Why don’t we sit down?” I took her hand and drew her over to the sofa.

  I could hear the sound of the occasional car passing down the street as we sat in tranquility. I was thinking about how we were together again—without having to sneak around or wonder who might see us. It was just the two of us. I wondered if she thought about that, too.

  “How was Austin?” Her voice slipped out, lifting the silence.

  I’d gone to Austin to negotiate a deal in which I would be co-producer on a script I’d written the previous year. “It was great. Patrick wants to help me co-produce one of my projects.” I’d gone down there to negotiate a deal where I would be co-producer on a script I’d written the previous year. Patrick Ward was an indie filmmaker who had directed one of my films two years prior.

  I heard my phone signal from the coffee table. I’d told him to contact me any time. “That’s probably him now.”

  However, when I checked the message, I frowned.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you. Please call me!”

  Loren must have seen it, too, because she seemed to tense up beside me and clench her hands together.

  I exhaled and clicked off the phone. “It’s not what you think. I haven’t contacted her.”

  Loren shook her head and held a hand up. “If you’re not over Alyssa, fine, but please tell me the truth.” Her voice was feeble, and her words were unsteady. She was not fine. And I never wanted to hurt her.

>   “I am telling you the truth. We’re not together anymore, and I don’t want to be with her.” I knew it looked bad for my current girlfriend to see a text from the ex, but I needed Loren to trust me.

  “I’m trying to be honest, Andrew, and tell you I will be devastated if we’re together for a while, and then you change your mind.” She ducked her head and stared down at her lap. Her shoulders slumped.

  “You want honesty, Loren?” I needed to nip this shit in the bud and tell her exactly why I didn’t want to be with Alyssa or anyone else. I gripped her chin, forcing her to look at me. “Do you not think I was destroyed after what happened between us? And you know what? After spending the day with you after Mike’s funeral, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to push you up against the front door of your house and fuck you.” Loren gasped at my admission, and I kept on. “I was so disgusted with myself that I thought it only happened because Alyssa wasn’t around. When I flew home the next day, though, and she was naked in my arms, I deliberately closed my eyes and gave into the fucking recurring fantasy that I’ve had for the past several years.”

  “Oh, my God, Andrew. That’s messed up.” Her mouth hung open in shock, but her eyes never left mine.

  “You don’t think I know that? I hated myself for that, almost hated you for always being in my thoughts. The truth is you have been with me for eight years. Eight fucking years. I tried to let go. I tried to fuck your memory away, but I couldn’t. You were always with me.” Jesus, didn’t she see how much I cared for her? “Cared” was too mild a word. I was obsessed, and I didn’t care if she knew it. She needed to know this.

  “When you invaded my thoughts when I was with Alyssa, I knew I was in some serious shit. That’s why I backed away from responding to you about your book. I thought I could be the bigger person, and we could be friends. But I knew I was going to blow my relationship with Alyssa if I continued to speak to you. I tried to let you go. God knows I tried. But I couldn’t. Seeing you again, knowing that I had access to you, drove me insane. It’s always been you, Loren. Always. And that’s the truth.”


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