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If Wishes Were Magic

Page 11

by Barbara Baldwin

  If she could call having an attractive, charismatic man living in her house and showering attention on her twenty-four seven as normal. Whenever Chanti looked up from what she was reading, she would find AJ staring at her, a secret smile on his face. Although she told him she could fend for herself, she had allowed him to carry her back upstairs last night, and had enjoyed being in his strong arms.

  She had admitted, at least to herself, that she loved him, but she just didn’t know what she was going to do about it. And she found it impossible to resist his charm because he had very effective weapons for breaking down her defenses. Last evening he kept sprinkling kisses on her neck on the pretense of reading the newspaper over her shoulder. Then there were the nibbles to her earlobe when he had bent to pour her a glass of wine at dinner.

  It was hard to change a lifetime of protecting herself against the men who loved her money and the prestige of being connected to the Morrison family, even though she knew AJ wasn’t that way.

  She stood at the window now and watched AJ brush the snow off his truck. He hated the cold and snow, yet he had scooped the walks and plowed the drive. She grinned. He was also wearing the Bulls stocking cap she had bought him instead of his Stetson. Maybe there was hope for him after all. Just then he reached forward across the hood and his coat rode up to give her an eyeful of tight jeans over muscular legs and a great looking butt.

  “You know what, Chantilly. It’s time you did something about him.”

  Wilma walked into the room and heard her comment. “You’ve certainly taken long enough to see that. I like him, and he’s been so good and concerned for you.” Her housekeeper and dear friend came and touched the side of Chanti’s face. “You deserve to be happy, sweet pea, and I’m thinking that man is the one who can do it.”

  Chanti kissed her weathered cheek. “I guess it’s time to make a move then, isn’t it?”

  “I would say past time.”

  Chanti pulled on her heaviest coat and gloves, tucked her hair up under a stocking cap, and trudged outside along the walkway, being careful of her leg and staying on the path.

  “Hey, cowboy.”

  He turned in surprise. “It’s cold out here. You shouldn’t be—”

  She put a gloved hand over his lips. “I know a way to keep warm.” She watched his eyes crinkle. He opened his mouth and lightly bit one of her fingers. “Does it involve putting on even more clothes?”

  She smiled up at him. “I would say more like the opposite.”

  * * *

  Charlie looked up in surprise when AJ pounded on the bar and demanded a beer. “Hey, what are you two doing out in this weather?” He took a careful look at Chanti as she removed her wool cap. “How are you? Heard about the accident. Did that bump on your head knock any sense into you?” He teased her, but had been very worried when AJ called looking for a local investigator to help find who had cut her brake line.

  “I’m okay, Charlie, but I sure have missed your lovely face.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “I’ll have a glass of wine.”

  AJ scowled at her. “Are you sure you should? Did you take any medicine this morning?”

  “God, first you’re my nanny, now you’re my nurse.” Chanti groused, but Charlie noticed there was no heat in her remarks and the look she gave AJ spoke volumes. He looked from one to the other and didn’t really have to wonder what was up.

  “When I get back from the little girls’ room, I expect there to be a glass of wine at my spot, and a large order of onion rings.” She turned to leave and then threw the comment over her shoulder. “And an extra bar stool for my leg.”

  Charlie watched her hobble away, one leg stiff. He swung his gaze back to AJ, who was also watching Chanti with an expression that was more than concern.

  “Is she really alright?” he asked his friend.

  “Oh, yeah. I’d say she’s back in form. She told me she knew how I could keep her warm and I thought—” He chuckled and shook his head. “Well, I didn’t think that she meant bringing her here.”

  Charlie hooted with laughter, then grew serious. “You’re staying at the Quay, aren’t you? I don’t like to think she only has George to protect her from whoever wants to see harm done.”

  AJ took a swig of beer before answering. “Damn straight, I’m staying. Has your friend had any luck?”

  Charlie shook his head. “Surely you can find out what’s going on faster than anyone around here.”

  “Normally that would be true. But between the party and protecting Chanti, I don’t have time to investigate like I should.” Charlie heard the frustration in AJ’s voice.

  “What’s up, roomie?”

  AJ ran a hand over his face and sighed. “I’ve found myself in love with the woman, Charlie. And I don’t have the foggiest idea of what to do about it. She’s so…so everything – smart, pretty, generous, capable, strong.”

  Charlie shook his head. “Gosh, have you tried just telling her?”

  “I don’t usually set myself up for a fall. Even though we’ve shared some pretty hot kisses, it feels like she’s holding back; like she’s afraid to commit.”

  “That’s only because most men are after her money, so she tends to be rather leery of anyone thinking they’re in love especially after, what, a month? You, on the other hand, don’t need her money so make sure she knows that.”

  “What do you want me to do, sign a pre-nuptial agreement?”

  If Charlie had known matchmaking would be this hard, he never would have gotten the two of them together. Couldn’t they see what was right in front of their eyes?

  “Hell, AJ. There won’t be any need for that. Chanti’s got a generous heart and will do anything for someone she loves, if she knows they love her for herself and not her fortune or connections.”

  Charlie saw Chanti making her way back to the bar, so he went to the kitchen to see about her order. By the time he returned, the two of them were on the dance floor, swaying to the music but not really dancing. Charlie watched her do a hitching walk as they made their way back to the bar.

  “Didn’t the doctor tell you to stay off your leg?” he asked as they resumed their seats, Chanti propping her right leg up on the bar stool next to her and leaning back against AJ, who circled her waist with his arm to hold her steady. Yep, some things were as plain as the nose on your face, if you cared to look.

  “You’re sounding just like AJ.” She wrinkled her nose at him.

  Because of the snow, the bar was practically deserted for a Saturday night, so Charlie stayed close, visiting with them about the party plans.

  “We need a Santa, Charlie,” Chanti said, giving him a dazzling smile.

  “Oh, no. Get your hired help to do it.” He thumbed toward AJ.

  Chanti glanced at AJ then back. “He’s not the Santa type. Too skinny.”

  “I won’t be for long if I keep eating Wilma’s cooking.” AJ threw the comment over his shoulder as he headed for the restroom. As soon as he was out of hearing distance, Chanti leaned close.

  “Charlie, isn’t he the most wonderful man?”

  “Well, I’m probably not the best judge of those things.” He grinned at her.

  “You know what I mean. He has a great sense of humor, and he smiles a lot. Plus he’s become very passionate about finding all these kids. And he—”

  “Whoa, there. I’m not looking for a boyfriend, but he sounds like a winner.”

  Chanti laughed. “I think I’m in love.”

  Charlie coughed. “You think?”

  “No, I’m sure I am. But normally I have men pursuing me, and I don’t know how to go about doing the pursuing. Besides, he has a huge ranch and pure bred cattle and I don’t want him to think I’m fortune hunting.”

  Charlie quickly turned around, hoping Chanti wouldn’t see his smile. He had to swallow several times to stifle his laughter. Ah, the privileges of friendship. It would be so easy if he just blurted out each of their thoughts to the other, but he knew he couldn’t do that.

  “What should I do, Charlie? Oh, hurry up, here he comes.”

  Two of his best friends – how could he not be delighted that they had formed a relationship? Well, sort of; not quite; almost. Charlie rolled his eyes. “Just go with the flow,” he whispered just as AJ walked up behind Chanti.

  “What flow?” AJ asked.

  Charlie saw Chanti blush and knew he’d better think quickly. “I, uh, told her not to work so hard and relax more. You know, get some physical activity.” The last he aimed at Chanti, and as predictable, her blush deepened.

  “Speaking of relaxing, I’d better get you home,” AJ said to Chanti. “The roads aren’t bad, but I don’t want to be driving on black ice.”

  AJ handed Charlie a twenty for their drinks and he gave him change. After all, they might be friends, but a guy had to make a living.

  * * *

  “You’re awfully quiet,” AJ commented as they turned into the drive.

  “Oh, just thinking about what Charlie said,” Chanti replied.

  “Getting some physical activity takes that much thought?”

  Chanti was glad it was dark in the truck cab because she could tell from the heat on her face that she was blushing. She knew she hadn’t misunderstood Charlie’s reference. Added to her conversation with Wilma, she knew with just a little over a week before Christmas, that she didn’t have much time if she wanted to make something happen with AJ. And she definitely wanted.

  She leaned on AJ as she hobbled up the front porch steps. Tilting her head back, she opened her mouth to catch some snowflakes.

  “You’re doing it again.”

  “What?” She looked at him.

  “Eating snowflakes. What’s with that?”

  “I told you,” she paused, then said in a rush, “Come on.” She led him through the house to the kitchen, where she dug through the cupboards for a bowl, spoons, vanilla and sugar. She grabbed a carton of cream out of the fridge.

  When he stood watching her, she said, “You can’t eat unless you help make it,”

  and headed out the back door. Together they scooped clean snow into the bowl, laughing as they traipsed back into the kitchen.

  “The important thing is to get the ingredients just the right consistency.”

  AJ held up the bottle of vanilla. “How much?”

  She stopped in the middle of taking off her jacket. “Hmm. About that much.”

  She tried to take the bottle away from him but he held it out of reach.

  “I know how to cook, but I have to know how much.”

  She huffed.

  “What? It’s some secret family recipe? According to you, everybody except me has eaten snow ice cream.”

  “It’s not an exact science. You just know when it’s right.”

  “Is that how you make cosmetics? You just know?”

  “Of course not. Are you going to let me do this before the snow melts?”

  He grudgingly handed over the vanilla, but stepped very close to her back as she poured a partial capful into the snow. “Taking notes?” she asked over her shoulder.

  “No, but as the primary investigator on this case, I need to make sure I see every, little thing.” He braced his hands on the counter to each side of her and propped his chin on her shoulder. She could feel his breath on her ear, the heat of his chest burning against her back. Her stomach cramped and she was sure it wasn’t from the thought of ice cream, made from snow or otherwise.

  She sprinkled the sugar in and poured just a dab of cream into the mixture. AJ reached around her for the spoon and began to stir. Every stroke of the utensil brought his arm against her side, brushing her breast as his chest continued to caress her back.

  Chanti almost forgot what they were doing as her legs began to shake.

  “Wait.” She placed a trembling hand over his. Together, they stirred slowly. “It’s a little thick.” With her other hand, she sprinkled more sugar and added just a couple of drops of cream. “Stir.” As he moved his hand, it was like a caress, and she was sure she felt a hitch in his breath.

  “Now.” She lifted his hand, spoon clutched tight, and tasted. “Oh, yeah.” It had been years since she had snow cream, and had forgotten how coldly delicious the treat could be. She slurped off the remaining glob before taking the spoon away from AJ and turning to give him some.

  He left her little room to maneuver as he straddled her feet with his own, pinning her to the counter. “Taste.”

  He opened his mouth, but his eyes were locked with hers and there was an underlying current spinning between them. Chanti almost missed his mouth, the snow cream dripping off the spoon and down his chin. Without even thinking, she leaned up and licked it off.

  Chapter 12

  AJ heard the spoon clatter to the counter as he circled her wrist to pull her to him. She

  groaned as she slid her arms around his waist. Her lips were soft and hot under his and she tasted of vanilla. He wanted her so badly his hands shook as he caressed her back.

  He tilted his head, sliding his tongue along the seam of her lips until she opened for him and he deepened the kiss. Colors leapt behind his closed eyes and every part of his body ached with unfulfilled longing.

  Chanti’s fingers curled through his hair, tugging slightly and he reluctantly released her mouth.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered the words against his throat as she peppered hot kisses along his neck.

  She had said she loved him at the hospital, but then she had been on pain medicine. He had the feeling that for Chanti, making love was a commitment and this time he knew it wasn’t the drugs talking. Did he deserve her? He loved her, but could he give her what she needed?

  “AJ?” Her soft voice broke through his musings.

  Why was he hesitating? He had told her they would know when the time was right, and God knows it was just about all he thought about where she was concerned. Yet Chanti was different and he didn’t want to screw it up.

  “Are you sure?” His voice shook as he asked the question; afraid she would come to her senses and say no.

  Instead, she tugged his head back down and kissed him; a kiss that was soft and sweet and rocked his foundation. She then took his hand and led him from the kitchen. When they got to the base of the stairs, he lifted her in his arms, cradling her close to his chest as he went up to her room.

  When he set her down by the bed, she wiggled against him as he began a kissing exploration along her cheek to her ear, sucking the lobe. With reverence, he tugged her sweater up and when he touched the soft firm skin of her warm belly, he thought he was in heaven.

  “Too many clothes,” she murmured. “I want to touch you, too.”

  Only too happy to oblige, AJ took care of the rest, laying her gently on the bed as he tugged her slacks down over the brace on her leg. That stopped him.

  She laid there, a vision in white satin bra and panties, but the metal brace on her leg was a glaring reminder that someone had tried to hurt her. He sat down hard on the edge of the bed, dropping his face into his hands.

  “What’s wrong?” He felt her turn, and then her warm hand was on his bare back, rubbing in tiny circles.

  “Your leg; I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He felt the bed bounce and heard a few feminine swear words. When he turned, she was sitting up, pulling at the Velcro tabs of the brace.

  “Charlie never said it would be this hard,” he heard her mumble.

  “Charlie? What does he have to do with this?” AJ brushed her hands aside and finished opening the brace, carefully removing it and putting it on the floor. There were marks on her skin, and he began to gently massage her leg, making love forgotten for the moment but the emotions still bubbling just beneath the surface.

  Chanti flopped back on the bed, flinging one arm over her eyes. AJ tried to concentrate on her leg, but his gaze followed the rise and fall of her chest when she breathed, then slid down over her flat stomach, the lacy edges of her panties, the swell of her
breast above the scooped edge of her bra.

  “I told him how I felt, and he said go with the flow. He never said seducing you would be so hard.” She wouldn’t look at him but stared at the ceiling.

  AJ’s hands stilled. She had talked to Charlie? But he had spoken to their friend about his feelings, too. So why hadn’t Charlie…? He chuckled, knowing that Charlie wouldn’t betray a confidence, but was probably having a good laugh at their expense.

  He bent and kissed her knee where it was still bruised, then began a line of hot kisses up her leg, across her stomach until he finally stretched out over her, lifting her arm away from her eyes then bracing his weight on his elbows.

  “Actually, I’m very seducible.” He let his voice drop deep, his drawl more pronounced as he captured her gaze. “You are so beautiful, I’ve had a hard time keeping my hands to myself. Everything about you, from your smile to your generosity has captured my heart.”

  At his words, she gave him one of her sexy smiles, and he lowered his head, catching it with his mouth, hoping to steal her heart as well.

  * * *

  Making love with AJ was everything Chanti had imagined and then some. He was so gentle with her, at times she thought she would scream with impatience, but his tender caresses brought her to a peak time after time. When he finally came to her, he gave himself completely, holding nothing back, and Chanti knew there would never be another like him.

  In the aftermath of their passion, she lay on her side facing him, her leg draped over his hip, his hand gently massaging her knee. He hit a particularly tender spot and she flinched.

  His eyes flew open, searching her gaze and she tried not to show it caused her pain.

  “I hurt you.” He said the words with self-disparaging anger and tried to roll away from her.

  “No.” She reached for him, her hand landing on his bare chest, the muscles quivering beneath his warm skin. She had caressed that chest, and every other part of him in the past hours and she wasn’t about to let him go.


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