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Lauren's Love Lessons (Yesteryear Erotica Book 1)

Page 3

by Jodie Halliday

  “Shh, keep your voice down. I expect there’s an explanation.”

  “She’s running from something. She wouldn’t say a word on the way back here.”

  “I’ll talk to her after dinner. Let’s be nice to her though.”

  Steven went out through the garden gate down to the beach while Emma waited for Lauren to emerge. Almost half an hour later she heard the bathroom door open.

  “OK?” she shouted.

  “Yes, much better, thanks,” said Lauren.

  Emma went through to the hallway and stood in the doorway of the bedroom. Lauren was wrapped in a large white towel with another round her wet hair. She unwrapped the towel from around her head and started to dry her hair.

  “You can put your clothes and things in the wardrobe, and if you need any washing done then I can do it with the rest tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, and I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “Messing up your holiday,” she said, tears forming.


  “Yes I have, I can tell,” said Lauren, hanging the towel over the back of the chair. She pulled at the knot of the bigger towel and turned her back to Emma. The towel pooled around her feet. Emma swallowed hard at the sight of her tight little buttocks and the lithe, long legs. Her physique suggested that Lauren kept herself fit.

  ”Oh sorry, I’ll come back,” said Emma, noting the perfect skin and tight, but feminine muscles.

  “No, I’m sorry, don’t go. I’m just used to being in a dorm with loads of girls.” Lauren picked up her clean white knickers and slipped them on. She then turned to find her bra. Emma noted her breasts, slightly smaller than her own but undoubtedly just as firm and certainly as pert and shapely. She was surprised to feel a tingle shoot through her as Lauren pulled on her bra and adjusted her breasts for comfort.

  Ten minutes later they were both in the kitchen. Lauren wore a pale yellow blouse with white shorts. She was barefoot and sat on the bench seat with her feet pulled up tight against her bottom. Emma shocked herself as her gaze seemed to naturally gravitate towards the darkness inside the little girl’s shorts. With her washed hair and clean clothes she looked completely different from the girl who had arrived an hour earlier and Emma commented on the transformation, from a messy schoolgirl to a beautiful young lady. Lauren blushed without smiling.

  Steven returned as they were having tea and made a cup for himself. He looked at the two girls, his eyes lingering on Lauren before he left for the lounge to work. Within an hour, Emma and Lauren had cooked an evening meal of pork chops, potatoes and peas with gravy. To Emma’s surprise, Steven opened another bottle of wine, although she said nothing about it, simply accepting a glass when it was offered.

  “Are you allowed wine, Lauren?” asked Steven. To Emma’s delight there was a hint of a smile from him.

  “Well, I had some at my cousins wedding about a year ago, I’m not sure.”

  “She’ll be OK, and we won’t tell will we?” said Emma, smiling at Lauren. Steven poured a glass for her as well and they sat down to eat. Conversation, even with the wine, was difficult. The weather was a favorite topic, which allowed some discussion on the heat absorbed by the sand in the summer and how painful it could be on the feet.

  “I’m not sure about this wine, you know,” offered Steven after a couple of sips.

  “Where did you get it?” asked Emma, curious and bold enough now to ask for details.

  “The same man who gave me the bottle we had yesterday. He’s a vendor that we do business with.”

  “Oh, I thought you had bought it all,” said Emma

  “No, I hardly ever buy wine, you know that. No, you can have this, I’ll wait for a different bottle tomorrow.” He poured his wine into Emma’s glass and hunted for lemonade. Emma couldn’t tell any difference between the wine of yesterday and that which she was drinking, except one was sweeter. She got the sponge cake out and cut a slice for everyone.

  After dinner, Steven left to go and read in the lounge while Emma and Lauren chatted at the table. The bottle was more than half empty and Emma was once again feeling light-headed.

  “Lauren, can I ask you something?”

  “If you want,” she replied, looking into her lap.

  “What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you so upset, or, if I might suggest, in such a mess as you were this afternoon.” Emma watched as the words sank in. The young girl’s chin quivered as she looked forlornly at the table. She shook her head silently. Emma reached out and took her hand. “Perhaps I can help? At least I can listen, often that’s all that’s needed” suggested Emma, squeezing her hand. She sensed the thoughts churning around in the girl’s head. Lauren exhaled loudly, summoning courage.

  “I just hate school, that’s all,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes again.

  “Did you really get allowed out early?”

  “No, not really.”

  “So they’re going to be very worried when you’re not there,” said Emma.

  “I left a note saying where I was going. They know I was due to visit you, now I’m just early.” A tear trickled down her cheek. “And I’m messing up your holiday.”

  “But why were you in such as state when Steven met you?”

  “I missed the train last night.”

  ”Last night?” repeated Emma, gripping the girl’s hand tighter. “Your letter said you would arrive today.”

  “I know. I was going to get there very early, spend some time at your station, look around. I left school in the afternoon and took the tube to Kings Cross. But when I got to the platform there was no train. I’d been reading the weekday timetable, and I should have looked at the Sunday service.”

  “So what did you do?”

  “I decided to get the next train out, which was this morning. That way I would still meet you, just not look around. Last night I tried to sleep in the waiting room, but they close it at eleven. And I didn’t want them to think I was homeless, so I wandered round the station. Then at about midnight I needed the loo, but they were all closed, so I found a dark alley near the platforms.” She paused, looking at Emma for encouragement. “I needed big loo, you know?” Emma nodded. “I was doing it when this man jumped out and I fell over and screamed. He screamed too. It was so horrible, and I got filthy. He ran off.”

  “Oh Lauren you could have been attacked.”

  “I know. I wiped myself with bits of a newspaper but it was impossible in the dark. I was almost sick. I tried to wash in the ladies toilet this morning but it was very difficult. I had to keep carrying my suitcase everywhere. Then I got the first train out which was just after midday. Nobody would sit near me. I knew I smelled so awful.” She shook her head, her sobbing returning.

  “Shh, don’t worry. Is there anything I can help with at University? Don’t forget I went there, as well as your mother and Linda.”

  Lauren was silent for a while, staring again at the table. She played with her wine glass, twirling the stem.

  Pain contorted her face. “The other girls all hate me. They think I’m dumb, or immature. They all have their little clubs.”

  “And you’re not in any of them?”


  Emma squeezed her and again. “I think I understand.”

  Lauren looked up at her. “I don’t think you do,” she said, shaking her head. “They are so mean to me.”

  “Shh!” said Emma. Steven walked into the kitchen, returned his glass to the sink and announced, in a reasonably pleasant tone, that he was going to have a bath then go to bed and read. “Let’s go into the lounge, it’s nicer in there to talk,” said Emma, refilling their glasses then leading the way. They sat on the sofa, facing each other although Lauren still stared into her wine glass.

  “When I was there, which was maybe six years ago, we had our little clubs. They seemed to spring up from nowhere once we reached the second year.”

  Lauren looked at her, amazed at the revelation. “I bet they were nice to you t

  “They were OK, but some of the girls were horrible. Others were very friendly.”

  “It’s the same with us. But it’s as though all the clubs are full. Everyone is a member of something, and there’s no room for me.”

  “I think we’re talking about the same thing. Girls pairing up, becoming great friends.”

  “Uh huh,” said Lauren, nodding in recognition that Emma did seem to understand. “I missed out. I joined the class about two weeks late because we were moving house.”

  “And everyone was friends by then,” said Emma.

  “Yes, I joined in with the girls in my dorm for a little while but they didn’t want me, I was in the way. Then I moved to a dorm with three other girls who I didn’t know and that just made it worse.” Lauren shuddered as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I’m sorry Lauren, that sounds miserable.” Emma cuddled her, consoling as she rocked her slowly in her arms.

  “And now they say I’m backward, I don’t know about the facts of life, and I don’t know what to do.”

  “And they do?”

  “They say they do.”

  “Huh. What they say and what they do is usually quite different. I remember a girl who claimed she had had sex with a boyfriend who came from Turkey. It turned out several years later that he had never existed. But it made her sound very clever at school.”

  “But they do know things.”

  “You mean from their friendships?”

  “Hmm.” Lauren paused, her eyes darting about as she sensed Emma’s understanding. “At night.”

  Emma squeezed her tighter. “Same as when I was there. It seems to be an unwritten rule at the school.”

  “Did you have a special friend?”

  “Oh yes, two actually. One for about two months, then another until I graduated.” Emma smiled at Lauren and touched her hand. “But don’t tell Steven!”

  Lauren giggled, and nodded. “See! You had company, someone to talk to and discuss things with. I think Linda did as well. I just know that when I get back to school they are all going to be talking about their new boyfriends, or how they went to great parties, and I’ll have nothing to say because I know nothing.”

  Suddenly, Emma sat bolt upright. “I’ll be your friend. While you’re here, you can ask me anything,” said Emma, excited by her idea.

  “But you’re much older than me. Sorry, I mean, well, you know.”

  “I’m twenty five, you’re nineteen. That’s not much, and anyway, I can tell you about things your school friends will never know. How’s that?”

  Lauren thought for some time and slowly, a warm smile spread across her face. She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and shrugged. “You’re sure?”

  “Of course. While you’re here I’ll make sure you get the best of educations!” She sipped her wine, pleased to see she still had half a glass and there was probably another glass each in the bottle. “Drink up.”

  Lauren giggled as she drank and settled back on the sofa, shifting to face Emma, who had placed her glass on the table.

  “OK, if I remember rightly the first thing we did was kissing practice.”

  “Emma! Really?”

  “Yes, but on our arms.” Emma laughed at the thought, and showed her by kissing her own arm gently. “That way you can get an idea of what it feels like. Try!” Lauren did, placing a couple of kisses on her arm. She giggled at their foolish antics. “OK, now with a bit of passion, more slowly.” They both kissed arms, pretending to be in raptures with the effect. “Now come here, come closer,” said Emma, patting the sofa between them. “Close your eyes and think of a boy that you really like.”

  Lauren closed her eyes as she thought. “OK, I’m thinking.”

  “OK, now he’s going to kiss your arm. Keep your eyes closed!” Emma leaned towards her and felt very gently along her arm, then kissed it lightly. “Did that feel good?”

  “Yes, but it’s a bit weird isn’t it?” replied Lauren.

  “Well, you have to start somewhere. Do you want to try the next step?”

  Lauren shrugged. “OK.”

  “Right, close your eyes again and think of the same boy. Unless you want to change him of course! Ready?”


  Emma could see the expectancy in her tightly shut eyes as she leaned towards her. Gently, she kissed her lips.

  “Ooh!” she squealed. “I didn’t think you were going to do that!”

  “Shh! And it was your boy, remember, not me. Anyway, how did it feel?”

  “Lovely, so soft and warm.”

  “Good. That was the first day he kissed you. Now you’ve seen him again and it’s time to part. He’s going to kiss you again.” Emma watched as Lauren closed her eyes, and as she leaned in again she caressed her cheek with the tips of her fingers before kissing her more longingly.

  “Oh my goodness!” said Lauren, breathing heavily as they broke away.

  “Do you like him?” asked Emma.

  “Oh my yes, very much so.”

  “Then you should respond. If you just sit there he’ll think you don’t like it. How could you respond?”

  “Kiss him back?”

  “Yes, or use your hands like he did.”

  They tried again, and as the kiss developed, Lauren put her hand round the back of Emma’s head, pulling her closer. After several seconds they parted.

  “That was lovely Lauren. It felt just right.” She slipped her arm around Lauren’s shoulders and pulled her closer. Her head spun madly as the signs of arousal grew. She cuddled her for a few minutes before kissing the top of her head and reluctantly standing up. She went to the kitchen with the glasses and refilled them. As she settled back she pulled Lauren close to her again while taking a quick gulp of wine. “Shall we keep going?”

  “OK, if you want to,” said Lauren as she quietly sipped.

  They kissed and caressed each other, so much so that both girls groaned occasionally. Emma decided that she would press forward with the lesson and hope for the best, if Lauren ran out screaming then she would blame the wine. As she kissed her, she trailed her hand down from the girl’s shoulder, down her side until it rested on her stomach.

  “Oh my! Emma, I feel so strange. Like I’m floating,” said Lauren.

  “Doesn’t it feel lovely? It’s great when a boy does that, as long as he’s gentle with you.”

  “I don’t know who’s the boy and who’s the girl anymore.”

  “Shall we stop?”

  Lauren shook her head silently.

  “OK, last lesson for tonight.” Emma moved so that she was slightly above Lauren and tilted the girl’s head back as she kissed her. She caressed the girl’s stomach, slowly moving her hand in circles over her blouse until her fingers touched the bottom of her bra. Lauren inhaled quickly but made no attempt to prevent her hand moving in that direction. Encouraged, Emma caressed further, covering more of her breast with each circle. Lauren touched Emma’s face with her fingers, sliding them around to the back of her neck in encouragement.

  Emma kissed her, blowing gently into her ear as she went lower. She pushed the top of the girl’s blouse down, kissing in the space she uncovered. Lauren’s head went back against the sofa as her hands gripped Emma’s head, pulling her lower. Emma looked up at her.

  “One last thing?” asked Emma.

  “Uh huh” whispered Lauren.

  Emma kissed her lips again while her fingers traced down towards the buttons of her blouse. She undid the first one while toying with Lauren’s lower lips between her own. The second one came undone almost immediately, allowing her fingers to slip inside and touch the skin at the top of her bra. Emma opened her eyes and was delighted to see a look of rapture on the little girl’s face. The final buttons undid in quick succession, allowing her to push the blouse open. She cupped Lauren’s left breast, twirling her thumb over the erect nipple that strained inside her bra. Lauren opened her eyes, looking for reassurance.

  “I reall
y want to do this for you,” said Emma

  “I know,” said Lauren. Emma knew that the boundary had been crossed between pretending to be a boy for her and their caresses being driven by their true feelings. She stroked her stomach gently as she looked down at the beautiful mounds held by the girl’s bra. She kissed all the way down from her lips, over her neck and throat to the young globes. Reaching behind Lauren, she found the clasp and flicked it. It sprang free, and she descended lower, pushing the material out of the way until her tongue flicked her hard nipple. Lauren gasped, gripping Emma’s head. Emma wrapped her hand around her breast and kissed the nipple through her fingers, helping it to point up towards heaven and sensing movement as Lauren parted her legs very slightly. She moved to the other breast, pleased to see that the nipple was even harder than the other. Lauren’s hands once more pulled Emma harder towards her so that her breast filled her mouth. She continued to lick, thrilling at the little sounds that came from the girl.

  She pulled away slowly, and as she slipped her arm around Lauren’s shoulders she pulled her close to her side. Looking down she could see the classic shape of her breasts, the nipples perfectly crowning them.

  “Lauren, you have perfect breasts, they are gorgeous!”

  “Thank you. But yours are bigger I think.”

  Emma caressed her breasts for several minutes before she pulled her blouse around her and cuddled her tightly. She looked down and noticed her skirt had ridden up her thighs.

  “And your legs are silky smooth” she said, feeling them above her knees.

  “Emma, I know I messed your holiday up, but thank you. You’re a very good friend.”

  “Shh. I enjoyed it.”

  “I know you did.”

  “Well, I, um, it’s educational.”

  “Emma, it’s OK. It felt so romantic.”

  “More tomorrow then?”

  “I would love to,” said Lauren, beaming.

  “OK, maybe I’ll tell you about men, not that I know much.”

  “Well, I know nothing.”

  Emma chuckled. “Honesty will help us talk, but don’t forget that while you don’t know much about men, nor do your school friends.”

  Emma did up one of the buttons on Lauren’s blouse, at which point Lauren helped her. They turned out the light and walked into the hallway. Emma paused at the door to her room and slipped her arm around Lauren’s waist, pulling her closer.


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