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Playing the Witch's Game (Keepers of the Veil)

Page 10

by Zoe Forward

  Owen sauntered toward a table laden with plates of food. He waved his hand over decadent concoctions with a grin. “Per the game rules, in order of arrival, each team gets to choose one meal. That’s one plate for each person. Karen and Shaun go first.”

  Shaun clapped Nikolai on the shoulder as he walked past and shot him a nod of approval. Karen flashed Jen a genuine smile and said, “I’m glad you guys made it.”

  Jen smiled back. She’d chatted with Karen before the group photo shoot in front of the helicopter about the ridiculous swimwear and Karen’s four-year-old son. The active marines were hoping to facilitate their promotion to a postshow PR position that would keep them in the States now that their son was almost in kindergarten.

  Jen’s stomach kicked up a brutal hell-yeah in response to the heaping plates of pasta, peanut butter sandwiches and, wow, there was some sort of chocolate dessert concoction. Her stomach groaned a loud noise. She darted an apologetic glance at Nikolai.

  He leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Tempting. More so because we’re so fucking hungry.”

  A while later Owen invited Jen and Nikolai. They both remained seated.

  “We’re good,” Nikolai said. “We’ve got dinner, if we’re staying here.” He flashed a grin.

  Owen said, “Please eat.” It was more of an order than request.

  Both he and Jen shook their heads.

  “What? You don’t trust our food?” Owen asked with a smile.

  “Hell, no. I don’t trust anything from you,” he said with a smile, although his eyes glittered dangerously.

  Owen poured water for everyone from a huge thermos into plastic cups and handed them out. Nikolai and Jen accepted them.

  Jen sniffed the water. She recognized a distinct malicious energy that suggested poison. She glanced up to Nikolai and gave a subtle headshake.

  Owen lifted his glass, which hadn’t come from the same source. “Here’s to good luck.” And drank.

  Jen and Nikolai lifted theirs in silent toast. But didn’t drink.

  Everyone around them drank. Nikolai grabbed Jen’s cup and poured the contents onto the ground.

  Owen scowled at them. “Refusing our drink as well. Do you not wish everyone luck?”

  “There’s no such thing as luck in this game. It’s about survival. Didn’t you just say that yourself a few minutes ago?” He flashed his devastating grin once more. Two couples drooped into sleep and several more were on their way.

  “What the hell is this?” Shaun yelled.

  “You drugged us?” Bob said as he yawned. “You fuck—” He fell backward off the upper bench, landing in a cringe-worthy head crash.

  Nikolai raised his eyebrows in a silent told you so at Owen. “So, what instructions do you need to give us for the next few days?”

  “You will be provided written information tomorrow morning,” Owen replied.

  “So, we’re staying here? On this island?” Jen asked skeptically. “Seems awfully hard for you and the crew to work here.”

  Owen didn’t reply. His baffled gaze darted to a guy off set who sent him some signal. Owen frowned as he shook his head. He said to the guy, “You can’t.”

  The off set guy gestured wildly with his hands. “Tell them.”

  With apology in his gaze, Owen said, “Go. You can take a tiki light, if you want.”

  “Go where?” Nikolai asked.

  “Camp out with the snakes tonight. We’ll get you new information tomorrow. Watch for slithery dangers and others.”

  “What kind of others?” Nikolai took her hand and rose.

  Owen shook his head. “I can’t tell you more than that.”

  Dread overtook her mind. Owen shot her another apology glance. But for what?

  As they exited the set, the sounds of crickets surrounded them. The crickets stopped.

  Something whistled past her head and smacked into foliage.

  Nikolai pulled her sharply to the side and dived into the forest. He whispered, “They’re shooting at us.”

  She said, “This must be their backup plan. What kind of shooting? Bullets?”

  “Darts.” He picked her up, slung her over his shoulder and moved almost soundlessly through the forest as if he could see in the dark. He put her down next to a tree and whispered, “Stay.” Then he disappeared.

  As she stood, she grunted and turned to see a huge plastic dart with feathers fall from her thigh. “They got…”

  Then there was nothing.

  Chapter Ten

  Come on, salivary glands. Work. Jen swirled her dry tongue inside her mouth.

  Eventually they kicked up some pitiful, sticky saliva. She sat up. Her stomach immediately revolted. She leaned to the side and puked. Twice. Then lay still on the ground staring at the green jungle above her. The sounds of unfamiliar bird cries, insects, and frogs surrounded her. This forest was different. Denser. Different foliage. They’d been moved.

  A side glance located Nikolai a few feet away.

  Her brain churned. What now? They’d been darted. Their contracts were now nullified by this. Why put them back in the game? They must be good for the show’s ratings. Really good. Or someone planned something far worse for them.

  She fought the haze clouding her mind. Think. She needed to get to Nikolai before he woke up pissed and demanded an immediate off-the-show. The only way to discover who targeted her with that hex and who threatened her might be to stay on the show, or at least get as far as possible. Maybe this was drug-induced crazy. She didn’t want Nikolai hurt over this. She also didn’t want to live in fear for the rest of her life.

  She pushed upright to all fours, ensured the camera caught her when she fake dry-heaved. She crawled to Nikolai and lay on top of him. His deep breaths and burning heat soothed her. For a few seconds she rested her head against his chest and listened to the steady thump-thump of his heart.

  Within a minute his breathing changed.

  She whispered directly into his ear, “Stay still. Don’t go ballistic. I’m pissed, too, but I have a plan. If you’re awake, let me know by giving me one cough.”

  He subtly coughed. His mouth worked, probably dry like hers.

  She whispered again, “Pretend to be physically ill. Violently ill. Get Shannon to take a bathroom break. We’ll talk.”

  “Gotta heave,” he said as he pushed her off him and crawled a few feet to vomit.

  True nausea rolled through her again. No faking required. She groaned and lay on her back, staring sightlessly at the canopy leaves.

  He collapsed next to her. “How’re you?”

  “Not good. Stomach…” She rolled, pushed to all fours and vomited all liquid remaining in her stomach. Then collapsed next to him.

  “They darted us. The assholes darted us.” He pounded the ground with his fist.

  “Did you get to the shooter before they got you?”

  “Yeah. He won’t be walking right for a while.” He snorted out a laugh. “Then he got you and it distracted me.”

  “What would you have done to him, if he hadn’t gotten you, too?” she asked.

  He rolled to face her. His brows were drawn low. “You don’t want to know.”

  She couldn’t look away from his mesmerizing danger. “No. I probably don’t.” She laid a hand against his cheek. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  He pulled her against him. “Let’s rest for a bit. At least until my stomach stops thinking it’s a blender.”

  She relaxed into his warmth and rested her head on the crook of his arm. “Shouldn’t we get off the jungle floor?”

  “They probably dumped us somewhere safe and assumed we couldn’t take care of ourselves for a while.”

  His scent saturated her nose, soothing and addictive. “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  He pulled her tight against him. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  A while later she stumbled to a broken tree trunk. He stood slowly, holding his head, and shuffled to sit next to her. She glanc
ed around, noting the twin backpacks a few feet away. His eyes darted to a tree camera and narrowed.

  Nikolai zeroed in on Shannon. “They shot at us. Darted us. That means they violated our contracts and we’re off the show. Why the fuck are we still in it with you filming us?”

  Shannon lowered her camera. “I didn’t hear anything about that. I heard they found you both passed out a little ways outside the exit of the meeting site last night. You two must’ve been more resistant to the tranquilizer than the others.”

  “We didn’t drink their poison or eat the tainted food. They chased us into the forest. Hunted us. And darted us. I want us off. Right now. Call in a boat or something.”

  Shannon shot him her patented stubborn squinty eye. Why wasn’t she being more helpful? Why didn’t she believe Nikolai? She wasn’t acting like the overprotective best friend she’d known since kindergarten. That woman would’ve been more than happy to end this and go home. Shannon acted like she’d guzzled the Extreme Survivor Kool-Aid.

  Shannon set her camera to the ground and whirled around for a moment with a satellite phone in the air as if searching for signal. Finally, she placed a call and walked away from them, talking low into the phone. Why the secrecy? Whose side was Shannon on?

  Minutes later Shannon returned. “They don’t have anything on film to prove you were darted. The producers say it’s not possible. No one would’ve darted you. An exit right now is a no can do.”

  Nikolai rose. “That’s bullshit.” He rolled his left biceps and pointed at a large circular bruise from a dart’s impact. “What do you call that?”

  “A bug bite?” Shannon shrugged. “I’m sorry. There’s no proof anyone darted you. You hallucinated before you passed out or something. Gotta get you back on camera.”

  “What the hell’s wrong with you?” He took a step toward Shannon. His face paled and he sat hard on the log again. He ruffled an agitated hand through his hair. “I’m not losing my mind. You remember, don’t you, Jen?”

  “I was there. Of course I remember. We didn’t eat or drink any of their stuff. They got me on the thigh.” She rubbed the spot over her leg. She leaned close to him and whispered, “Bathroom break. There’s something wrong with her.”

  In a soothing tone he said to Shannon, “Good time for a bathroom break.”

  Shannon put down the camera and wandered into the woods.

  Nikolai cocked a surprised eyebrow at Jen.

  She turned her back to the tree camera and whispered, “I’m surprised your skills worked on her. Pretty impressive.”

  “I’m not sure they did. Maybe she’s playing along, but…I don’t know what the hell’s wrong with her.”

  She said loudly, “I’ve got to go to the bathroom for real. Will you make sure nothing gets me?”

  He nodded and rose. He stumbled and caught his balance against a tree. Then followed her behind the big tree.

  She ducked behind another tree. “I really do have to go.” She wiggled out of the wet suit. Once done and back in the uncomfortable swimsuit, she searched around until she found the plant she searched for. She presented a leaf to Nikolai. “It’s like mint. It’ll take away nausea. Just nibble on a little bit.” She then broke off the stem of a larger plant. “It’s filled with water. Chew and suck out the water. Then spit out the plant.” She demonstrated.

  He followed. “Better.” Then he whipped her around. She crashed into him. He said low, “We’re out of this. I don’t give a shit about whatever plan you concocted. Or whatever’s wrong with Shannon.”

  She pushed against his arms. Anger and arousal surged through her blood while she struggled to get free.

  He pressed her against a tree. “We could’ve been killed.”

  The past twenty-four hours of pain, fear, and arousal converged. His hands trapped her wrists. Within a second his lips covered hers, his hands stroking. His knee parted her legs as his groan met her moan.

  Wow, this man can kiss. His lips ground onto hers and he anchored her body tight to his. With him she was safe. He also filled an emptiness within her.

  But he couldn’t be her match. Just couldn’t. She already had one false lead on her destined guy with Owen. She couldn’t analyze anything with his lips on hers.

  His lips, teeth, and tongue…he made good use of all of them as he nipped and licked and stroked. He consumed her.

  She should push him away and shout outrage, not need more. Her roaming hands unzipped his wetsuit to run her hands over his bare skin.

  “Son of a bitch. What the hell are we doing?” He grabbed her hands, trapping them in his.

  “Really? You started it.” She glared challenge.

  His gaze jerked to hers. His eyes burned with sexual hunger. “If we do this right now, then that’s a double whammy to get us off this goddamned show. Don’t forget we’re contractually obligated not to have sex on the show. Maybe we should.” He smiled. “Was that your plan? If so, I’m on board.”

  She pushed at him. “Get off me.” She shouldered into him, trying to push away.

  He didn’t budge, kept her hands trapped in one of his. With his free hand he traced the deep vee of the front of her suit. His nostrils flared. The heat in his gaze sparked her to a new height of need. Perspiration gathered on her face and beneath her breasts, dampening, but doing nothing to assuage the heat burning her from the inside out.

  What was he doing to her? This had to be part of his coercive ability. Because, my God, had she ever needed to touch a man as much as she needed to run her hands over him? She’d never known arousal so fierce and simultaneously wicked.

  In a low, rich tone he said, “I dream of you beneath me, begging for my touch. Is that what you want, Angel?” Something flickered through his gaze. Something she couldn’t interpret.

  Going on instinct she said, “You’re afraid. Aren’t you? You’re scared if we…then you might risk something more than your body. I’m loving your shocked look right now. I did my own homework on you before we started this. Serenity said you are a hit-and-run guy when it comes to women.”

  “You asked Serenity about me?” His expression turned brooding. “I’m not sure I’d want to hear what she thinks about me.”

  “I’m not telling.”

  His eyes roamed her face. “This isn’t about fear of commitment, Angel. I want you like I’ve never wanted another woman. But I want all of you, not some half-assed piece while you save yourself for a Hollywood dickwad. This want isn’t something I think one night will remedy. I already get three nights, which is more than I’ve wanted from another woman in a very long time.”

  That wasn’t what she expected. “I don’t know what to do. I’m confused,” she admitted. “About everything that’s going on and not just between us. I don’t understand the hex or what was going on with Owen. I hate that Shannon isn’t acting herself. Something is after me and now I’ve dragged you into this mess. Whatever this is between us is pushing me toward the edge of overwhelming.”

  “There’s too much danger far beyond the superficial of this game. It’s driving me crazy that I can’t control everything. I want us out.”

  She lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “You’re right. We should get out. But I feel like if I run, if we run, it’ll be forever. I don’t like running from threats. Based on experience, they strike when least expected. I’d rather I be partially expecting it than for it to hit at random in the future.” She pulled her hands free of his grip to play with the hair at the nape of his neck.

  He released a frustrated sigh and rolled his eyes upward. “What plan did you come up with? Whisper it, just in case they’ve got some sort of microphone system out here.”

  She pulled his ear to her mouth and whispered, “They must need us on the show. Otherwise, they should’ve kicked us out. We need to go through the backpacks they left. I’m sure there’s instruction on where we’re to go. I propose we hike a bit today. Show them we’re making an effort. Then we set up camp. We need an off-the-ground covered sl
eep area.”

  “Why off the ground?”

  “I don’t know which country we’re in, but assuming this is traditional rain forest, then at night there are ants and a lot of rain. We can’t be on the ground. Anyway, we build, cover it with large leaves, and then I’ll spell it so that no one looks in. I’ll shift to my alternate dimension. I’m not sure if I can take you with me…there’s a risk you might not make it. If you want us to take that risk, I’ll give it a try.” She bit her lip and gazed at him. “We could shower, eat, and plan. Charlotte might be there. We can communicate through her or leave her a note. Then we come back and pretend we bathed in the water. That means we better camp near the river. But not so close that it could overflow onto our camp site.”

  “Cheating?” He smiled. “I like it. Well, that is if we’re continuing this insanity. I’m still not convinced we should keep going. As well, the risk of you taking me…at this point I’d prefer death to another day out here without real food.”

  “Screw ’em at this point.” She grinned back.

  Chapter Eleven

  A prickle of awareness slid down Nikolai’s spine. He reacted instantly, an automatic reflex, pulling her to the ground. Bark exploded above their heads. A tranquilizer dart stuck out of the trunk.

  “Shooting at us again?” He yanked her to the opposite side of the large tree. Another dart ripped into the tree trunk where their heads had been. He pulled her smaller body into his to protect her as he took them over the embankment and into a roll down a steep slope. She kept her body tight to his as they bounced down the muddy incline. The ride hurt like hell.

  Damned jungle. Every time he ended up here, someone tried to kill him.

  Coming to a halt at the bottom of the incline, he signaled her to stay low and to scoot back into heavy brush, invisible from whoever advanced to look over the incline. She didn’t question, but stayed on her belly, easing her body backward. He backed up next to her, sliding into the brush. He slid the machete into her hand.


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