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Lauren's Love Lessons (Yesteryear Erotica Book 1)

Page 11

by Jodie Halliday

  “Lauren, sweetie, I have never, ever, come like that. Never in my life.” She touch his lips with a finger, unsure what to say or what he was telling her.

  “I can feel you still, it’s moving inside me.”

  “I can too. I can feel you squeezing me.”

  “Just hold me for a little while” she said.

  They lay there for many minutes, wrapped in each other’s arms, Steven still hard and deep inside the teenager. As their breathing returned to normal he kissed her lips tenderly. “Let’s walk.”

  “Walk? Where?”

  “On the beach. There’s a moon up and it’s very warm. Bring your towel.”

  They padded quietly through the house, encountering some sharp stones on the pathway which made them squeal as they picked their way carefully. The beach was silent except for the distant waves rolling up the sand. They dropped the towels by the dunes and walked slowly down to the water, arm in arm.

  “I’m leaking I think,” she said, giggling again. “I can feel it going down my legs.” She reached down to feel the stickiness.

  “Let’s get washed a bit in the sea,” he said, taking her hand.

  He led her in and washed her, splashing water around her pussy and thighs. She washed his cock, learning quickly to be careful and avoid being too aggressive after he occasionally held her hand if she was stroking an area where he was still sensitive. They walked back to the sand and continued away from the house, his arm around her waist, naked and silent. After several hundred yards they stopped and sat down, staring out to sea.

  “Lauren, this is going to sound very foolish, but what we did tonight meant more than you can imagine.”

  “It’s not foolish. And I will never ever forget it. The candles, the love, this, out here in the moonlight.” She rested her head against his shoulder.

  “I’ve been trying to work out how we can meet again,” he said, looking at her.

  “That’s funny, I was thinking that as we were walking just now.”

  “Maybe you can come round to our house when you’re down from university?”

  “Maybe. But I’m still at school, don’t forget. I have exams to do next year.”

  “I don’t see you as a nineteen year-old.”

  “Thank you, you make me feel very grown up.” She looked down and could see his cock rising, nodding at her with every beat of his heart. “Let’s wander back, we should get some sleep,” she said, standing up, the shape of her pussy lips silhouetted with the moonlight in front of her.

  They crept back to the house and brushed the sand off their legs before showering silently outdoors. Still naked, they stood by her bed, his arms around her waist as his cock pushed against her stomach.

  “It’s alive again!” she said, smiling, her eyes big with wonder.

  “It’s had enough activity tonight, it just doesn’t know it.”

  “Can’t you control it?” she asked, pulling back the sheets.

  “No, not a chance, it has a mind of its own.” He got in beside her.

  “Will you stay?”

  “Do you want me to?” he asked.

  “Won’t Emma mind?”

  “Possibly. But we’ll probably wake up before her anyway.”

  They pulled the sheets up and turned to face each other.

  “Good night,” she said, sinking into the pillow.

  “Night.” He kissed her lips, touching the smoothness of her cheeks before lying down. He was asleep within minutes, but Lauren could only lie there, staring at the ceiling and listening to him breathing as she wondered about the etiquette of visiting the bathroom to clean herself properly.

  Chapter 8

  Lauren looked over towards the door and realised that while she might have spent the night with Steven she wasn’t going to experience waking up next to him, which would have completed the magic. She reached over to where he had been and sensed a slight warmth and a smile turned to a grin as she snuggled down under the sheets and inhaled. A mix of sweat, sex and what she presumed to be pure ‘man’ filled her senses and made her heart skip. The sheets were smooth, soft to the touch as she brushed her fingers over where he had been. She stopped as a thought entered her head, suggesting that he might have returned to Emma soon after they had made love, and perhaps he had thought she was useless in bed. But he had been inside her, so strong, bringing her to orgasm. She counted them, in the bath, his tongue, and at least one other time with him deep inside. Her fingers touched her pubic hair, then lower where she discovered matted hair and some stickiness around her pussy. Lauren wondered if she should have got up and washed before falling asleep but at the time she had just wanted to feel him cuddling her. She curled into a ball, pleased with herself and still trying to separate what had happened in reality to what she might have dreamed.

  The last four days had been so wonderful and she wondered if she had been right to allow herself such indulgence. Her father often reminded her that you didn’t get something for nothing in life. And what could she tell her school friends about the week with Steven and Emma? Almost nothing, except that she could differentiate more easily between their made up stories and fact. She slipped out of the bed and found her pyjama top underneath the bed and with knickers in hand went into the bathroom to use the toilet and get cleaned up.

  After brushing her teeth and doing her best with a warm flannel on the stickiness around her pussy she slipped on her knickers and went into the kitchen to investigate the clinking of cups. She was delighted to see Steven in his pyjamas, making tea and setting the breakfast things on the table.

  “Hey, hello sleepy head,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  “Hello,” she said, looking around the kitchen nervously. She wondered if their love-making of the previous night was a taboo subject and why he hadn’t kissed her lips. She hoped that it didn’t mean it was their first and only opportunity. She opened the drawer and took out three teaspoons, adding them to the cups he had arranged on the kitchen table. “I didn’t sleep at all last night,” she said, testing the appetite for conversation.

  Steven laughed. “When I woke up next to you about ten minutes ago you were sleeping beautifully. You looked like an angel. And when I pulled the sheets up over you at about three o’clock, you were asleep then as well.”

  She smiled broadly and coloured, caught out. He tipped the hot water from the teapot into the sink. She wrapped her arms around him from behind. “My heart thumps when I think about us last night.”

  “Like I said, I have never felt like that.”

  “Emma made it all possible. I should thank her,” said Lauren, letting go of him to fill the teapot from the kettle.

  “Yes, you should. Show her a little tenderness this morning. You know what she likes.”

  “OK, I’d like to do that anyway. And the tea should stand for a few minutes.”

  “Right, I know,” said Steven, smiling at her advice.

  “What can we do that you’ve never done?” asked Lauren. Her heart thumped violently in her chest as she wondered if she was being too presumptive, and tried to think what had made her ask such a question.

  “All last night fits that category,” said Steven

  “Something new,” she said, gazing into his eyes.

  “Something new for you. Come here,” he said, backing her up towards the bench seat. He pulled up her pyjama top revealing her dark green knickers below. He reached behind her as he kissed her lips, his tongue pushing in to find hers as he pulled her closer. “Very fetching knickers, if I may say so?”

  “They’re horrible. The material is so rough, and it itches like mad, especially in the summer,” she said, leaning into him. Quickly, she looked up at him in surprise.

  “What?” he asked

  “You’re, you know, hard again.”

  “You’re cuddling and kissing me.”


  “Don’t be shocked, it really is because of you.”

  “Just because we kissed?”

  “Hmm,” he said, smoothing her knickers with his hands. “Why not wear white cotton ones?”

  “I didn’t bring enough with me so I need to use these as well.”

  “They’re still quite sexy though” She felt him searching for the valley between her buttocks, then fingers either side as he slid them down to her knees. A slippery finger pressed against her anus and slowly entered as he kissed her deeply.

  “Oh!” she cried as he pushed in. She gripped his arms tightly, her eyes closed tight as she broke the kiss and rested her head against his chest.


  She gasped and slowly looked up into his eyes, grabbed his face and kissed him again, hard. She raised herself on tiptoes as his finger pulled out then pushed in again. His free hand found her breast. She rested her head on his shoulder, surrendering to the utter pleasure of the invasion as his rough chin rubbed against her forehead. He pulled out slowly, releasing her. She felt his cock pushing hard against her as he pulled away, kissing her lips gently as he found the tea towel to wipe his finger. She smoothed her pyjama top down and watched him pick up the kettle that was rattling on the cooker. The tent of his pyjamas was evident even though he turned away in an attempt to hide it. Her heart beat faster in delight at the effect she had on him and the slight warming sensation inside her anus.

  “Time for tea,” he said, pouring three cups while smiling broadly. “Go and wake her up, I’m going to set up the breakfast things.”

  Lauren pulled up her knickers and wandered out of the kitchen with a cup of tea for Emma just as Steven pushed the bread under the grill. She found her curled up on her side, facing away from the door so she put her cup on the bedside table and half-opened one of the curtains so that sunlight filtered across the bed. Lauren leaned down and nuzzled into her neck. She inhaled the smell of sleep and warmth and possibly a little perfume from yesterday and whispered gently, sexily into her ear.

  “Mmm?” said Emma, slowly surfacing from her sleep. Her pyjama top was crumpled and the sleeves were up her arms.

  “Wakey wakey,” said Lauren, smiling at her.

  “Hello,” she said stretching noisily. “I had a good sleep.”

  “You certainly did, about ten hours.”

  Emma rolled onto her back and realised it was Lauren next to her. She looked up and saw she was wearing only her pyjama top. “So?” she asked, looking directly at her knickers for any possible evidence.

  “What?” asked Lauren, knowing exactly what she wanted to hear.

  “Did he do as I asked?”

  Lauren beamed. “Yes. It was so wonderful. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Did you come?” asked Emma as she pulled Lauren towards her.

  Lauren looked slightly embarrassed by the question, but nodded as she sat.

  “Any pain?”

  “Only a little. It went after a while but I feel a little sore, I think. There’s tea here for you.”

  “That’s normal. I wish I could have seen it happen. Did he do it nicely, like a gentleman?” she asked. “Tell me what he did.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t” she Lauren, reaching for Emma’s cup and drinking.

  “Where did you do it?”

  “In my bedroom.”

  “Oh, do I need to wash the sheets?”

  “No, maybe a towel or two” she said, putting the cup back on the bedside table. Emma reached across and touched her thigh. Lauren smiled at her and stood, walked around the bed and slid in next to her. The bed felt warm as her leg touched Emma’s.

  “Good. Keep going,” said Emma, talking a quick sip of tea.

  “Well, we had a bath to get clean, then I lowered myself onto him. Nice and slowly.” The abbreviated version would be sufficient she thought.

  Emma grinned at her proudly and held out her arms. Lauren slid closer and nestled against her shoulder, wrapping her arm around Emma’s waist. “Not much that you haven’t done now then, is there?”

  “No. Thank you Emma, I am so grateful.”

  “For lending you my husband?”

  Lauren laughed. “Yes, and for being a wonderful teacher.” Her hand trailed across Emma’s stomach and her fingers slipped inside her rose coloured pyjama top. Emma sighed gently, encouraging her. Lauren flicked the top button with her thumb and pulled the material towards her, revealing her right nipple. She caressed her breast with two fingers, tracing the outline of the firm mound before moving closer.

  “They are so smooth and firm,” said Lauren as she gently pursed her lips around the nipple and sucked.

  “Oh Lauren, that’s such a beautiful feeling,” said Emma as she rolled slightly towards the young girl, offering herself.

  Lauren was in no hurry, and caressed her other breast gently with her fingers as she continued to suck on the hard nipple. After a couple of minutes she flicked open another button, followed by another until her pyjama top was open. Emma turned her so that Lauren could curl up next to her, and while she continued to suck her nipple, Emma rocked her like a baby, humming a little tune to her as she stroked her hair.

  “That’s it Lori, be my baby.” Lauren giggled at the thought but kept up her attention on Emma’s breasts. “Curl up next to Mummy.” Lauren brought her knees tight up against her chest and slowly trailed her hand up to Emma’s left shoulder. Emma understood and shifted slightly to allow her pyjama top to be pushed off. With a squirm she got the material bunched around her sides and lay back again, exposed to the waist.

  “Now your turn little girl, Mummy’ll take off your pyjama top,” said Emma, bunching the material in her left hand and pulling it over Lauren’s head, leaving her naked above the waist. She tossed the clothing on the floor and smoothed Lauren’s hair down gently as she once again felt the young lips on her nipple. “Good baby,” said Emma, as Lauren circled her breasts with her tongue, enjoying the sensation of giving such pleasure to someone. This, thought Lauren, is exactly what everyone had been doing at school, everyone except her. Emma explored the young girl’s body, tracing her fingers up and down her spine, over the backs of her thighs, feeling her young coltish muscles and then down inside her knickers between her buttocks. She stooped and inhaled loudly as she traced across her anus.

  “Baby’s sticky here,” said Emma, slightly concerned. “Are you alright?”

  “Butter,” she said. “Dada,” she added in her best baby voice.

  Emma laughed at Lauren’s use of the ‘Dada’ word. “When? Last night?”

  Lauren shook her head. “Just now in the kitchen.”

  “He made love to you there?”

  Lauren looked at her in astonishment. “Ugh!”

  “No, I mean, in the kitchen?”

  “Oh, no, he put his finger in there.”

  “Oh, I see. Nice?” Emma hid her concern but realized that while Steven had only done that once in their seven years together he had already experimented with Lauren.

  “Hmm, maybe,” said Lauren, in between kisses to Emma’s nipple. Lauren eventually nodded.

  Emma giggled. “It’s OK, I know you really like the feeling. There’s nothing wrong with that. I would love to have a big finger inside me.”

  Steven stood at the doorway watching, smiling back at his wife while Lauren sucked at her breast. Emma turned to him and then away as she realized her had probably overheard some of the conversation. Steven was looking intently at the outline of Lauren’s pussy between her thighs and the shape of her right breast. He walked slowly across to the bed, admiring the sight of his wife and the young girl. Without taking his eyes of Lauren he handed Emma the cup of tea, which she drank carefully even though she had already been given one by Lauren. Steven leaned against the wall, trying to minimise the bulge in his pyjama trousers as he watched Lauren’s fingers teasing Emma’s nipple.

  “Our baby is having breakfast,” said Emma with a huge grin. She looked up at Steven in adoration and tilted her head up for a kiss. Steven leaned over, touched her face and kissed her with a gentleness she had rarel
y experienced from him. His fingers then trailed down to Lauren, along her back and around her buttocks. He recalled the tight, soft opening that he had explored the night before, how his tongue seemed to get stuck inside her as he licked her for the first time and the involuntary movement of her soft thighs as she felt a man’s tongue on her for the first time. He smiled as he saw her young breasts and the small, hard nipples that floated in a sea of pale pink youth and knew exactly how they had felt last night. His fingers traced along the tight, muscular cleft of her buttocks.

  “She’s a bit messy there, you know,” said Emma.

  Steven grinned. “She liked it,” he said, watching Lauren as she pulled his wife’s nipple between her lips.

  Emma reached out and found the fly of his pyjama bottom. She slipped her hand inside and found his rigid cock. “What did you do?”

  Steven caressed the side of Emma’s face, looking briefly down at Lauren. “She wanted something new, so I pushed my finger inside her bottom.”

  “Which finger?” asked Emma, looking at his hands. His eyes bulged at her question. With a little twitch he offered his right hand.

  “”Middle one.”

  Emma took his finger and pulled it to her lips. With exquisite attention she slowly took it into her mouth. “Lucky Lauren, lucky finger.”

  “Oh Emma,” groaned Steven as he re-arranged his bulging cock back into his pyjama trousers.

  Emma smoothed Lauren’s hair, caressing her neck. “What a lucky baby you are,” said Emma. She shifted on the bed so her legs were a little wider. She leaned over towards Steven. “So Daddy’s thing was inside our baby last night, then?” asked Emma, gently stroking his cock through his pyjamas.

  Lauren giggled, assuming the comment was directed at her, even though her face was buried between the soft globes of Emma’s breasts. In addition, thought Lauren, I’ve also experienced a real grown up man, not just a boy. And I’ve spent the night with him, and had a bath with him.

  “He’s still hard, baby.” The little girl opened her eyes and looked across, seeing the instrument once again as it now poked out. She grinned at the happy memories and the new-found tool that had given her so much pleasure only hours earlier. “Let’s hope it still works after what he did to you,” said Emma as she pushed the skin down very gently and the purple knob popped into view.


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